
    8/31/23: McConnell Freezes Again, KJP Defends Biden Age, Pod Save Bros Freak Over 2024 Polls, Pete-Vivek Flashback, FBI Collects DNA, Nepo HomeBuyers, CNN Invades HBO, Biden's Pharma Plan, Tucker Interviews Hungarian PM, Gen Z Debate on Biden 2024

    enAugust 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring a Range of Engaging PodcastsFrom intergenerational conversations to news updates and bedtime stories, podcasts cater to diverse age groups and interests.

      There are a variety of engaging podcasts available across different platforms and genres, catering to various age groups and interests. For instance, Across Generations offers intergenerational conversations, Koala Moon provides bedtime stories and meditations for children, and The Daily Show Ears Edition delivers news and interviews. Additionally, Breaking Points is planning to expand their coverage for the upcoming 2024 election with the help of their premium subscribers. Furthermore, Senator Mitch McConnell made headlines for freezing during a press conference, leaving reporters puzzled about his reelection plans.

    • Senator McConnell's Health Concerns Raise Leadership ConcernsTwo unexplained health incidents for Senator McConnell, happening a month apart, raise concerns about his leadership ability and transparency.

      The repeated occurrences of Senator Mitch McConnell's apparent health incidents raise concerns about his ability to effectively lead in his role as the Senate's GOP leader. The lack of transparency and apparent attempts to cover up these incidents only add to the unease. These incidents, happening just a month apart, have striking similarities and could potentially indicate a more serious underlying health issue. The lack of immediate response and apparent normalization of these incidents is concerning and highlights a larger issue. It's important to consider the potential impact on the passing of laws for 340 million citizens and the precedent it sets for political leaders' health and transparency.

    • Questions about McConnell's leadership and democracyMcConnell's continued leadership raises concerns about democracy, with aides running the show and low approval ratings, creating a potentially dangerous situation due to partisan divide and fear of succession.

      Senator Mitch McConnell's continued leadership in the Senate, despite concerns about his health and effectiveness, raises questions about the state of American democracy. His aides reportedly run the show, and his low approval ratings among his constituents suggest that his tenure is more about holding onto power than effectively wielding it. The situation recalls the case of Senator Dianne Feinstein, who was criticized for her declining ability to lead. The fear of McConnell's staff and the partisan divide make it unlikely that a successor will be appointed easily, creating a potentially dangerous situation for the country. The situation calls for a serious conversation about the responsibilities of elected officials and the mechanisms for ensuring that they are able to fulfill their duties effectively.

    • Unpopular, yet powerful: The influence of aging political leadersDespite low approval ratings and advanced ages, some US political leaders, like Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein, remain in power due to money and party system. This hinders fresh, representative leadership and the health of democracy.

      The aging political leadership in the US, such as Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein, continues to cling to power despite their advanced ages and low approval ratings, due in part to the influence of money in politics and the party system. This situation, where unpopular candidates are continually supported, contributes to a lack of fresh, representative leadership and a failure of democracy. The end of Jim Crow era saw a surge of new blood in politics due to increased voter participation, but now, with many democratic institutions corroded, we find ourselves with two aging candidates, Trump and Biden, for the presidency. The parties' support of unpopular candidates, combined with the partisan tribal divide, perpetuates this regrettable state of affairs.

    • Growing concerns about Biden's age and ability to run for reelectionDespite Biden's aids downplaying age concerns, public skepticism persists. Focus on his record is best argument. Open, honest conversations about leaders' capabilities essential.

      There are growing concerns about President Joe Biden's age and ability to effectively run for reelection and serve as president, with polls showing a significant percentage of Americans and even Democrats holding this view. Biden's aids have attempted to downplay these concerns, but their arguments have been met with skepticism and ridicule. The best argument they can make is to focus on Biden's record of accomplishments during his time in office. However, attempts to gaslight the public and deny the obvious signs of Biden's age and energy levels have been met with criticism and disbelief. The public's willingness to accept these candidates, despite their advanced age, raises questions about the state of our political system and our collective responsibility to demand better. It's important to have open and honest conversations about the capabilities and fitness of our leaders, especially those seeking the most demanding job in the world.

