
    About this Episode

    In this powerful episode, we delve into the world of criminal justice reform with Alice Marie Johnson, a former federal prisoner turned criminal justice reform advocate. In our conversation, Alice shares her inspiring personal transformation story, fueled by her unwavering passion for justice and the power of redemption.

    Kim Kardashian played a pivotal role in Alice's journey to freedom, igniting a worldwide movement that shed light on Alice’s story, and led to her release and the release of many individuals incarcerated with excessive sentences.

    Alice Marie Johnson is now the face of the First Step Act…. and is a beacon of light for many people throughout the world. 

    Brace yourself for a heart-touching mission as Alice reminds everyone of their worth. Through her dedication and impact, Alice Marie Johnson has become a vital force in the movement towards criminal justice reform.

    • Criminal Justice Reform + Personal Transformation: Witness how Kim Kardashian's advocacy for Alice led to her pardon and release, inspiring Kim to pursue a law degree and advocate for policy change. Alice's mission is to touch people's hearts and souls, reminding them that they matter.
    • Wrongful Conviction and Release: Experience the emotional journey of Alice, from feeling hopeless to receiving their release on the prison’s monthly “hamburger day”. Alice Marie Johnson's release from prison was made possible with the help of Kim Kardashian and her legal team, who fought tirelessly for her freedom.
    • Prison Reform and Reuniting Families: Hear Alice's experience of returning to the federal prison in which she served 22 years as a prisoner, as a guest speaker, highlighting the emotional impact of connecting with loved ones and having faith. Learn about Alice's commitment to fighting for those she left behind, the voiceless, and the importance of never giving up.
    • Criminal Justice Reform and Second Chances: Alice shares her personal journey of being caught in the legal system and eventually convicted with a draconian sentence, emphasizing the need for systemic change and giving people a second chance.
    • Fighting for Justice: Discover how Alice became a mentor and mother figure to many younger prisoners while incarcerated, inspiring them to pursue their own goals and dreams within the prison walls.
    • Storytelling for Impact: Learn how Alice's conviction propelled her to become a powerful advocate, using her platform to shed light on the flaws within the criminal justice system.


    Join the movement for criminal justice reform and support Alice Marie Johnson's mission to create change. Explore opportunities to get involved in TAG - Taking Action For Good - the non-profit fighting to make a difference.

    Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that highlights the power of personal transformation, resilience, and the collective fight for justice. Tune in and be inspired by Alice Marie Johnson's story of incarceration, redemption, and life changing freedom, in her life, and in the lives of those she touches.



    About InnerFifth  

    InnerFifth is a community for growth mindset, female entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, founders and those who have exited and are seeking like-minded, high-vibe, next-level leaning thinkers, to play with, learn with and grow with. If you are a female entrepreneur or professional practice founder, in the mid-six figures and above, link here to learn more. www.innerfifth.com about what it takes to join.

    Recent Episodes from Potential to Powerhouse: Success Secrets for Women Entrepreneurs

    73 - Dreams That Defy Gravity: Alyssa Carson's Fearless Rise to Astronaut Stardom

    73 - Dreams That Defy Gravity: Alyssa Carson's Fearless Rise to Astronaut Stardom

    Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled episode with our special guest, Alyssa Carson, an astronaut in training  who is set to become the youngest American woman to go into space as a part of the 2024 mission. In this episode, Tracy Holland interviews Alyssa Carson, taking us on an exhilarating journey from NASA Space Camps to becoming an astronaut trainee. Alyssa enlightens us on how she's been recognized globally for her achievements in space exploration, speaking at events worldwide while pursuing her PhD at the age of 22.

    Alyssa Carson is not only a certified pilot and skydiver but also is all about ways to conquer fear and self-doubt through daily self-talk and staying focused on her purpose. This is the epic part of the conversation – Alyssa feels all the fear, and all the feels, but does it anyway! Strap in and prepare to be inspired by Alyssa's incredible determination, resilience, and willingness to push boundaries.

    Episode highlights that'll blow your mind:

    • Space exploration, astrobiology, and the possibility of alien life: Alyssa Carson, age 22, is a space enthusiast and astrobiology researcher pursuing a PhD in space and planetary science at the University of Arkansas.

