
    76: Bathroom Trash is Private with Hannah Simone

    enMay 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Individualized comfort for partners with Sleep Number Smart BedsSleep Number Smart Beds provide customized comfort for couples, ensuring a better sleep experience through cooling and pressure-relieving layers, temperature balancing bedding, and automatic adjustments.

      Sleep Number Smart Beds offer individualized comfort for partners with different sleep needs, ensuring both parties enjoy a better quality of sleep. These beds come with cooling and pressure-relieving layers, temperature balancing bedding, and automatically adjust to movements for a comfortable night. Sleep Number ranks number 1 in customer satisfaction with mattresses purchased in-store, according to J.D. Power. Hannah Simone, known for her role as CeCe on New Girl, joined the podcast for an engaging conversation. During their chat, it was revealed that Hannah was present during a scene with Jake, despite not being mentioned. The episode featuring Hannah is a must-listen for New Girl fans. The podcast also encourages listeners to share their second thoughts or wedding advice for a chance to be featured on the show.

    • Unpredictable experiences from high edible dosesTaking excessive edible doses can lead to hallucinations, paranoia, and unpredictable experiences. Users may become disconnected from reality and experience fear or confusion, even after sobering up.

      Taking an unusually high dose of edibles can lead to intense and unpredictable experiences, including hallucinations and paranoia. In this case, a man named TJ decided to celebrate 420 by taking a hero dose of 150 milligrams of gummies. After consuming the edibles, he found himself locked in the mirror in his bathroom, staring at himself for an extended period. He became paranoid when he heard children outside his window, thinking they were watching him and judging him for his drug use. He dropped to the floor and hid in the basement out of fear. Even after sobering up, TJ was unsure how to approach the situation and whether he owed the children an apology. The situation was further complicated by the fact that TJ was not entirely sure if the children were real or if they were a hallucination. The experience served as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of taking high doses of edibles and the potential consequences, both real and imagined.

    • Addressing drug use with older neighborhood kidsAcknowledge the situation, have an open and honest conversation, and prioritize community understanding when addressing drug use with older neighborhood kids.

      If you find yourself in a situation where you've consumed drugs in front of older neighborhood kids who are aware of your actions, it's important to acknowledge the situation and address any potential discomfort or confusion they may feel. However, a formal apology may not be necessary. Instead, consider having an open and honest conversation with them, explaining your actions and reassuring them that you value their safety and well-being. This can help reduce any potential embarrassment or negative consequences for all parties involved. Remember, it's essential to prioritize open communication and understanding in our communities, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like drug use.

    • Misunderstandings and PerceptionsClarify situations to avoid misunderstandings and potential consequences. Our self-perception may not always align with how others see us, especially when under the influence.

      The context of a situation can greatly impact how it is perceived. In the discussion, there was a misunderstanding about whether someone was doing drugs or just using eye drops. The group had different interpretations based on their observations and assumptions. It's important to clarify situations to avoid misunderstandings and potential consequences. The conversation also touched upon the effects of drugs and how they can alter perception and behavior. The speaker shared a personal experience of being high and using the bathroom, where he had an introspective moment looking in the mirror. This experience led him to reflect on his identity and the perception of himself by others. It's a reminder that our self-perception may not always align with how others see us, and being high or in an altered state can further complicate this.

    • Strange noises from neighbors under influence of eye dropsSuspected reality distortion from eye drops led to panic attack. Advised to revisit situation in controlled environment to clarify.

      The speaker's experience of hearing strange noises and behaviors from neighboring children while under the influence of eye drops led him to have a panic attack and question the reality of the situation. The age of the children and the time of day played a role in his perception and reaction. The speaker's wife questioned his account, and he sought advice on whether to confront the situation or ignore it. The recommended solution was to revisit the experience in a controlled environment, with the help of a friend and a similar movie, to determine the truth. The speaker's state of intoxication and the ambiguity of the situation added to the uncertainty and the need for clarification.

