
    79: Joy Comes in the Morning: a difficult court battle didn't stop her with Christine Trimpe

    en-usApril 22, 2023
    What was the main topic of the podcast episode?
    Summarise the key points discussed in the episode?
    Were there any notable quotes or insights from the speakers?
    Which popular books were mentioned in this episode?
    Were there any points particularly controversial or thought-provoking discussed in the episode?
    Were any current events or trending topics addressed in the episode?

    About this Episode

    I'm excited to have author, speaker, health coach, and friend Christine Trimpe join me again.  She's known as the 'joy girl' as she's learned to seek joy no matter what challenge she's facing!

    And Christine's faced several challenges! You might remember Christine from episode 53: An Invitation to Sit at His Table. In that episode, she shared about her incredible weight loss transformation.  If you haven't already listened to it, I encourage you to check it out.

    About the same time Christine was seeing great results with her weight loss journey, another challenge intersected her path.  Her son, Kyle, was involved in a catastrophic car accident, which significantly impacted his life.

    Because their insurance company repeatedly denied Kyle's treatments and therapies claims, a court battle followed. Christine leaned hard on God when the challenges weighed heavy on her, seeking God's strength and focusing on the joy in her life.

    Psalm 27 and 37 were her 'go-to- verses, reminding her to not fret about the circumstances and to trust God. As she pondered these verses, she realized, "My job is to trust God. God's job is the outcome." WOW! What great wisdom!

    To learn more about Christine, go to www.christinetrimpe.com. Her book, Seeking Joy through the Gospel of Luke: A Christmas to Calvary Advent Countdown, is available on Amazon. 

    Recent Episodes from Challenges Won't Stop Me

    97: Meanwhile: Meeting God in the Wait with Carol McLeod

    97: Meanwhile: Meeting God in the Wait with Carol McLeod

    Are you in a meanwhile?

    My guest, Carol McLeod, describes a meanwhile as "the test of faith between a crisis and God's visible intervention."

    What do you do or say during the time between when a crisis intersects your life and when you see God's visible intervention?

    My guest is Carol McLeod. She's an overcomer, an award-winning author of sixteen books, host of the Significant Women podcast, international speaker, Craig's wife, and Marmie to her ten grandchildren.

    Carol and I discuss several snippets of her Bible study about the life of Joseph titled "Meanwhile: Meeting God in the Wait."

    I gained so much insight and understanding about those months or years in the meanwhiles - in the waiting - when I worked through Carol's powerful Bible study.

    Notable quotes from this episode with Carol McLeod:

    • "Just as God has a plan for your life, so does the enemy. His ugly plan is that you, as a believer in Christ, will live out your earthly days in the dit of despair, in the pit of hopelessness, and the pit of unending depression. There is no potential for growth or nourishment there. The devil is unable to take eternal life from you, so he endeavors to take abundant life from you."
    • "Joseph spoke generously because his life had been refined by human pain and he saw the unprecedented and miraculous plan of God unfold."

    Bible verses:

    • 2 Corinthians 5:7 "We live by faith, not by sight."
    • Psalm 138:8 "God will accomplish what concerns me."
    • John 16:22 "... no one can take away your joy ..."
    • Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many nations."
    • Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

    Carol's Bible study, Meanwhile: Meeting God in the Wait, is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

    Connect with Carol McLeod:
    On her website:  https://www.carolmcleodministries.com
    On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carol.b.mcleod
    On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carolmcleod_

    Get your ticket to the 20th annual women's conference: Overflowing: Living Abundantly in a Broken Culture HERE

    96: Gratitude Heals the Broken in Me: a mindset interview with Honey Duncan

    96: Gratitude Heals the Broken in Me: a mindset interview with Honey Duncan

    My guest, Honey Duncan, is celebrating her 7th year of sobriety today – February 20, 2024. 

    Since her recovery from drug addiction, Honey has been intentional about practicing gratitude. 

    It’s a mindset that keeps her focused on the good things in her life, helps her maintain a positive attitude, and shows her thankfulness to God for always being with her.

    Honey believes gratitude is a powerful force in every area of her life. 

    Notable quotes from this episode with Honey Duncan:

    ·         “I know that the devil is attacking us. I know that he will look for cracks in our armor or he will look for any weaknesses that you are focused on. Gratitude is one more defense that I can put up.”

    ·         “There is a powerful notion that you can restart your day at any time. At any moment, you can decide to have a different version of your day.”

    ·         “Gratitude helps me soothe my sickness. To heal what’s broken and dark inside of me. Gratitude is not homework. It is rescuing me.”

    ·         “I am done being the problem in my life. It’s no longer going to be me that holds myself back.”