    • Space exploration and Mars: Alyssa's interest in space and Mars may have originated from watching the Backyardigans cartoon, which featured a mission to Mars episode.

    • Space exploration and the future of the space industry: Alyssa Carson, a young and dynamic female in STEM and astrobiology, gained public attention after being featured on BBC and CNN (at age 12!!!)  for her passion and expertise in space exploration.

    • Space exploration and inspiring young girls: Alyssa emphasizes the importance of sharing space-related opportunities with young kids, as they may be passionate or good at unique jobs in the industry beyond traditional STEM fields like math and science.

    • Pursuing astronaut dreams through unique extracurricular activities: Alyssa aims to excel in astronaut selection through unique extracurricular activities like scuba diving and skydiving, overcoming fear and gaining control during flight training to grow and succeed.

    • Overcoming fear and pursuing dreams in the space industry: Setting objectives and being persistent are two strategies Alyssa offers for overcoming fear and succeeding.

    Grab your spacesuit and prepare for liftoff by hitting that play button now! 

    Visit nasablueberry.com to learn more about Alyssa Carson.


    About Potential to Powerhouse

    Potential to Powerhouse is the podcast to spur the next generation of female entrepreneurs and women trailblazers—with access to thought-leadership from high-achieving, Powerhouse experts, to inspire women how to reach their entrepreneurial milestones

    About InnerFifth 

    InnerFifth is a community founded by Tracy Holland, for growth mindset, female entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, founders and those who have exited and are seeking like-minded, high-vibe, next-level leaning thinkers, to play with, learn with and grow with. If you are a female entrepreneur or professional practice founder, in the mid-six figures and above, link here to learn more. www.innerfifth.com  about what it takes to join.

    72 - From Behind Bars to Full Pardon & Redemption: Alice Marie Johnson's Impact on Criminal Justice Reform

    72 - From Behind Bars to Full Pardon & Redemption: Alice Marie Johnson's Impact on Criminal Justice Reform

    In this powerful episode, we delve into the world of criminal justice reform with Alice Marie Johnson, a former federal prisoner turned criminal justice reform advocate. In our conversation, Alice shares her inspiring personal transformation story, fueled by her unwavering passion for justice and the power of redemption.

    Kim Kardashian played a pivotal role in Alice's journey to freedom, igniting a worldwide movement that shed light on Alice’s story, and led to her release and the release of many individuals incarcerated with excessive sentences.

    Alice Marie Johnson is now the face of the First Step Act…. and is a beacon of light for many people throughout the world. 

    Brace yourself for a heart-touching mission as Alice reminds everyone of their worth. Through her dedication and impact, Alice Marie Johnson has become a vital force in the movement towards criminal justice reform.

    • Criminal Justice Reform + Personal Transformation: Witness how Kim Kardashian's advocacy for Alice led to her pardon and release, inspiring Kim to pursue a law degree and advocate for policy change. Alice's mission is to touch people's hearts and souls, reminding them that they matter.
    • Wrongful Conviction and Release: Experience the emotional journey of Alice, from feeling hopeless to receiving their release on the prison’s monthly “hamburger day”. Alice Marie Johnson's release from prison was made possible with the help of Kim Kardashian and her legal team, who fought tirelessly for her freedom.
    • Prison Reform and Reuniting Families: Hear Alice's experience of returning to the federal prison in which she served 22 years as a prisoner, as a guest speaker, highlighting the emotional impact of connecting with loved ones and having faith. Learn about Alice's commitment to fighting for those she left behind, the voiceless, and the importance of never giving up.
    • Criminal Justice Reform and Second Chances: Alice shares her personal journey of being caught in the legal system and eventually convicted with a draconian sentence, emphasizing the need for systemic change and giving people a second chance.
    • Fighting for Justice: Discover how Alice became a mentor and mother figure to many younger prisoners while incarcerated, inspiring them to pursue their own goals and dreams within the prison walls.
    • Storytelling for Impact: Learn how Alice's conviction propelled her to become a powerful advocate, using her platform to shed light on the flaws within the criminal justice system.


    Join the movement for criminal justice reform and support Alice Marie Johnson's mission to create change. Explore opportunities to get involved in TAG - Taking Action For Good - the non-profit fighting to make a difference.

    Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that highlights the power of personal transformation, resilience, and the collective fight for justice. Tune in and be inspired by Alice Marie Johnson's story of incarceration, redemption, and life changing freedom, in her life, and in the lives of those she touches.



    About InnerFifth  

    InnerFifth is a community for growth mindset, female entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, founders and those who have exited and are seeking like-minded, high-vibe, next-level leaning thinkers, to play with, learn with and grow with. If you are a female entrepreneur or professional practice founder, in the mid-six figures and above, link here to learn more. www.innerfifth.com about what it takes to join.

    71 - Longevity and Science: The Business of Reversing Aging with Dr. Joy Kong

    71 - Longevity and Science: The Business of Reversing Aging with Dr. Joy Kong

    In this episode on Potential to Powerhouse, Tracy Holland interviews Dr. Joy Kong, a powerhouse doctor, and anti-aging expert who uses stem cell therapy to reverse aging. Dr. Joy Kong discusses reversing aging with a time machine-like approach (lets gooooooo!!!!)  She shares her personal story and impact on the world, highlighting her unique stem cell product and integrity in the field, which has attracted a hot to trot client base. In the conversation, Dr. Joy Kong explains stem cells and their role in regeneration, as well as the potential benefits of stem cell therapy for anti-aging and rejuvenation.

    Are you ready to turn back the clock? If so, listen in and make sure to take notes.

    Some juicy highlights… 

    Career path and entrepreneurship with her eye on moving to the United States.

    • Dr. Joy discusses her experience of facing rejection when her visa application was rejected after being accepted to medical school - she had to shift her mindset and make it happen, despite the odds.
    • She realized the potential of scaling her impact through business, leading her to create her  own stem cell products because she could not find what she thought was the perfect blend of stem cells on the market.

    Overcoming obstacles and persistence in business and life

    • Dr. Joy persisted in pursuing her career goals despite setbacks, leading to her current success in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. She talks candidly about her experience of facing rejection and using anger to find a way out, leading to unexpected opportunities, and by being in the right place, at the right time.

    Stem cells and their role in regeneration

    • Dr. Joy explains that stem cells have embedded intelligence that guides their development and differentiation into various cell types, with the process of cell division involving a gradual loss of potential, to differentiate into a wider variety of cells.

    Stem cell therapy and its potential benefits

    • Dr. Joy explains that mesenchymal stem cells can be used to repair various conditions, including heart and lung diseases, without the need for clinical studies, we are just scratching the surface of what is possible for stem cell technology and the applications.

    • Dr. Joy discusses the process of collecting and selecting cord blood and tissue donations, emphasizing the importance of screening for genetic abnormalities and ensuring the donor's health history is perfect.

    Stem cells use and regulations

    • Stem cells from birth tissue are safer and more mature than embryonic stem cells, with potential to repair chronic issues and reverse diagnoses.

    Huge impact of stem cell therapy for anti-aging and rejuvenation

    •  Dr. Joy shares her experience with stem cell therapy, revealing a significant improvement in their appearance after treatment.

    • Dr. Joy shares her personal experience of doing this treatment every 3 months for the last 8 years, with consistent results. Take a look at her profile photo - she is gorgeous!

    Overcoming self and trusting the process

    • Dr. Joy's most exciting aspect of her work is working with doctors and seeing patient results, which gives her passion and joy!  She has learned to let go of control and surrender to the process, as entrepreneurs often struggle with controlling things but there's a huge cost to white knuckling! 


    For those interested in learning more about Dr. Joy Kong's tenacity and persistence, and how they have maintained their youthful appearance through anti-aging practices, her memoir "Tiger of Beijing," available on Amazon.

    Visit her on joykongmd.com or on her YouTube Joy Kong MD.

    70 - Scaling without Dilution: Exploring Neha Govindraj's Unique Business Lending Instrument

    70 - Scaling without Dilution: Exploring Neha Govindraj's Unique Business Lending Instrument

    Join us in this important episode of Potential to Powerhouse as we delve into the world of entrepreneurship, finance, and financeable (non dilutive!) growth for brick-and-mortar businesses. Meet Neha Govindraj, a visionary who has unlocked the secret to scaling businesses without diluting the founder’s ownership. Learn about Neha's personal journey, from her childhood fascination with puzzles and games to her college major shift from computer science to economics, with a passionate focus on startups. 