    • Political strategist Dan Pfeiffer analyzes the closeness of the 2024 presidential race despite low approval ratings and indictments against Trump.Young voter disengagement is a significant issue in the current political landscape, with both Biden and Trump retaining a high percentage of their respective voter bases.

      The current political landscape is characterized by a lack of compelling alternatives for voters, leading to high voter disengagement, particularly among young people. This dynamic, as analyzed by political strategist Dan Pfeiffer, is contributing to the closeness of the 2024 presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, despite Trump's indictments and low approval ratings. Pfeiffer points out that Trump is retaining a high percentage of his 2020 voters, while Biden's support among young voters has plummeted. This disengagement is not due to a mass shift towards Trump, but rather a sense of frustration and apathy towards the available options. The implications of this trend are significant, as it may impact the outcome of future elections and further erode faith in the political process.

    • Young voters' turnout and Democratic Party's challengesThe Democratic Party struggles to win over young voters due to economic concerns and lack of clear agenda, which could impact election results in key states.

      The Democratic Party faces significant challenges in winning over key voting demographics, particularly young voters, in upcoming elections. The drop in turnout among young voters in urban areas like Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee could determine the outcome of crucial states like Georgia and Arizona. The abortion issue could potentially save Biden, but the lack of a clear affirmative agenda and economic concerns are also major factors. Young voters are not feeling the economic benefits, and there is a sense of contempt towards their political ideology from the Democratic establishment. The administration's handling of the abortion issue has been effective in energizing voters, but its approach to climate change and oil drilling is not resonating with young people. The treatment of young Democrats and their supporters has also taken a toll. The loosening of weed restrictions by the Biden administration might help in some ways, but it's not a silver bullet solution. The Democrats need to address these issues head-on if they want to win over young voters and secure their electoral future.

    • Biden administration considers rescheduling marijuanaThe Biden admin may reschedule marijuana to Schedule 3, reducing restrictions but not full decriminalization or legalization, with potential political motivations.

      The Biden administration is considering rescheduling marijuana from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule 3 substance under the Controlled Substances Act. This would significantly change how marijuana is handled federally, as Schedule 3 substances have a lower potential for physical or psychological dependence and face less regulatory restrictions. While this is a step towards decriminalization, it does not fully legalize marijuana and people could still face criminal penalties for possession. The move is seen as politically motivated, with young voters being a key demographic for the administration to appeal to. This change, while not full decriminalization or legalization, could still be a significant shift in drug policy and a sign of the growing support for marijuana reform. The American people are overwhelmingly in favor of decriminalizing marijuana, and this move could help to address the disconnect between federal and state marijuana laws. However, it may not be enough to address the current frustration and hopelessness felt by many people due to the lack of material benefits from the administration's actions.

    • A young Vivek Ramaswami and Pete Buttigieg's shared political passionTheir college-era interactions highlight their early political ambitions and commitment to their respective careers, whether in business or politics.

      The early political ambitions and deep interest in politics of Vivek Ramaswami and Pete Buttigieg, as seen in their college-era interactions, are a testament to their commitment and drive in their respective careers. However, some may find their political ambitions at a young age off-putting. Despite their different paths afterwards, Ramaswami's move into business and entrepreneurship and Buttigieg's traditional political career, their shared early political passion is a common thread. The emergence of their old college interview clips online serves as a reminder of the intensity and energy of the political climate during that time. Despite the cringeworthy efforts like Rock the Vote, the importance of young people's voices and votes in shaping the political landscape remains significant.

    • Politicians with young age ambition face scrutinyPoliticians like Pete Buttigieg and Vivek Ramaswami, despite their young age ambitions, face scrutiny for their motivations and values as their political trajectories raise questions about their genuine commitment to serving the greater good. Authenticity, values, and a clear sense of purpose are crucial for building trust and support from voters.

