
    About this Episode

    "You belong anywhere you want to be."

    I have spent a lot of time reflecting this month and it has shown me just how far I've really come. So often we focus on what we didn't achieve and overlook everything we did. This is because we often don't feel like we deserve the praise, or the achievements. We often feel like an imposter and at any moment everyone is going to figure out we don't know what the heck we are doing.

    This episode talks frankly about my own imposter syndrome and how I was able to face it head on in 2021 and how you can do the same.

    Ready to put your vision for 2022 in place? Join me at my Vision 2022: Intuitive Retreat for the New Year. This is a 90 virtual "mid-week retreat" with intuitive vision boarding, journaling and interactive exercises for you too to come to your word and intention for 2022 like I discussed in the episode. The event is free within the Daily Practice Community. Join and RSVP today!

    You can join my free online community for midlife moms at http://adailypractice.mn.co.

    To learn more about me, and how we could work together, visit my website at http://www.jennessadurrani.com

    Follow me on all social media channels @justjennessa

    And of course...I would love for you to subscribe to the podcast!

    Have questions or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    Recent Episodes from Surviving to Thriving: A Podcast for Moms

    98: LOVE YOUR WHOLE LIFE: Ecstasy, Then Dishes

    98: LOVE YOUR WHOLE LIFE: Ecstasy, Then Dishes

    "Love your whole entire life, you created it."

    Welcome back to Surviving to Thriving! In this week's episode, we're diving into the concept of embracing our entire lives—not just the highlight reel, but all the nooks, crannies, and under utilized parts as well. I draw on the analogy of a house with unused rooms to illustrate the importance of finding balance and alignment in every aspect of our lives.

    Join us in this episode of Surviving to Thriving, as we explore:

    • Embracing the diversity of our experiences and letting go of the pursuit of a "picture-perfect" life.
    • Recognizing what truly matters and giving each aspect of our lives the attention it deserves.
    • Strategies for cultivating balance and harmony amidst life's chaos.

    If you're ready to step into a life that's authentically yours, this episode is for you. Because true fulfillment isn't about perfection—it's about embracing the beautiful diversity of life.

    You're ready to create a life that reflects your wholeness, aren't you?

    What to listen to next:
    Episode 90: DREAMS: 3 Exercises to Ignite Your Next Chapter
    Episode 89: CAUSE VS EFFECT: Which Side Are You On?
    Episode 72: STOP LOOKING AWAY: See Yourself As Those That Love You See You

    Ready to take radical responsibility for your life? Then join me in my next cohort of ignitHER where you can walk confidently into your next chapter in just 8 weeks! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    Join my FREE ignitHER campfire community for women!  https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    And please like and share the podcast with those that need the message!

    Need more support, have questions, or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    97: AIM, FIRE, THRIVE: Overcoming Perfection by Embracing Imperfect Action

    97: AIM, FIRE, THRIVE: Overcoming Perfection by Embracing Imperfect Action

    "You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going."

    Ever find yourself endlessly aiming but never firing? In this episode of Surviving to Thriving, we're flipping the script on the "Ready, Aim, Fire" paradigm. I share my own eye-opening archery mishap to illustrate why it's time to fire before we're perfectly ready.

    Tune in to this episode of Surviving to Thriving, as we explore:

    • The paralysis of over-analysis and the quest for perfection.
    • Why taking imperfect action is crucial for progress.
    • Practical strategies to push past hesitation and start moving forward.

    If you're stuck in the cycle of indecision and perfectionism, this episode is your game-changer. Join us as we shift from aiming endlessly to firing boldly. Because sometimes, the greatest victories come from embracing the imperfect journey. 

    I know you are ready to take aim and fire towards your dreams, aren't you?

    What to listen to next:
    Episode 92: LEVERAGE: 4 Surefire Steps to Power Up Your Goals
    Episode 85: VISUALIZATION: The Pull We Need To Keep Us on Track
    Episode 80: STUCK: 5 Strategies to Lift You Out of Your Rut

    Ready to take radical responsibility for your life? Then schedule a 1:1 session with me and let's dig in: https://jennessadurrani.com/private-coaching

    Join my FREE ignitHER campfire community for women!  https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    And please like and share the podcast with those that need the message!

