
    8/25/22: Student Debt, Midterm Outlook, Ukraine Aid, Dems Agenda, Essential Workers, & More!

    enAugust 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Spring deals and financial empowermentSpring brings discounts and financial empowerment. State Farm supports financial freedom, Straight Talk Wireless offers affordable family plans, and student loan debt relief is announced.

      Spring is here, and dd's discounts offer great deals on home and wardrobe refreshments. Meanwhile, financial empowerment is crucial for future success, and unlearning financial misconceptions is essential. State Farm supports this journey to financial freedom. Straight Talk Wireless provides affordable family plans with reliable network coverage. Cable news is divisive, but Breaking Points is building a new, trustworthy mainstream. The Biden administration announced student loan debt relief, forgiving up to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients, and extending the payment moratorium until after the midterms. These changes aim to make student loan payments more affordable. Additionally, Liz Cheney's next plans and Matt Damon's movie industry comments are worth noting. Join us for more insightful discussions.

    • Student loan debt cancellation: A shift from neoliberal economic ideologiesPresident Biden's policy wipes out student debt for many, moving away from means testing and austerity measures, with implications for voters and economic inequality.

      President Biden's student loan debt cancellation policy represents a significant shift from neoliberal economic ideologies that have dominated for decades. This policy, which will wipe out student debt for a large portion of borrowers, marks a departure from the means testing and austerity measures that have characterized previous administrations. While some argue that it's unfair to those who paid off their loans or didn't attend college, others see it as a necessary step to help families and reduce the burden of student debt on individuals and the economy. The political implications of this policy are unclear, as it could potentially win over college-educated voters but also alienate those without a college degree. Ultimately, the debate over student loan debt cancellation comes down to questions of fairness, affordability, and the role of government in addressing economic inequality.

    • Student debt burden for millennials and Gen ZDebt load impacts wealth, life milestones, and entrepreneurship, temporary relief from debt cancellation, long-term benefits of free education, and need for nuanced approach to address student loan debt

      The push for individualistic bootstrapping and college education, driven by the loan industry and political leadership, has led to a massive debt burden for millennials and Gen Z. This debt load has significant implications, including a small percentage of wealth held by this generation, delayed life milestones, and reduced opportunities for entrepreneurship. Canceling $10,000 in student debt may provide temporary relief, but it is not a sustainable solution, as debt levels will likely return to current levels within a few years. A more comprehensive approach, such as making public university, community college, and trade schools free, would be more beneficial for everyone. However, it is essential to acknowledge the potential economic benefits, including increased home sales and GDP, as well as the negative correlation between student debt and small business formation. Ultimately, addressing student loan debt requires a nuanced approach that considers the long-term implications and the need for broader reforms.

    • Democrats' Surprising Legislative AchievementsThe Democrats' recent legislative successes, including the Inflation Reduction Act and the Chips Act, could provide significant relief for Americans through student loan debt forgiveness and making college more affordable, potentially strengthening their political position.

      Despite political challenges, the Democrats have surprised many with their recent legislative achievements, including the Inflation Reduction Act and the Chips Act. These bills include provisions that could provide significant relief for millions of Americans, such as student loan debt forgiveness and making college more affordable. The Democrats' surprising moves have put them in a strong position to potentially hold the House and gain seats in the Senate, which could allow them to implement more reforms without relying on the support of individual senators like Manchin and Sinema. The student loan debt relief, which could cost up to $300 billion, could make a difference for many borrowers who are struggling to repay their loans. However, it's important to note that the government's ability to pay for these programs is a complex issue, and the reality of the situation may not align with the headlines. Ultimately, the debate around student loan debt forgiveness and college affordability highlights the need for systemic change to make education more accessible and affordable for all.

    • Using the Heroes Act for student loan debt cancellation during COVID-19 raises legal concernsThe Heroes Act, a post-9/11 law, is an unusual choice for student loan debt cancellation during COVID-19 due to potential legal challenges and past precedent.

