
    72: Why Some Doctors Say That Adrenal Fatigue Isn't Real

    enSeptember 02, 2020

    About this Episode

    In episode 9 I talked about adrenal fatigue and I'm long overdue for a continuation of that. Today I'm explaining why many doctors say that adrenal fatigue simply doesn't exist.


    If you don't have adrenal fatigue or don't think it applies to you, here's why I want you to keep listening: many topics that I cover are precursors to autoimmune conditions that can be avoided or reversed without medical interventions.


    Roughly 1 in 4 people are living with 1 or more autoimmune conditions right now. That's a lot. And it's prevalency is only going to increase because a lot of these things stem from chronic stress, lack of quality sleep, unaddressed trauma, and poor nutrition. So if you care about more than 3 people on this planet, it's important to have awareness of these things because it can empower you to be able to see red flags of disease in those that you care about.


    Let me confirm from my experience — when I was in it, I couldn't see it for myself because I was too deep in the symptoms to see clearly. If you have these types of issues happening in your life, you certainly aren't going to have the luxury of caring about superficial things like how much you can deadlift, having a smaller waist, or having triceps that don't jiggle...and that's why I want to educate on red flags of disease here on the FitFizz podcast!


    Some of the things you'll learn in today's episode: 

    • Why functional medicine doctors acknowledge adrenal fatigue but other doctors don't

    • Basics of adrenal fatigue

    • What adrenaline allows us to do

    • Breaking down the term adrenal fatigue and why semantics makes people dismiss its existence

    • Medical gaslighting

    • Other terms that are similar — but not equal to — adrenal fatigue

    Using natural supplements to lessen your perceived stress load:


    Set up a personalized virtual coaching session with me so I can guide you towards feeling relief in your stressed-out life:


    Share this with someone in your VIP section...and until next time, breathe, stay strong, and always celebrate victory!


    I’m Kelly Wilson, and I'm the owner of fitfizzstudio.com and I’m a personal trainer, nutrition coach, behavior change specialist, autoimmune disease educator and I’ve worked in the health and fitness industry since barely anyone knew what email was. I’m here to help you ditch the gimmicks, find strength through your struggles, give you the knowledge for making the smartest choices for your own health, and to remind you to celebrate victory along the way.

    This show is for educational and informational purposes only. None of the contents should be interpreted as an intent to diagnose, treat, cure, heal, or prescribe.

    Recent Episodes from FitFizz | Energy, Mindset, Health

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    89. Creatine: Myths, Benefits, and Why You Need It

    89. Creatine: Myths, Benefits, and Why You Need It

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    Let's address every common concern and question that most people have about creatine. I'm going to give you all of the information to ease your mind and hopefully, you'll become a lifelong fan of this beneficial supplement. I'm not even selling it. So don't worry there's no sales pitch at the end. I truly just want you to do whatever you can to optimize your health for overall strength and longevity. 

    In this episode: 
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    • Dosing recommendations 
    • Is creatine loading necessary?

    PubMed Links:
    Creatine supplementation and cognitive performance in elderly individuals  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17828627/

    Creatine supplementation for older adults: Focus on sarcopenia, osteoporosis, frailty, and Cachexia: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35688360/

    Creatine in T Cell Antitumor Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34067957/   

    Creatine electrolyte supplement improves anaerobic power and strength: a randomized double-blind control study: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1186/s12970-019-0291-x

    Creatine Supplementation in Women’s Health: A Lifespan Perspective: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/3/877 

    To sum it all up, creatine is safe, effective, and everyone should strongly consider using it throughout any stage of life. It aids in brain health, athletic performance, muscle health, bone health, sleep quality, and mood. And these are facts that have been proven over and over by legitimate scientific studies. 

    Don't get hung up on the brand. Just look for a label that says creatine monohydrate. I highly recommend this product not just for performance but also for longevity, optimizing aging, and protecting health through the lifecycle. 

    If you enjoyed this, share it on social media, tag FitFizz and let me know your favorite part. Send it your loved ones and get them on some creatine! 

    Thank you so much for listening! I'm Kelly Wilson, your health concierge, and until next time, breathe, stay strong, and always celebrate victory!

