
    80 - Killers, Crimes & Cocktails ft. Dan Cummins

    enNovember 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of Past Experiences on Present StrugglesOur past experiences shape us and can influence our present challenges. Stay committed to your goals despite obstacles.

      Life experiences shape us in various ways, and these experiences can sometimes make us stand out or even attract unwanted attention. The discussion revolved around a man named Joey, who grew up as a skater and was constantly in trouble, leading to his profiling by authorities. This past influenced his current struggles as a small business owner dealing with vandalism. The podcast's hosts, Dan, Eli, and their guest, shared their experiences and humor, encouraging listeners to subscribe and leave positive reviews to help the podcast grow. The conversation also touched on the challenges of planning and scheduling, as the hosts' busy lives made it difficult to meet in person. Overall, the episode emphasized the impact of our past on our present and the importance of staying committed to our goals, no matter how long it takes.

    • Creating content involves hard work and dedicationDespite challenges, creators push for growth and innovation to deliver the best product possible

      Creating content, whether it's in comedy or media production, involves a lot of hard work and dedication behind the scenes. While there may be moments of humor and camaraderie, there are also long hours of intense focus and self-criticism. Performers and producers alike push themselves to deliver the best possible product, even when it feels like a struggle. The audience may only see the polished final product, but the journey to get there is often filled with challenges and setbacks. It takes a unique mindset and resilience to turn those challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

    • Appreciation for unconventional and uncomfortable comedyEric Andre and Sacha Baron Cohen's unique comedic styles elicit strong reactions, whether through shock or cringe, showcasing the power of unconventional humor.

      The discussion revolved around the appreciation for unconventional and uncomfortable comedy, as exemplified by Eric Andre and Sacha Baron Cohen's work. Their ability to elicit strong reactions, whether through shock or cringe, is a testament to their unique comedic styles. Despite finding enjoyment in watching such content, the speakers acknowledged the challenge of committing to such extreme humor in real life. Additionally, specific examples from their work, such as Giuliani's involvement in Borat and the UFC gay wrestling scene, were mentioned as particularly memorable instances of discomfort.

    • Discussion of inappropriate behavior and differing perspectivesWhile pushing boundaries can lead to imaginative scenarios, actions that involve harm or violation of consent are not acceptable, even as a joke.

      The discussion revolved around an experience involving a homoerotic and violent scenario, which some found amusing but others considered inappropriate and even assault. The speakers seemed to have differing perspectives on what was acceptable behavior, with some seeing it as a harmless joke and others as a serious offense. The conversation also touched on the idea of pushing boundaries and the imaginative scenarios that can arise from such discussions. However, it's important to remember that actions that involve harm or violation of consent are not acceptable, even if intended as a joke.

    • Creating an Unusual Superhero Team: The OffendersA team with unique superpowers and downsides was formed through a creative game, showcasing the group's sense of humor and creativity.

      The discussion revolved around creating a superhero team called "The Offenders," where each member has an unusual superpower. Dan, the Florida man with a pet, was given the power to shoot lasers out of his limp, burning dick. This power comes with the downside that it's awkward and stressful for Dan to use it in combat situations, as he has to ensure his dick remains limp for the laser to function. The team's name and Dan's superpower were the main focus of the conversation. However, it's important to note that the discussion contained crude and offensive humor. The team's name, "The Offenders," and Dan's superpower were created through a game where each member had to choose a superpower with a downside. The conversation also touched upon Dan's pet and his work situation, with Dan sending inappropriate content and barely showing up for work. The team building exercises included a naked trust fall and a dick-out session for pointers. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and absurd, but it also showcased the group's creativity and sense of humor.

    • A Hypothetical Serial Killer's Twisted Gifts to Victims' FamiliesA hypothetical serial killer might leave gifts for victims' families as a twisted way to feel balanced, ranging from charitable donations to mundane items.

