
    8/14/23: DeSantis Humiliated At Iowa Fair, Maui Residents Outraged At Disaster Relief, Trump Legal Team Texts, UPS 170k Salary, Auto Exec Caught Vacationing, Viral Rich Men North of Richmond Song, SBF Jailed, SF Workers Flee, Kansas Cops Raid Newspaper

    enAugust 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • New podcasts for bedtime battles and current eventsListen to Koala Moon for bedtime stories and meditations, The Daily Show for news, and Ziggly Fiber for faster internet. Politics includes the 2024 election, Iowa debates, and potential Trump indictments. Wildfires in Hawaii and SPF's arrest in crypto news.

      There are new and interesting podcasts available to make bedtime battles with kids easier and more enjoyable. The Koala Moon podcast offers original kids bedtime stories and cozy sleep meditations, making bedtimes a dream. Meanwhile, The Daily Show, Ears Edition, hosted by Jon Stewart, provides the latest news and exclusive interviews for adults. Additionally, Ziggly Fiber offers faster uploads and savings compared to cable Internet. In politics, the race for the 2024 election is heating up, and Breaking Points is expanding its coverage with the support of premium subs. Meanwhile, in Iowa, the Republican candidates faced off, with Ron DeSantis being met with chants of "we want Trump," causing a moment of weakness for Governor Kim Reynolds. The wildfires in Hawaii continue to wreak havoc, and potential new Trump indictments and revelations about his team's actions in Georgia are making headlines. Finally, crypto boy wonder SPF has landed himself in jail.

    • Donald Trump's Dominance at the Iowa State FairDespite challenges from other candidates, Trump's popularity among Republicans remained unchallenged at the Iowa State Fair. His presence overshadowed all others, solidifying his position as the central figure in the Republican race.

      At the Iowa State Fair, Donald Trump once again proved his dominance within the Republican Party. Despite efforts from other candidates like Ron DeSantis and Kim Reynolds, Trump's popularity among the Republican base remained unchallenged. Moments like Crystal's failed attempt to connect with the crowd or Reynolds' realization of shallow support served to further solidify Trump's position. The event marked a significant demotion for Iowa in the political season, as the Democratic side had already been demoted due to caucus mishaps. An interesting moment came when Vivek Ramaswami attempted to warm up the crowd with a rendition of Eminem's "Lose Yourself," but it failed to make a significant impact compared to Trump's draw. Overall, Trump's presence overshadowed all other candidates, making it clear that he remains the central figure in the Republican race.

    • Authenticity resonates with votersBoth Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump have shown the power of authenticity in politics. Trump's unapologetic approach appeals to voters, while Ramaswamy's commitment to his beliefs sets him apart.

      Authenticity resonates with voters. Both Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump have shown this in different ways. Ramaswamy stays true to his beliefs, even if unpopular, while Trump never pretended to be anything other than himself. Trump's appeal lies in his unapologetic approach, as shown in his first foray at the Iowa State Fair. Trump's dominance in the Republican primary polls, despite some controversy, underscores this point. On the Democratic side, the lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden contrasts starkly with the enduring love for Barack Obama. The Republican primary, which was expected to be contested, now seems like a foregone conclusion, much like the Democratic one. The lack of competition in both primaries may have more to do with legal battles than the candidates themselves.

    • Trump's unexpected appearance at the Iowa State Fair shifts focusFormer President Trump drew the largest crowd and caused a shift in focus, with some voters shouting down other candidates, despite efforts from Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswami, and others to make an impact.

      Despite the presence of various political candidates at the Iowa State Fair, former President Trump continued to exert significant influence over the event. Trump's unexpected appearance drew the largest crowd and caused a shift in focus, with some voters shouting down other candidates. Candidates like Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswami put in considerable effort to make an impact at the fair, but Trump's showmanship and trolling tactics dominated the headlines. Overall, the energy at the fair was high, with voters expressing interest in alternative candidates while still showing strong support for Trump.

    • Iowa State Fair: A Platform for Political CandidatesDonald Trump and other candidates are using the Iowa State Fair to reach less politically engaged voters. Governor Kim Reynolds' stance towards Trump could impact her endorsement decision.

