
    755: How a Barber Went from $12 Clips to Six-Figure Cash Flow in 10 Years w/Rick Morin

    enApril 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From Barber to Millionaire: The Power of Smart InvestmentsConsistent savings, smart investments, and helpful tools can lead to significant financial gains, even with little to no initial capital.

      Financial success comes from smart, steady savings and investments, even if you start small. Rick Maureen, today's podcast guest, went from being a barber to a millionaire by investing in real estate and following the principles of getting rich slow and steady. He emphasizes the importance of staying financially independent while continuing to work in a job that makes him a sharper investor. Additionally, technology has revolutionized the real estate investing industry. Tools like DealMachine make lead generation more efficient and cost-effective, providing access to valuable data and contact information. And with programs like Rent to Retirement, it's possible to invest in real estate with little to no money down, allowing for passive income and financial growth. So whether you're starting small or looking to expand your portfolio, remember that consistent savings, smart investments, and the use of helpful tools can lead to significant financial gains.

    • Rick's humble beginnings shaped his work ethic and determinationDespite challenging circumstances, Rick's experiences instilled a deep appreciation for life and fueled his work ethic, leading him to succeed in real estate investing.

      Rick's upbringing in challenging circumstances shaped his work ethic and determination, leading him to join the army and later, succeed in real estate investing. Despite his humble beginnings without luxuries like air conditioning or even a steak until adulthood, Rick's experiences instilled in him a deep appreciation for life. When an injury prevented him from deploying to Iraq, he seized the opportunity to learn from a renowned orthopedic surgeon in Corpus Christi, kickstarting his career in real estate. Now, Rick balances his work as a barber and a traveler, sharing knowledge with others, while also growing his real estate business. His unique perspective and experiences continue to drive him to succeed.

    • Father's Insistence on Homeownership Shaped Speaker's Financial FutureBuying a house young, even with challenges, instilled financial responsibility and led to a successful real estate career.

      The speaker's father instilled in him the value of homeownership and financial responsibility by requiring him to buy a house before allowing him to move out. Growing up, the speaker didn't have air conditioning and learned to adapt, but his parents had bought their first house later in life. The father believed that owning a home was a way to avoid throwing money away on rent. When the speaker wanted to move out and marry his girlfriend, he bought a house and took in a roommate to help cover expenses. This experience marked the beginning of the speaker's journey into real estate, leading him to become a landlord and eventually own multiple properties. Despite the initial challenge of leaving home and buying a house at a young age, the speaker learned valuable lessons about financial responsibility and self-sufficiency.

    • Reducing mortgage time with extra principal paymentsMaking extra principal payments on your mortgage reduces the loan term and saves thousands in interest. It's especially effective when mortgage rates are high.

      Paying extra towards your mortgage principal can significantly reduce the time it takes to pay off your home. The speaker, Rick, shared his personal experience of having a roommate cover half of his mortgage payments, allowing him to pay off the loan in just 7 years. This strategy works because the majority of mortgage payments go towards interest in the initial years. By making extra principal payments, you jump ahead of the payment schedule, and more of each subsequent payment goes towards reducing the principal. This can save homeowners thousands in interest and shave years off their mortgage term. Rick's wife also joined him in this strategy, and they managed to pay off their home even faster. This approach can be particularly beneficial when mortgage rates are high, making it an effective way to make your mortgage more efficient.

    • The importance of a supportive partner in financial independenceA supportive partner can greatly impact one's ability to achieve financial independence through teamwork and shared financial goals

      Having a supportive partner is crucial in achieving financial independence. The speaker shared an anecdote about his wife's unexpected financial contribution during their dating days, which foreshadowed her willingness to be a team player in their future financial endeavors. This experience, along with a successful house hack where they rented out a room to cover their mortgage, helped them pay off their first house in just 7 years. This early success served as a catalyst for their real estate investing journey, leading them to buy, renovate, and rent out more properties. The importance of having a partner who shares the same financial goals cannot be overstated, as it can significantly impact one's ability to achieve financial independence.

    • Accidentally becoming a landlord led to financial gainsBeing proactive, resourceful, and persistent can lead to unexpected financial benefits, even in a competitive market. Calculated risks can result in substantial returns.

      Being open to opportunities and being willing to negotiate can lead to significant financial gains. The speaker shared a story about how he accidentally became a landlord by renting out a room in his house, which helped him pay off his mortgage in 7 years. Later, he became a landlord again when he bought a house below market price and sold it for a profit. He emphasized that back then, information about property prices wasn't easily accessible online, so he had to rely on realtors to negotiate deals. The lesson here is that being proactive, resourceful, and persistent can lead to unexpected financial benefits. Additionally, being open to opportunities and taking calculated risks can result in substantial returns, even in a competitive real estate market.