      The discussion touched upon the idea of desensitization and the actions of a hypothetical serial killer. The speaker suggested that if they were to be a serial killer, they would leave gifts for the victims' families as a twisted way to feel even. These gifts could range from charitable donations to movie tickets or even a moped. The speaker acknowledged that this idea was disturbing, but they saw it as a way to feel somewhat balanced in their twisted mind. They also joked about the idea of becoming so lazy that they would snap a kitten's neck just to get up from a lazy boy chair, highlighting the absurdity and darkness of their thoughts. Overall, the conversation showcased a dark sense of humor and a disturbing perspective on crime and desensitization.

    • A character's complicated actions towards his children and online privacyDespite questionable behavior towards family and privacy concerns, a character finds comfort in using ExpressVPN to secure online activities.

      The discussion revolves around the complex and morally questionable actions of a character, who leaves varying amounts of money to his children based on their perceived attractiveness. The conversation also touches upon the topic of online privacy and the use of ExpressVPN to protect it. The character expresses his embarrassment over his search history and the potential violation of privacy by ISPs and ad companies. He recommends ExpressVPN as a solution to maintain online anonymity and security. Despite the morally ambiguous behavior towards his children and the dark thoughts about the potential existence of a family member who might be relieved upon finding a deceased family member, the character finds solace in the thought that ExpressVPN can help protect individuals' online activities.

    • Media coverage and societal attention influenced by victim attractivenessMedia and societal focus on crime cases varies based on victim characteristics, leading to unequal attention and justice for victims

      The media and societal attention given to crime cases often depends on the perceived victimhood and attractiveness of the victims. This was discussed in relation to various cases, including the difference in media coverage between Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, and the case of Pedro Lopez, the "Monster of the Andes." The conversation also touched upon the societal phenomena that lead to certain types of crimes receiving less attention due to societal biases and corruption. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the importance of acknowledging and addressing these biases in order to ensure that all victims receive the attention and justice they deserve.

    • Historically lenient justice system on Native American reservationsNative American communities face high murder rates due to lenient justice systems, lack of resources, and jurisdictional confusion, creating a dangerous situation for residents.

      On Native American reservations, the justice system has historically been lenient, with a maximum penalty of only 1 year for crimes committed, even for violent crimes like murder. This jurisdictional confusion and lack of resources for tribal police have created a dangerous situation where predators can easily prey on Native American communities, which experience murder rates 10 times higher than other ethnicities. The situation is so severe that it has been compared to a hunting ground. The recent changes to the law allow for a maximum sentence of 9 years for multiple crimes, but many challenges remain, including the inability of tribal police to arrest non-Native Americans who commit crimes on the reservation. The lack of resources and jurisdictional confusion has led to a culture of violence and trauma that is deeply entrenched in these communities. It's important to recognize and address these issues to ensure justice and safety for all members of Native American communities.

    • Support reforestation and own a Scottish titleBuy a title and help plant a tree in Scotland, a unique last-minute gift with official certificates and crests.

      The Established Titles project offers a unique and fun way to support reforestation efforts and own a piece of land in Scotland, while also allowing individuals to adopt noble titles. This project is inspired by historic Scottish customs and comes with official certificates, crests, and even the planting of a tree for every order. This makes for a great last-minute gift and can be a fun way to feel like a lord or lady. The project is currently running a sale and offers an additional discount with the code "unsub." During the discussion, there was also mention of a podcast about Albert Fish, a serial killer known for his depraved and unusual fetishes. The speaker found the old-timey language and the long-con tactics used by Fish to be darkly comedic. Despite his horrific actions, Fish presented a strange combination of sadism and masochism, which added to the intrigue of the case.

    • Manipulation leading to extreme behaviorsManipulation can cause individuals to engage in unusual and degrading activities, as seen in cases of a man's attempts to control widows and Jim Jones' cult.

      Manipulation and deception can lead individuals to engage in extreme and unusual behaviors. The discussion revolves around a man's attempts to manipulate widows into writing him letters, escalating the situation with requests for discipline and even bizarre sexual fetishes. The man's manipulation led the widows to believe they were needed for a maternal influence and eventually to engage in absurd and degrading activities. Similarly, Jim Jones, the notorious cult leader, manipulated his followers into believing they were gay and convinced them to submit to his sexual advances, further demonstrating the power of manipulation and deception. These examples illustrate how individuals can be influenced to engage in behaviors that are far from normal or acceptable when subjected to persuasive and controlling tactics.

