
    #76 — The Path to Impeachment

    enMay 18, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Expert Analysis on the Russia Scandal and Implications for TrumpTwo experts discuss the ongoing Russia scandal, its potential implications for President Trump, and the significance of Trump's affinity for Russia in the context of the political landscape.

      The political landscape in Washington has reached a critical point with the accumulation of scandals in the White House, potentially opening the door for impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Sam Harris, the host of the Making Sense podcast, brought on two experts, Anne Applebaum and Juliet Khayyem, to discuss their perspectives on the ongoing Russia scandal and the implications of Trump's affinity for Russia. Applebaum, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and expert on Russia, and Khayyem, a homeland security expert, provided valuable insights into the situation. Despite the rapidly changing news cycle, Harris managed to record conversations with both guests within a few days of the events. Although the specifics of the scandal may evolve, the underlying principles and implications remain worth exploring.

    • Trump's Affinity for Russia and Questionable ActionsTrump's close relationship with Russia and perceived softness towards their political system led to unintentional disclosure of classified info and raised concerns about conflicts of interest and national security risks.

      President Trump's relationship with Russia and his perceived affinity for its political system have led to a series of questionable actions, including inviting the Russian foreign minister to the Oval Office and allowing a Russian photographer into the room. Trump's seeming laxity about the Russians and their potential security threats resulted in the unintentional disclosure of classified information. The underlying issue is Trump's long-held feelings towards Russia and his desire for a close relationship, which have raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and national security risks.

    • Trump's handling of intel info endangers US alliancesPresident Trump's behavior, including sharing sensitive info with unauthorized individuals and disregard for consequences, risks damaging trust and cooperation with US allies, and raises concerns about conflicts of interest and collusion.

      President Trump's handling of intelligence information poses a significant risk to U.S. relationships with its allies. His behavior, which includes sharing sensitive information with unauthorized individuals and disregard for the consequences, has raised concerns that American allies may be hesitant to share intelligence with the U.S. This is unprecedented in recent presidential history and could lead to a breakdown in trust and cooperation. Additionally, Trump's actions, such as firing the FBI director and meeting with Russian officials, raise questions about potential conflicts of interest and collusion. These incidents are not based on any apparent strategy or ideology but rather a pattern of incompetence, childishness, and a need to brag and show off to those he perceives as powerful or appealing.

    • Impulsive Decision to Fire ComeyTrump's hasty firing of Comey raised concerns about his ability to make informed decisions and understand implications, potentially undermining the Russian investigation

      The firing of James Comey by President Trump was an impulsive decision made to get rid of an unwanted investigation and distract from negative media attention. Trump's actions were not well thought out, and he failed to consider the potential fallout, including the timing of a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov the following day. This behavior raises concerns about Trump's ability to make connections between events and understand the implications of his actions, leading to a perception of disregard for the seriousness of the ongoing Russian investigation. The Russian response to these events, finding them hilariously funny, adds to the unease.

    • Normalization of dishonesty in US politics under TrumpRussian elite exploits Trump's chaos and dishonesty, leading to a dangerous normalization of lies and disregard for rules in US politics.

      The Russian political elite has taken advantage of the chaotic and dishonest environment created by President Trump and his administration. They have responded to the Americans' perceived brazenness with their own, and the result is a dangerous normalization of dishonesty and disregard for rules and democratic norms. The President's unpredictability and frequent shifting of stories has led those in his orbit, including serious figures like Tillerson, to lie on his behalf, only to be later contradicted by the President himself. This behavior is reminiscent of dictatorial courts, where loyalty is paramount and the truth is often secondary. Despite the predictability of Trump's actions, many are still astonished, and the tragic comedy of watching otherwise sane individuals put a brave face on the President's lies and delusions continues.

    • Political Scandals and Disinformation OverloadStay informed and engaged in politics while avoiding apathy and mental overload. Broadening investigations beyond Russia collusion is necessary for accountability.

      The constant stream of scandals and disinformation coming from the White House and certain parts of the media is making it increasingly difficult for people to keep up and stay engaged with politics. The danger is that people may become apathetic and disengage from the political process, which could be detrimental to democracy. Additionally, there is a risk that the focus on collusion with Russia may distract from holding Trump accountable for potentially egregious actions that may not be illegal. It's important to broaden the scope of investigations and not get too fixated on one issue. The firehose of information can be overwhelming, and it's essential to stay informed and engaged while also taking care of mental and emotional well-being.

