
    About this Episode

    What is going on with these 7 second videos? Why are all these people saying the algorithm changed to 7seconds?

    In this episode I’m gonna talk about this rumor that 7sec videos with text on them goes is what the algorithm wants in order for you to go viral on TikTok. Spoiler alert, it’s bullshit these people are clueless.

    Let's get into it...

    It’s not the 7 seconds that’s going viral, it's something much easier and.. Quite brilliant when you fully understand. 

    Now this is gonna be a short but informative episode.

    but before we jump into this episode, if you haven’t already feel free to subscribe to the podcast, drop a review and let me know your thoughts on this episode and what results you were able to achieve from this episode.

    As always this podcast is sponsored by TokTools.com

    TOKtools are the only tools you need to analyze, track, and audit any profile on TikTok with just a click of a button! 

    TOKtools is the weapon of choice for social media managers, influencers, brands, and creators when it comes to everything TikTok!

    Recent Episodes from Talk the Tok - TikTok Marketing Podcast

    TikTok is removing WHAT?! Massive UPDATE!

    TikTok is removing WHAT?! Massive UPDATE!

    In this episode I’m dropping a BIG update on something TikTok is removing from the app, and something that will replace it.

    This hasn’t been talked about, or shared anywhere yet, so I’m giving you some pretty exclusive inside scoop on what’s to come.

    From what I can see, this  is going to have a massive effect on the platform as we currently know it and potentially be a game changer.

    On top of that I’m going to tell you some things to do to prepare AHEAD OF TIME before anyone else.

    Podcast is sponsored by TokTools.com

    TOKtools are the only tools you need to analyze, track, and audit any profile on TikTok with just a click of a button! 

    TOKtools is the weapon of choice for social media managers, influencers, brands, and creators when it comes to everything TikTok!

    How to Unlock Suggested Videos on TikTok

    How to Unlock Suggested Videos on TikTok

    What if I told you that Youtubes Suggested videos feature is available on Tiktok RIGHT NOW? And no one is talking about it. AT ALL?

    I’m going to show you how you can take advantage of this on TikTok, a couple best practices, and of course a quick strategy on how you can best gamify this.

    It’s so simple, and obvious you’ll probably be laughing by the end of this episode.


    Podcast is sponsored by TokTools.com

    TOKtools are the only tools you need to analyze, track, and audit any profile on TikTok with just a click of a button! 

    TOKtools is the weapon of choice for social media managers, influencers, brands, and creators when it comes to everything TikTok!

    Pinned Post Strategy - What Everyone's doing Wrong

    Pinned Post Strategy - What Everyone's doing Wrong

    Pinned Posts - Everyone uses them, yet no one knows how to ACTUALLY use them.

    In this episode I'm going to share a high-level Pinned post strategy that I KNOW you've never heard before and will be an absolute game changer for your TikTok strategy & growth.

    If you're using pinned posts, you absolutely need to listen to this one!

    Podcast is sponsored by TokTools.com

    TOKtools are the only tools you need to analyze, track, and audit any profile on TikTok with just a click of a button! 

    TOKtools is the weapon of choice for social media managers, influencers, brands, and creators when it comes to everything TikTok!

    5 reasons why TikTok Stories are a VERY big deal and how it’s going to redefine TikTok’s future

    5 reasons why TikTok Stories are a VERY big deal and how it’s going to redefine TikTok’s future

    In this episode I’m gonna talk about how TikTok stories might be the biggest game changer for TikTok for the next few years, the massive impact it’s going to have, and why this is a brilliant in-direct attack towards Instagrams future.


    I'll break down my 5 reasons why and what you need to do in order to prepare for this pretty big change that’s gonna come.

    The introduction of Stories are such a game changer, not because of the short term wins and success Tiktok is going to have from it, but the long term effects it’s going to produce.

    I think we’re gonna look back on the introduction of stories 2 years from now and really appreciate what it did for the platform and how it built out the core future product roadmap.


    So what we’re gonna do first is I’m gonna give you my 5 bullet point  reasons why stories are a brilliant new addition when it comes to TikTok's future roadmap.

    And then we’re gonna break them down.