      Politicians like Pete Buttigieg and Vivek Ramaswami, who have shown ambition from a young age, often face scrutiny for it. Their political trajectories, from liberal to neoliberal or liberal to libertarian and social conservative, respectively, are not uncommon. However, the authenticity of their motivations and values can be questioned when it appears their primary ambition is to attain political power for its own sake. This was evident in their recent appearance at an event. The contrast between their early lives and their current political personas raises questions about their genuine commitment to serving the greater good. The public often prefers politicians who seem relatable, like they could be "one of us," rather than those who appear overly ambitious or obsessed with power. Authenticity, values, and a clear sense of purpose are essential for building trust and support from voters.

    • Expansion of FBI's DNA CollectionThe FBI's DNA collection has expanded beyond violent and sexual offenders, raising concerns about privacy and due process. Approximately 90,000 samples are collected monthly, and the FBI aims to double its budget for DNA processing.

      The FBI's collection of DNA samples from American citizens has expanded significantly, raising concerns about privacy and due process. Originally, DNA sampling was limited to violent and sexual offenders, but it has since expanded to include people of interest in crimes, even those who have never been convicted. The FBI aims to double its budget for DNA processing and collects approximately 90,000 samples per month. This expansion is due in part to loopholes in federal law and the ease with which DNA can be obtained and analyzed with advanced technology. The case of the Golden State Killer, who was identified through a distant relative's DNA submitted to an ancestry website, illustrates the potential reach of this data collection. While the ability to identify and bring criminals to justice is important, the lack of due process and potential for misuse of this data is a cause for concern. The slippery slope of expanding security measures, starting with broad public support, but continuing to expand without checks and balances, is a significant issue. The use of DNA technology is only becoming more sophisticated, making the expansion of this program a pressing concern.

    • Unused DNA and facial recognition data raise privacy concernsHalf a million unused DNA profiles and concerns over facial recognition usage without consent highlight the need for transparency and oversight in government data collection programs.

      While mass collection of DNA and facial recognition data by the government for security purposes may seem effective based on portrayals in media, the reality is that a large portion of this data goes unused and raises significant privacy concerns. Over half a million people's DNA profiles have not assisted in crime cases, and facial recognition technology used without consent is a cause for concern. The lack of transparency and oversight in these programs increases the risk of misuse and potential harm to individuals. For young homebuyers, the high cost of homes and mortgage rates necessitate large down payments, with 40% of under-30 homeowners relying on family money to make that possible.

    • Using Family Money for Homeownership44% of homeowners under 30 used family funds for down payments, creating a class divide and limiting upward mobility as interest rates rise and competition for mortgages increases

      The ability to access generational wealth, often through help from parents, plays a significant role in achieving homeownership and building wealth in the United States. With rising interest rates and competition for mortgages, it has become increasingly difficult for younger people without family financial support to enter the homeownership market, creating hard class lines and limiting upward mobility. According to a Redfin survey, 44% of homeowners under 30 used family money or inheritance for their down payment. The economic landscape is becoming more challenging for many people, with rising delinquencies on credit cards, auto loans, and other debts, making it harder for consumers to pay off their debts as interest rates increase. These trends highlight the importance of addressing wealth inequality and finding ways to support those who are struggling to achieve financial stability and homeownership.

    • Struggling Households Face Surge in Debt and DelinquenciesDespite low unemployment, many Americans are falling behind on car loans, credit card payments, and other debts due to inflation, rising borrowing costs, and the end of pandemic relief programs. High credit card interest rates and an increase in credit card accounts are exacerbating the issue.