    Connect with Honey Duncan:

    On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/honey.h.duncan
     On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honeyd/

    95: I Was Made for More: 7 year sobriety anniversary with Honey Duncan

    95: I Was Made for More: 7 year sobriety anniversary with Honey Duncan

    My guest, Honey Duncan, is celebrating her 7th year of sobriety today – February 20, 2024. 

    It took just one pain pill to cause her descent into addiction. While that pain pill helped with her back pain, it also helped numb her emotional pain. She liked how that pill seemingly solved her problems. 

    She quotes actor Russell Brand in her interview. He said, “Drugs and alcohol are not my problem. Reality is my problem. Drugs and alcohol are the solutions to my problem.” 

    Four overdoses scared her, but they were not her rock bottom. Jail was. While there, Honey decided, “I was made for more.” Jail was the needed ‘wakeup call’ to take recovery seriously. 

    Today is a day of celebration. One in which Honey will give all the credit to God for breaking the stronghold of addiction.


    Notable quotes from this episode with Honey Duncan:

    ·         “I don’t know at what point I gave up on being worthy. But I was like I’m never gonna be worthy, so I might as well be bad.”

    ·         “There’s no running away from your pains. You have to confront them and overcome them.”

    ·         “The only person my anger is hurting is myself.”

    Bible verses:

    ·         Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.”

    ·         Ephesians 6:12 NLT “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

    Connect with Honey Duncan:

    On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/honey.h.duncan
    On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honeyd/

    94: The Grace of the Impossible: a mindset interview with Sara Cormany

    94: The Grace of the Impossible: a mindset interview with Sara Cormany

    During the difficult days of Sara Cormany's journey, she developed a mindset of seeing God's grace in seemingly impossible situations.

    Sara believes God has done the impossible in her life. His grace allows her to understand the hard times were necessary in growing her faith and trust in Him. The years of living with a chronic illness, the neurological residuals she now has after a stroke, the pain and grief of miscarriages … Sara sees how God worked in and through those impossible challenges. She poured out her heart to God, which strengthened her relationship with Him. 

    This grace of the impossible is a gift from God. This gift allows you to see all the ways God was with you, protected you, fought for you, and surrounded you with love during your difficult days.

    Notable quotes from this episode with Sara Cormany: 

    ·         “The just hard … just every single day over the last year, and it is no mistake that God would be bringing this book out into the world now. Because I was able to look at His faithfulness and see how He worked through our impossible years ago. And I think that’s what He does. When we are able to look across the landscape of our lives and see His faithfulness through our hard things in the past, it gives us the hope to keep pressing on in the future.”

    ·         “Without God … the grace of the impossible, or the impossible, is nothing but an obstacle. But with God, it’s just the beginning of what’s possible.”

    ·         “When we can be vulnerable and we can be honest, that builds relationship. And knowing He is big enough to handle our hurts and our pain and our frustration, it keeps an ongoing conversation so that we can truly know His heart.”

    Scripture references:

    ·         Matthew 17:20 “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.”

    ·         1 Samuel 17:48 “As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him.”

    ·         2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

    Connect with Sara Cormany: 

    On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sara.cormany

    On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saracormany/

    Her website: https://saracormany.com/ 

    93: Required Deeper Faith and Trust: health-related limitations haven't stopped her with Sara Cormany

    93: Required Deeper Faith and Trust: health-related limitations haven't stopped her with Sara Cormany

    My guest, Sara Cormany, is a speaker and author of the newly released devotional, Even When: Experiencing God During Difficult Days.

    The daily fight with a chronic illness became too much to bear, forcing Sara to leave her role as a high school drama and speech teacher. In 2011, Sara’s life-impacting disease became life-threatening.

    Unaware of the seriousness of her symptoms, Sara continued living as normally as possible for six weeks before being given the news that she’d suffered a stroke. 

    Post stroke, Sara says she has a ‘wonky brain’ and a ‘wonky body,’ but be assured that her wonkiness doesn’t stop her from continuing to pursue her dream of teaching. Now, she teaches through the messages in her book and when she shares messages with audiences.

    Notable quotes from this episode with Sara Cormany: 

    ·         “When you’ve gone through life thinking, oh, I just have a weird body, but nobody is that woofed about it, so I guess I won’t be either. To words like strokes and death, and it just changed the game. And it requires deeper faith and deeper trust that God, you’ve got this.”

    ·         “He grows beautiful things in and through my story.”

    ·         “I continue to thank Him even in the hard … that’s part of the journey and that’s part of the utter dependence on God.”

    Connect with Sara Cormany: 

    On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sara.cormany

    On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saracormany/

    Her website: https://saracormany.com/ 

    92: The Curse of the Easy Button video solocast

    92: The Curse of the Easy Button video solocast

    In this first video solocast of season six, I'm excited to share some insights I've gained through the hard challenges of my journey. 

    *Please note that this episode is a video solocast. Please visit my YouTube channel @MelonyBrown to watch it. 

