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    Supersubstantial in the Parabolic Leaven The idea of the Supersubstantial appears a number of times in the Book of Matthew. I’ve already written much on Matthew 6:9-13 the First Petition of the Lords Prayer, where what has commonly been interpreted as ‘daily’ bread is revealed as ‘supersubstantial‘ bread. Now I will look at another instance of Supersubstantial revealed in the symbolism of bread. Matthew 13:33 “…The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.” -Magus Jesus First let us remember that throughout the gospel the term Kingdom of Heaven and its other variation is used to refer to a particular state of being. For centuries Church Christianity has worked very hard to bury this and convince the world that it actually refers to a place – that is, a magical fairy-like place that you will go to when you die if you are faithful and obedient to the Church in life. However a careful study will reveal that “Kingdom of Heaven,” “My Father’s Kingdom,” “Kingdom of God” and so forth were originally intended to refer to an internal state of being. This is especially verified in Luke 17:21 where Jesus says “The kingdom of God is within you.” What can this mean? Why the use of the term Kingdom to represent an inner state? Kingship represents sovereignty. A sovereign is not ruled by anyone else. He is not subject to any greater will, therefore his own will reigns supreme. He has control of all of this constituent parts – the sovereign has dominion over his body, his thoughts, and especially his feelings. For one who has not sovereignty, the passions always pull them this way and that, subjecting them to any number of external wills. To have awakened the Kingdom of Heaven within the self is to be king of the self, king of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.....

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