      The economic landscape is becoming increasingly challenging for American households, with more people falling behind on car loans, credit card payments, and other debts. This trend is particularly pronounced for lower-income earners who have used pandemic-era stimulus checks and relief programs to stay afloat. The combination of inflation, rising borrowing costs, and the end of pandemic-era programs is squeezing household budgets and leading to a surge in delinquencies and defaults. This situation is reminiscent of the post-Great Recession era and even the Great Depression, with compounding poverty and inability to get ahead. The average credit card interest rate is at a record high of 20.6%, making it difficult for people to pay off their debts. Additionally, the number of credit card accounts has increased by 70 million since 2019, and the use of buy now, pay later services has surged. These trends indicate that people are struggling to make ends meet and are relying on debt to do so, despite low unemployment numbers. It's important for individuals to avoid accumulating excessive credit card debt due to its high interest rates and the potential for overwhelming financial burden.

    • CNN's Intrusive News Alerts on Max Spark BacklashCNN's new strategy to revive CNN+ on Max is facing criticism for interrupting viewers' favorite shows with intrusive news alerts. The failure of CNN+ and lack of a clear digital strategy raises questions about the company's ability to compete in the streaming market.

      CNN's attempt to revive its failed streaming service, CNN+, is facing backlash due to intrusive news alerts interrupting users' viewing experience on Warner Brothers Discovery's Max platform. This new strategy, which involves repurposing existing CNN content, has been criticized for invading viewers' personal space and time, especially during their favorite TV shows. The failure of CNN+ in the past, which cost $300 million, raises questions about the company's understanding of what makes for a successful online streaming business. Despite the competition from NBC, MSNBC, and Fox News, CNN seems to lack a clear strategy for subsidizing news content with other attractive offerings. The appointment of Mark Thompson, a newspaper executive, as the new CNN CEO adds to the uncertainty, as his experience may not translate well to the digital streaming landscape.

    • CNN's Financial Challenges and Potential SolutionsCNN is exploring profitable content to overcome financial struggles, but the success of this approach is uncertain. The NYT and WP expanded through acquisitions and new offerings during political events.

      CNN is facing financial challenges and is looking for a sustainable business model. The suggested strategy is to focus on profitable content, such as cooking shows or sports, instead of news. However, this approach goes against the nature of running a news business. The success stories of The New York Times and The Washington Post, which leveraged political events to boost subscriptions, provide some insights. They used the momentum to expand their business through acquisitions and new offerings. Translating this into CNN could involve finding a unique angle or content that resonates with audiences and generates sustainable revenue. The hiring of Chris Licht, who has a track record of expanding news operations, is a step in this direction. However, the success of this strategy remains uncertain.

    • Medicare's new drug price negotiations sparks controversyPharmaceutical companies and Republicans oppose Medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices, citing constitutional issues and potential harm to research and development, while Hungary urges caution in US involvement in the Ukraine conflict

      The recent allowance of Medicare to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies marks a modest improvement for 65 million Americans, but it has sparked intense opposition from pharmaceutical companies and Republicans. Pharmaceutical companies argue that these negotiations are unconstitutional and will harm research and development, while Republicans claim they will impose price controls. Hungary, a NATO member with a border to Ukraine, offers a unique perspective on the conflict, viewing it as a losing war and urging caution in US involvement. Despite the controversy, it's essential to consider the perspectives of all NATO members, especially those with direct connections to the conflict.

    • Orban: Current Ukraine strategy flawed and unsustainableOrban suggests the West should make the war in Ukraine so painful for Russia that they seek peace or withdraw, but warns that Russians may not respond as Westerners expect to sanctions and death.

      According to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the current strategy to support Ukraine against Russia's invasion is flawed and unsustainable. Orban argues that Ukraine will run out of soldiers faster than Russia due to its smaller population and resources. He also emphasizes that preserving Russian territory and maintaining the integrity of their country is a vital national security interest for the Russian regime. Orban suggests that the West should consider making the war in Ukraine so painful for Russia that they seek peace or withdraw, but he warns that our perception of how populations and governments may respond to sanctions and death is not the Russian view. Orban believes that the power to end the conflict lies in the hands of the United States, as they have the ability to withdraw support for Ukraine and bring about peace.

    • Listening to diverse perspectives on the Ukraine conflictAcknowledging differing viewpoints, including those of leaders like Orban, is crucial for understanding complex geopolitical issues. Honesty about our role and alternative solutions can lead to more nuanced perspectives.

