
    725. Q&AF: Supporting Small Businesses, Handling Loneliness & Seeking Assistance

    enJune 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Consistency in Personal DevelopmentThe 75 hard program on Andy Priscilla's Real AF show emphasizes the importance of consistency in personal development and achieving goals, and discusses its relevance to business relationships.

      Consistency is key in personal development and achieving goals. Andy Priscilla's Real AF show offers various formats, including "Cruise the Internet" discussions on current events, "Real Talk" episodes, and interviews with individuals who have completed the 75 hard program. The 75 hard program focuses on fixing the fundamental flaw in most humans, which is the inability to consistently follow through on plans. The show is unique in that it discusses current events and personal development together, and it doesn't run ads. Instead, listeners are asked to help spread the word. A listener shares their frustration with small businesses that didn't support their own business despite their past support, raising the question of whether it's worth continuing to support them. The importance of consistency in personal development and business relationships is a recurring theme throughout the show.

    • Supporting small businessesSupport small businesses out of goodwill, not for reciprocity. Create value for others to build a supportive community. Success comes from solving real problems and doing it consistently.

      Supporting small businesses should be an act of altruism rather than a trade or expectation of reciprocity. Entitlement is a common pitfall for individuals and businesses, leading to a misunderstanding of what it takes to truly succeed. Winning in business or life is not guaranteed, and it requires a relentless pursuit of becoming an undeniable solution to a real problem. It's essential to understand that nobody owes you anything and that you must create value for others to build a supportive community. Success is not about being happy, but about producing and being great. The game of business is simple: solve a problem better than everyone else, and do it forever.

    • Entrepreneurial journeyEntrepreneurship is a challenging journey filled with hard work, resilience, and setbacks. Success depends on pushing through and learning from failures, not on starting from a privileged position.

      Starting and running a business is not an easy path filled with instant success and wealth. It requires immense dedication, hard work, and resilience. Most small businesses are struggling to make ends meet and are just a few weeks away from going out of business. Entrepreneurship is not a game or a vacation, but a challenging journey filled with frustration and setbacks. It's crucial to understand that everyone starts from different places, and success depends on where you go from your starting point, not on what others have. The entrepreneurial spirit is about pushing through the hard times, learning from failures, and keeping going even when you want to quit. The myth of the Midas touch, where success in one area guarantees success in others, is also debunked. It's essential to focus on your core competencies and build on your strengths to increase your chances of success.

    • Entrepreneurship challengesSuccess in business and life demands dedication, hard work, and continuous improvement. Loneliness is common, but building a supportive network is crucial for growth and long-term success.

      Success in business and in life requires dedication, hard work, and continuous improvement. The belief that one can easily switch from one industry to another or that mediocre work will lead to great rewards is a fallacy. Entrepreneurship is an art with its unique challenges in every industry. Furthermore, loneliness is a common experience, especially during the journey to success. However, it is essential to find a balance between focusing on personal goals and maintaining meaningful relationships. The ability to surround oneself with supportive and motivating individuals is crucial for growth and long-term success. Ultimately, embracing the discomfort of hard work and loneliness and staying true to oneself is the key to overcoming adversity and achieving greatness.

    • Surrounding yourself with positivitySurround yourself with individuals who uplift and support you, acting as propellers in your life, and prioritize relationships that add value and positivity, while letting go of those that bring negativity and doubt.

      It's important to surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, rather than bringing you down. These individuals act as propellers in your life, pushing you towards success. Conversely, those who bring negativity and doubt should be considered anchors, weighing you down. It's essential to prioritize relationships that add value and positivity to your life. While loneliness can be a reality for those striving for success, it's important to remember that not all relationships need constant attention. Focus on those that genuinely contribute to your personal and professional growth. Don't let fear of losing connections hold you back from achieving your goals.

    • Mental Toughness and Self-AccountabilityPersonal growth and success require mental toughness and self-accountability. The 75 Hard program is a mental toughness program that helps individuals develop the ability to follow through and adhere to a plan, ultimately leading to success in life.

      Personal growth and success require mental toughness and self-accountability. Andy Frisella emphasizes that external support is not a crutch but a sign of weakness, and that individuals must take responsibility for their own actions and decisions. The 75 Hard program is not a fad or a diet, but a mental toughness program designed to help individuals develop the ability to follow through and adhere to a plan. Ultimately, success in life depends on one's ability to hold oneself accountable and persevere through challenges, rather than relying on others to do it for them.

    • Self-discipline and accountabilityRecognize your power to change your existence lies within yourself, and focus on improving self-discipline and accountability for limitless personal growth and success

      Personal growth and achieving one's goals rely heavily on individual accountability and self-discipline. The external circumstances of one's life, such as lack of support from friends or difficult upbringing, should not hinder progress. Instead, one must recognize the power to change their existence lies within themselves. Programs like 75 Hard are designed to help individuals build the mental toughness and fortitude to persevere through challenges and develop the ability to adhere to plans. While external accountability can be beneficial, true success comes from being accountable to oneself. By focusing on improving self-discipline and accountability, individuals open up limitless possibilities for personal growth and success.

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