
    8/9/21: Infrastructure Latest, Chris Cuomo's Vacation, Student Debt Outlook, Obama's Birthday Bash, Bill Gates, Andrew Cuomo Fallout, Right Wing Cancel Culture, Miner Strike, and More!

    enAugust 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring various podcasts for different interests and needsDiscover diverse podcasts catering to bedtime routines, education, news, and personal growth. Embrace change and take risks to explore new opportunities.

      There are numerous podcasts available to cater to different interests and needs, transforming various aspects of life, from bedtime routines to education and news consumption. The Koala Moon podcast offers bedtime stories and meditations, She Pivots explores inspiring pivots made by women, Stories for Kids by Lingokids is an interactive learning experience, and Breaking Points provides in-depth political analysis. Additionally, taking risks and embracing change, as demonstrated by the hosts of Breaking Points, can lead to unique opportunities and experiences.

    • Trump Criticizes Infrastructure Bill, Mischaracterizes ItDespite Trump's claims, the infrastructure bill is not the Green New Deal, and the mileage tax is a voluntary pilot program.

      Former President Donald Trump has criticized the infrastructure bill currently moving through the Senate, arguing it's a gift to the Democrats and a violation of privacy due to potential mileage tax implementation. However, his argument is misguided as the mileage tax is a voluntary pilot program, and the infrastructure bill is not the Green New Deal, despite Trump's claims. Moreover, the infrastructure bill includes provisions like elder care, childcare, and universal pre-K, which Trump derisively labels as the Green New Deal. Trump's attempts to sway Republicans against the bill may reflect his desire to maintain influence within the party and opposition to the Democratic agenda.

    • Challenges to passing the infrastructure billDespite initial support, the infrastructure bill's passage is uncertain due to potential GOP defections, House progressive opposition, need for budget neutrality, and Democratic infighting over bill timing and linking.

      The passing of the bipartisan infrastructure bill faces numerous challenges despite having broad support among senators. These challenges include potential last-minute defections from Republicans, opposition from House progressives who refuse to pass the bill without a reconciliation package, and the need for every dollar in the bill to be paid for. Additionally, there is a divide among Democrats over the timing and linking of the infrastructure and reconciliation bills, with some moderates pushing for an immediate vote on the infrastructure bill. These factors make the passage of the bill uncertain, despite its initial broad support.

    • Political Opposition to Infrastructure BillDespite Pelosi's efforts to pass the infrastructure bill, opposition from progressives, moderates, and Republicans threatens its passage. The bill's cost and climate change provisions are major points of contention.

      The passage of the infrastructure bill in the US Congress is facing significant opposition from both sides, with progressives and moderate Democrats at odds over the size and content of the package, and Republicans criticizing the proposed spending. Pelosi's role in holding the bill is uncertain, but even if she manages to secure enough votes, obstacles remain, including the concerns of key senators like Manchin and Sinema, particularly regarding climate change provisions. The bipartisan bill includes significant funding for traditional infrastructure projects, but progressives are pushing for more ambitious climate initiatives, leading to a potential standoff. The debate highlights the challenges of passing legislation in a polarized political climate. The infrastructure package contains substantial funding for roads, bridges, public transit, rail, ports and airports, broadband, electric vehicle chargers, electrifying buses and ferries, power grid infrastructure, flood mitigation, clean water infrastructure, and Superfund site cleanups. The opposition's criticisms of the bill's cost are hypocritical, as they previously supported large spending during the Trump administration. The climate change provisions are a major point of contention, with Manchin advocating for the interests of fossil fuel companies and progressives pushing for more ambitious climate action.

    • Congressional alignment and New York politicsHouse Democrats align with progressive members by following a specific plan, while NY Governor Cuomo faces calls for resignation over bullying allegations and Chris Cuomo's involvement in political strategy calls raises concerns at CNN

      During a discussion about the ongoing debate in Congress regarding two bills, it was expressed that following a specific plan, where the House doesn't pass any bills until the Senate reconciliation bill is passed, would result in alignment with the stance of progressive House members. A major development in New York politics involved Governor Andrew Cuomo, whose top aide and advisor, Melissa DeRosa, has resigned following allegations of bullying, harassment, and covering up for the governor. The governor has faced calls for resignation from all New York Democrats and President Biden. In the media sphere, Chris Cuomo, CNN's highest-rated anchor and brother of the governor, has been under scrutiny for his involvement in the governor's political strategy calls and for receiving VIP treatment during the pandemic. Despite these conflicts of interest, CNN has not yet taken any action against Chris Cuomo. Some speculate that his vacation during this controversy may be a precursor to his eventual dismissal from the network.