    Need more support, have questions, or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    96: CAREER MAGIC: Transforming Your Journey with Transferable Skills

    96: CAREER MAGIC: Transforming Your Journey with Transferable Skills

    "Transferable skills turn your past experience into your future asset." Hana Dhanji

    It does not matter if you have been with the same company for 10 years or 25, or have taken a hiatus and are wanting to return to work. Changing direction can be daunting. We become experts at what we've been doing for so long, that we no longer see the value in our experience and our talents. We find it hard to see how we can go and do something else. What could we possibly provide a new employer? 

    TONS! That's what. You are teeming with transferable skills that you can throw into your toolbox and take anywhere you go!

    In today's Surviving to Thriving Podcast, we talk about the unsexy topic of transferable skills:

    • How to uncover all of your awesomeness that you take for granted.
    • How to leverage the skills you have.
    • How to articulate the skills you have to move you to your next chapter.

    If your resume is in need of an upgrade, then this is definitely the episode for you!

    What to listen to next:
    Episode 75: GETTING OUR POOP IN A GROUP: The Art of Starting Again
    Episode 72: STOP LOOKING AWAY: See Yourself As Those That Love You See You
    Episode 70: SKILL BUILDING: Start Where You Are

    Here is the book Soundbite by Sara Harberson that I make not of in this episode. https://amzn.to/3IeuZ71

    Need a fresh set of eyes on your resume? Then schedule a 1:1 session with me and let's dig in: https://jennessadurrani.com/private-coaching

    Join my FREE ignitHER campfire community for women!  https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    And please like and share the podcast with those that need the message!

    Need more support, have questions, or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    95: HOW: The 3 Invisible Blocks Standing In Our Way Named HOWard

    95: HOW: The 3 Invisible Blocks Standing In Our Way Named HOWard

    "HOW does not have a place at the table when we are in dream mode." -Jennessa Durrani

    Have you ever been walking down the street and all of a sudden you trip…over nothing? You look down sure you will see a hole, rock, or a crack in the sidewalk, and there is nothing. That can be what life feels like at times. We are just walking towards our goal, minding our own business, when we get stuck. When we trip over an invisible block.

    It's these seemingly invisible blocks that I dig into in this episode. The three most prevalent blocks that stand in our way that I've renamed HOWard. HOWard be his name, and we have no time for him and his nonsense.  

    In today's Surviving to Thriving Podcast, I will review the steps we need to take to get over, under, and through HOWard and his invisible blocks and:

    • How we need to take radical responsibility for our lives and path forward.
    • How we need to be very clear on what we truly want to assure we can actually move forward.
    • How we finally can navigate over, under, through and around these blocks that plague us.

    If you are ready to finally see these blocks for what they are and navigate them once and for all, then this is the episode for you!

    What to listen to next:
    Episode 89: CAUSE VS EFFECT: Which Side Are You On?
    Episode 92: LEVERAGE: 4 Surefire Steps to Power Up Your Goals
    Episode 80: STUCK: 5 Strategies to Lift You Out of Your Rut

    Looking to create your next chapter, and need more than a podcast to get started? Then learn how to work with me at: https://jennessadurrani.com/private-coaching

    Join my FREE ignitHER campfire community for women!  https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    And please like and share the podcast with those that need the message!

    Need more support, have questions, or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    94: READY SET GO: A 5 Step Framework to Move Forward Once and for All

    94: READY SET GO: A 5 Step Framework to Move Forward Once and for All

    "Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success." -Henry Ford

    One of the most heard quotes from the women in my world is, "Jennessa, I'm not ready...not yet." I'm sure you can relate. There is likely something that you've been batting around in the back of your mind that you are going to "take on", but right now you just aren't ready. The thing is that we don't have a handle on what ready even looks like. When will the time be right? What needs to be in place? How do we get to ready?

    "Not ready" is a default mode that is neutral. That is keeping us stuck. In this week's episode, I help you shift out of default mode, and shift into "getting ready" one incredibly small step at a time!

    In today's Surviving to Thriving Podcast, I will give you a 5 step framework to shift into "getting ready" using these tools:

    • Visualization to help you picture what ready looks like.
    • Commitment to help you to place ready on your timeline in the future.
    • Breaking down the big hairy scary into small manageable pieces.

    If you are ready to take an active role in your life and start moving towards ready, then this is the episode for you!