      The justification for student loan debt cancellation during the COVID-19 pandemic using the Heroes Act of 2003 raises legal concerns. The Heroes Act is a post-9/11 law that allows for debt cancellation in connection with a national emergency, but there is a provision under Obamacare that directly authorizes the president to cancel or federalize student debt. The use of the Heroes Act for this purpose is odd and could potentially face rejection at the Supreme Court due to past precedent, such as the CDC eviction moratorium. Additionally, there are concerns about the administrative bloat and luxury amenities in universities, which arose when state funding was significantly reduced, leading to an economic model that prioritizes attracting wealthy students. While some may see student loan debt cancellation as a form of relief, it's important to consider the potential legal and economic implications.

    • Student loan debt relief as a challenge to neoliberal economicsPresident Biden's student loan debt relief, forgiving up to $20,000 for some, shifts from neoliberal incentives and tax credits, already funded through education subsidies, potential inflation impact uncertain, addressing energy prices and supply chain issues may be more effective solutions.

      President Biden's student loan debt relief is a significant step towards challenging the neoliberal approach to economic issues, despite his past involvement in it. The legal justification for this action is debatable, but many believe it's on firm ground. This move, which forgives up to $20,000 in student debt for some borrowers, is a shift from the typical neoliberal approach of incentives and tax credits. The money for this relief already exists, as the federal government spends more on education subsidies than the total tuition at public universities. Critics argue that this relief will be inflationary, but payments have already been paused since March 2020, and the bigger drivers of inflation are energy prices, supply chain issues, and corporate price gouging. Ultimately, the impact on consumer spending from this relief is uncertain, and more effective solutions to inflation may lie in addressing energy prices and supply chain issues.

    • Political landscape reveals disconnect between sentiment and polling dataDespite public sentiment against college loan forgiveness, Democrats may benefit politically, and polling data may not fully capture Democratic outperformance in liberal areas.

      The recent political landscape, particularly regarding college loan forgiveness and midterm elections, reveals a growing disconnect between public sentiment and polling data. The college loan forgiveness issue has sparked intense emotions, with many people, particularly older generations, expressing anger and resistance to the policy. However, politically, the benefits of such policies may outweigh the backlash. In the midterms, the trend of Democrats outperforming Republicans in special elections continues, with the New York special election being a notable example. The results defied expectations, with the Democrat, Pat Ryan, securing a clear victory despite initial polling suggesting a Republican lead. This trend of Democrats outperforming polls in liberal areas is a significant development and could impact the outcome of the midterm elections. Overall, the political landscape is complex and dynamic, with emotions running high and polling data providing an incomplete picture.

    • Democratic Enthusiasm and Voter Turnout Higher in MidtermsDemocrats see increased enthusiasm and voter turnout, but outcomes uncertain due to GOP wins in 2018 and shifting voter behavior. Economy and abortion key issues, young people may tip the scale.

      The Democratic Party's enthusiasm and voter turnout are significantly higher than in previous elections, particularly in the primaries. This was evident in Florida, where Democratic turnout came close to the record-breaking turnout of the 2018 blue wave. However, it's important to note that Republicans also won several senate seats in 2018, so the outcome of the midterms is still uncertain. Another factor is the shift in voter behavior, with purple areas leaning more blue and red areas becoming more red. The economy remains the top midterm issue, but abortion has seen a significant increase in salience, with a 13% jump from March to August. Midterms are often a referendum on the national mood, but ultimately, the results depend on which base turns out to vote. Young people, who are a significant part of the Democratic base and disproportionately benefit from student loan forgiveness, are more likely to turn out and could make a significant impact. However, the Democratic successes in special elections have been mainly in college-heavy enclaves, which may not be representative of the larger fall electorate.

    • 2022 Midterms: A Closer Race Than AnticipatedHistorical trends and an unpopular president notwithstanding, the 2022 midterms are expected to be a close race due to the generic ballot, economic concerns, and the Dobbs decision giving Democrats an edge. However, Republican Party morale may be affected by Senator Rick Scott's absence and perceived lack of commitment to his political duties.