    • Embracing Unique Qualities, Overcoming FearTo overcome fear of being perceived negatively, consider acknowledging and leaning into unique qualities, practicing new experiences, and having tools on hand to enhance credibility.

      TJ, in order to overcome his fear of being perceived as a "druggy" or "allergy nerd," can adopt different strategies. He could repeat past experiences, become the neighborhood allergy man, or even go back to confront his trauma. However, the most effective approach might be to acknowledge and lean into his allergies, using them as a cover to avoid unwanted attention. TJ should consider trying 20-25 milligrams of THC and practicing selling his allergy in various situations. Additionally, having Kleenex and eye drops on hand could help him appear more convincing. Ultimately, TJ needs to find a way to embrace his unique qualities and not let fear hold him back.

    • Maintaining a positive attitude and self-confidenceBe confident, walk tall, and don't let others' judgment bring you down. Prepare thoughtful gifts for loved ones, especially on special occasions.

      It's important to maintain a positive attitude and confidence, even when faced with embarrassing situations or the judgment of others. The speaker shared an experience of feeling self-conscious and laughed at by children, suggesting that people should try to walk with their shoulders held high and not react negatively when being laughed at. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of preparing thoughtful gifts for loved ones, especially on special occasions like Mother's Day. The use of services like DoorDash and Aura frames was suggested as a convenient and meaningful way to do so. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-confidence and thoughtful gift-giving.

    • Booking.com: Convenience and PreparationLeverage technology for convenient and flexible accommodation bookings. Practice financial literacy and teach kids responsible money management. Be prepared for unexpected situations.

      Booking.com offers convenience and flexibility when it comes to booking accommodations, ranging from budget resorts to luxury 5-star hotels. The platform's user-friendly interface ensures that what you see online is what you get when you arrive. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of financial literacy and the role of tools like Greenlight, a debit card and money app designed for families, in helping children learn responsible money management. The episode also emphasized the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations, as demonstrated by the need for Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues during travel or allergy seasons. Overall, the conversation underscored the value of being prepared and making informed decisions in various aspects of life.

    • Mother-in-law discovers son-in-law's sex toyA mother-in-law's unexpected discovery of her son-in-law's sex toy leads to an awkward situation, with the daughter-in-law unsure of how to proceed.

      A mother-in-law discovered a sex toy resembling her son-in-law's penis in the shower during a house visit, leading to an awkward situation for all involved. The toy, called "Clone Willie," was made during the son-in-law's absence when he was in the police academy. The mother-in-law made a comment about it, but didn't reveal that she knew it was her son-in-law's. The daughter-in-law is unsure whether to address the situation or not. The discussion also touched on the idea of a reunion of actors from a TV show, and the potential casting of Hannah Simone as a character named Parson.

    • Handling Awkward Conversations: Importance of Communication and Setting BoundariesEffective communication and setting clear boundaries can prevent awkward situations from escalating. Respect individual choices and consider the other person's perspective to navigate conversations with sensitivity.

      Communication and setting boundaries are crucial in handling awkward situations. In the discussed conversation, a mother-in-law discovered an unexpected item in her son's bathroom, leading to a confusing situation. The son and his wife tried to handle it delicately, considering the mother-in-law's reaction and the potential embarrassment for all parties involved. The conversation revealed the importance of considering the other person's perspective and the potential impact of their actions. The mother-in-law's reaction was based on her initial assumption, which might have been inaccurate. The couple attempted to distract her from the situation by suggesting it was a gag gift from a bachelorette party. Communication and setting clear boundaries could have prevented the situation from escalating. The son could have explained the situation to his mother directly, addressing her concerns and setting boundaries for privacy in their home. The conversation also touched on the topic of personal belongings and their significance. The wife's question about getting a mold of her husband's genitals highlights the importance of understanding individual preferences and respecting personal choices. In summary, the conversation emphasizes the importance of open communication, setting boundaries, and respecting individual choices to navigate awkward situations.