    • CNN's Decision on Cuomo Coverage: Ratings or Responsibility?Cuomo's scandals may lead to impeachment, despite public pressure for his resignation, and CNN's coverage is questioned for ratings reasons.

      CNN is considering whether or not to continue covering New York Governor Andrew Cuomo amidst allegations of sexual misconduct and other scandals. The speaker expresses skepticism about CNN's motives, suggesting that ratings and the appearance of seriousness and respectability are their primary concerns. Despite the mounting pressure, including from mainstream outlets, the speaker believes that Cuomo is not going anywhere and may even try to ride it out like Governor Ralph Northam did during the blackface scandal. However, the political divide within the Democratic party and the dramatic shift in public opinion against Cuomo make impeachment a likely outcome. A recent poll from Quinnipiac University shows that 7 out of 10 New York voters believe Cuomo should resign, and 55% think he should be charged with a crime. The impeachment investigation is reportedly moving quickly.

    • Allegations against Trump and Biden towards womenTrump's accusers were dismissed, while Biden's faced calls for accountability. Biden extended student loan repayment pause until Jan 2022, previously promised to eliminate debt for certain families.

      During the discussion, it was highlighted that former President Trump and current President Biden have faced allegations of inappropriate behavior towards women. However, while Trump's accusers were dismissed by many on the right, Biden's accusers have been met with calls for accountability. Additionally, the Biden administration has extended the student loan repayment pause until January 2022, marking the final extension. Biden had previously campaigned on eliminating student debt for those from families earning less than $125,000 and attending public universities.

    • Biden's Power to Eliminate Student Debt but Chooses Not ToThough Biden has the executive power to eliminate student debt, he hasn't acted due to Pelosi's concerns and potential opposition from wealthy donors

      President Joe Biden has the power to eliminate student debt through executive order but has chosen not to do so. During the campaign trail, Biden proposed eliminating student debt for those earning less than $125,000 who attended public universities, and reducing debt for others. However, Nancy Pelosi recently made a controversial argument against student debt cancellation, citing taxpayer concerns. It was later revealed that Pelosi's shift in stance may have been influenced by a memo from a billionaire power couple opposing debt cancellation via executive order. Despite having the clear authority to eliminate student debt under the Higher Education Act of 1965, Biden has not taken action. The temporary pause on student loan payments is a helpful measure, but it falls short of the significant debt relief promised during the campaign.

    • Biden Can Cancel Student Debt for Scam College Victims, But Won'tDespite high public support, Biden hasn't cancelled student debt, disproportionately affecting young adults and Black households. Countries with free college inspire the US to prioritize education investment.

      President Joe Biden has the power to cancel student debt for those affected by scam for-profit colleges, but he's choosing not to do so. Critics argue that this is selective, as some may not want their taxes used for this purpose. However, polls show a majority of Americans support student debt elimination or free college education. Many young adults, particularly Black households, are struggling with student debt, which disproportionately impacts them. Countries like Brazil, Germany, Finland, France, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden have free or nearly free college, and the US could follow suit. The US once had more affordable public universities, but costs have soared due to funding cuts. It's time for America to prioritize its people by investing in education and eliminating student debt.

    • Obama's Elitist Birthday BashFormer President Obama's extravagant birthday party, attended by celebrities and famous personalities, sparked criticism for elitist behavior despite ongoing COVID-19 concerns and disinviting those who helped him politically.

      Despite his promise to be different, former President Barack Obama's recent extravagant birthday party highlighted his elitist tendencies. This event, which was initially planned as a large gathering, raised concerns due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While the party was mostly attended by vaccinated individuals, the optics of hosting such a large event while advocating against large gatherings sparked criticism. The guest list, which included celebrities and famous personalities, further fueled the perception of Obama as an out-of-touch elite. Interestingly, those who had helped him achieve political success were reportedly not invited. This incident serves as a reminder of the disconnect between the political elite and the public they serve. While the COVID-19 angle may be a valid criticism, it is the elitist behavior that truly underscores this story.

    • Obama's Post-Presidency Social Life Seen as Elitist and HollowDespite his stated values, former President Obama's post-presidency social life is criticized for being elitist and filled with superficial relationships, prioritizing prestige over genuine connections and meaningful politics.