    • The Power of Manipulation in Cults and Extreme BeliefsPeople can be manipulated into giving up possessions, damaging relationships, and even committing violent acts due to cognitive dissonance and the desire to avoid feeling stupid or foolish, as seen in cults and the actions of serial killers.

      People can be manipulated into believing and doing extraordinary things, even if they seem irrational or harmful. This can be seen in the context of cults, where leaders can persuade their followers to give up their possessions, damage relationships, and even commit violent acts, all in the name of a belief system. This phenomenon can be explained by psychological concepts like cognitive dissonance and the desire to avoid feeling stupid or foolish. Even intelligent individuals can fall prey to this manipulation. An example of this is Ed Kemper, a serial killer who turned himself in after killing his mother. The fascination with cults and serial killers lies in the fact that they show how far people can go off the beaten path and still believe they are sane and good.

    • Understanding the Mind of a Serial KillerSerial killers, despite exhibiting remorse, are generally considered uncured and dangerous due to their attraction to violence and trauma, and rehabilitation is a contentious issue due to the belief that their brains may be irreparably damaged.

      Serial killers, such as Ted Bundy, can exhibit remorse but are generally considered uncured and dangerous. Their motivations and behaviors are complex, with some rooted in traumatic childhoods while others seem to be inherent. The idea of rehabilitating serial rapists or pedophiles is a contentious issue, as some believe their brains are irreparably damaged and they cannot be "fixed." The fascination with understanding the origins of evil and the role of nature versus nurture continues to be a topic of debate. What sets serial killers apart from the rest of us is their attraction to violence and trauma, which cannot be unwired or changed. It's a terrifying thought that once someone is attracted to harming children or inflicting pain, they cannot be cured. The idea that some psychologists may try to rehabilitate these individuals despite the risks highlights the complexities and challenges of the criminal justice system.

    • Criminal Justice Reform: A Passionate Advocate's PerspectiveAdvocate pushes for rehabilitation over incarceration for non-violent offenders, opposes death penalty with reservations, and calls for drug decriminalization as part of political platform.

      The speaker is an advocate for criminal justice reform, specifically in regards to the death penalty and drug decriminalization. He believes that resources should be allocated towards rehabilitating non-violent offenders instead of keeping them in prison for drug charges. He also expresses frustration with the political system and the seemingly arbitrary nature of criminal sentencing. The speaker's views on the death penalty are rooted in the greater good, acknowledging the risk of executing an innocent person but also considering the potential harm if a dangerous individual is released. The speaker's passion for these issues is evident, and he expresses a desire to make drug decriminalization a key part of his political platform. He also pokes fun at the seemingly superficial nature of modern politics and the lack of qualifications required to run for office.

    • Embracing Unique Humor and Finding ConnectionUnique humor, even if considered dark, can lead to genuine connections and a sense of relief when shared with like-minded individuals. People with difficult backgrounds often possess dark senses of humor, making them more empathetic. Platforms like Patreon enable comedians to express themselves freely and connect with appreciative audiences.

      Having a unique sense of humor, even if it's considered dark, can bring people together and lead to genuine connections. The speaker shares anecdotes about offending people unintentionally due to their misunderstanding of his humor and the relief he feels when he finds others who share his sense of humor. He also notes that people with dark senses of humor often come from difficult backgrounds and that this shared experience can make them more empathetic. The speaker expresses gratitude for platforms like Patreon that allow for more freedom of expression and enable comedians to connect with audiences who appreciate their unique perspectives. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of embracing and celebrating individuality, even if it challenges societal norms.