      The 2022 midterm elections are shaping up to be a closer race than anticipated, despite historical trends and an unpopular president. Special elections have smaller turnouts, but indicators such as the generic ballot, economic concerns, and the Dobbs decision are giving Democrats an edge. However, the absence of Senator Rick Scott, who is in charge of securing a Republican Senate majority, on a vacation during a critical time, has raised concerns about his commitment to the cause. Scott's $100 million net worth and recent audit due to financial mismanagement add to the perception that he is more interested in personal pursuits than his political duties. This disconnect between Scott's role and his actions may impact the morale and effectiveness of the Republican Party during the midterms.

    • GOP Faces Financial Challenges in 2022 MidtermsThe Republican Party is struggling to raise funds for the 2022 midterm elections due to resource diversion to support Trump and inexperienced candidates, potentially impacting their ability to compete effectively.

      The Republican Party is facing significant financial challenges in the 2022 midterm elections. The GOP is struggling to raise funds due to the diversion of resources to support former President Trump and the lack of experience of many candidates in fundraising. The situation is particularly dire for those behind in the polls, who need a cash advantage to compete effectively and counter negative ratings. Meanwhile, the United States has provided over $3.6 billion in military aid to Ukraine, making it the largest recipient of military aid in Europe, except for the UK. Despite this significant investment, the conflict remains stalemated, and there is concern that Ukraine may be manipulating public opinion through propaganda. The Republican National Committee (RNC) is currently facing a cash crunch, with the NRSC having to spend millions to support candidates in critical battleground states. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that many donors are prioritizing contributions to Trump over the party. The lack of resources could negatively impact the GOP's chances in the midterm elections and limit their ability to effectively challenge Democratic messaging.

    • Ukraine-Russia War: Uncertain FutureThe Ukraine-Russia war is not sustainable for Ukraine, with significant long-term economic and political costs. A major counteroffensive is unlikely, and the global community's aid has unclear goals. President Zelensky holds conflicting views, and Putin faces pressure to escalate. The future remains complex and uncertain.

      The ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, despite a relatively stable front line for several months, is not a sustainable situation for Ukraine. The long-term economic and political costs are significant, and a major counteroffensive driving Russia out of Crimea is unlikely. The global community, including the US, has provided billions of dollars in aid, but the goals and endgame are unclear. The media coverage of the conflict has waned, leaving many questions about the future and what constitutes success. Ukraine's President Zelensky holds conflicting views, expressing both optimism for a maximalist victory and acceptance of a war of attrition. Meanwhile, Putin faces pressure from hardliners within Russia to escalate the conflict further. The situation remains complex and uncertain, with no clear end in sight.

    • Escalating Conflict in Ukraine and Liz Cheney's Political AmbitionsThe Ukraine conflict and potential referendums could worsen the war and boost Russian support, while Liz Cheney's presidential bid may split Republican votes and face opposition from both parties. Her new political group could secure funds from Democrats, but its impact is uncertain.

      The ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine, and potential referendums, could escalate the war and increase Russian support domestically, leading to further instability and economic consequences for Europe. Meanwhile, in U.S. politics, Liz Cheney's potential independent presidential bid could siphon votes from Joe Biden, but may also face significant resistance from both Democrats and Republicans due to her conservative voting record and criticism of Trump. Additionally, Cheney's new political group targeting Trump allies may raise significant funds from Democratic organizations, further solidifying her position within elite opinion circles. However, the effectiveness and sustainability of her efforts remain to be seen.

    • Politics and Entertainment Prioritize Popularity Over SubstanceIn politics and entertainment, personal feelings and alignment with certain ideologies hold more weight than policy stances or conservative track records, leading to a decline in risk-taking and innovative approaches.