    • Trump's admiration for Russia's political systemTrump's deep political connection to Russia goes beyond known contacts, raising concerns about his loyalty and potential liability for the GOP.

      The relationship between Donald Trump and Russia goes beyond known contacts between campaign staff and Russian individuals or organizations. Trump's admiration for Russia and its political system, including its authoritarian style and kleptocracy, is a major concern. This admiration is not a criminal issue but a political one, and it could potentially make Trump a liability for the Republican Party. Impeachment is a political process, and focusing on Trump's deeper political problems and implications of his behavior as president could help people understand the concerns surrounding his leadership. While there are impeachable offenses, such as his failure to divest from his businesses, impeachment is ultimately a political decision. The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding Trump's admiration for Russia and its political system and the potential consequences for the United States.

    • Doubt about the impact of damaging tapes on Trump's presidencyDespite potentially damaging tapes, Trump's supporters remain unbothered and a shift in media tone or broken promises might be needed to turn the tide against him.

      The existence of potentially damaging tapes of President Trump using offensive language or engaging in discreditable activities may not be enough to sway politicians to impeach or remove him from office. The speaker expresses doubt that the release of such tapes would be a tipping point, as there are Trump supporters who are unbothered by such revelations and others who might react with a counter-reaction. The speaker also mentions the possibility of other tapes or damaging information existing in other places. The speaker finds it depressing that Trump's defenders seem oblivious to his flaws and expresses that it may take a combination of broken promises and a shift in media tone to potentially turn the tide against Trump. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that Trump's supporters form a kind of cult that is resistant to admitting his unfit-for-office behavior.

    • Trump's political movement functions as an online tribeTrump supporters form a strong online community, resistant to logical arguments, and prefer Trump over Pence despite ideological differences.

      The political movement supporting Donald Trump is not typical and cannot be swayed by logical or rational arguments. Instead, it functions as an online tribe, providing its members with a sense of identity, security, and belonging. This phenomenon is a result of the Internet and social media allowing people to organize themselves differently and reinforce their beliefs. Criticisms of Trump are perceived as partisanship by his supporters, and the choice now is between Trump and Mike Pence, with many preferring Pence despite his ideological differences. The strange situation is that, despite Pence being a more balanced and reassuring figure, he is still a nightmare scenario for those opposed to him due to his theocratic background. The political landscape has shifted, and it will be challenging to address this tribal movement with traditional methods.

    • Navigating the Chaotic Political Landscape under TrumpAmidst the unpredictability and entertainment of Trump's presidency, it's important to focus on the facts and consequences of his actions, as analyzed by experts like Juliette Kayyem on CNN.

      The current political climate under President Trump's administration has become a source of constant entertainment and confusion for many Americans. Trump's personality, including his grandiosity, lack of self-awareness, and disregard for facts, has contributed to his popularity and the unpredictability of his presidency. For some, this has turned politics into a full-time pastime, akin to a reality show or soap opera. However, the consequences of Trump's actions, such as the disruption of norms and respect for institutions, are significant and require serious attention. Juliette Kayyem, a CNN analyst, has made it her mission to cut through the partisan miasma and provide facts to the American people during these challenging times. Despite the difficult subject matter, her presence on CNN is appreciated by many as a beacon of truth and clarity in an increasingly chaotic political landscape.

    • Labeling Critics as Partisan Hampers Productive DialogueLabeling critics as partisan instead of addressing specific behaviors can hinder productive dialogue and understanding.

      The allegation of partisanship against those who criticize the President's behavior is perverse. Sam Harris, the host of the Making Sense podcast, has been critical of Trump since the beginning. His criticism is not based on partisanship but on specific problematic behaviors. It's important to note that Harris' podcast is ad-free and relies solely on listener support. The podcast and other subscriber-only content, including bonus episodes and AMAs, can be accessed at samharris.org. The use of the term "perverse partisanship" highlights the issue of people labeling critics as partisan when they are simply pointing out issues with the President's actions. This labeling can hinder productive dialogue and understanding. It's crucial to separate criticism of an individual's actions from partisan affiliations.

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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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