    • Creative methods for setting boundaries with intrusive in-lawsInvolve your partner, use provocative items, and maintain personal boundaries to preserve privacy and healthy family dynamics.

      Setting clear boundaries is essential when dealing with intrusive in-laws. In this discussion, the speakers suggest using creative methods to establish boundaries without confrontation. One idea is to leave provocative items in the bathroom to discourage unwanted intrusions. Another suggestion is to involve your partner in addressing the issue, as they may have a better understanding of their family dynamics. Ultimately, it's important to remember that maintaining personal boundaries is crucial for preserving privacy and maintaining a healthy family dynamic. While some creative methods may seem extreme, they can be effective in sending a clear message while avoiding direct confrontation.

    • Mother-in-law's concerns about sex toysMisunderstandings and assumptions can affect mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships. Open communication and reassurance can help alleviate concerns about sex toys in marriage.

      The relationship between a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law can be influenced by misunderstandings and assumptions, particularly when it comes to their private lives. In this discussion, the group explored the possibility that a mother-in-law might be concerned if she discovers her son and daughter-in-law using sex toys, assuming it to be a sign of marital issues or a lack of interest in their son. However, it was suggested that if the daughter-in-law and her husband address the situation openly and reassure the mother-in-law of the health and happiness of their marriage, her concerns could be alleviated. The group also acknowledged that a mother-in-law might not jump to the conclusion of her son using sex toys, but rather assume that her daughter-in-law is the one engaging in such activities. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication and reassurance in maintaining positive relationships between family members.

    • Creating a playful atmosphere with mother-in-lawCompliments, flowers, and lingerie can help alleviate fears and misunderstandings between a couple and mother-in-law. Avoid passive-aggressive or traumatizing actions.

      Creating a playful and flirtatious atmosphere between a couple in the presence of a mother-in-law can help alleviate any potential misunderstandings or fears she may have. This can be achieved through simple gestures such as compliments, buying flowers, or even leaving sexy lingerie in plain sight. However, it's important to ensure that these actions are not passive-aggressive or traumatizing, such as displaying a whip in the bathroom. Instead, the goal is to make the mother-in-law feel reassured that the couple's relationship is strong and that any misunderstandings can be addressed openly and honestly. By implementing these suggestions, the couple can create a more positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

    • Dior Clothing and Authentic EndorsementsThe podcast hosts shared their positive experiences with Dior, Babbel, and Squarespace, providing authentic endorsements and promoting the brands through sponsorships.

      The podcast hosts received new clothing from the brand Dior and discussed the comfort and quality of the items, leading to a sponsored segment for the brand on the podcast. The hosts also mentioned their appreciation for the sponsors Babbel, a language learning app, and Squarespace, a website builder, and shared their positive experiences with these products. The hosts made light-hearted jokes about the coincidental similarity in their outfits, and the episode ended with a call to action for listeners to check out the sponsors' websites using unique discount codes. Overall, the discussion showcased authentic endorsements and the hosts' genuine enthusiasm for the sponsored products.

    • From the UN to New Girl: Hannah Simone's Unique Journey to ActingHannah Simone's diverse background as a human rights officer at the UN and her desire to break free from stereotypical roles led her to a successful acting career on New Girl.

      Hannah Simone's unique background and experiences played a significant role in her journey to acting and ultimately landing the role of Cece Pritchett on "New Girl." Before her acting career, Simone worked at the United Nations as a human rights and refugees officer. She had always wanted to be an actor but felt there were limited opportunities unless she was willing to play stereotypical roles. Simone's communication with Jake Johnson, who she had known for years but hadn't worked with much, was primarily focused on business and lifestyle. When she auditioned for "New Girl," she had a dream of pursuing dramatic roles, but the show's comedy genre ended up being a great fit for her. The experience of working on the show was a learning process, with Simone often offering advice and support to her co-stars. Despite the long hours and demanding nature of filming, she found joy in the experience and the camaraderie with her colleagues. Overall, Simone's background and unique perspective brought depth and authenticity to her role on "New Girl," demonstrating that diverse experiences and backgrounds can lead to unexpected and successful careers in acting.