    What to listen to next:
    Episode 85: VISUALIZATION: The Pull We Need To Keep Us on Track
    Episode 70: SKILL BUILDING: Start Where You Are
    Episode  65: DOING MORE WITH LESS: The Power in 10 Minutes A Day

    Looking to create your next chapter, and need more than a podcast to get started? Then learn how to work with me at: https://jennessadurrani.com/private-coaching

    Join my FREE ignitHER campfire community for women!  https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    And please like and share the podcast with those that need the message!

    Need more support, have questions, or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    93: STORIES THAT BIND: 6 Steps to Release Your Limiting Beliefs

    93: STORIES THAT BIND: 6 Steps to Release Your Limiting Beliefs

    To change our circumstances, we need to change our story: edit it, modify it, or completely rewrite it. ” --Harold R. Johnson

    As Harold R. Johnson said, "We are all story. We are the stories we are told and we are the stories we tell ourselves." Now who doesn't love a good story. An origin story. A comeback story. A harrowing tale. But when these stories become so engrained. So much a part of us that we can not see them for what they really are they bind us. They keep us stuck right where we are. Why do some stories hurt? Why do some stories stay with us for years and years? This is where we explore in this week's podcast episode.

    In today's Surviving to Thriving Podcast, I will illustrate how our stories are keeping us stuck and 6 steps to release ourselves from their binds, as well as:

    • What stories are actually limiting beliefs.
    • How to gain awareness around our stories and deconstruct them to take away their power.
    • Step by step process for releasing their hold on us so that we can create a new reality.

    If you are ready to retire your outdated narrative and begin a new chapter, then this is the episode for you!

    What to listen to next:
    Episode 80: STUCK: 5 Strategies to Lift You Out of Your Rut
    Episode 64: LOVE YOURSELF: Stop Punishing Yourself On Your Journey
    Episode  18: UNLIMITED: A Framework for Identifying and Overcoming Our Limiting Beliefs

    Looking to create your next chapter, and need more than a podcast to get started? Then learn how to work with me at: https://jennessadurrani.com/private-coaching

    Join my FREE ignitHER campfire community for women!  https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    And please like and share the podcast with those that need the message!

    Need more support, have questions, or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    TRAILER: Welcome to Surviving to Thriving

    TRAILER: Welcome to Surviving to Thriving

    Are you a woman that is ready to start a new chapter and not sure where to even begin? Then you are in the right place my friend.

    Welcome to Surviving To Thriving, the weekly podcast for women ready to move beyond just getting by and into the realm of thriving. I'm Jennessa Durrani, a life coach who's empowered countless women to design lives they truly love. And my mission to help every woman on earth carve out a role they adore, one that's fulfilling and provides them the rewards they're seeking. Now, if the idea of that both excites and terrifies you, then you are firmly sitting in the intersection of oh crap and oh yea! And you're in the right place. Each week I share my strategies, frameworks, and a few stories along the way for you to put into immediate application guiding you through incremental changes on your journey to your what’s next.

    So often we feel like everyone else has life figured out and we’re the only ones lost. Think again! We are all looking to gain the confidence, competence, and clarity we need to have the life we know we are meant to have. I’m so thrilled you've joined us. Welcome to our journey together. Let's go.

    Learn more at http://www.jennessadurrani.com

    Or email me your questions or show ideas: jennessa@jennessadurrani.com

    Join my free online community, the ignitHER Campfire: https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    92: LEVERAGE: 4 Surefire Steps to Power Up Your Goals

    92: LEVERAGE: 4 Surefire Steps to Power Up Your Goals

    “Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.” --Joseph Murphy

    Your subconscious mind is your secret weapon, but if you don’t understand how she ticks, she could be your Achilles tendon. Today I want to share with you some of the amazing things that the subconscious mind is capable of and how you can leverage her amazingness to actually get what you want. Once you are on the same page, you are unstoppable!

    In today's Surviving to Thriving Podcast, I will share with you the four steps to create a new reality where your goals come with ease and you have peace of mind:

    • How to focus on what you want and not what you don't want.
    • How to be clear and concise.
    • How you can leverage repetition for success.
    • And how your words and thoughts must remain positive for everyone!

    If you are ready to get what you want once and for all, then this is the episode for you!