    • From unrealistic goals to financial successBelieve in your goals, remain persistent, set written goals, and surround yourself with a supportive network to achieve significant financial gains.

      Having faith and persistence in one's goals, even if they seem unrealistic at first, can lead to significant financial gains. The speaker shared his personal story of buying his first house and then using the profits from a flip to buy more properties, eventually reaching his goal of owning 10 rentals by the age of 40. He emphasized the importance of written goals and the role of a supportive network, including a helpful realtor, in achieving success. The speaker's journey took about 12 years, starting with the purchase of his first house around 12 years ago. He began flipping houses a year later and bought his first true flip, a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, around 11 years ago. Despite initial doubts and challenges, such as large repairs needed on the first flip, the speaker remained determined and ultimately achieved his goal.

    • Overspending on home renovations can lead to higher selling pricesInvesting extra in home renovations can result in significant profits, but it's crucial to consider the neighborhood's expectations and personal investing style.

      Going the extra mile in home renovations, even if it means overspending, can lead to higher selling prices. The speaker shared his experience of buying a house to flip, overdoing the renovations, and selling it on his own for a significant profit. He attributes the high selling price to the neighborhood's expectations and his attention to detail, which resulted in overdesigning the house. However, this approach may not be suitable for everyone, as some investors prioritize practical use and efficiency over aesthetics. It's essential to understand your investing style and the market demands to make informed decisions.

    • Personal values and experiences drive real estate successUnderstanding personal motivations and market trends are essential for making sound real estate investments.

      Having a clear motivation or "why" is essential for success in real estate investing. The speaker shared how his personal values and experiences, including a Bible verse and growing up without air conditioning, drove him to pursue real estate and leave an inheritance for future generations. This focus kept him from making reckless decisions and helped him achieve his goals. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the market and financial reasons behind overspending or underspending on investments. Rick's example illustrated how overspending in a hot market could potentially lead to financial gains, but the opposite could occur during market downturns. Overall, having a strong motivation and financial understanding are crucial elements for successful real estate investing.

    • Setting financial goals is an ongoing processPersist in setting financial goals, be responsible in managing expenses, and make smart financial decisions for long-term success.

      Setting financial goals is an ongoing process, not a one-time achievement. The speaker shares his personal experience of initially aiming for a certain financial milestone, only to realize that there were more goals to be met. He also emphasizes the importance of being a responsible homeowner, even with the luxury of air conditioning, and shares a personal anecdote. For those interested in real estate investing but not wanting to deal with the hassle, there's an option to invest passively through Pine Financial Group's mortgage fund. And for landlords looking for fast and affordable insurance, steadily.com offers a solution. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of persistence, responsibility, and smart financial decisions.

    • Being open to opportunities and flexible in real estate strategyFlexibility and adaptability in real estate investing can lead to significant profits. Save and reinvest profits, analyze comps, and stay resourceful to find deals.

      Being open to opportunities and being flexible in your real estate investing strategy can lead to significant gains. The speaker shares how he made a profit from flipping houses, then transitioned to buying long-term rentals. He also describes how he found a deal through social media after being outbid on another property. The speaker emphasizes the importance of saving and reinvesting profits to buy more properties. He also mentions creating his own comparables, or comps, when evaluating potential deals. This means analyzing similar properties in the area to determine a fair price for the property in question. Overall, the speaker's story illustrates the importance of being proactive, resourceful, and adaptable in real estate investing.

    • Personal connection to a property leads to successEmotional attachment and community engagement can lead to profitable real estate investments

      Having a personal connection to a property can lead to unexpected success in real estate investing. The speaker, who grew up in a historic neighborhood in Corpus Christi, saw an opportunity to buy a neglected house in the same area and restore it. Despite initial skepticism from realtors, he was determined to sell the house for a high price due to its size and desirable features. The process was long and challenging, but the speaker engaged his social media followers in the decision-making process, creating a sense of community investment and excitement. Ultimately, the house sold for over $200,000, proving that emotional attachment and engagement can lead to successful real estate ventures.