      In politics, labels and personal feelings towards certain figures, such as former President Trump, hold more weight than policy stances or conservative track records. This was discussed in relation to Liz Cheney and her group, the Lincoln Project, who have been criticized despite their efforts to take out election deniers. The Hollywood industry was also touched upon, with Matt Damon explaining how the decline of DVD sales and the need to make large profits at the box office has led to a decrease in risk-taking and innovative movies. In essence, in both politics and entertainment, the current climate prioritizes popularity and alignment with certain ideologies over substance and merit.

    • Focus on safe projects in film industryThe film industry's emphasis on commercially viable projects has led to fewer risks being taken on innovative films, with high-budget, character-driven projects like 'The Last Duel' struggling to recoup costs despite star-studded casts and renowned directors. Streaming services and the Chinese market's influence contribute to this trend.

      The film industry's focus on safe, commercially viable projects has led to a decrease in risks being taken on innovative and potentially groundbreaking films. This was exemplified by the flop of Ridley Scott's "The Last Duel," a high-budget, character-driven medieval drama starring Matt Damon, Adam Driver, and Ben Affleck, which failed to recoup its costs despite having a star-studded cast and a renowned director. The influence of the Chinese market and the success of streaming services like Netflix in producing big-budget content have contributed to this trend, with many studios opting for proven formulas and genres instead of taking risks on original ideas. While there have been some exceptions, such as Netflix's "White Lotus," the majority of streaming services' big-budget releases have been action movies, and even HBO, which has traditionally produced high-quality, critically acclaimed content, has faced challenges in adapting to the new business model. The shift towards safer, more generic projects is a complex issue, with both economic and cultural factors at play.

    • Playing it safe in music, business, and politicsCompanies prioritize dividends and stock buybacks over innovation, older artists and albums dominate music industry, and politics focuses on attacking opposition instead of new ideas

      Both in music and business, there's a trend towards playing it safe and relying on past successes rather than taking risks and innovating. Companies, including tech companies, are incentivized to prioritize dividends and stock buybacks over investing in new products, workforce, or equipment. In the entertainment industry, there's a decline in risk-taking and a focus on safe, formulaic content. For instance, the music industry is seeing a resurgence of older artists and albums, while movies that made their mark with groundbreaking performances and stories are less likely to be made today. In politics, the midterm elections are expected to favor the Republican party, not because they have a clear agenda, but because they're focusing on attacking the opposition and launching investigations. This trend towards playing it safe is concerning and may limit the potential for new and innovative developments in various fields.

    • Democrats and Republicans lack substance in their agendasDemocrats miss opportunity to address needs with popular issues, while Republicans focus on investigations and culture war issues, hurting the country's progress

      Both the Democratic and Republican parties are running on agendas that lack substance and vision, with the Democrats holding the potential to make significant gains by focusing on popular issues like expanding Medicare, reinstating the child tax credit, and implementing universal pre-K, but are instead choosing to prioritize the lesser evil narrative. The Republicans, on the other hand, have a clear agenda, but it primarily consists of investigations and culture war issues. The lack of urgency and focus on crucial issues from both parties is a loss for the country and a politically foolish move, particularly for the Democrats who have an opportunity to make significant gains in the midterms by addressing the needs and concerns of their base and independent voters.

    • Biden's student loan relief doesn't address root causeBiden's student loan relief policy provides temporary relief but fails to address the root cause of rising education costs and corrupt college industry. Focus should be on making education affordable and destroying the corrupt college industry.

      While the Biden administration's student loan debt cancellation policy provides relief to some, it does not address the root cause of the issue: the rising cost of education and the corrupt arrangement between colleges, the student debt industry, and the government. The policy does not deal with the majority of borrowers who will continue to accrue debt and will not affect those in the pipeline. The college industry has seen tuition and fees rise exponentially, with the cost increasing at a rate five times faster than overall inflation. This wealth transfer to colleges is facilitated by student debt, and the colleges have become wealth management funds, earning massive profits through investments and fees. The administrators and financial institutions are making vast sums of money off students' loans, while the students are left with the burden of debt. The focus should be on destroying the corrupt college industry and making education affordable for all.