      The Iowa State Fair is a significant opportunity for political candidates, particularly Donald Trump, to connect with less politically inclined voters. Trump and other candidates are sending a large number of staffers and surrogates to the fair to engage with attendees and media. However, Trump's actions towards Governor Kim Reynolds may be influencing her decision on endorsements, with her actions suggesting a lean towards Ron DeSantis. No clear plan has emerged from non-Trump campaigns on how to mount a comeback against Trump's lead. The wildfires in Hawaii, which have already resulted in the deadliest death toll in over a century, have devastated historic areas and left thousands missing. The combination of drought, non-native grasses, and hurricane-strength winds contributed to the disaster.

    • Hawaii wildfires: Residents plead for more aid and resourcesResidents in Lahaina are struggling without power, water, and gas, pleading for more aid and resources from the federal government. Perceived lack of action from larger relief organizations and difficulties in accessing supplies and communicating are adding to their frustration.

      The ongoing wildfires in Hawaii are causing significant destruction and hardship for residents, with many feeling abandoned and frustrated by the lack of aid and resources from the federal government. The situation is particularly dire in Lahaina, where people are out of power, water, and gas, and are having to rely on community efforts and their own resources to survive. Despite the presence of a large military base nearby, there is a perceived lack of action and organization from larger relief organizations. Residents are pleading for more assistance and reporting difficulties in accessing supplies and communicating with loved ones due to lack of cell service and internet. The situation is reminiscent of the inadequate response seen during Hurricane Katrina, and the rising death toll only adds to the urgency of the situation. The Biden administration has mobilized national guardsmen to the area, but the frustration and desperation among residents continues to mount.

    • Hawaii Disasters and Government ResponseThe ongoing disasters in Hawaii and the apparent lack of immediate government response, particularly from the President, is concerning. The importance of addressing the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters and the need for better preparation, mitigation, and relief efforts cannot be overstated.

      The current situation involving the ongoing disasters in Hawaii and the apparent lack of immediate government response, particularly from the President, is deeply concerning. The speaker expresses shock and disbelief that the President seems to be dismissive of the devastation unfolding, especially when American citizens are pleading for help. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of addressing the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, which is the new reality, and the need for better preparation, mitigation, and relief efforts. The ongoing investigations into potential wrongdoing by former President Trump and the potential indictments are also significant developments.

    • Georgia grand jury probes election interference, new allegations in Coffee CountyA Georgia grand jury is investigating election interference in Fulton County, potentially leading to indictments, while new allegations of illegal access to election data and systems in Coffee County raise concerns about election security.

      The investigation into election interference in Fulton County, Georgia, is reaching a critical point. Grand jury proceedings are underway, and recent developments suggest that indictments could be handed down as early as this week. Meanwhile, new information has emerged about potential illegal activities in a rural county, Coffee County, where election officials allegedly provided access to sensitive election information and voting machine systems to data consultants linked to former President Trump's legal team. This breach is reminiscent of similar incidents in other states, and it raises serious concerns about efforts to undermine the integrity of the electoral process. The individuals involved, including Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell, could face legal consequences for their actions. It's a stark reminder that those who seek to subvert the democratic process must be held accountable for their actions, regardless of their political affiliations.

    • New Indictment Expected in Georgia Election Fraud CaseGeorgia's state court system may bring serious charges against Trump for election fraud, potentially the strongest case against him on this issue due to states' supremacy over their election systems, while UPS reaches a deal to avoid historic strike, potentially impacting the working class with higher salaries

      The ongoing legal battles surrounding allegations of election fraud against former President Trump are far from over, with a new indictment expected in Georgia's state court system, which could potentially bring about more serious charges. This development opens up a new legal battlefield and could be one of the strongest cases against Trump on the grounds of election law due to states' supremacy over their election systems. Trump and his team have repeatedly claimed that the elections were rigged, but have yet to provide solid evidence in court. With multiple losses in court, some critics argue that the MAGA movement's belief in a rigged system is based on debunked claims and old footage. Meanwhile, the labor front saw UPS coming close to a historic strike but ultimately reaching a deal, with full-time employees potentially earning up to $170,000 a year. However, some, like Jim Cramer, express concerns about the potential impact on the working class if more people are able to afford decent salaries.