    • Creating authentic content and engaging with supportersProvide value to supporters and allow engagement for a loyal fanbase and successful career

      Creating authentic content and engaging with supporters through a tiered subscription model can lead to significant growth and success. This was first popularized by a content creator who has amassed 25,000 patrons by offering different tiers with unique perks, such as access to uncensored content or even a "butthole camera" for higher-tier subscribers. The founder of Patreon, Jack Conte, also started as a musician looking for a sustainable way to monetize his content and has since become a billionaire. The key is to provide value to your supporters and allow them to engage with you in a meaningful way. This can lead to a loyal fanbase and a successful career. Additionally, it's important to remember that even small steps, like creating a catchy name or creating engaging content, can make a big difference. So, keep creating and engaging, and the success will follow. You can find Dan's content at laserjails.com.

    • Recommending Time Suck podcastDan Cummins' podcast 'Time Suck' is worth checking out for engaging and entertaining content, even if you haven't listened to it yet.

      Dan Cummins is a comedian known for his stand-up acts, as well as his podcast "Time Suck." Despite the speaker's amusing attempt at an Asian accent and some confusion, it was clear that they highly recommend checking out "Time Suck," as it is an engaging and entertaining podcast. The speaker themselves are a regular listener and found the content to be worth their time. However, they don't watch podcasts and haven't listened to any episodes of this specific podcast, but they trust the recommendation enough to share it with the group. If you're looking for a new podcast to listen to, "Time Suck" with Dan Cummins could be a great choice.

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    161 - Brandon Vs Congress & Cryptid Fat Electrician ft. King Trout | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 161

    161 - Brandon Vs Congress & Cryptid Fat Electrician ft. King Trout | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 161
    OUR BOY IS BACK from the weirdest sidequest ever, the gang talks about the recent Wendigoon hit piece and Cody's dad accidentally kills a gerbil. Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE Featuring  @king_trout   @BrandonHerrera   @DonutOperator   @EliDoubletap  ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code –UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe PURIDY DEBT Get a free debt analysis right now at https://PDSDebt.com/unsub MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW TROUT https://www.instagram.com/king_trout https://www.tiktok.com/@king_trout https://x.com/The_King_Trout https://www.youtube.com/@king_trout BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome to Unsub! 3:04 Jake, Play Zach Bryan 4:45 Tiny Guns 3 6:08 Brandon’s Election 23:50 The Chess Debacle 30:34 AD 31:40 Trout’s Ads 35:06 Cryptid Nic 42:22 Meme Movies 46: 35 The Gang Does WW2 50:54 Brandon Hates The Media 54:32 In Praise Of Shadows’ Wendigoon Hit Piece 58:23 AD 59:36 Censorship On YouTube 1:03:41 Tiny Guns 3 1:06:54 Cody Doxxes Everyone 1:11:02 AD 1:12:16 Cody’s Cooking Show 1:17:08 Freedom Of Speech 1:21:34 Sean Strickland 1:22:41 Meet Our New Editor 1:23:52 The Gang Does 1:26:21 We Love You Nic 1:30:17 Trout’s Videos 1:33:08 The Gang Rides A Cow 1:38:45 Podcast Guests 1:40:51 The Gang Fights Beau 1:47:12 Brandon’s Dad Fought A Cat 1:48:42 Cody’s Dad & The Gerbil Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enJune 03, 2024

    160 - The Fat Electrician Vs Communism ft. Administrative Results | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 160

    160 - The Fat Electrician Vs Communism ft. Administrative Results | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 160
    ADMIN IS BACK!! This time the boys talk bows, zombie apocalypses and how to get away with murder. Plus Admin discovers it's really fun to trigger Nic. Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE Featuring  @AdministrativeResults   @the_fat_electrician   @DonutOperator   @EliDoubletap  ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code –UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe ADAM AND EVE Go to https://www.adamandeve.com and use code UNSUB for 50% off + Free shipping + Rush Processing! MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW ADMIN https://www.youtube.com/@AdministrativeResults https://www.youtube.com/@Managerialoutcomes https://www.instagram.com/administrativeresults FOLLOW TROUT https://www.instagram.com/king_trout https://www.tiktok.com/@king_trout https://x.com/The_King_Trout https://www.youtube.com/@king_trout BUY US A DRINK! https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome to Unsub! 05:31 Tiny Guns 3 14:23 AD 15:28 The Old Bastards & Audie Murphy 27:18 Admin’s Character Breakdowns 32:35 World War Z & Zombies 44:44 AD 46:07 Admin’s Character Breakdowns 47:09 Weight Lifters vs Gym Bros 49:55 Bow Tism Time 58:22 The Comanches 1:01:39 Genghis Khan 1:09:22 Nic Pitches Pepperbox Shows 1:11:14 Admin’s Ancient Rome Theory 1:12:48 AD 1:14:01 Morals & Right Vs Wrong 1:20:29 China’s Hidden Secrets & Ancient Civilizations 1:29:23 The Heart Attack Gun 1:31:53 Getting Away With M*rder & Police Stories 1:48:13 Admin Triggers Nic For Fun 1:50:29 Karate vs Jiu Jitsu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enMay 27, 2024

