
    About this Episode

    In this episode, we hear Ela address a question that is asked in a book named 'Wishcraft' by Barbara Sher. The book uncovers effective strategies for making real change in your life.

    Listen as Ela quizzes Mario how he would use his five lives. Ela also shares the most common choices that people make about their extra lives.

    Curious? Tune in for more.



    Wishcraft, Barbara Sher

    Recent Episodes from Peaceful Ease

    78 Every End Is A New Beginning (Final Episode)

    78 Every End Is A New Beginning (Final Episode)

    In this episode we are joined by Ela and Mario with some news about the Peaceful Ease podcast.

    Ela explains how over the months of producing this show, her visions have shifted and she is now working on a new direction for her career, which will mean taking a break from the Peaceful Ease podcast in order to focus on her coaching clients and workshop.

    Saying that, Ela also mentions a new podcast idea that's been flourishing in her heart, so stay tuned for more transforming conversations with Ela.

    77 Turning Stress on Its Head

    77 Turning Stress on Its Head

    “A quiet mind is our default mind when we aren’t paying attention to, and taking our turbulent thoughts seriously.”

    This beautiful quote is from Rani Bora’s book, ‘How to Turn Stress on its Head’.

    Listen as Rani explains what stress is and the best ways to deal with it. Rani’s extensive knowledge and caring advice on stress management will show you how you can tackle stressful aspect of your life. 



    Rani is a holistic psychiatrist, wellness coach and speaker. She is the author “How To Turn Stress On Its Head”.

    Rani is currently working as a Consultant Psychiatrist at the NHS. She is trained in several coaching modalities including life-coaching, neurolinguistic programming, narrative coaching and emotional freedom techniques (or EFT). 

    Rani and her husband, Suraj (who is also a holistic psychiatrist) offer online coaching programs for entrepreneurs who are struggling with stress and anxiety.

    Visit Rani on her website: drsranisuraj.com



    How To Turn Stress On Its Head

    Listening into Wellbeing

    76 How To Overcome Low Self-Esteem & Build Confidence

    76 How To Overcome Low Self-Esteem & Build Confidence

    Today, we are joined by Rani Bora, a holistic psychiatrist and wellness coach.

    Listen as Ela and Rani have a fascinating discussion about how to overcome low self-esteem and build confidence.

    Rani shares with us her philosophy and views on spirituality and psychiatry, and how she blends the two. Her approach is unique and eye-opening.

    With her calm and soothing voice, Rani will leave you feeling very much in peace and at ease. 



    Rani is a holistic psychiatrist, wellness coach and speaker. She is the author “How To Turn Stress On Its Head”.

    Rani is currently working as a Consultant Psychiatrist at the NHS. She is trained in several coaching modalities including life-coaching, neurolinguistic programming, narrative coaching and emotional freedom techniques (or EFT). 

    Rani and her husband, Suraj (who is also a holistic psychiatrist) offer online coaching programs for entrepreneurs who are struggling with stress and anxiety.

    Visit Rani on her website: drsranisuraj.com



    How To Turn Stress On Its Head

    Listening into Wellbeing

    75 Using Anger As Energy

    75 Using Anger As Energy

    How do you deal with your anger?

    Most of us believe that anger is a negative emotion that we should be embarrassed about. In this episode, Ela describes how we can actually use anger for a good purpose, like in sports or stage performances.

    Ela explains that anger is a high-frequency emotion which can give you a lot of energy to get things done. Imagine, have you ever seen a furious depressed person? Not very likely!

    As with all emotions, what matters is how we channel their energy in a healthy way. So, it's time we make peace with our anger and utilize it for our and other's benefit.


    74 Mindfulness: What Does It Actually Mean?

    74 Mindfulness: What Does It Actually Mean?

    Mindfulness is a word that is mentioned a lot in today’s society. but what does it actually mean?

    Listen as Clive Holmes explains mindfulness links what is happening within to the world outside, and how this magical tool can change our lives.



