
    756. Q&AF: Accepting Help In Your Business, Tell Family And Friends The Truth & Controlling What You Can Control

    enAugust 05, 2024
    Why is accepting help important for business growth?
    What personal experiences influenced Andy Priscilla's business philosophy?
    How does the LiveHard program promote lifestyle changes?
    What are the key skills developed through the LiveHard program?
    How can effective communication improve organizational success?

    Podcast Summary

    • Accepting help in businessAccepting help in business, even for self-reliant individuals, is crucial for growth. Delegating tasks and trusting others can lead to increased capacity and growth, despite initial discomfort.

      Accepting help in business, even for self-reliant individuals like Andy Priscilla, is essential for growth. Priscilla, the host of the show, emphasizes the importance of delegating tasks and trusting others to take responsibility while maintaining control. He shared his personal experience of starting companies after being inspired by his involvement in the MFCEO community and David Goggins at an event. He acknowledged that it can be challenging to let go of control, but the benefits of growth and increased capacity outweigh the initial discomfort. The audience member's question resonated with Priscilla, and he encouraged everyone to consider when and how to bring in help to their businesses while maintaining their unique approach. The show's mission is to provide valuable insights, make listeners think, and laugh, and they rely on the audience to share it with others to expand its reach.

    • Delegation and MistakesEmpowering team members to make mistakes and learn from them saves cost and helps team growth. Delegate responsibilities and surround yourself with competent team members to grow the business.

      As a business owner or leader, it's essential to allow your team to make mistakes and learn from them, rather than constantly replacing them. This not only saves you the cost of hiring and training new employees but also helps your team members grow and increase their value to the organization. Trusting and empowering your team to take on responsibilities can be nerve-wracking, but it's necessary for business growth. Surround yourself with people who are better at the things you're not, and communicate the purpose of your business to help them apply their skills effectively. Remember, you can't go it alone forever. Embracing the idea of delegating responsibilities and allowing for mistakes can lead to a more effective and productive team.

    • Leadership AttachmentLeaders must balance extending grace for team growth and making necessary changes, while sharing ownership feeling and fostering a learning environment to build a great business.

      As a leader, it's essential to understand when to extend grace and help team members grow from their mistakes and when it's time to make a change. Fear of delegating and investing in others' skills can stem from a leader's deep attachment to their business, which is natural given the time, effort, and resources invested. However, to build a great and scalable business, it's crucial to share the ownership feeling with the entire team and create a sense of shared mission. This not only helps alleviate the leader's emotional attachment but also fosters a special work environment that can contribute to the company's growth. Remember, most mistakes can be corrected, and allowing team members to learn from them can lead to stronger assets for the team.

    • Valuing PerspectivesSuccessful organizations value different perspectives and appreciate those who contribute in unique ways. Deliver truthful feedback with kindness to build a fulfilling team experience.

      Building a successful organization requires understanding and valuing different perspectives. Entrepreneurship is a challenging path, not everyone is cut out for it, and it's important to respect and appreciate those who want to contribute in other ways. When communicating with loved ones, it's essential to deliver truthful feedback with kindness, recognizing that the truth doesn't have to be mean. Building a successful organization is about utilizing the strengths of those around you and creating a fulfilling experience for everyone involved. It took the speaker 15 years to learn this lesson, but it's a valuable one for anyone aiming to build a winning team.

    • Effective communication, constructive criticismIntent behind criticism should be rooted in wanting best for person, not personal gain or negative judgement. Present feedback in way that shows care and support for individual's improvement.

      Effective communication and constructive criticism are essential for personal and organizational growth. The speaker emphasizes that the intent behind criticism should be rooted in wanting the best for the person, rather than personal gain or negative judgement. The harshness of the conversation is secondary, and the key is to present the feedback in a way that shows care and support for the individual's improvement. Peer-to-peer leadership and accountability are valuable skills that can lead to success, regardless of one's title or position. The speaker encourages leaders to lead first and earn recognition, rather than waiting for a title to lead. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of perspective and intent in delivering feedback and building successful relationships.

    • Leadership actionsGreat leaders take action before being recognized and hold themselves and others accountable with the right intent. Controlling the things you can control is also essential for managing larger responsibilities.

      Becoming a leader or achieving your goals requires taking action before being given a title or recognition. As the speaker mentioned, great artists were not great before they were recognized, they were already practicing and perfecting their craft. Additionally, holding others accountable can be challenging due to fear of personal backlash, but having the right intent and focusing on the goal can help overcome this. The speaker also emphasized the importance of self-accountability and living with integrity to effectively hold others accountable. Lastly, controlling the things you can control, such as basic habits, is essential for managing larger responsibilities. The speaker shared his personal struggle with controlling food and alcohol, and how recognizing this lack of control led him to develop programs focused on mastering the basics.

    • Mental discipline and self-controlFocusing on controlling diet, exercise, and daily habits can lead to mental strength, confidence, and self-belief, improving self-image and handling external challenges

      Mental discipline and self-control are crucial for feeling good about oneself and living a fulfilling life. The speaker shares his personal struggle with giving control over his decisions to inanimate objects like food and alcohol, leading to a cycle of dieting and weight gain. He realized this was a mental problem and a sign of weakness, and that true strength comes from controlling the things within our reach, such as our diet, exercise, and daily habits. By focusing on these areas and building discipline, we can develop confidence, self-belief, and a sense of power that comes from within. This not only improves our self-image but also enables us to handle external challenges with greater ease.

    • Intentional Decision MakingIntentional decision making and controlling one's environment are key to achieving success and feeling good about oneself, while reacting to external circumstances often leads to missed opportunities and lack of control.

      You are in control of your life and environment, and intentional decision-making is key to achieving success. Most people live reactively, blaming external circumstances for their lack of progress. However, those who intentionally control their decisions and environments are the ones who reap the greatest rewards. It's a mental reprogramming that sets the difference between those who live intentionally and those who just float through life. The mindset of uncertainty and lack of control is pervasive, but it's a myth. Successful people intentionally control their lives, and by doing so, they create an unlimited buffet of opportunities for themselves. It's not just about achieving material success, but also about feeling good about oneself and having a sense of certainty and control. So, instead of waiting for life to happen to you, take charge and make deliberate decisions to shape your future.

    • Self-degradation cycleAdmitting to self-degradation and taking intentional actions towards self-improvement can lead to transformative personal growth and fulfillment

      Taking control of your decisions and following through on your commitments to yourself can lead to a fulfilling and exciting life. However, if you consistently fail to do so, you may end up feeling miserable and believing that you are incapable of change. This cycle of intentional self-degradation can shrink your self-image to nothing. The first step to breaking this cycle is admitting to yourself that you have been lying to yourself and taking intentional, purposeful actions towards becoming who you want to be. This simple admission can give you the power to transform your life and experience a newfound sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

    • LiveHard lifestyleThe LiveHard program is more than just a fitness program, it's a lifestyle that focuses on developing essential skills and empowering us to tackle life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

      The LiveHard program is more than just a fitness program, diet, or challenge. It's a lifestyle that focuses on developing essential skills such as self-belief, confidence, and self-esteem. By keeping the promises we make to ourselves daily, we can gain control over the controllables and improve our overall well-being. The LiveHard program, which can be obtained for free in episode 208, is an investment in oneself that goes beyond physical transformation. It's about creating a mindset that empowers us to tackle life's challenges with confidence and resilience. So, if you're looking to make a meaningful change, consider embracing the LiveHard lifestyle.

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