    159 - The AK-50, Tiny Guns 3 & VFW War ft. The Fat Electrician & King Trout | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 159

    159 - The AK-50, Tiny Guns 3 & VFW War ft. The Fat Electrician & King Trout | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 159
    THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN!! Nic gets kidnapped by Delta, King Trout returns & Brandon finally makes the AK-50! Watch this episode ad-free and uncensored on Pepperbox! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! EXPRESSVPN Take back your online privacy today and use our code to get 3 extra months free. Go to https://ExpressVPN.com/unsub FUM Head to https://www.tryfum.com/UNSUB and use code UNSUB to save an additional 10% off your order today. MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW TROUT https://www.instagram.com/king_trout https://www.tiktok.com/@king_trout https://x.com/The_King_Trout https://www.youtube.com/@King_Trout BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Welcome to Unsub! 6:47 AD 7:55 Autism Charity Month 12:13 The AK-50 21:29 AD 22:42 Pepperbox Launch 27:24 VFW Drama 37:33 AD 38:38 Cody Bought A House + Police Do A Stupid Again 42:12 World War 2 Rants With Nic 1:03:08 Police Do A Dumb 1:05:45 Jiu JitsuTalk 1:15:22 Nic’s Drunk Star Wars Theory 1:16:35 Trout’s Unsub Ads 1:19:19 Garage Beers 1:20:19 Nic’s Getting A Hilux 1:24:08 Trout’s Trip To LA 1:35:43 Would You Rather 1:40:43 Vegas Stories 1:44:41 Demetrious Johnson & Fighting Talk Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

    158 - Donut Gets Swatted & Ethan Gets Robbed ft. Sniping Soup & Ethan | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 158

    158 - Donut Gets Swatted & Ethan Gets Robbed ft. Sniping Soup & Ethan | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 158
    Soup & Ethan are here to talk gaming, swatting and getting robbed by crackheads. WATCH THE UNSUB LIVE SHOW SPECIAL NOW ON PEPPERBOX! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! RAYCON Go to https://BUYRAYCON.com/unsub TODAY to get 20% off your Raycon order, plus free shipping! GHOSTBED Right now GhostBed is offering 50% off everything if you use the code –UNSUBSCRIBE at checkout or https://www.GhostBed.com/Unsubscribe MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW SOUP https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCifRgVk-GEo1_vvf8x53t6A https://www.twitch.tv/snipingsoup https://twitter.com/Sniping_Soup https://www.instagram.com/dallas_soup FOLLOW ETHAN https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMk1p0CKn-9kM_epaEAYXWQ https://www.twitch.tv/ethantwitching https://www.instagram.com/ethernet_yt/ https://twitter.com/ethantweetin BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 Autism Charity Update! 3:30 Welcome To Unsub 5:40 Meet Our Guests 14:47 AD 16:01 Ethan Got Robbed By Crackheads 17:58 Donut Got Swatted On Christmas 21:50 Soup’s FBI Story 28:56 Acorn Cop 36:26 AD 37:31 The Boys Talk Gaming 38:57 Soup Got Scammed On Xbox 43:34 Donut’s Old Gamer Name 44:45 NERD TIME 55:31 Our Favourite YouTubers 1:12:00 AD 1:13:04 Our Favourite YouTubers 1:17:02 Eli Trolled Cody At Unsub Live 1:23:01 Soup’s Band 1:25:22 BACK TO VIDEO GAMES 1:37:11 Soup’s Stop Motion Videos 1:40:32 Our Parents Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Unsubscribe Podcast
    enMay 13, 2024