    Clive Holmes has been teaching meditation for the last twenty five years. He has completed over a year in intensive retreat and has studied with teachers from Burma, South East Asia, Japan and Tibet. He also has a degree in Western philosophy. He is co-editor of  the books “Taming the Tiger” and “Restoring the Balance” by Akong Tulku Rinpoche. He also has an honorary appointment as Teaching Fellow in the School of Education at Aberdeen University and is teaching MSc Mindfulness.



    Clive Holmes

    Meditation & Monkey Mind, Mingyur Rinpoche

    Taming The Tiger, Akong Tulku Rinpoche 

    Restoring the Balance, Akong Tulku Rinpoche


    73 Meditation: Benefits, Beginning & Development

    73 Meditation: Benefits, Beginning & Development

    In this episode we are joined again by Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher Clive Holmes.

    Listen as Ela and Clive dive into a deep discussion on the practice of meditation, from its beginnings to its development and benefits.

    Clive shares some useful tips about how we can all include meditation as a natural part of your daily life. With his gift to offer simple solutions to complicated problems, Clive's suggestions can help anyone who wants to meditate but can't find the time or don't know how.



    Clive Holmes has been teaching meditation for the last twenty five years. He has completed over a year in intensive retreat and has studied with teachers from Burma, South East Asia, Japan and Tibet. He also has a degree in Western philosophy. He is co-editor of  the books “Taming the Tiger” and “Restoring the Balance” by Akong Tulku Rinpoche. He also has an honorary appointment as Teaching Fellow in the School of Education at Aberdeen University and is teaching MSc Mindfulness.



    Clive Holmes

    Meditation & Monkey Mind, Mingyur Rinpoche

    Taming The Tiger, Akong Tulku Rinpoche 

    Restoring the Balance, Akong Tulku Rinpoche

    72 What Would You Do If You Had Five Lives?

    72  What Would You Do If You Had Five Lives?

    In this episode, we hear Ela address a question that is asked in a book named 'Wishcraft' by Barbara Sher. The book uncovers effective strategies for making real change in your life.

    Listen as Ela quizzes Mario how he would use his five lives. Ela also shares the most common choices that people make about their extra lives.

    Curious? Tune in for more.



    Wishcraft, Barbara Sher

    71 Mind, Thought & Consciousness: What Is the Difference?

    71 Mind, Thought & Consciousness: What Is the Difference?

    In this second part of Ela's interview with Dr. Suraj Gogoi, Dr. Gogoi talks about The Three Principles outlines by Sydney Banks: mind, thought and consciousness.

    Dr. Gogoi shares how this principle has had an immense influence on his life and career as a mental health professional, and Innate Well-being Coach.




    As well as a psychiatrist with 20 years of experience, Dr. Suraj Gogoi works as a Mental Health and Innate Well-being Coach. 

    He discourages the excessive use of psychiatric medicines, and guides people to discover their peace of mind, happiness and well-being which are all innate.

    He runs a private Facebook group community for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs & Professionals. To find out more about Suraj’s work, visit: www.drsranisuraj.com


    Three Principles, Sydney Banks

    70 How Much Are You Controlled By Your Ego?

    70 How Much Are You Controlled By Your Ego?

    When you wake up in the morning, do you feel fresh and clear-minded? If so, how long can you hold onto this feeling as you venture through the day?

    Today Ela's special guest, Dr. Suraj Gogoi, explains how our true nature is like that freshness we feel in the mornings, and how our ego minds creates an endless chase of feelings, both negative and positive.

    Dr Gogoi also shares a intriguing analogy that will help you relate to your thoughts and feelings from a fresh perspective and establish a healthy mindset that can deal with life's events with ease.



    As well as a psychiatrist with 20 years of experience, Dr. Suraj Gogoi works as a Mental Health and Innate Well-being Coach. 

    He discourages the excessive use of psychiatric medicines, and guides people to discover their peace of mind, happiness and well-being which are all innate.

    He runs a private Facebook group community for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs & Professionals. To find out more about Suraj’s work, visit: www.drsranisuraj.com