    What to listen to next:
    Episode 89: CAUSE VS EFFECT: Which Side Are You On?
    Episode 91: BEHAVIOR: Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your World
    Episode 74: TRUST YOURSELF: Breaking Down the Disorder of Control

    Looking to create your next chapter, and need more than a podcast to get started? Then learn how to work with me at: https://jennessadurrani.com/private-coaching

    Join my FREE ignitHER campfire community for women!  https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    And please like and share the podcast with those that need the message!

    Need more support, have questions, or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    91: BEHAVIOR: Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your World

    91: BEHAVIOR: Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your World

    "It's not the mountain that we conquer, but ourselves." -Edmund Hillary

    Our words, thoughts and images do not describe our reality, they are creating it. Read that again. Let it sink in. Our state of mind, our thoughts, our internal dialogue, the stories that we believe to be true about ourselves, is keeping us in our current reality.

    The only way we can change our reality, is to change our thoughts, our inner self talk, the images that we have, and our belief system. It's simple, but not easy. But it's absolutely amazing to think that by putting into place simple mindset changes that we can change our world. And I've got the starting point for you!

    In today's Surviving to Thriving Podcast, you'll learn:

    • 7 of the 14 Presuppositions of NLP that I think will blow your world wide open and help you see yourself and those that you love in a completely new light.
    • How to view the world from the perspective of others and how this respect will strengthen your relationships and understanding.
    • How you are doing the absolute best that you can with what you have and how you can use that to move forward.

    If you are ready to change your reality and move forward stronger, then this is the episode for you!

    What to listen to next:
    Episode 80: STUCK: 5 Strategies to Lift You Out of Your Rut
    Episode 77: BUILDING YOUR FOCUS MUSCLE: And Increase Your Happiness
    Episode 74: TRUST YOURSELF: Breaking Down the Disorder of Control

    Looking to create your next chapter, and need more than a podcast to get started? Then learn how to work with me at: https://jennessadurrani.com/private-coaching

    Join my FREE ignitHER campfire community for women!  https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    And please like and share the podcast with those that need the message!

    Need more support, have questions, or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    90: DREAMS: 3 Exercises to Ignite Your Next Chapter

    90: DREAMS: 3 Exercises to Ignite Your Next Chapter

    "No matter where you are from, your dreams are valid." -Lupita Nyong'O

    I say that the women that I work with are at the intersection of oh crap and oh yeah. Oh yeah I am ready to pursue a new start (excited), but oh crap I don't know where to begin (terrified). Can you relate? I think this intersection is where the magic happens. Where you can play and dream. But only if you let yourself go there. Otherwise, you are bound to get stuck!

    I believe that everyone has available to them right now everything they need to create their next chapter, they just need help teasing it out. In my signature ignitHER program I have dozens of exercises that I facilitate to help each student's discovery. In this episode I share 3 of my favorite dream exercises to help you get started!

    In today's Surviving to Thriving Podcast, I share:

    • An exercise to help you start recycling your past dreams.
    • An exercise to start clearing the way for new dreams to develop.
    • A simple exercise to help you discover what you need more of right NOW.

    If you are ready to play with what your next chapter could look at and find a structure to get there, then this is the episode to put you in motion!

    What to listen to next:
    Episode 85: VISUALIZATION: The Pull We Need To Keep Us on Track
    Episode 63: INTENTION: The Key to Living in the Present and Not on Auto Pilot
    Episode 17: MANIFEST: My 8 Steps to Manifesting Your Dreams

    Join my newest ignitHER group launching January 23rd--walk confidently into your next chapter in just 8 weeks, guaranteed! www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    Need more than a podcast to get you back on track? Then learn how to work with me at: https://jennessadurrani.com/private-coaching

    Join my FREE ignitHER campfire community for women! And please like and share the podcast with those that need the message! https://bit.ly/3v4cr6a

    Need more support, have questions, or an idea for an upcoming episode? Email me at jennessa@jennessadurrani.com.

    Join our next ignitHER group starting on January 23rd. Early bird pricing expires on January 17th. Buy now and save $300 and get all of your bonuses instantly! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither

    Looking for a new role in the world? One that will align with your genius, provide you with the fulfillment, flexibility and impact that you desire AND pays you your value? Then join my next ignitHER launching on March 26th. Early bird pricing expires on the 18th! http://www.jennessadurrani.com/ignither