    • Barber skills led to real estate successIntegrity, strong relationships, customer service, time management, and financial planning skills from barber career transferred to successful real estate business

      The speaker's experience as a barber played a significant role in his success in real estate. Despite having the opportunity to sell a house for a higher price, he chose to honor his commitment to his friends and family, demonstrating integrity and strong relationships. Additionally, the skills he gained from managing his barbershop, such as customer service, time management, and financial planning, transferred well to his real estate business. The speaker's love for his work and commitment to his clients, even when faced with tempting offers, allowed him to maintain a balance between his two careers and ultimately led to his continued success.

    • From Barber to Millionaire: Overcoming Challenges in Real EstatePersistence, networking, and smart investments led one man from being a barber to building a successful real estate portfolio worth 3M with annual passive income of 275K-285K.

      Managing a successful real estate portfolio involves overcoming common challenges, such as dealing with contractors and building a strong network of connections. The speaker's experience as a barber played a significant role in his success, providing him with valuable skills and opportunities. Despite the difficulties, consistency and long-term investment are key. However, it's important to note that not everyone may be ready to manage a large real estate portfolio without first gaining experience in managing their personal lives and businesses. The speaker acknowledges both perspectives. His net worth is approximately 3 million dollars, and his passive income is around 275,000 to 285,000 per year. From barber to millionaire, his story is a testament to the power of persistence and smart investments.

    • Importance of taking things slow in real estate investingSlow and consistent growth in real estate investing leads to long-term wealth, contrasting the rush to acquire multiple properties at once. Sharing knowledge and leaving a legacy for future generations are also important aspects.

      Real estate investing is a long-term commitment that requires careful planning and management. Rick's story highlights the importance of taking things slow and focusing on building wealth consistently, rather than trying to rush into multiple investments at once. He also emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and helping others get started in real estate. After achieving his initial goal of 10 properties, Rick plans to continue buying one property per year to leave as an inheritance for his children. For those inspired by his story, Rick encourages them to follow their passions and not compare themselves to others, while staying committed to the grind of real estate investing. To learn more from Rick or connect with him, listeners can find him on Instagram under the handle "@peoplesbarber."

    • The Importance of Finding the Right Investor-Friendly AgentConnect with investor-friendly agents in your desired area using BiggerPockets Agent Finder for informed decisions and confident action towards financial freedom.

      Finding the right investor-friendly agent can be a game-changer in your real estate investing journey. As the market continues to evolve, it's essential to have a trusted local expert by your side. Rick and Adam's stories highlight the importance of teamwork, patience, and faith in the process. Adam's experience of involving his wife in the journey and turning potential conflicts into partnerships is a valuable lesson. Rick's success in Corpus Christi underscores the importance of working with an agent who understands the local market and can help navigate the neighborhoods and analyze numbers. With BiggerPockets Agent Finder, you can quickly connect with investor-friendly agents in your desired area. This free resource can help you make informed decisions and take confident action towards financial freedom. Remember, it's not about timing the market perfectly but rather having the right partner by your side for the long haul. So, don't hesitate, head to biggerpockets.com/deals today and find your investor-friendly agent.

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    976: How to Start Mobile Home Investing (The Right Way) for Just $15,000

    976: How to Start Mobile Home Investing (The Right Way) for Just $15,000
    Can you start investing in real estate with just $15,000? Yep, and mobile home investing is how you do it. We know what you’re thinking, “I don’t want to own trailers! I want to invest in “real” houses where the “real” money is at!” That’s what today’s guest John Fedro thought too some twenty years ago when he stumbled into mobile home investing, which, at the time, was even too embarrassing for him to share. But, over the past two decades, this at-first “embarrassing” investment has made him wealthy, and if you follow his lead, it can do the same for you. John has successfully made money with mobile homes in various ways: buying and flipping, wholesaling, renting, and seller financing, the main topic of today’s episode. He provides a masterclass on how to make money buying and selling mobile homes, where you essentially take on the role of the bank. However, it’s crucial to be cautious. Mishandling this could lead you into an ethical gray area and potentially harm your buyer. On the other hand, getting it right can create a win-win situation for both the buyer and seller while making you wealthy.  John shares his whole strategy, plus how he’s getting into deals for $15,000 and often making DOUBLE his money and $400 per month (or more) cash flow per door when he seller finances these properties. If you want a way to get into real estate investing without a ton of cash but with the potential to make a serious return on your money, this may be your winning strategy. In This Episode We Cover The three “levels” of mobile home investing and how much each costs to get into The danger of seller financing the wrong way and how it can hurt your buyer Why you MUST background check EVERYONE you seller-finance a mobile home to One thing that new mobile home investors overlook that can ruin your properties The exit strategies you must know about to avoid losing money on your next deal Whether or not we would invest in mobile homes (and our concerns with seller financing)  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (02:32) Seller Financing...Mobile Homes? (11:18) Win-Win Seller Financing  (16:52) 3 "Levels" of Mobile Home Investing (22:08) How Much to Invest?  (23:53) Cash Flow and Profit Numbers (26:51) What to Look Out For (32:38) New Investors, Do THIS!  (33:52) Would WE Invest In It? Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-976 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    975: BiggerNews: Rent Price Updates and Why Landlords Are Optimistic About 2024 w/Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades

    975: BiggerNews: Rent Price Updates and Why Landlords Are Optimistic About 2024 w/Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades
    The rental market could finally be returning to stability after a wild past four years. Since 2020, we’ve seen rent prices skyrocket almost overnight, with huge asking price increases for single-family homes, multifamily apartments, and everything in between. But that trend quickly reversed as the fight against inflation began, mortgage rates rose, and would-be homebuyers sat still, not knowing whether to stay renting or search for a home. But, a return to “equilibrium” may be coming soon, and that’s good news for landlords and renters alike. To break it all down, Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades joins the show to share his team’s latest rent data. Anthemos brings some surprisingly good news for landlords, from new month-over-month rent growth data to consumer preferences shifting to a more renter-focused lifestyle; now may be the moment landlords have been waiting for as renter demand looks promising and rates stay high. We’ll also discuss the inflation lag effect our rental market has caused and how to stay on top of current rent prices.  Has the dream of homeownership died? And if so, how do YOU attract the long-term renters who want to make a home out of your house (while paying YOU rent!)? Stick around for this rental market update every landlord needs to know about. Support today’s show sponsor, Rent App: the free and easy way to collect rent! In This Episode We Cover Rent growth updates and why rents for some units are starting to climb Single-family vs. multifamily demand and which asset is seeing the most strength  Why Anthemos is predicting a return to “equilibrium” for landlords this summer  The massive effect rent has on inflation and how housing shifts the economy  Is the “American Dream” dead? Why young Americans are ditching homeownership Where to find free, up-to-date rent price data so YOU can make the most from your rental  And So Much More! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-975 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto

    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto
    Want to really stand out in your market? A few renter-friendly interior design ideas can make a world of difference, elevating a run-of-the-mill property into one that attracts tenants and guests and stays occupied year-round. Today’s guest has some affordable, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks centered around “maximalism,” the design trend you can’t afford to not know about.   Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Real Estate podcast! If you want to boost your property’s value, keep renters happy, and get even MORE cash flow from your portfolio, you’ve come to the right place. Today, interior designer Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto joins the show to share some of her most popular rental design tips. Regardless of your investing strategy, whether you own short-term rentals or are flipping houses for a profit, you won’t want to miss out on these enormous value-adds. The best part? They are extremely cost-effective, easy to implement, and, most importantly, reversible!   In this episode, Tay delves into maximalism—the interior design trend that is taking the world by storm in 2024—and shares how you can seamlessly integrate this popular style with your rental properties. She even shares some of the best places to find furniture, décor, and materials, as well as some common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home renovation projects! In This Episode We Cover The best renter-friendly, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks for rentals How to implement maximalism throughout your rental properties Why you must know your limits when making design changes Where to find budget-friendly furniture and décor for your property How landlords can benefit from keeping up with the latest design trends Common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home design projects And So Much More! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-974 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    206. Breaking Free From Financial Headaches with Courtney Lewis

    206. Breaking Free From Financial Headaches with Courtney Lewis

    As the saying goes, "money makes the world go round." But managing money effectively can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to investing in real estate. 

    In this episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with Courtney Lewis, a financial advisor and former portfolio manager who has accumulated an impressive real estate portfolio worth millions of dollars. Courtney shares her journey from being underpaid in her corporate job to starting her own successful financial coaching and consulting business, 8th Wonder Financial. Along the way, she has gained invaluable experience in real estate investing, managing rental properties, negotiating sales, and exploring tax liens and deeds. 

    We'll also hear her insights on building equity, understanding motivation behind monetary goals, and tips for successful real estate investing. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, Courtney's advice will provide valuable insights to help you build your wealth and achieve your financial goals.


