
    751. Q&AF: Hiring And Firing, Attitude For Greatness & Understanding Aggressive Patience

    enJuly 29, 2024
    What topics does the 'Selling the Real' show cover?
    How can listeners access the 75 hard program?
    What mindset does the speaker emphasize for success?
    Why is it important to maintain high standards in teams?
    How should a business handle underperforming employees?

    Podcast Summary

    • 75 Hard Podcast, Mental TransformationThe 75 Hard Podcast, hosted by Andy, provides a platform for raw and uncensored discussions on mental transformation through Q&A sessions, interviews, and real talks, with the 75 hard program and related resources accessible for free.

      The "Selling the Real" show, hosted by Andy, offers a variety of content including Q&A sessions, speculative discussions on current topics (CTI), real talks, and interviews with individuals who have completed the 75 hard mental transformation program. The show is ad-free and relies on listeners to share episodes to help it grow. The 75 hard program and a book on mental toughness can be accessed for free through specific podcast episodes. The show aims to tackle topics not typically discussed openly in society and encourages mental toughness and transformation. Listeners are encouraged to submit questions for the Q&A sessions and stay tuned for live call-ins. The show's unique selling point is its raw and uncensored approach to discussing important issues.

    • Hiring decisionsSwift hiring decisions are crucial for maintaining a positive work environment and culture, preventing poor performers from negatively impacting the team

      It's important to make quick decisions when it comes to hiring and letting go of employees in order to maintain a positive work environment and culture. The speaker shares his personal experience of being too comfortable with keeping the wrong people in his tattoo shop, leading to a low tolerance for poor performance. He questions whether he should continue to hold out for top talent or allow "B players" to take up space and invest time in coaching them. The saying "high or slow fire fast" emphasizes the importance of making quick decisions to prevent negative attitudes from infecting the business. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of making thoughtful but swift hiring decisions to build a successful and productive team.

    • Employee FitIt's important to let go of employees who aren't a good fit, as keeping them in a role they're struggling in prevents them from finding their true passion and excelling.

      Being a caring and empathetic business owner can make it difficult to let go of employees who aren't a good fit. This comes from a belief that you can help them succeed and reach their goals, but in reality, you may be preventing them from finding a place where they can truly thrive. This can be a hard lesson to learn, and it may take some time and experience to understand that by keeping someone in a role they're struggling in, you're not only letting down your team, but also preventing the employee from finding something they're truly passionate about and excelling at. It's important to remember that everyone has a role to play in the world, and some people are meant to make the french fries just as much as others are meant to run the restaurant. Ultimately, it's not about controlling people's decisions, but rather allowing them to learn from their mistakes and find their own path to success.

    • Underperforming team membersLetting go of underperforming team members can benefit the team and the business by allowing the remaining members to focus on growth and development.

      Maintaining a high-performing team requires setting and upholding a high standard. This means letting go of underperforming individuals who negatively impact the team and the business culture. It's essential to ask oneself whether one failed the employee or if they failed to execute their responsibilities. If it's the former, providing guidance and support may be necessary. However, if the employee consistently underperforms despite opportunities for improvement, it's best to let them go. This decision benefits not only the company but also the remaining team members, allowing them to focus on their growth and development. Ultimately, running a successful business involves making tough decisions and prioritizing the well-being of the team and the organization.

    • Identifying potentialProvide caring environment with constructive feedback to help individuals believe in themselves and reach their full potential, even if it means pushing them out of their comfort zone

      Identifying and developing potential in individuals, whether it's in a business setting or personal growth, can be a challenging process. It requires a balance between caring for people and providing constructive feedback. Sometimes, people may have the potential to excel but lack the belief in themselves, leading them to underperform. Other times, external factors may hinder their progress. It's essential to create an environment where individuals are encouraged to reach their full potential, even if it means pushing them out of their comfort zone with tough love and honest feedback. The most significant growth often occurs during the most challenging times when people are faced with adversity and are required to execute at their highest level. Ultimately, it's about recognizing the potential in people and providing them with the tools and support they need to succeed.