    In this episode, we dive into key highlights including:

    Discovering the Importance of Capital for Business Growth:

    • Neha's experience at Bain & Company, and co-founding Glow Bar, a high growth start-up which led her to the realization that capital is crucial for business growth – and capital was impossible to find, without being highly dilutive to founders. This important “aha” moment was the catalyst to her founding Bonside.
    • Career Paths and Decision-Making.
    • Neha discusses how an internship at Bain & Company helped her discover her career trajectory. She also highlights the role of her supportive family in her decision to pursue entrepreneurship.


    Leveraging Education and Work Experience:

    • Neha emphasizes the importance of leveraging a prestigious school or work experience to gain credibility and confidence in the entrepreneurial journey. 
    • She advises setting a time limit for starting a business to allow for inspired decision-making. 


    Finding Funding for Your Business:

    • Neha and her co-founder raised capital to fuel the early growth of their business, and later sought institutional capital without an investment banker (a smart way to avoid steep investment banker fees!)


    Understanding Venture Capital and Equity:

    • Neha reflects on her experience with venture capital and the importance of questioning industry norms. She explains how equity ownership and valuations play a crucial role in the startup journey. Bonside provides capital to brick and mortar businesses, just off the simplicity of cash flow, without personal guarantees, or onerous equity giveaways. This was a new instrument in the lending business and has shaken the financing world - with a fair way to borrow for growth! YESSSS! 

    Revolutionizing Brick-and-Mortar Industry:

    • Neha discusses her transition from Bonside to GlowBar, emphasizing the rise in angel investing and the need for a different investment structure to scale brick-and-mortar businesses. She advocates for focusing on profitability and positive change in the industry rather than solely pursuing revenue.

    Alternative Financing Options:

    • Neha shares her vision for creating a new asset class by providing growth capital to brick-and-mortar businesses in exchange for a percentage of sales. The idea is to have a fixed repayment cap with no perpetual collection. This alternative financing option, such as Bonside, can help unlock revenue for multi-unit businesses by improving cash flow.

    Get ready for an inspiring journey that will motivate you to reach your full potential. Join us on this exciting adventure by tuning in to "Potential to Powerhouse" today. Together, we can unlock the secrets to success for female entrepreneurs everywhere. Let's do this! 

    For more information on Neha’s business model and financing structure for brick and mortar retailers looking to scale with non dilutive capital access, please visit Bonside.com


    69 - Leeza Gibbons' Epic Journey to the Top - Act Two: Recalibrating Joy

    69 - Leeza Gibbons' Epic Journey to the Top - Act Two: Recalibrating Joy

    In this episode, Leeza Gibbons, the Emmy Award-winning daytime and evening talk show host of Entertainment Tonight with John Tesh, shares her inspiring journey from down-home,  Southern values to becoming one of the most well-known women in Hollywood. As a career pivot (you will have to listen to hear her story!) She became an advocate for dementia, and mental health for caretakers of those with debilitating diseases.  Listen as she reflects on her childhood in a small Southern community, where storytelling shaped her identity, and how her mother's encouragement played a significant role in leading her to become one of the most well-known, and well-loved women in Hollywood.