    • From VJ to Reality Show Host: Overcoming Challenges in the Entertainment IndustryStay persistent, network, and continue auditioning despite rejection to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. Resilience and determination are key.

      Opportunities and experiences can significantly shift one's career trajectory. The speaker shares her journey from being a VJ to hosting a video game reality show, and later facing challenges as an Indian woman in the entertainment industry. Despite initial setbacks, she continued to audition and eventually landed roles in TV shows like "Outsourced" and "New Girl." These opportunities came after being rejected for roles due to her ethnicity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying persistent and continuing to put oneself out there, even in the face of rejection. Additionally, she highlights the importance of networking and building relationships with industry professionals, as these connections can lead to future opportunities. Overall, her story illustrates the importance of resilience and determination in pursuing a career in the entertainment industry.

    • Zooey Deschanel's chemistry with Max GreenfieldDeschanel's instant chemistry with Greenfield led to an unexpected but crucial Nick/Schmidt romantic storyline, enhancing 'New Girl's success.

      The dynamic between actors Zooey Deschanel and Max Greenfield during the filming of "New Girl" was organic and unexpected, yet crucial to the success of the show. Deschanel mentioned feeling an instant chemistry with Greenfield, which was a yin-yang complement to her dry sense of humor. The writers also discovered the potential for a Nick/Schmidt romantic storyline, which became a significant part of the show's development. Deschanel was unaware of this during the pilot stages and found it exciting to discover these elements week by week. She appreciates TV for its ability to build relationships and storylines over time, making it more relatable to real life. The discovery of the Nick/Schmidt dynamic was a turning point, with Lamorne Morris almost getting the role initially. Deschanel's on-set enthusiasm for the potential Nick/Schmidt relationship eventually influenced the writers to develop it further. The organic and evolving nature of the filming process made "New Girl" a successful and beloved show.

    • The impact of friendships on personal and professional growthMeeting supportive friends through connections can lead to personal and professional growth, including new opportunities.

      The people we surround ourselves with significantly impact our personal and professional growth. Hannah Simone shares how she met her closest friend, Gina, through a mutual connection and how their friendship evolved over the years. Gina not only supported Simone's career but also introduced her to new opportunities, including hosting a video game reality show. Simone emphasizes the importance of representation and the role it plays in creating opportunities for underrepresented individuals. She hopes to keep the door open for young artists by creating opportunities for them to succeed. Ultimately, the relationships we build and the people we surround ourselves with can lead to personal and professional growth and open doors to new opportunities.

    • Reflecting on New Girl's Success and Unforgettable MomentsThe cast cherished the final stages of New Girl, shared unforgettable moments, and their camaraderie and unique humor contributed to the show's lasting impact.

      The cast of New Girl had no idea the show would become a long-lasting success and cherished it in its final stages, even when unexpected moments like Nick and Cece's kiss happened. During an interview, Hannah Simone shared memories of their unique dynamic and the unconventional humor, such as the infamous lowercase emails from a fan. Another unseen moment was when they were filming the series finale, and they both couldn't keep a straight face during a scene, making it a memorable experience for them. The cast's camaraderie and their ability to have fun, even in the face of uncertainty, contributed to the show's success and lasting impact.

    • Unexpected moments on TV sets lead to memorable scenesFlexibility and spontaneity in TV production can result in unique and enjoyable content, often due to unexpected moments and the chemistry between actors.

      The unplanned and unexpected moments during the filming of TV shows can lead to some of the most memorable and entertaining scenes. The conversation between Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson from the "New Girl" set revealed how their initial awkward encounter, which was supposed to be a serious scene, turned into a hilarious moment due to their inability to keep a straight face. This spontaneity and flexibility in TV production can result in unique and enjoyable content that keeps audiences engaged. Additionally, the long-standing friendship between the two actors added to the humor of the situation. Overall, the unexpected can often lead to great television.