      It's crucial to listen to differing perspectives, even from leaders of NATO countries with whom we may not always agree, regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's candid admission that the US is driving the train in the conflict and using Ukrainians as pawns highlights the importance of self-reflection and acknowledging our role in the situation. Orban's call for honesty about the future and an end to learned helplessness resonates, as it challenges the assumption that sanctions and military intervention are the only solutions. Furthermore, Orban's perspective, shaped by his personal experiences and understanding of Russian culture, offers valuable insights into the Russian mindset. Ultimately, engaging in open dialogue and considering alternative viewpoints can lead to a more nuanced understanding of complex geopolitical issues.

    • Young voters' disengagement with major parties and leadersYoung voters have unfavorable opinions of both major parties' leaders, with Biden and Trump each having approval ratings in the thirties. Young people are seeking transformational leaders and are more focused on policy accomplishments than age.

      Young voters are disengaged with both major political parties and have unfavorable opinions of their leaders, with President Biden and former President Trump each having approval ratings in the thirties among this demographic. Harry, a Biden supporter, believes the administration is not effectively communicating its accomplishments to young people through social media and technology. Link, on the other hand, feels the Republicans may have an opportunity to resonate with young voters due to their policy stances, but young people are more focused on transformational leaders who can address their concerns. Age is also a concern for some young voters regarding President Biden, with a majority believing he is too old to run for president. However, Harry argues that policy accomplishments should be the focus over age. The administration's accomplishments include the American Rescue Plan, Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, and various other acts.

    • Understanding Rural Voters' ConcernsEffective communication and recognizing diverse voter concerns are crucial for political success, even if policy accomplishments may not be the primary focus for some.

      While policy accomplishments are important, they may not be the primary concern for some voters, particularly those in rural areas or small towns. These voters often feel disconnected from the policies passed in the urban elite bubbles and desire new leadership. Despite the administration's achievements, the close polling numbers between Biden and Trump suggest that the message is not resonating with everyone. The abortion issue is a contentious one, with strong opinions on both sides. While some Republicans are pro-life, it's essential to recognize that the electorate is diverse, and different approaches may be needed to appeal to various demographics, especially young people. Ultimately, effective communication and understanding the unique concerns of different voter groups are crucial for political success.

    • Republicans Threaten Women's Reproductive FreedomsRepublicans are pushing for restrictive abortion laws, some threatening jail time for those who assist. Democrats respond with judicial appointments and lawsuits, but critics call for more action. The 2024 election could decide the future of reproductive freedoms.

      Republicans are actively trying to restrict women's reproductive freedoms across the country. This was evident during the recent debates where several Republican politicians boasted about signing pro-life legislation. The situation has reached a critical point, with some Republicans even threatening to jail those who assist women in obtaining abortions. Democrats, led by President Biden, have responded by appointing pro-choice judges and suing to overturn these bans. However, critics argue that the Democrats should do more to restore these rights, especially given the controversial situations involving young girls being forced to carry pregnancies to term. Some also criticized President Biden for his handling of social media censorship and perceived lack of leadership. The 2024 election could be a pivotal moment for women's rights, with the outcome potentially determining the future of reproductive freedoms in the US.

    • Speaker admires some 2024 presidential candidates and observes the race closelySpeaker defends Biden's Hurricane Maria response, criticizes Trump's delay, and emphasizes factual evidence over opinions.

      During the discussion, it became clear that the speaker is an independent journalist who covers politics closely but does not endorse any particular candidate. They expressed their admiration for some other candidates and their intention to observe who will emerge as a strong contender in the 2024 presidential race. The speaker also defended Joe Biden's response to Hurricane Maria, stating that he met the needs of the people in Hawaii within hours and signed an emergency declaration within days. They criticized Trump for taking 15 days to respond to the hurricane, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,000 people in Puerto Rico. The speaker emphasized that it's important to consider the facts and the actual experiences of people affected by the actions of the politicians rather than relying on clamors or opinions.