    • UPS Labor Deal: Controversial Wage Increases for Drivers and Part-Time EmployeesUPS workers secured significant wage increases and improved compensation, sparking controversy despite the company's consistent profitability. Fair wages for essential workers remain a topic of debate.

      The recent UPS labor deal, which includes significant wage increases for full-time drivers and improved compensation for part-time employees, has sparked controversy despite the company's consistent profitability. The power of unions and the collective bargaining process have allowed UPS workers to secure better deals, even as the company continues to thrive financially. The average full-time UPS driver is expected to earn around $170,000 annually in pay and benefits, while part-time employees will make at least $25.75 per hour. The tight labor market and more militant union leadership have contributed to this outcome. The importance of fair wages for essential workers, who have been delivering goods during the pandemic, has been a topic of debate, with some arguing that the compensation is excessive while others believe it is necessary given the physical demands and long hours involved in the job. UPS, which is more profitable than FedEx despite having a unionized workforce, has been able to maintain its financial success while providing its employees with decent wages and benefits. The ongoing conversation highlights the complex relationship between labor, compensation, and profitability.

    • UPS Union Deal: Setting a Precedent for Essential WorkersThe UPS union deal, granting significant wage increases to workers, benefits employees and sets a precedent for other companies to prioritize fair compensation for essential workers, despite initial opposition from Wall Street.

      The UPS union deal, which grants significant wage increases to its workers, is not only beneficial for the employees but also for the competition in the labor market. The speaker argues that essential workers, particularly those in the service sector, deserve a decent standard of living, and this deal sets a precedent for other companies to follow suit. The speaker criticizes the contempt some hold towards working class people and believes that the economy should value these jobs more. The deal's impact is already being seen, with a surge in job searches for UPS and United Parcel Service. The speaker also points out that UPS remains profitable despite the pay increase, and the primary opposition to the deal comes from Wall Street's desire to maximize profits for shareholders. Overall, the speaker believes that the deal is a positive step towards acknowledging the value of essential workers and ensuring they receive fair compensation.

    • Disparity between White and Blue Collar Worker SalariesWhite collar workers often earn excessive salaries compared to blue collar workers, creating a significant income gap and economic hardship for the latter group. Executives' unwillingness to negotiate fair wages and benefits further widens the gap, while media neglect exacerbates the issue.

      There is a significant disconnect between the salaries and living expenses of white collar workers and those in blue collar jobs, such as UPS drivers. Many white collar workers earn salaries that are much higher than what is necessary to afford basic necessities like housing, while blue collar workers struggle to make ends meet. This disparity is further exacerbated by the fact that some executives, who earn exorbitant salaries, are out of touch with the economic realities faced by their employees and are unwilling to negotiate fair wages and benefits. The ongoing negotiations between the UAW and the big three automakers highlight this issue, with executives calling for workers to accept economic reality while they themselves enjoy luxurious lifestyles. The lack of coverage and attention given to labor issues in the media also contributes to this problem, allowing these disparities to persist.

    • UAW-Stellantis Negotiations: Potential Strike and DemandsThe UAW is pushing for significant wage increases, pension restoration, and an end to wage tiers in ongoing negotiations with Stellantis. A potential strike could have major economic implications, as the union feels they deserve a share of the automaker's profits and the political climate favors their cause.

      The ongoing contract negotiations between the UAW and Stellantis could lead to a major strike, with the union demanding significant wage increases, pension restoration, and an end to wage tiers. The UAW feels they deserve a share of the automakers' profits, especially considering the concessions they made during the 2009 bailout. Additionally, the political climate is in the union's favor, as outsourcing is no longer a viable option for companies looking to undercut labor costs. The UAW is confident, united, and willing to push hard for their demands. The situation could have significant implications for the economy and workers in general. Meanwhile, Oliver Anthony's "Richmond, North of Richmond" has become a blue-collar anthem, resonating with listeners as it highlights the struggles of working-class Americans. The song's success underscores the broader cultural and economic issues at play in the labor dispute.