    Key Points From This Episode:  

    • Courtney's financial coaching and consulting business

    • Courtney's experience with real estate investing and property management

    • Building equity and income to have control over career and finances

    • Understanding underlying motivation behind monetary goals

    • Difference between tax liens and tax deeds in real estate investment

    • Researching the best deals for tax liens and tax deeds in different states

    • Targeting homestead-occupied homes for tax liens

    • Importance of not paying more than the property is worth


    Follow Courtney Lewis


    About Courtney Lewis

    Courtney Lewis is a seasoned financial expert with over 25 years of experience in corporate America finance, banking, insurance, investments, and planning. She has worked with a wide range of clients, from those who regularly overdrew their bank accounts to wealthy clients seeking portfolio management services for trust investments. As a FINRA and insurance licensed professional, Courtney has seen it all and has a deep understanding that life happens, without passing judgment on her clients.

    One of Courtney's passions is finding creative solutions to solve any problem, a skill she has honed since her childhood when she started using the "envelope system" for cash management on her $2 allowance. She has also invested in stocks, mutual funds, and real estate, successfully flipping her first condo without a Realtor. Her personal real estate journey has now surpassed $4.5 Million in real estate deals, and she receives thousands in passive real estate income. Courtney always maintains a spreadsheet budget, even when her income is healthy in the six figures from multiple sources.

    Despite her professional success, Courtney has faced her share of setbacks and financial hardships, including divorce, long periods of unemployment, credit card debt, and major medical problems. However, she has overcome these challenges and maintained an 800+ credit score while prioritizing her financial goals and plans.

    With 8th Wonder Financial Coaching, Courtney aims to help others break free from financial headaches, stresses, or cycles of debt to free up cash flow and allow them to enjoy life on their terms. Her coaching program is uniquely tailored to each person's needs and goals, as she understands that everyone's financial situation is different. By sharing her expertise and personal experiences, Courtney hopes to normalize talking about money and help others achieve their financial goals.


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    Ep#91 Owning 100 units with 100% Ownership, the Story of Grit, Hard Work and Persistence with Sri Latha

    Ep#91 Owning 100 units with 100% Ownership, the Story of Grit, Hard Work and Persistence with Sri Latha

    Welcome to Achieve Wealth Through Value Add Real Estate Investing Podcast with James Kandasamy.


    Today I am very excited to have Sri Latha as a guest on our weekly show. 


    Sri is a business leader with over 6+ years in the Credit Scoring Industry and over 6+ years in the Real Estate industry. As a former data scientist for FICO, building FICO scores for banks all over the world, Sri has extensive knowledge on the mortgage loan process that allows her to finance deals that need more expertise and creativity.

    As always, if you have enjoyed the show, please subscribe to the show and share it with your friends. There will be more exciting conversations on the show to come.

    Never forget to like and subscribe and press the bell icon for more useful videos.  


    Get your copy of James #1 International Best Selling book – Passive Investing in Commercial Real Estate – https://amzn.to/2Ng35KE




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    YAPClassic: Heather Monahan on Creating Confidence

    YAPClassic: Heather Monahan on Creating Confidence
    When Heather Monahan worked in corporate, she helped her company grow from 100 million in revenue to an excess of 200 million. She rose through the ranks, serving as the VP of Sales, EVP, and eventually Chief Revenue Officer. Despite her tireless efforts, she was fired as soon as a new CEO stepped in. Rather than wallowing in her defeat, she self-published her first bestselling book and became one of the Top Keynote Speakers in the World in 2022. In this episode, you’ll learn about how being a people pleaser makes you less confident, tips for handling rejection, and what you can do to challenge your limiting beliefs.  Heather was named one of the Top 40 Female Keynote Speakers in 2020 and Top 50 Keynote Speakers for 2022 by Real Leaders. Her TEDx talk was promoted to TED and translated into 6 languages. Harper Collins Leadership published her new book Overcome Your Villains in November 2021. Heather has been featured in USA Today, CNN, Forbes, Fast Company, Gary V’s Audio Experience, and The Steve Harvey Show. In this episode, Hala and Heather will discuss:  - How Heather became a renowned speaker  - Micro challenge, macro opportunity  - Dealing with bullies  - Asserting your dominance against negative people  - Confidence vs. insecurity  - How journaling helps Heather track her growth  - Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want  - How can you challenge your limiting beliefs?  - Conducting an audit of your social circle  - Don’t apologize for existing  - And other topics… Heather Monahan is a best-selling author X2, Top 50 Keynote Speaker in the World 2022, Podcast Host of Creating Confidence, TEDX speaker, and has most recently been appointed to the Board of Directors of Healthlynked Corp. As a Chief Revenue Officer in Media, Heather Monahan is a Glass Ceiling Award winner, named one of the most Influential Women in Radio in 2017, Thrive Global named her a Limit Breaking Female Founder in 2018, and in 2021 Girls Club named her the Thought Leader of the Year. Heather’s show, Creating Confidence, debuted on the Top 200 shows on Apple Podcasts. Her guests include Sara Blakely, Gary Vaynerchuck, Ryan Serhant, and Kaitlyn Bristowe, among many other noteworthy celebrities and entrepreneurs. Heather and her son Dylan reside in Miami. Resources Mentioned:  Heather’s TEDx Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/heather_monahan_me_too_s_mis_step_or_me_too_s_mistake  Heather’s Website: https://heathermonahan.com/  Heather’s Books (Hard Copy): https://www.amazon.com/stores/Heather-Monahan/author/B07BNX96Z1?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true  Heather’s Books (Audible): https://www.audible.com/author/Heather-Monahan/B07BNX96Z1  Heather’s Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creating-confidence-with-heather-monahan/id1462192400  Heather’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/theheathermonahan  Heather’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heathermonahan/  Heather’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heathermonahanofficial  Heather’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/_heathermonahan/  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 40% off at yapmedia.io/course. More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com   Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala Learn more about YAP Media Agency Services - yapmedia.io/