    • A discussion about Joe Biden's leadership and policiesParticipants valued open-minded dialogue and respecting diverse viewpoints, even when discussing political differences, such as Biden's leadership and policy accomplishments versus the need for a younger, transformational leader.

      During a discussion about the merits of voting for Joe Biden, one participant expressed their preference for a younger, transformational leader, while another defended some accomplishments of the Biden administration and criticized the failure to pass the Build Back Better bill fully. Despite their differing views, they agreed on the importance of engaging in thoughtful dialogue and respecting each other's perspectives. The conversation also touched on various issues like abortion rights, border control, and empathy for diverse viewpoints. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open-mindedness and respectful discourse in political discussions.

    • Transforming bedtimes and meals with Koala Moon podcast and California avocadosKoala Moon podcast and California avocados offer exceptional experiences that enhance everyday routines, providing unique benefits and worth incorporating into our daily lives. Listen to Koala Moon on Iheartradio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Learn more about California avocados at californiaavocado.com.

      Both Koala Moon podcast and California avocados offer exceptional experiences that enhance everyday routines. The Koala Moon podcast, with its bedtime stories and meditations, has transformed bedtimes for over 20 million families, making it a beloved and essential part of their nightly routine. On the other hand, California avocados, grown under ideal conditions by dedicated farmers, bring rich flavors and nutrients to our meals, making them a top choice for consumers. Both the Koala Moon podcast and California avocados provide unique benefits and are worth incorporating into our daily lives. To enjoy the magic of Koala Moon, tune in on the Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. For more information about California avocados, visit californiaavocado.com.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show AD FREE, uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/


    Merch Store: https://shop.breakingpoints.com/

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    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden, Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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    Episode 96: The Campaign to Erase Trans People from Public Life

    Episode 96: The Campaign to Erase Trans People from Public Life

    This year alone, hundreds of bills have been introduced in state legislatures aimed at erasing trans people from public life. Christopher Wright Durocher speaks with Alejandra Caraballo and Mary Kelly Persyn about this "legislative terror campaign," the devastating consequences of it, and how the legal community can fight in solidarity with the trans community in support of trans rights, dignity, and safety. 

    Join the Progressive Legal Movement Today: ACSLaw.org

    Today's Host: Christopher Wright Durocher, ACS VP of Policy and Program

    Guest: Alejandra Caraballo, Clinical Instructor, Harvard Law School

    Guest: Mary Kelly Persyn, Founder and Principal, Persyn Law & Policy

    Link: LGBTQ+ Legislative Tracker

    Link: "Extradition Post Roe," by Alejandra Caraballo, et al

    Link: "We Are All Transgender Now: On Resisting Tyranny," by Mary Kelly Persyn

    Link: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

    Visit the Podcast Website: Broken Law Podcast

    Email the Show: Podcast@ACSLaw.org

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    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2023.

    Broken Law: About the law, who it serves, and who it doesn’t.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2024.

    Episode 4: Empty Promises

    Episode 4: Empty  Promises

    In 2015, following Myanmar's first free election in a quarter-century, Western governments, including that of the United States, staked their hopes for democracy on Myanmar’s de facto civilian leader, Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi. Once regarded as a nascent democracy, Myanmar has sharply backslid in recent years. Suu Kyi’s denial of what the United Nations deems a genocide of the country’s Rohingya population coupled with her fall from power in February’s military coup, shows the limits, and perhaps naivety, of Western-backed democracy promotion. 


    This week, guest host and Eurasia Group Foundation research fellow Caroline Baxter speaks with journalist Francis Wade. They discuss America's attempts to curb the humanitarian and political crises in Myanmar, and the options (or lack thereof) confronting the Biden administration.


    Francis Wade is a freelance journalist with extensive experience reporting on South and South-East Asia. He is also the author of Myanmar’s Enemy Within: Buddhist Violence and the Making of a Muslim ‘Other’. You can follow Francis on Twitter at @Francis_Wade.