    • The song 'Living in the New World' expresses class anxiety and economic struggles but contradicts itself with criticism of welfare.The song 'Living in the New World' taps into the cultural tension of supporting working-class people while opposing redistributive programs, reflecting the complexities of contemporary American politics.

      The song "Living in the New World" by Anthony Ramsey, also known as Mac Miller, resonates deeply with listeners due to its expression of class anxiety and economic struggles, but the message becomes confusing when it shifts towards criticizing welfare and food stamps, which contradicts the earlier themes. This ideological confusion mirrors the Republican Party's stance on supporting working-class people while also advocating for tax cuts and opposing redistributive programs. The song's success can be attributed to its ability to tap into this cultural tension, even if its message is not entirely cohesive. Additionally, the mention of Jeffrey Epstein adds a layer of intrigue to the lyrics, making the song even more noteworthy. Overall, "Living in the New World" serves as a reflection of the complexities and contradictions within contemporary American politics.

    • Art as a reflection of political beliefs during crisisConservatives seek culturally relevant art during crisis, resonating with themes of hardship, redemption, and faith.

      During times of political and cultural crisis, people seek art that aligns with their political beliefs as a way to feel culturally visible and relevant. The desire for such art is particularly strong on the conservative side of the spectrum, where there's a perception of being culturally sidelined. The song "Freedom Ain't Free" by Anthony is a recent example of this trend. It resonates with various factions of the Republican coalition, including small business owners, working-class people, and evangelicals. The song's themes of hardship, substance abuse, and redemption through faith and music reflect the authentic experiences of many in the conservative community. The controversy surrounding other country artists, such as Tyler Childers, who are perceived as betraying their fan base by expressing progressive views, further highlights the importance of politically aligned art for this demographic.

    • SBF's Attempt to Manipulate Legal Proceedings Leads to His IncarcerationAttempting to interfere with legal proceedings and violate a bail agreement can lead to a person's incarceration.

      SBF, the former CEO of FTX, found himself in jail due to his attempts to tamper with witnesses and violate his bail agreement. The allegations against him included allowing reporters to review his ex-girlfriend's diary and providing them with documents, which were in violation of his bail agreement. These actions were seen as an attempt to turn public opinion against his ex-girlfriend and discredit her. Despite some initial concerns about dropped charges related to campaign finance law, it was determined that these charges would be superseded with others that would not violate treaty agreements. SBF's actions were seen as an attempt to manipulate the situation to his advantage, but ultimately backfired, leading to his incarceration. The situation serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of trying to interfere with legal proceedings and the importance of adhering to the terms of a bail agreement.

    • SBF's Seeking Attention and San Francisco's DeclineDespite the unrelated circumstances, SBF's obsession with publicity and San Francisco's decline both illustrate the power of perception and the impact of external factors.

      SBF, the founder of FTX and Alameda Research, was known for seeking attention and cultivating relationships with the media. He reportedly enjoyed the publicity and was addicted to it, even when facing allegations of fraud. Meanwhile, in San Francisco, the city is experiencing a significant decline, with a drop of up to 2/3rds in vacancy and activity in the downtown area due to high crime rates and a homelessness crisis. This has left the city, which heavily relies on taxes from the wealthy and commercial sector, particularly vulnerable. The situation has become so severe that even federal workers are being allowed to work from home due to safety concerns. While SBF's love for attention and San Francisco's decline are unrelated, both stories highlight the power of perception and the impact of circumstances beyond our control.

    • Understanding and addressing safety concernsEmpathize with individuals' struggles, avoid judgment, and work towards solutions instead of blaming or criticizing.

      The safety concerns and struggles of individuals, regardless of their political beliefs or the city they live in, should be met with empathy and understanding instead of judgment and scoring. The recent incidents in San Francisco, including crime in malls and a woman's disturbing experience, should not be used as a reason to blame or criticize, but rather as an opportunity to address the underlying issues and work towards solutions. Similarly, in Marion County, Kansas, the raids on a local newspaper and its co-owner's home were a concerning example of power being misused to silence free speech. Both situations highlight the importance of compassion and respect for individual rights and freedoms.