    ASK242: ​I’m ready to invest – should I go ahead now? PLUS: Is now a good time to invest in the stock market?

    ASK242: ​I’m ready to invest – should I go ahead now? PLUS: Is now a good time to invest in the stock market?

    This week on Ask Rob & Rob, the guys are answering two more great questions and also taking a look into the current investing habits of Warren Buffet.

    Our first caller this week is Matthew, he has £100,000 saved up in the bank and he’s wanting to get into property. 

    He’s looking for a property to buy for around £250,000 (hopefully less), and he’d like to buy one that he can live in and let out. 

    So he’s wondering if The Robs think now is a good time to buy a personal house, or should he hold off for a bit? 

    Next up we’ve got Jay who’s got a question about the stock market. 

    He’s been keeping an eye on it and has seen some slow incremental rises in the stock markets as a whole. 

    So rather than questioning if he should be investing in property, Jay wants to know if Rob & Rob think he should invest in the stock market or is there potential for them to drop again in the next few weeks?

    The Robs love discussing the stock market, even more so at the minute when many other people are interested in it. But do they think Jay should be investing now or should he hold off?

    Tune in to find out.


    Do you have a buy to let or property investment related question for Rob & Rob? You could feature on the next episode by giving us a call on 013 808 00035 and leaving a message with your name and question (normal UK call rates apply).                       

    Or if you prefer, click here to leave a recording via your computer instead.

    The next question on Ask Rob & Rob could be yours. 

    Have you joined us over on the Property Hub Forum yet? Our online community is friendly, informative, and the members are waiting to welcome you with open arms. So get yourself over and introduce yourself.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    EP243: The Earning Potential of Distressed Mortgage Note Investments with Chris Seveney

    EP243: The Earning Potential of Distressed Mortgage Note Investments with Chris Seveney

    Discover the hidden potential of distressed mortgage notes in this eye-opening podcast with Chris Seveney. Today, he guides you through its intricacies, benefits and drawbacks, and practical strategies to maximize your returns. Don't underestimate the power of these notes; keep listening and unlock the secrets to lucrative investments!


    Topics on Today’s Episode

    • Perks of investing in distressed mortgage notes 

    • A 1-year market projection for distressed mortgage notes 

    • Difficulties in raising capital when buying distressed mortgage notes 

    • Experts' financial and investing insights in today’s market cycle 

    • What makes real estate different from other asset class


    Resources/Links mentioned 

    About Chris Seveney

    Chris Seveney leads 7E Mortgage Note Investments, bringing over 25 years of real estate experience. He is known for his honesty, integrity, professionalism, passion, and tenacity. With a multimillion-dollar portfolio from construction and property rehab, Chris has managed over $1B in new construction. Since 2016, he has acquired 500+ mortgage notes worth over $25 million in unpaid balances across 40+ states. Chris holds degrees in Civil Engineering and Real Estate Finance. He hosts the podcast "Creating Wealth Simplified" and is a top contributor on BiggerPockets.


    Connect with Chris 


    Are you ready to experience the cash flow life? Just text “BOOK” to (480) 500-1127 to get a FREE copy of Corey’s book, Copy Your Way to Success, and learn how apartment investing can change your life today!


    Don’t forget to download my Free Workshop Quick Start Video Series, and if you like what you have heard, please leave a review on iTunes.