    In 2005, the office supply company, Staples, launched a marketing campaign which introduced the 'easy button.' The easy button would solve frustrating situations. 

    The downfall of the 'easy button' is it trained our culture to be frustrated by anything that was hard, or time-consuming, or took too long to obtain. Going through the drive-thru is easier than preparing a home-cooked meal. Ordering cleaning supplies, wrapping paper, and dog food on Amazon is indeed less-time consuming than making a trip to Target. 

    Unfortunately, the 'easy button' marketing campaign has permeated our mindsets. Not just about our errands but about the hard challenges we face in life. 

    John 16:33 reads, "In this life you will have trouble. Take heart, for I have overcome the world." 

    James 1:2-4 reads, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." 

    Matthew 19:26 reads, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” 

    Jeremiah 32:17 reads, "Nothing is too hard for you." 

    When we are going through hard challenges, we see several of God's responses in each letter of the word hard. 

    H - God helps. 
    Check out these additional verses: 2 Samuel 22:36, 2 Chronicles 32:8, Psalm 46:1, and Psalm 121:1-2. 

    We often don't see God helping us. Hebrews 11:1 reminds us, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." 

    A - God is active.
    Check out these additional verses:
    Isaiah 64:4, Deuteronomy 23:14, and 2 Chronicles 36:22. 

    R - We receive many blessings from God. Those blessings are activated by hard challenges, which is often how God strengthens, develops, and grows character traits in us. This one is different from the other three letters. You receive blessings when you accept Jesus' salvation. 

    Challenges activate those blessings, which can lead to your growth. Think fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23.

    D - God directs. 
    Check out these additional verses:
    Proverbs 20:24, Isaiah 48:17, and 1 Kings 17:9. 

    What is the purpose of hard challenges? Your growth is the purpose of hard. Your growth is what makes hard necessary. Your growth is the outcome of hard. Your growth is valuable because you are invaluable to God. 

    In the last third of this episode, I share several hard challenges I've faced and how those challenges activated my growth. 

    *I do not share this to boast about myself. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 1:31, "Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”

    2 Corinthians 12:9 reads, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." 

    Moyamoya disease is a rare cerebrovascular disease that affects 1 in 2 million people. It is characterized by strokes, mini strokes, and migraines. 

    Philippians 4:7 reads, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 

    Ephesians 6:17 reads, "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

    My books, Challenges Won't Stop Me and Keep Moving Forward, are available at www.melonybrown.com.books.

    91: What Healthy Boundaries Do You Need to Establish? with Cherie Denna

    91: What Healthy Boundaries Do You Need to Establish? with Cherie Denna

    Cherie Denna joined me for episode 90: Didn’t Fit In. Didn’t Belong. A dysfunctional childhood didn’t stop her. Cherie is an author, speaker, and writing coach. 

    In episode 90, she shared about growing up with members of the mob and members of an outlaw biker gang as her family. She witnessed excessive violence, suffered abuse, and never felt like she belonged. 

    If you missed Cherie’s story episode, be sure to listen to it!

    In this interview, Cherie joined me to discuss the habit of healthy boundaries and why we need to establish them. 

    Notable quotes from this episode with Cherie Denna: 

    * "The Holy Spirit is our protector.” 

    * "Being in God’s Word. There’s a reason why it’s described as a sword. Having that boundary is key. Above any other type of boundary that I could possibly adopt in my life because it all starts with what’s up in my head. What I’m thinking. What I’m focused on is going to determine what I speak and what I do.” 

    * "We can forgive, but we do not necessarily have to be reconciled to that person.”

    Scripture references:

    Luke 18:7 “And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?”

    Connect with Cherie Denna: 

    On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheriedenna 

    On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheriedenna/ 

    Her website: https://cheriedenna.com/

    Cherie's memoir, Beloved Outcast: The Quest for True Belonging, is releasing in February of 2024. 

    90: Didn't Fit In. Didn't Belong. a dysfunctional childhood didn't stop her with Cherie Denna

    90: Didn't Fit In. Didn't Belong. a dysfunctional childhood didn't stop her with Cherie Denna

    Excited to kick off season 6 with Cherie Denna's story interview! 

    Cherie Denna is an author, speaker, and writing coach. In this interview, she describes her dysfunctional childhood, which was comprised of mob members from her mom's family and outlaw bikers from her dad's family. 

    Violence occurred daily. Additionally, Cherie and her sister were abused by her stepfather. At 17, she knew she had to get away from that toxic environment. She began to process the violence, abuse, and fear she experienced in her childhood home. The resulting trauma caused PTSD, suicidal ideations, and infertility. 

    Many years later, Cherie accepted an invitation to a ladies retreat at a church from a friend. This event became a turning point for her. She accepted Jesus and discovered her identity and belonging in Him. 