    Website: fitfizzstudio.com
    Social: @fitfizz

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    • How perfectionism and procrastination are fear-based 

    • How these behaviors can stem from childhood or trauma (so it's not your fault)

    • How I broke up with perfectionism

    • What is revenge procrastination? 

    • How to actively change these behaviors if you want to



    In case you're a new listener, welcome. I am Kelly Wilson. I’m the owner of https://fitfizzstudio.com and I’m a personal trainer, nutrition coach, behavior change specialist, autoimmune disease educator and I’ve worked in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years. I am here to help you ditch the gimmicks, finding strength through your struggles, give you the knowledge for making the smartest choices for your own health, and remind you to celebrate victory all along the way! 


    The information shared is for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as an intent to diagnose, treat, cure, heal, or prescribe. 

    85: People Pleasing

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    Nobody chooses to be a people-pleaser. Listen to find out what it's all about, where it comes from, what to do about it and what to if you're not ready to accept if you might be a people-pleaser.


    I’m Kelly Wilson and I’m the owner of fitfizzstudio.com and I’m a personal trainer, nutrition coach, behavior change specialist, autoimmune disease educator and I’ve worked in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years. I am here to help you ditch the gimmicks, finding strength through your struggles, give you the knowledge for making the smartest choices for your own health, and to remind you to celebrate victory all along the way!


    The information shared is for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as an intent to diagnose, treat, cure, heal, or prescribe.


    Website: https://fitfizzstudio.com

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    Episode webpage for more info:

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    It's pretty easy to recall a time when you or someone else said "stop complaining". As the title of the show states, complaining is never really about just the complaint itself. Yet we often classify a complaint as simply that. 
    There is a desire inside of every complaint. There is an unmet need. 
    I don’t see complaints. Ever, really. I really, really don't.
    What I do see:
    • people who are misunderstood
    • people expressing their sincere thoughts
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    • people who have no one to hold space for them
    • people who are hurt
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    • people who have no one to turn to for talking about things
    • people who are in active trauma or unhealed trauma
    I don't see complainers. I see people who want to be seen, heard, and people who need empathy.
    I challenge you to look deeper the next time you're about to label something as a complainer. There's a need not being met. If you don't have the emotional space to go deeper or to fill that emotional need, at least be decent enough to acknowledge they have some kind of frustration, pain, or unmet need rather than dismiss it as "complaining".
    I'm Kelly Wilson and I'm the owner of fitfizzstudio.com and I’m a personal trainer, nutrition coach, behavior change specialist, autoimmune disease educator and I’ve worked in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years. I am here to help you ditch the gimmicks, finding strength through your struggles, give you the knowledge for making the smartest choices for your own health, and to remind you to celebrate victory all along the way! The information shared is for educational and informational purposes only. 
    Nothing should be interpreted as an intent to diagnose, treat, cure, heal, or prescribe. 

    81: Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with Dr. Kevin Jackson

    81: Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with Dr. Kevin Jackson
    My guest today is Dr. Kevin Jackson who is sharing information on his research that he's done on concussions and traumatic brain injuries.



    Kevin has a doctorate in animal science with a specialization in reproductive physiology. He is a former research scientist at the University of Illinois and he is currently a Clinical Program Manager.



    Some highlights in today's show: 



    • Kevin's experiences with playing football at U of I and concussions



    • How his career led him into doing research on traumatic brain injuries



    • The cooling helmet that he developed to assist in recovery from concussions and TBIs



    • What you should and should not do if you're with someone who has severely hit their head



    • Short-term and long-term consequences and recovery from concussions and TBIs



    • Long-term mental health for former athletes



    • lots more!



    Here is a video from the University of Illinois where Kevin has worked with the football team. This video explains some of his research and you can see the different versions of cooling helmets that he spoke about on the show. 
    For more information visit https://fitfizzstudio.com/podcast  



    I'm your host, Kelly Wilson, owner of fitfizzstudio.com and I’m a personal trainer, nutrition coach, behavior change specialist, autoimmune disease educator and I’ve worked in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years. I am here to help hold yourself to new standards of healing, personal growth, behavior change, and transformation...to give you the knowledge for making the smartest choices for your own health, and to remind you to celebrate victory all along the way!



    The information shared is for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as an intent to diagnose, treat, cure, heal, or prescribe.