
    8.22.24 Homily

    enAugust 22, 2024
    Who visits Mary in the story of the Annunciation?
    What title is given to Mary's son?
    What miraculous event is announced to Mary?
    How does Mary respond to the angel's message?
    What role does Mary have in Jesus' plan of salvation?

    Podcast Summary

    • AnnunciationAngel Gabriel visits Mary, a virgin, to announce she will give birth to Jesus, the Son of God, through the Holy Spirit's intervention, and Mary accepts God's plan

      In the story of the Annunciation from the Holy Gospel of Luke, Mary, a virgin betrothed to Joseph, is visited by the angel Gabriel. She is told she will conceive and give birth to a son named Jesus, who will be the Son of God and the future ruler of Israel. Mary is initially troubled but is reassured by the angel that she has found favor with God. The miraculous conception will be brought about by the Holy Spirit. Mary accepts God's plan and becomes the mother of Jesus, who would go on to change the course of history. This event, celebrated as the Feast of the Annunciation, marks the beginning of Mary's role as the Mother of God and her eventual Assumption into Heaven, where she reigns as Queen.

    • Mary's QueenshipMary's maternity led to her queenship, allowing her to intercede and continue her maternal role in heaven as the Queen of Heaven and Earth, angels, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins, all saints, and the family of God.

      Mary, as a devoted disciple of Jesus, was assumed into heaven and crowned as the Queen of Heaven and Earth, angels, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins, all saints, and the family of God. Her queenship stems from her maternity, as she gave birth to Jesus, the Son of God, who would establish an eternal reign. Traditionally, the mother of a king holds the title of queen and shares in their authority. Therefore, Mary's eternal queenship allows her to intercede on behalf of humanity and continue her maternal role in heaven. The Second Vatican Council celebrated this belief, emphasizing Mary's unique role in God's plan of salvation.

    • Mary as Queen of Heaven and EarthMary, once a simple teenager from Nazareth, is now exalted as the Queen of Heaven and Earth, demonstrating God's power to lift up the humble and bring about great things.

      Mary, the humble and chosen one, is the Queen of the Universe. This idea is beautifully depicted in the Basilica of Maria Maggiore in Rome, where a 13th century mosaic shows Jesus inviting Mary to sit on his throne, crowning her as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. The message inscribed in the open book in his hand reads, "Come, you mighty one. That I may seat you on my throne." This image represents the reality that Jesus, who once sat on Mary's lap as an infant king, later exalted her to the highest position in the universe. This idea aligns with the themes of the Psalms, which celebrate how God raises up the lowly and exalts the humble. Mary, who was once a simple teenager from Nazareth, is now the foremost image of God filled with him from the first moment of her conception. As we continue to pray and reflect on her life and example, we are reminded of the power of God to exalt the humble and bring about great things.

    • Mary's role as Queen of HeavenMary's role as Queen of Heaven goes beyond her title of honor; she actively serves and loves us as our mother, cooperating in our salvation and growth.

      Mary, the mother of Jesus, is not just a title of honor as the Queen of Heaven, but an active participant in God's plan of service and love. Her maternity is the first way she serves, but her role extends beyond that as she cooperates in the growth and salvation of all God's children. Her queenship is about serving and loving, just as her son, Jesus, came to serve and not be served. By venerating Mary on this feast day, we allow her to serve us, love us, and help us in our needs. The Salve Regina and Ave Regina prayers reflect the trust, joy, and love we have for Mary as our mother and queen. Mary's coronation as Queen of Heaven is the culmination of all our devotions to her, a reminder of her closeness to both her son and to us.

    • Mary's role in EucharistDuring the Marian year of 1954, the Pope called for a renewed entrustment to Mary, asking us to live eucharistically in conformity with her son Jesus. Mary helps us become like her son and participates in every Mass as Queen, interceding for our holiness and unity with Jesus. Through her intercession, we hope to share in Jesus' eternal kingdom.

      During the Marian year of 1954, the Pope called for a renewed entrustment to Mary, asking us to live eucharistically in conformity with her son, Jesus. Mary's role is to help us become like her son, and she participates in every Mass as Queen, praying for our unity with Jesus. Jesus, the Son of God, brings light to those in darkness, and Mary desires for us to allow Him to make us holy from within. Through her intercession, we hope to one day share in Jesus' eternal kingdom and reign of love. So, we entrust ourselves to Mary anew, knowing that she is our mother and handmaid of the Lord, praying for our holiness. Hail Holy Queen, enthroned above, pray for us sinners now and forevermore. Amen.

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