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    Later, the guys and special guest Luka Jones chat with a caller about naming your son Garland and follow up the second caller from 10 “Spaghetti Again with Damon Wayans Jr.”

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    We're Here to Help
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    We're Here to Help
    enJune 10, 2024

    85: The Muffin Man with Bobby Moynihan

    85: The Muffin Man with Bobby Moynihan

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    Later, the guys chat with Bobby about Saturday Night Live and being directed by Jerry Seinfeld in Unfrosted.

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    We're Here to Help
    enJune 06, 2024

    84: Kevin's Fresh Lobotomy Smile

    84: Kevin's Fresh Lobotomy Smile

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    Later, the guys follow up with the second caller from episode 15 “Dougie McBuckets.” 

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    enJune 03, 2024

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    111: Conscious Communications -- Using Words That Work to Foster Better Connections with Mary Shores on the TalentGrow Show with Halelly Azulay

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    Shownotes: http://www.talentgrow.com/podcast/episode103

    Apple Podcasts: http://apple.co/1NiWyZo

    Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=62847&refid=stpr

    Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Ijwlgz7lklnxqnfzjna7gcr65be

    iHeartRadio Podcasts: http://www.iheart.com/show/263-The-TalentGrow-Show-Gr/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalentGrow

    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/talentgrowshow

    Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2CpgIk1

    Download the free guide: 10 Mistakes Leaders Make and How to Avoid Them




    123: [Solo] Stop Multitasking While Listening During Critical Conversations on the TalentGrow Show with Halelly Azulay

    123: [Solo] Stop Multitasking While Listening During Critical Conversations on the TalentGrow Show with Halelly Azulay

    I’m sure you’ve been on the receiving end of this. The question is: are you dishing it out? Listening in a distracted way during an important conversation. So-called “multitasking” when you really ought to be giving your full attention. Science has shown us that we can’t actually multitask on executive function brain tasks, so let’s stop the charade and quit this nasty and increasingly common habit. On today’s solo episode of the TalentGrow Show, Halelly will share a story from a recent workshop participant where this issue came up. Then she’ll explain why it’s not wise to do something else that requires your thinking bandwidth during critical conversations (the kind where there’s an important outcome and your relationship is on the line). Like reading or writing emails, for example. Even if others are doing it. Even if your senior leaders do it. Don’t. Take a listen now and share with those who could also benefit!

    Shownotes: http://www.talentgrow.com/podcast/episode123

    Apple Podcasts: http://apple.co/1NiWyZo

    Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=62847&refid=stpr

    Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Ijwlgz7lklnxqnfzjna7gcr65be

    iHeartRadio Podcasts: http://www.iheart.com/show/263-The-TalentGrow-Show-Gr/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalentGrow

    Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/talentgrowshow

    Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2CpgIk1

    Download the free guide: 10 Mistakes Leaders Make and How to Avoid Them




    Sex Talk with Super Pornstar Siri

    Sex Talk with Super Pornstar Siri
    On the latest podcast Emily interviews adult film star Siri, the all-natural beauty who has swiftly skyrocketed to success. Listen in as this self-proclaimed “late bloomer” turned sex-positive bombshell give specific tips for performing oral sex on women (and men), anal sex, the truth about faking orgasms - on and off camera, her favorite position and her fantasy role as Power Girl in the world of cosplay.  Siri shares why her biggest turn on is dirty talk, how to deal with jealousy in a non-monogamous relationship and how she went from being a Texas girl to being named the AVN Performer of the Year. Also, Emily gives us the inside scoop about her night out at a Hollywood premiere party and Anderson gives her his two cents about it! Later, they both weigh in on Siri’s instructions for masturbating. From Siri’s role as an activist for The UnSlut Project to what her husband got her for her birthday (you’ll be as surprised as Emily was!), nothing’s off limits in the latest episode of Sex With Emily. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.