    • Police raid small town newspaper, seize records of co-ownersPolice, at the request of a politically connected DUI suspect, illegally raided a small town newspaper's office and co-owners' homes, seizing records and violating journalists' legal protections. This incident underscores the risk to press freedom and the potential for power structures to suppress uncomfortable truths.

      In Marion County, Kansas, the local police, at the behest of a suspended license DUI woman with political connections, raided a small town newspaper's offices and the home of its co-owners, seizing cell phones, computers, and personal documents. This was allegedly done under an illegal search warrant, in violation of federal legal protections for journalists. The co-owner and publisher, Eric Meyer, lost his 98-year-old mother, Joan, who had been distraught over the raids. The police chief, Gideon Cody, was also under investigation by the paper for suspicious circumstances surrounding his retirement from the Kansas City Police Department. The raid allowed Cody's department to seize all notes and information from the ongoing investigation. The incident highlights the threat to journalistic freedom and the potential for corrupt systems to silence uncomfortable truths. The lessons from this small town story apply to every community in the country.

    • Identifying Shapes: A Fun Adventure for KidsMaking learning enjoyable and interactive can help children stay engaged and retain information better.

      Learning can be an enjoyable experience, even when it comes to identifying shapes. Elliot and his companions went on a fun adventure around the block, discovering various shapes such as spheres and cubes. This experience highlights the importance of making learning engaging and interactive for children. If you're looking for a way to make learning a new language fun for kids, consider checking out the Stories 4 Kids podcast by Lingokids. This podcast offers an immersive and entertaining way for children to learn new words and concepts. You can listen to it on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. By making learning a part of an enjoyable experience, children are more likely to stay engaged and retain the information they've learned.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden, Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden,  Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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    Related Episodes

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    8/25/23: Chaos At GOP Debate Climate Change Question, UAW Worker Interview w/ Max Alvarez, Spencer Snyder Asks New YorkersThird Party Candidates?

    This week we discuss the GOP debate climate change question turning the stage into chaos, Max Alvarez interviews a rank and file UAW member, Spencer Snyder hits the streets of New York to ask people their opinion on Third Party Candidates. (Note on UAW Worker interview) "This conversation was recorded on Aug 17, before voting on the UPS tentative agreement concluded on Aug 22.")

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    Mediawatch - before and after Gabrielle

    Mediawatch - before and after Gabrielle
    Our media were in emergency mode yet again this week, offering hours of extra coverage on air, online and in print. Outlets in the hardest-hit places reported the basics - even without access to basics like power, communications and even premises. What will Gabrielle's legacy be for media's role in reporting disasters and national resilience?

    Environmental Voter Turnout and Tipping the Scales

    Environmental Voter Turnout and Tipping the Scales

    At least 40 million Americans have already cast a ballot in early voting, with still more than a week until Election Day.  

    In this episode of Political Climate, we examine if environmental issues are mobilizing voters the way that analysts anticipated. Who are those voters and do they hold sway? We discuss with Nathaniel Stinnett, founder of the Environmental Voter Project, a non-partisan organization focused on identifying inactive environmentalists across the United States and turning them into reliable voters in every election. 

    This year, the stakes are especially high. Control of the U.S. Senate is very much in play, while Joe Biden and Donald Trump duke it out for the White House with wildly different policy platforms. Could environmental voters tip the scales?

    We also consider how fracking and natural disasters are playing into the 2020 election cycle, as well as the rise of “big green” political donors. Plus, we check in on a Texas election bet. 

    Recommended reading:

    • WaPo: Early Voting Numbers So Far
    • NPR: Wall Street Is A Big Source Of Campaign Cash For Democrats
    • NYT: 'Climate Donors’ Flock to Biden to Counter Trump’s Fossil Fuel Money
    • Guardian: Trump has made fracking an election issue. Has he misjudged Pennsylvania?
    • NPR: MacArthur 'Genius' Brings National Attention To Local Fight Against Sewage Failures

    Listen and subscribe to Political Climate on Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcherGoogle Play or wherever you get podcasts! Follow us on Twitter at @Poli_Climate.

    This episode is brought to you with support from Lyft. Lyft is leading the transition to zero emissions vehicles with a commitment to achieve 100% electric vehicles on the Lyft platform by 2030. Learn more at lyftimpact.com/electric.