    157 - Obi Wan Nairobi, SAS Operator & The Accident - Christian Craighead | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 157

    157 - Obi Wan Nairobi, SAS Operator & The Accident - Christian Craighead | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 157
    Obi Wan Nairobi himself, Christian Craighead is here to talk military experiences, joining the SAS & the aftermath of the Nairobi terror attack. WATCH THE UNSUB LIVE SHOW SPECIAL NOW ON PEPPERBOX! https://www.pepperbox.tv/ WATCH THE AFTERSHOW ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast All Pepperbox Memberships begin with a 14-Day Free Trail and are $7.99/month after that. No Ads. No Censorship. No BS. FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! MYBOOKIE Signup to claim a 50% sign up bonus up to $1000 for new customers. Use code UNSUB to start playing with house money, today. TUSHY Stop wiping until you bleed. Join the 2 million butts who have already made the switch to TUSHY! For a limited time get 10% off your entire order when you use code UNSUB at checkout. That’s 10% off your order at https://hellotushy.com with promo code UNSUB. MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW CHRISTIAN https://www.instagram.com/christian_craighead https://twitter.com/one_man_in https://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-wrong-wolf https://theministryofdefence.com BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! 2:16 Welcome To Unsub 10:33 Meet Our Guest 11:11 Christian Is A Texan Now 13:34 AD 14:26 Mike Tyson 18:13 The New Roadhouse Movie 20:58 Congressman Herrera 22:32 How Christian Joined The Military 37:58 AD 39:06 Christian’s Military Experiences & Joining The SAS 56:09 Christian’s Bible 59:25 Christian’s Driving 1:12:46 The Well Dressed Hitchhiker 1:18:01 The Nairobi Terrorist Attack 1:31:55 Christian’s Hobbies 1:38:35 AD 1:39:40 Responses To The Nairobi Incident 1:47:40 Christian’s Children’s Book Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    156 - Habitually Fat & Angry ft. The Fat Electrician AngryCops & Habitual Linecrosser | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 156