    • Leeza opens up about her career change when she became a caretaker for her mother with Alzheimer's disease. She found purpose in this role and embraced storytelling to connect and help others. She also shares the struggles she faced and how she handled them with grace and resilience.
    • Entrepreneurship, courage, and mentorship. Leeza emphasizes the value of being fiercely optimistic and resilient in the face of challenges. She shares personal experiences of taking bold action without thinking and talks candidly about her regrets around not seeking mentor(s) or mastermind groups to support her earlier in her life and career. Leeza and Tracy also talk about the different approaches men and women have towards networking, with men prioritizing the "who" and women focusing on the "how."
    • Finding balance and fulfillment in life is explored. Leeza shares that balancing work and personal life is not about finding a middle ground, but rather investing in personal growth and self-care. She reflects on her time at Entertainment Tonight and the realization that despite being in “charge” and having all of the success in the world, she often felt lonely. Leeza now finds joy in nurturing and supporting others, and being in the moment, enjoying those she loves, doing the things she loves.
    • Leeza discusses the significance of setting boundaries and recalibrating expectations for personal happiness. She calls this the “key’ to letting yourself step into your authentic self, and the pivot on how vital this step is, to ultimate joy and happiness.
    • Leeza shares her journey of learning to say no to things that don't align with her values, which helped her avoid burnout and unhappiness. Learning to say no can be the biggest catalyst to a healthy, happy life!  Leeza realized that she needed to stop constantly achieving and start receiving, taking ownership of her life!
    • She discusses the importance of embracing vulnerability and finding inner peace. Leeza opens about her fear of intimacy as a younger woman, and her authenticity, and how it impacts both her work and personal life. She also emphasizes the power of sharing stories and revealing vulnerabilities to support and heal others, which is the truth / trust dynamic.
    • Self-care, recalibration, and finding joy. Leeza emphasizes that identifying and nurturing joy is especially important for caregivers. To support caregivers, Leeza has launched a mentor program called "Hugs", aimed at helping them grow and find support, when taking care of someone else that you love. This is such a critical part of self-care, making sure you are nourishing yourself, while taking care of someone else. 
    • Leeza emphasizes the profound impact of caregiving on one's life, knowing that each day is precious and that when you are a caretaker of a sick loved one, there can be a reduction in your own lifespan due to lack of sleep, socialization, and self-care, and it is critical to find a support system to nurture you in this role. 

    Don't miss this heartfelt episode filled with valuable insights on personal growth, caregiving, career, and finding joy! 

    Visit LeezaGibbons.com for more information and resources on what she is up to now, and how she is making a powerhouse impact on the world. 


    68 - Love, Hormones, and Happiness: Dr. John Gray's Guide to Nurturing Lasting Love

    68 - Love, Hormones, and Happiness: Dr. John Gray's Guide to Nurturing Lasting Love

    Are you ready to unlock a deeper connection, enhance intimacy, and create lasting happiness with your love partner? Join us on the Potential to Powerhouse podcast, as we delve into the world of hormonal dynamics and practical strategies for relationship success. Best-selling author, Dr. John Gray, of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, unveils the secrets to understanding and balancing feminine and masculine energy in relationships in his discussion with Tracy Holland. These are tips for any woman seeking a deeper connection with her male love partner both in life and in the bedroom!  

    • Dr. John Gray describes the polarity between feminine and masculine energy in relationships and emphasizes the impact of hormones on the dynamic between partners, especially with high-performing powerhouse women, who are driving hard. Hormones are influential to the relationship dynamic… 

    • Dr. Gray highlights the importance of allowing partners to reset and give to themselves (here is a big hint!) when men pull away, it biologically increases your estrogen (and your questions around why?!). What should you do? It's time to go to the spa, and engage in activities that nourish yourself, (hint again – do not pursue him or chase him down, unless you want him to withdraw further).  

    • Did you know that your female hormonal balances, specifically estrogen and progesterone, are crucial for your happiness, (and making a baby!), feeling orgasmic, and having positive feelings about your life? Yep, this is important stuff friends.  

    • Dr. Gray suggests balancing one's male and female energy in a relationship and discussing activities for both partners after men's periods of ‘retreat’ and cave time. If you have no idea what I am talking about, I suggest picking up a copy of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, In the Bedroom.  

    • Work-life balance is crucial for maintaining healthy hormone levels and relationships, work hard by day, but friends, when you get home, ease into your best feminine self. 

    • Ladies, listen to this, over-giving to a partner can lead to resentment and an imbalance of your testosterone levels, emphasizing the importance of balancing masculine and feminine aspects in relationships. 

    • To increase estrogen levels, ask your partner for reassurance and ask him for what you need, this can be crucial in relationships, particularly for women, and embracing feminine energy and reassurance can deepen intimacy (hint: it increases his testosterone when you ask for help). 

    • Emotional vulnerability is vital for creating a more intimate and supportive environment in relationships. 

    • Emotional reassurance is essential for making love, (women generally need to feel safe and secure) and low estrogen levels can affect women's orgasms. Focusing on emotional vulnerability can help improve intimacy and integrate feminine and masculine aspects in relationships, increasing your estrogen and making intimacy more delicious. 

    It's time to ignite your relationship, balance your energy, and experience the love and happiness you both deserve. Let's do it friends! High five.  