    1. It’s going to get the lazy casual consumer and creator active and more involved. 
    2. It creates new distribution channels for creators and advertisers within the platform.
    3. Richer Data sets to build their advertising and machine learning even better.
    4. An attack vector on Instagarm Stories (the most consumed content on Instagram currently)
    5. It helps in-directly build their messaging channels.

    So let’s quickly break down all 5 in detail. Starting from the 2nd most important reason.


    7sec TikTok videos is BS - This is the REAL secret!

    7sec TikTok videos is BS - This is the REAL secret!

    What is going on with these 7 second videos? Why are all these people saying the algorithm changed to 7seconds?

    In this episode I’m gonna talk about this rumor that 7sec videos with text on them goes is what the algorithm wants in order for you to go viral on TikTok. Spoiler alert, it’s bullshit these people are clueless.

    Let's get into it...

    It’s not the 7 seconds that’s going viral, it's something much easier and.. Quite brilliant when you fully understand. 

    Now this is gonna be a short but informative episode.

    but before we jump into this episode, if you haven’t already feel free to subscribe to the podcast, drop a review and let me know your thoughts on this episode and what results you were able to achieve from this episode.

    As always this podcast is sponsored by TokTools.com

    TOKtools are the only tools you need to analyze, track, and audit any profile on TikTok with just a click of a button! 

    TOKtools is the weapon of choice for social media managers, influencers, brands, and creators when it comes to everything TikTok!

    Pay attention Total Watch Time! - How to get more 3min viral videos on TikTok

    Pay attention Total Watch Time! - How to get more 3min viral videos on TikTok

    Today I want to talk about probably the most important thing in your TikTok Analytics that I know you’re ignoring but can be an absolute game changer if you pay closer attention to it in 2022. When you look at the data… it’s pretty shocking and an absolute game changer moving forward.   

    Now before I tell you what it is, It’s important to first understand that TikTok is changing, evolving from being just a short form video platform, to a Video platform. TikTok themselves are no longer describing themselves as a short video platform, they now say “Video Platform”. Leaving out the short part.


    Because TikTok is evolving, we need to evolve with it. New features means there’s new things you should be paying attention to. Both in your content strategy as well as you analytics and data.

    That being said, the #1 thing I want you to start paying attention to in your video analytics is...

    STOP using Hashtags on TikTok! Do this instead

    STOP using Hashtags on TikTok! Do this instead

    In this episode of Talk the Tok Podcast, we’re going to talk about HASHTAGS and what nobody understands when it comes to how to actually use them on TikTok.


    The thing that all the gurus and experts tell you to use, and yet they have no clue as to how they’re ACTUALLY are used.

    I’m gonna save you a ton of time and tell you this.

    They are a waste of your time.

    Now before you flip out and want to debate it, let’s first talk about what hashtags actually do and what they don’t.


    As always this podcast is sponsored by TokTools.com

    TOKtools are the only tools you need to analyze, track, and audit any profile on TikTok with just a click of a button! 

    TOKtools is the weapon of choice for social media managers, influencers, brands, and creators when it comes to everything TikTok!

    TikTok 2022 Predictions - I've been right for 3 years - Will this be 4?

    TikTok 2022 Predictions - I've been right for 3 years - Will this be 4?

    In this FIRST episode, I thought I would start off with some 2022 predictions! I originally recorded this episode back in October of 2021, but I felt it was fitting for my first episode to kick the podcast off. Every year I do my predictions, and literally EVERY SINGLE YEAR I’ve been right. Like… REALLY right.

    In this episode I go deep into what I predict what will happen in 2022 for everything TikTok. And I’m not talking about some basic vague answers, I’m talking details and specifics!

    Some things I get into is:

    • TikTok introducing 10min videos
    • BIG live streaming push (to steal gamers from Twitch)
    • Introduction into the VR Headset space
    • Building out local profiles for local locations
    • Mini Programs (what the heck is this and why you should know!)

    And a bunch more! So tune in, get ready, and prepare for 2023 and get ahead of your competition!


    As always this podcast is sponsored by TokTools.com

    TOKtools are the only tools you need to analyze, track, and audit any profile on TikTok with just a click of a button! 

    TOKtools is the weapon of choice for social media managers, influencers, brands, and creators when it comes to everything TikTok!