    156 - Habitually Fat & Angry ft. The Fat Electrician AngryCops & Habitual Linecrosser | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 156
    You guys have been requesting this one - Fat & Angry has now been upgraded to HABITUALLY FAT & ANGRY!!! Featuring the legendary trio  @the_fat_electrician   @AngryCops  &  @habitual_linecrosser . Grab the limited edition Autism Awareness Month shirts and support Autism charities! https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast JOIN THE PATREON! (NO AFTERSHOW THIS WEEK) https://www.patreon.com/UnsubscribePodcast FREE TO USE MEDIA: (please tag us when you post!) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uppmQHMGf8uI2OuOatp932e3S2VGy0PE ------------------------------ THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! ADAM & EVE Go to https://www.adamandeve.com and use code UNSUB for 50% off + Free shipping + Rush Processing! PURIDY DEBT Get a free debt analysis right now at https://PDSDebt.com/unsub MANSCAPED Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with code UNSUB at https://manscaped.com ------------------------------ FOLLOW ANGRYCOPS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN3rhkHmloHwqgat8LHk2yg https://angry-cops.com/ https://twitter.com/AngryCops https://www.instagram.com/angrycops FOLLOW HABITUAL LINECROSSER https://www.youtube.com/@habitual_linecrosser https://www.tiktok.com/@habitual_linecrosser https://www.instagram.com/habitual_line_crosser BUY US A DRINK! https://cash.app/$unsubscribepodcast https://venmo.com/u/unsubscribepodcast https://paypal.me/UnsubscribePodcast ------------------------------ UNSUB MERCH: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/unsubscribe-podcast COMMUNITY SUBREDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast/ CHECK OUT: https://outofregz.com/ CODE: UNSUB ------------------------------ WHERE TO LISTEN Spotify https://spoti.fi/2Ye8YOU Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3cbqY4k Amazon https://amzn.to/2YbzQia Google Play https://bit.ly/2YcWmaD Stitcher https://bit.ly/3cbnY8o MORE LINKS! https://linktr.ee/UnsubscribePodCast ------------------------------ FOLLOW THE HOSTS: Eli_Doubletap https://www.instagram.com/eli_doubletap/ https://www.twitch.tv/Eli_Doubletap https://x.com/Eli_Doubletap https://www.youtube.com/c/EliDoubletap Brandon Herrera https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera https://x.com/TheAKGuy https://www.instagram.com/realbrandonherrera Donut Operator https://www.youtube.com/@DonutOperator https://x.com/DonutOperator https://www.instagram.com/donutoperator The Fat Electrician https://www.youtube.com/@the_fat_electrician https://thefatelectrician.com/ https://www.instagram.com/the_fat_electrician https://www.tiktok.com/@the_fat_electrician ------------------------------ Edited by GVAN https://www.twitch.tv/gvan11b https://www.instagram.com/gvan11b/ https://twitter.com/GVAN_CC unsubscribe pod podcast episode ep unsub funny comedy military army comedian texas podcasts #podcast #comedy #funnypodcast #military history Chapters: 0:00 A Message From Eli 1:02 Welcome To Unsub 3:44 Rich Failed SWAT Tryouts 7:22 Range Day Aftermath 9:31 Dune 2 & Boomers 12:04 20th Group Controversy 16:18 Vasectomies 17:34 Rich’s Jewish Accent 21:38 German Vasectomies 24:16 AD 25:15 Unsub Live Shows 35:08 Rich’s New Superpower 37:00 AD 38:05 Our Favorite Aircrafts 45:34 Neil Degrasse Tyson 49:08 AD 50:22 The Hellfire Missile 53:54 The Japanese Bombs & World War 2 1:00:39 How America Won Vietnam 1:05:51 Afghanistan & Iraq 1:12:35 Elon Musk 1:15:27 Tyler Grey 1:16:35 Plane Nerds 1:20:56 Our Military Deployments 1:22:44 Russia 1:23:55 The Lone Japanese Soldier 1:26:42 Leon Is Here! 1:28:32 Habitual’s Upcoming Content 1:29:11 The Fake Basic Training Controversy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    S2 Ep. 34 - Finding Tori

    S2 Ep. 34 - Finding Tori

    The teens must perform stand-up sets for a complete stranger.

    This episode contains Profanity, Violence, Sexual Content, and Suicidal Ideation.

    Special thanks to Tori Shaw!

    Support the show on Patreon!

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    Follow us on Twitter @dungeonsanddads!

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    DM is Anthony Burch (@anthony_burch)

    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

    Theme song is "On My Way" by Maxton Waller

    Brian Fernandes is our Content Producer

    Ashley Nicollette is our Community Manager

    Kortney Terry is our Community Coordinator

    Ester Ellis is our Lead Editor

    Travis Reaves provides Additional Editing

    Robin Rapp is our transcriber

    Cover art by Alex Moore (@notanotheralex)

    Send us stuff and get in contact: https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/contact

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    WBKE - Episode 10: The Creative Arts

    WBKE - Episode 10: The Creative Arts

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    We had a really great time recording this episode, and it's a lot of fun to listen to, so:

    Click here to listen straight from your browser!

    Click here to go directly to the iTunes page for the show!

    Or download the free Stitcher app on iPhone/Android/Blackberry and search for "WBKE" to stream it from your fancy phone!

    For more detailed instructions on how to listen to the show, click here!

    As usual, guys, please feel free to send any comments, questions, suggestions for topics or requests to host to WillAndBobby@gmail.com.

    And if you like the show, please like us on Facebook! Click here to go straight to the Facebook page. Because the show is free and goofy, all we ask as repayment is for you to please tell THREE (3!) people about us. We have a great time doing the show, and we want it to grow, so please help us out.

    Thanks guys, I hope you enjoy the show, and see you next week for Episode 11!