    • Competing effectivelyTo succeed, focus on self-improvement and putting in extra effort to be undeniably better than competition, rather than making excuses or blaming external factors.

      To succeed and stand out, you must be undeniably better than your competition, not just good. This applies to all areas of life, including sports, education, and careers. It's essential to focus on self-improvement and putting in extra effort, rather than making excuses or blaming external factors. By adopting this mindset and putting in more reps than your competition, you increase your chances of achieving your goals. Remember, it's not about who you're competing against or their connections, but rather how good you are. So, strive to be the "oh shit, they're good" kind of player, student, or employee, and never settle for being just as good as someone else.

    • Work EthicSuccess often comes down to putting in more work than others, especially when starting with disadvantages. Embrace the reality and commit to doing more to develop grit and sustain long-term success.

      Success often comes down to putting in more work than others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of developing motor skills and committing to extra reps in sports, but this mindset can be applied to any area of life. He believes that those who start out with fewer advantages must work harder to overcome the deficit and develop the grit and work ethic that will sustain success in the long run. The world isn't fair, and complaining about it won't help. Instead, embrace the reality and commit to doing more. This mindset can lead to great things, as demonstrated by individuals like Tom Brady who became great through hard work and dedication.

    • Work ethic and continuous improvementDeveloping a strong work ethic and continuously improving oneself leads to long-term success, even if it requires more effort than relying on natural abilities or resources.

      While it may be tempting to rely on natural abilities or resources given to us, the true path to success lies in developing a strong work ethic and continuously improving ourselves. The speaker shares his experience of competing with individuals who had more resources but lacked the drive to become great. He emphasizes that those who have to work harder to succeed will ultimately surpass those who rely on their blessings. This concept, which the speaker refers to as "aggressive patience," requires individuals to put in the work, become skilled, and allow time to take its course. It's essential to understand that everyone's journey is unique, and some may need to hustle harder to reach their goals. So, if you find yourself in a situation where you feel like you're starting behind, embrace the challenge and use it as motivation to outwork and outlearn those around you. This mindset will set you up for long-term success. Regarding the second part of the question, aggressive patience doesn't mean stagnating or waiting indefinitely. Instead, it's about being patient with the process while actively working towards your goals. In the context of the letter, the individual should consider their long-term career goals and weigh the benefits of gaining work experience through an internship against the potential financial gains of staying at home and saving money. Ultimately, the decision depends on the specific circumstances and personal priorities.

    • Aggressive patienceSuccess requires a balance between patience and aggressive action. Prepare other elements and show up every day with dedication and execution to combine the understanding that time is necessary with the commitment to work hard.

      Success requires a balance between patience and aggressive action. While we cannot rush the natural progression of time in certain situations, we must also put in maximum effort each day. Using the analogy of baking a cake, we cannot make the baking process faster, but we can prepare other elements and show up every day with dedication and execution. Aggressive patience is essential for success as it combines the understanding that time is necessary with the commitment to work hard each day. It's not just about waiting; it's about actively engaging in the process while allowing time to do its part.

    • Skill DevelopmentConsistent effort, time, and patience are essential for skill development. Be aggressively patient and continue to work and improve daily for greatest gains.

      Achieving mastery in any skill requires a combination of consistent effort, time, and patience. The person who puts in 16 hours a day for a few days may not be as skilled as the one who puts in eight hours every day for a year. While it's important to be patient, it's equally important to be aggressively patient and continue to work and improve every day. Time plays a crucial role in the development of a skill, and no amount of hard work can replace it. So, show up every day, execute effectively, and understand that it will take a significant amount of time to reach your goal. Aggressive patience means continuing to work hard while also being patient and allowing time for progress to occur. This approach leads to the greatest gains in skill and mastery.

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