    67 - Money, Technology and the Milken Institute, Nicole Valentine's Impact on the Global Stage

    67 - Money, Technology and the Milken Institute, Nicole Valentine's Impact on the Global Stage

    In this episode of "Potential to Powerhouse," we embark on a riveting exploration into the life and career of Nicole Valentine, a force to be reckoned with in the realms of M&A, Wall Street, global financial services, metaverse, crypto, and championing wealth creation for women.

     **Episode Highlights:**

           Nicole's journey begins with her formative years, where her parents recognized her gifted nature early on and encouraged and celebrated her, leading her to have confidence and drive from an early age. 

         Navigating through highly competitive academic environments, Nicole's self-driven approach led her to impressive schools and early career opportunities.

         As a legislative intern for Senator Carol Moseley Braun, Nicole learned the intricate intersectionality of politics, economics, and society. 

         Nicole's grit and determination became invaluable assets, propelling her through the challenging yet rewarding career journey post-graduation. 

         Nicole's tenure as an entrepreneur for 12 years provided insights into the exhilarating highs and heart-wrenching lows, shaping her commitment to creating policies that support sustainable business growth.

         Nicole underscores the importance of building the "confidence muscle" and the value of feedback. She approaches feedback gracefully, recognizing it as a transformative gift that can alter one's career trajectory.

         Nicole shares her success secrets—focus, diligence, reinvention, and career pivots. Emphasizing the power of words, she focuses on one each year and practices intuition, staying connected to her roots on her empowering journey.

    Join us on this inspiring episode as we unravel the layers of Nicole Valentine's exceptional life, uncovering the keys to turning potential into powerhouse success.

    66 - Turning Maternity Leave into Business Success : Lisa Druxman's Journey

    66 - Turning Maternity Leave into Business Success : Lisa Druxman's Journey

    In this episode of Potential to Powerhouse, Lisa Druxman shared her incredible journey as a mom and an entrepreneur. Lisa is the founder of Fit for Mom, the leading company offering health, wellness, and fitness programs catering to every stage of motherhood. With over 300 franchisees and 1000 locations across the United States, Fit for Mom has opened up entrepreneurial opportunities for moms nationwide.


    Tracy introduces Fit 4 Mom and Lisa Druxman. Lisa's journey started from a single class during her maternity leave, growing into owning a company with over 300 franchisees and 1000 locations.


    Lisa's career shift began during her maternity leave. She transitioned from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, founding the Stroller Strides community, which she never intended would become the business it is today.


    As the family's primary breadwinner, Lisa left a stable job to pursue her entrepreneurial ambitions, changing her life significantly.


    Stroller Strides, a workout class and community, evolved into Fit4Moms, encompassing eight diverse programs and impacting the lives of numerous moms.


    Fit4Moms has supported nearly a million moms, empowering them in their journey through motherhood emphasizing strength and support for women.


    Though she had never started a business, Lisa received substantial support, particularly from her husband, while building her business.


    Lisa's decision to franchise her business encountered challenges, notably navigating between licensing and franchising. She relied on advice and exhibited faith in those she consulted.


    The significance of investing in the right advice is highlighted in her journey.


    Reflecting on her experiences, Lisa underscores the importance of expanding her network and leveraging available resources in today's entrepreneurial landscape.


    The need for diverse perspectives and voices to enrich business decisions and strategies.


    Lisa discusses her concept of time, emphasizing the need to avoid living in a perpetual state of chaos and overwhelm. She emphasizes the power to design both business and life.


    Lisa's book, "The Empowered Mama: How to Reclaim Your Time and Yourself While Raising a Happy, Healthy Family," addresses the challenge of preventing the business from overtaking one's life.


    Addressing the prevalent state of overwhelm in many lives and advocating for alternative models that create a thriving business and personal life, advising against "white-knuckling," and promoting the delegation of tasks.


    Lisa identifies the importance of recognizing the signals indicating getting back on the hamster wheel and emphasizes self-care as a crucial element for maintaining balance and joy.


    Lisa shares insights into how she schedules her life, discussing her ideal weekly schedule. She advocates for implementing different themes and time blocks, providing purpose and wholeness in her day-to-day life.