      Former President Barack Obama's post-presidency social life is seen as superficial and hollow, filled with elite connections rather than deep human relationships. He seems more interested in protecting his legacy and maintaining his prestige than engaging in meaningful politics or building genuine friendships. The recent exclusion of Obama's former aides from his star-studded party, which was marketed as an intimate gathering, added to the perception of elitism and hypocrisy. The event, held in an enclosed tent, sparked controversy regarding COVID-19 safety protocols. Overall, Obama's social circle and actions post-presidency contrast sharply with his stated values and his approach to building relationships during his time in office.

    • Media's Favoritism Towards Barack Obama and Bill Gates' Connection with Jeffrey EpsteinMedia's favorable coverage of Barack Obama overlooked his policy failures, while Bill Gates' relationship with Jeffrey Epstein was more extensive than reported, with Gates seeking advice and using their meetings as an escape.

      The media's coverage of certain political figures can be influenced by their perceived popularity, and in the case of Barack Obama, the media often took a favorable stance towards him despite his policies failing to address crucial issues like climate, regulation of Wall Street, and the fate of the working class. Meanwhile, in a separate matter, Bill Gates' relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, which he downplayed during an interview with Anderson Cooper, was reportedly much more extensive than he let on, with Gates seeking advice from Epstein and using their meetings as an escape from his marriage. The inconsistencies in Gates' account and the extensive reporting on their interactions raise questions about the full extent of their relationship.

    • Epstein's connections to powerful figures raise questionsEpstein's alleged sex trafficking and continued connections to influential figures despite conviction raise suspicions of intelligence agency involvement and unchecked power

      Jeffrey Epstein's ability to ingratiate himself with powerful people, including Bill Gates, raises questions about potential involvement with intelligence agencies for the purpose of gathering compromising information. Epstein's connections to influential figures, such as Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, and Bill Gates, are concerning due to Epstein's history of alleged sex trafficking. Epstein's relationship with Gates, which continued even after Epstein's conviction in 2009, is particularly troubling given Melinda Gates' involvement in fighting sex trafficking. The official story of Epstein's wealth acquisition through a Midwestern billionaire is plausible, but the suspicion that Epstein was working with intelligence agencies to gather dirt on powerful individuals seems like a plausible explanation for his impunity. The fact that Epstein was able to cut sweetheart deals with law enforcement early on also raises concerns about the complicity of those in positions of power. Ultimately, the Epstein saga highlights the importance of accountability for powerful individuals and the potential risks of unchecked power and influence.

    • Bill Gates' past business practices impacting global vaccine distributionDespite pledges to vaccinate the world, Gates faces criticism for maintaining patent protections, hindering production of affordable vaccines, and influencing global vaccine distribution efforts with his past business tactics.

      Bill Gates' charitable efforts, while improving his public image, have not translated into meaningful action when it comes to global vaccine distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite his pledges to vaccinate the world through COVAX, Gates has faced criticism for fighting to keep patent protections in place, preventing the production of cheaper vaccines. His past business practices, built on monopolistic tactics and patent protections, have influenced his stance on this issue. This ideology has significantly impacted the global fight against COVID-19, as many countries are struggling to administer even their first doses. The lack of mainstream media coverage on this issue is concerning, as it hinders public awareness and understanding of Gates' role in the situation. Meanwhile, figures like Alfonso David, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, have been implicated in covering up sexual harassment allegations against Governor Andrew Cuomo, further highlighting the prioritization of protecting powerful individuals over promoting justice and accountability.

    • Alfonso David's controversial actions against women accusing Governor CuomoDespite its progressive mission, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has been criticized for prioritizing power over progressive politics, as seen in its support of Alfonso David amidst allegations of working against women accusing Governor Cuomo of harassment.

      Alfonso David, a former top executive at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), has been accused of working against women who accused Governor Andrew Cuomo of harassment. David helped draft an op-ed to attack one accuser's credibility, plotted to secretly record conversations, and attempted to discredit the accusers publicly. HRC staffers were outraged and demanded his resignation in a heated meeting. However, the board of directors stood by David and even extended his contract. The HRC's support of David, despite his questionable behavior, is not surprising given its history of prioritizing power over progressive politics. The organization has backed establishment Democrats over more progressive candidates, such as Bernie Sanders and Alex Morse, and has awarded perfect scores to corporations like Lockheed Martin, despite their questionable records on equality and labor rights. The HRC's actions are a reminder that even organizations with progressive missions can be captured by corporate interests and Democratic elites, ultimately protecting power rather than promoting rights and equality.