    • Student loan cancellation policy harming more than helpingThe student loan cancellation policy creates perverse incentives for debt accumulation and is viewed as destructive by some, while working people's stories during the pandemic underscore the need for empathy and action.

      The current student loan cancellation policy does more harm than good by incentivizing people to take on more debt, while the level of student debt itself is seen as criminal and immoral by some, destroying families and the American dream. Maximilian Alvarez, author of "The Work of Living," shares his inspiration for a book that preserves the voices of working people during the pandemic, highlighting their struggles and the solidarity they showed during a time of fear and uncertainty. These voices serve as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging and addressing the challenges faced by workers.

    • The pandemic highlighted the worth of every individual's life and essential workers' power to demand changeThe pandemic revealed the flawed economic system that undervalues workers, but essential workers' recognition of their importance gave them the power to demand better pay, working conditions, and recognition.

      That the pandemic served as a stark reminder of the worth and impact of every individual's life. This realization, amplified by the essential nature of many jobs, led to a philosophical shift for many workers, who began to demand better pay, working conditions, and recognition for their value. The pandemic exposed the flawed economic system that often devalues workers, but the workers' recognition of their essential role in the system gave them the power to demand change. This shift is evident in the increase in strikes, quitting, and labor organizing, as well as the amplified visibility of essential work. The pandemic not only highlighted the invaluable contribution of essential workers but also clarified the distinction between the system's valuation of labor and lives.

    • Recognizing the essential labor force during the pandemicThe pandemic brought attention to the crucial roles of essential workers, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and valuing their labor, and addressing their dire working conditions.

      The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light the invisible labor force that keeps our society functioning. From warehouse workers to delivery drivers, these essential workers have always been there, but their contributions were often overlooked in our consumer-driven society. The pandemic made their roles more visible, highlighting the importance of recognizing and valuing their labor. The loss of a life, such as that of Esteban Chavez Jr., a UPS driver who died under suspected heat conditions, cannot be measured. As we move forward, it's crucial to address the dire working conditions faced by laborers in various industries, especially as contracts come up for renewal, like the one for UPS workers. Their stories deserve to be heard and their struggles acknowledged.

    • Discover affordable and enjoyable travel offersCheapo Air offers budget-friendly flights with double points for new members, Leesa provides mattress deals with up to $700 savings, free delivery, and a 100-night trial, and Road Scholar invites adults aged 50+ to learn and travel in over 100 countries

      There are several offers that can help make your travel experiences more affordable and enjoyable. Cheapo Air is a budget-friendly airline that rewards you with points for every booking made through their app, offering double points for new members. Leesa, on the other hand, is a mattress company that prioritizes good sleep for overall health, providing exceptional comfort and support with free delivery and a 100-night trial period. They currently offer savings of up to $700 on select mattresses, along with two free pillows and an additional discount with the promo code "iheart". Lastly, Road Scholar invites adults aged 50 and above to embark on educational travel adventures, providing opportunities to learn from local experts and engage with like-minded individuals in over 100 countries and throughout the United States. These offers cater to various aspects of travel, from airfare to accommodations and educational experiences, ensuring that every journey is worthwhile and memorable. To learn more about Cheapo Air, call 855-247-3279 or visit cheapoair.com/podcast. For Leesa's mattress deals, go to lisa.com/iheart. And to explore the world with Road Scholar, check out roadscholar.org.

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    Listen to previous episodes of the Conduit Street Podcast on our website.

    Useful Links

    Previous Conduit Street Coverage: MACo Announces 2023 Legislative Initiatives

    Does Political Experience Matter?

    Does Political Experience Matter?

    The difference in experience among Senate candidates is one of the story lines Kyle Kondik, Managing Editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball, is following in the 2022 midterm elections. As a group, Republican Senate (and gubernatorial) candidates have less experience running for office and than do Democratic candidates on the slate this election. How will candidate experience and qualities impact election outcomes?

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    Links in this episode:

    The Long Red Thread, by Kyle Kondik