    Follow Lisa Druxman:

    Instagram: @lisadruxman


    Buy Her Book, The Empowered Mama: How to Reclaim Your Time and Yourself While Raising a Happy, Healthy Family

    65 - Empowering Women in Business: Jennifer Schwab Wanger’s Vision, Success, and Building Strong Relationships at Entity Academy

    65 - Empowering Women in Business: Jennifer Schwab Wanger’s Vision, Success, and Building Strong Relationships at Entity Academy

    In this episode, we dive into the world of entrepreneurship with a particular focus on the challenges female founders face. Our guest, Jennifer Schwab Wangers, is the founder and CEO of Entity Academy, and she shares her remarkable journey as a woman in the business world.

    Key Points

    • Challenges of Starting as a Female Founder (1:31)

      • Jennifer opens up about her unique challenges while establishing her business in a male-dominated industry.

      • Shockingly, women receive less than 2% of venture funding, making the journey even more arduous. 

    • Early Years of the Business (6:48)

      • Discover the early years of Entity and how Jennifer’s determination led to early success. 

      • Building solid relationships from the beginning became critical to her company’s growth. 

      • Susan, a crucial advisor and investor, played a pivotal role in her journey.

    • The Power of the WHO Network (8:32)

      • The WHO network is the secret behind Jennifer’s successful B2B business strategy. 

      • Learn how tapping into this network can yield a remarkable 10x return on time investment. 

      • Leveraging relationships is the key to exponential growth. 

    • Importance of Building Strong Relationships (13:01)

      • Discover the immense value of nurturing relationships in business and personal life. 

      • Jennifer shares how expressing appreciation and gratitude can strengthen these connections. 

      • Tracy’s approach to networking provides valuable insights. 

    • Overcoming Fear and Loneliness as an Entrepreneur (17:34)

      • Explore the primal fear that fueled Jennifer’s entrepreneurial journey and the price of living with this mindset

      • Entrepreneurship can be lonely, but Jennifer emphasizes the significance of mentorship and building a supportive team. 

    • Getting Comfortable with Volatility and Complexity (26:38)

      • Embrace the volatility and complexity of the business landscape by wearing multiple hats and seeking candid feedback. 

      • Create a clear job description and seek peer input to thrive in a constantly changing environment.

    • Building a Fulfilling Life (31:29)

      • Jennifer’s passion for getting more women into tech and ensuring their happiness and prosperity shines through. 

      • Taking personal risks and building a life that supports prosperity are vital ingredients for a fulfilling journey.

    Follow Jennifer Schwab on:




    ENTITY's Facebook

    ENTITY's Instagram

    ENTITY's LinkedIn

    ENTITY's Twitter


    64 - Aligning Mindset and Energy: Martha Higareda's Path to Success, Self-Love, and Healing

    64 - Aligning Mindset and Energy: Martha Higareda's Path to Success, Self-Love, and Healing

    In this inspiring episode of "Potential to Powerhouse," we dive into the remarkable journey of Martha Higareda, a successful actor, writer, director, and manifestation enthusiast. Hosted by Tracy Holland, this episode uncovers the power of neurolinguistic programming, manifestation, and the smart strategies and success secrets that have shaped Martha's path to success.

    • The Gift of Neurolinguistic Programming and Manifestation - Martha shares her early experiences with manifestation, and the impact her father had on her life by sharing these powerful concepts 
    • A pivotal moment when a friend saw the manifestation and dreams of Martha becoming an actress
    • How Tracy & Martha becoming friends was a manifestation in action
    • Quantum Physics and a Full Circle Moment - Martha experienced a manifestation becoming a reality at this unforgettable trip to Universal Studios… this is why your goals and manifestations should be specific
    • Martha’s experience working with Keanu Reeves
    • Overcoming Doubts - Martha discusses her experience with doubts, and learning to lean into her younger self… What am I willing to sacrifice?
    • Borrowing Wisdom - In the face of doubts or fear, Martha talks to herself on her deathbed and considers what wisdom she can borrow from the version of herself… That wisdom is usually that she can do EVERYTHING.
    • Organize, Delegate & Enjoy
    • Breaking down the paradigms of love stories we are taught growing up, and learning how to face your inner child wounds to prepare for true love. 
    • Martha discusses her future projects and involvements
    • The Sound of Freedom movie - Martha is using her platform to make a difference and show what is important to her

    Believe in your dreams and take the opportunities that come your way.