    Cherie's memoir, Beloved Outcast: The Quest for True Belonging, is releasing in February. 

    Notable quotes from this episode with Cherie Denna: 

    * "Just the nature of the culture of belonging to a mob family and being associated with outlaw bikers. Everything had to stay within the family. Nobody outside the family can be trusted." 

    * "I grew up immersed in fear." 

    * "I knew I had to get out of there. I thought I was running from it all. You can't. You can run from the environment, but the after effects of all the trauma goes with you." 

    * [Jesus] set me on a whole different path. I had a way now through Him - through Christ - to truly learn who I was born to be. And who I truly belonged to." 

    Scripture references:

    2 Corinthians 5:17: "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
    creation; the old has gone, the new had come!" 

    Connect with Cherie Denna: 

    On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheriedenna

    On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheriedenna/

    Her website: https://cheriedenna.com/

    89: Surrender Leads to Transformation: Fulfilling Your Purpose and Potential with Mimika Cooney

    89: Surrender Leads to Transformation: Fulfilling Your Purpose and Potential with Mimika Cooney

    Excited to have author, speaker, podcaster, and personal trainer for your mind, Mimika Cooney, join me.

    While Mimika could have chatted about any of the numerous topics she's written about in her ten books, we focused on the topics covered in her soon to be released book, Unlock the Mind of a Champion: How Ordinary People Achieve the Extraordinary. This book can be pre-ordered on Amazon and purchased on September 28, 2023.

    Surrendering, or yielding to the power of another, is a challenging topic. Being forced to surrender leads to fear, anger, and resentment. Surrendering your will to Jesus leads to transformation and personal growth.

    Jesus will never force you to surrender your will. When you freely surrender your will to Jesus, you will find freedom.

    Mimika shares an analogy about breaking a wild horse so as to become a winning racehorse. You may wrinkle your nose at being compared to a racehorse, but listen to her explanation and you'll understand why her analogy is a powerful one!

    Mimika also describes how God will give you elastic time to complete the tasks He's given you. She encourages us to allow God to stretch us.

    Enter Mimika's drawing at www.mimikacooney.com until October 6 for a chance to win a signed copy of her book and other goodies to celebrate the release of her new book, Unlock the Mind of a Champion: How Ordinary People Achieve the Ordinary. 

    To learn more about Mimika Cooney, visit her website at www.mimikacooney.com.

    Check out her YouTube channel at www.youtube/@mimikacooney for videos and resources. 

    88: God Writes Straight by Broken Lines with Maggie Rowe

    88: God Writes Straight by Broken Lines with Maggie Rowe

    I met today's guest, Maggie Rowe, at the 2023 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. I enjoyed chatting with her between speakers and taking her class.

    I truly enjoyed reading Maggie's devotional, This Life We Share: 52 reflections on journeying well with God and others. I knew from the first sentence of the Introduction: "Let's take a road trip!" that Maggie and I likely have a love for journeys in common.

    Later in the Introduction, Maggie wrote, "The word of God will serve as our map." I could hardly contain my excitement as a map represents the Word of God in my book, Challenges Won't Stop Me!

    As I read through the devotion topics (anxiety, peace, joy, waiting, gratitude, friendship, parenting, hospitality, faith, prayer, etc.), I realized she covered topics that would interest a person in all stages of life, both male and female.

    In this episode, Maggie and I discuss two devotion topics that related to overcoming challenges. In the devotion, "Reflection 8: Finding Peace in the Midst of Pain," she shares how a tour guide during a trip to Israel explained the definition of Gethsemane, which is gath (press) and shemen (oil). When Jesus was being crucified, the weight of all sin pressed heavily on Him.

    While we won't face the challenge of crucifixion, most of have experienced the weight of our challenges pressing heavily on us. Maggie shared how we can experience God's peace during pain.

    In the devotion, "Reflection 10: God Writes Straight by Broken Lines," Maggie shares this quote by Ann Voskamp: "The seed breaks to give us the wheat. The soil breaks to give us the crop, the sky breaks to give us the rain, the wheat breaks to give us the bread. And the bread breaks to give us the feast." It's in the breaking that we grow.

    My favorite part of this devotion is the Portuguese phrase, Deus escreve certo por linhas tortas, which translates, "God makes straight by broken lines." I love what Maggie shares about this phrase and how it relates to facing challenges and fighting to overcome them.

    This Life We Share: 52 reflections on journeying well with God and others and Maggie's other book, Life Is Sweet Y'all: Wit and Wisdom with a Side of Sass, are available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

    Learn more about Maggie and connect with her at www.maggierowe.com.

    Be sure to enter the drawing for a copy of Maggie's book, This Life We Share, by subscribing to her website at www.maggierowe.com between August 23, 2023 and September 1, 2023. A winner will be announced on September 1, 2023!