    • Cancel culture isn't limited to the leftCancel culture, regardless of political leaning, can stifle free speech and promote intolerance

      Cancel culture, or the practice of publicly shaming and boycotting individuals or entities for expressing controversial opinions, is not exclusive to the left. The right has also employed this tactic, as seen in the case of Evan Hafer, who denounced extremist elements on the right and was subsequently canceled by prominent voices on the right. This trend extends beyond individual cases, with examples ranging from the Dixie Chicks' blacklisting over their anti-war sentiments to the controversy surrounding Sacha Baron Cohen and Roy Moore. It's essential to recognize that cancel culture, regardless of political affiliation, can stifle free speech and create an environment of intolerance.

    • The debate on cancel culture and free speech impacts politics, labor, and societyUnderstanding cancel culture's impact on politics, labor, and society is essential. Right-wing cancel culture exists, and free speech principles should be consistently upheld.

      The debate around cancel culture and free speech extends beyond the left and affects various aspects of society, including politics and labor. Trump's support for restricting speech and laws against protests are examples of right-wing cancel culture. The recent passing of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka marks a significant loss for the labor movement, and the future of the organization remains uncertain. Meanwhile, the 1,100 miners at Warrior Met in Alabama went on strike for four months with minimal media coverage, highlighting the importance of independent journalism in reporting on underrepresented stories. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize the dangers of cancel culture and political correctness, regardless of political affiliation, and strive for consistency in upholding free speech principles.

    • Gladness for Increased Media Coverage of Warrior Met Coal StrikeIndependent reporter expresses hope for more news orgs to cover labor strike for better wages and benefits, emphasizes importance of unions and labor militancy, and shares struggles of covering story due to lack of public education about labor movements

      The media coverage of the ongoing labor strike at Warrior Met Coal in Alabama has been increasing, with the first national TV news segment airing in August 2021, five months into the strike. The speaker, an independent reporter who has been covering the story, expresses her gladness for the increased attention and hopes it will encourage more news organizations to cover the strike. The workers have been fighting for better wages and benefits, saving the mine from various hazards for years. The speaker emphasizes the importance of unions and labor militancy, and the need for public education about their significance. She also mentions the struggle of covering the story due to the atrophied understanding of labor movements in the country. The speaker's background and insights were featured in the ABC News piece, which she believes was well-done and may serve as a turning point in media coverage of the strike.

    • Renewed Interest in Labor Reporting and Union StrugglesNew generation journalists are shedding light on labor issues, countering hedge funds and companies' unfair practices, as seen in the ongoing strike at Warrior Met in Alabama, where workers are determined to fight for fair wages and safe conditions, despite challenges. Media and public support is crucial to hold companies accountable.

      There's a renewed interest in labor reporting and labor struggles, driven in part by a new generation of diverse, pro-union journalists who have learned about unions through organizing efforts in the digital media industry. This is important because hedge funds and companies may take advantage of lack of media coverage to make cuts and engage in unfair labor practices. The ongoing strike at Warrior Met in Alabama, where workers are facing cuts and unsafe conditions, illustrates this. Despite the challenges, the workers are determined and have support from unions and labor activists across the country. It's crucial that media and the public stay informed and engaged to hold companies accountable. The strike is expected to be a long fight, with workers finding ways to supplement their income and even willing to get arrested if necessary. If you're interested in supporting independent labor reporting, consider subscribing to the podcast for exclusive content.

    • Revolutionize bedtime with these podcastsPodcasts like Koala Moon, She Pivots, and Stories for Kids by Lingokids can make bedtime a bonding and educational experience, offering life-changing stories, sleep meditations, and interactive learning.

      There are numerous podcasts available that can make bedtime battles with kids a thing of the past and provide additional educational and interactive benefits. The Koala Moon podcast, with its life-changing bedtime stories and cozy sleep meditations, has already revolutionized over 20 million bedtimes. She Pivots, another inspiring podcast, encourages listeners to view their past experiences as valuable building blocks for their current success. Lastly, Stories for Kids by Lingokids offers fun and interactive learning experiences through its episodes. Parents can access these podcasts on various platforms like Iheartradio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever they get their podcasts. By incorporating these podcasts into their daily routine, parents can transform bedtime into a bonding and educational experience. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that every experience, including past careers, contributes to our personal growth and should not be dismissed as a waste.

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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