
    #825 - Jeremy Stephens

    en-usJuly 27, 2016
    What issue does Jeremy Stevens discuss in mixed martial arts?
    How do athletes evade detection of performance-enhancing drugs?
    What are the consequences of using performance-enhancing drugs?
    Why is martial arts training important for law enforcement officers?
    What cautionary tales are mentioned regarding athlete substance abuse?

    Podcast Summary

    • Mixed Martial Arts and Performance-Enhancing Drugs: An Uneven Playing FieldMixed martial arts faces ongoing issues with performance-enhancing drugs, creating an uneven playing field and jeopardizing the importance of technique, training, heart, and courage in the sport.

      The world of mixed martial arts has faced a long-standing issue with performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). Jeremy Stevens, a fighter, recently discussed his victory over a top-ranked opponent and the ongoing problem of cheating in the sport. He mentioned the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency's efforts to clean up the sport and the various methods athletes use to evade detection, such as animal testosterone supplementation and IV fluids. The consequences of these actions can significantly alter a fighter's physique, performance, and overall health. The use of PEDs creates an uneven playing field and undermines the importance of technique, training, heart, and courage in the sport. The fight community continues to grapple with this issue, and the importance of maintaining a level playing field remains a crucial aspect of the sport's integrity.

    • Mighty Mouse's Natural Abilities Set Him ApartJohnson's exceptional cardio, technique, and body integration give him an edge over opponents, potentially due to childhood activities that developed these skills.

      Demetrious "Mighty Mouse" Johnson's impressive fighting style, which includes exceptional cardio, technique, and body integration, allowed him to outperform an opponent who tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs. Johnson's ability to move fluidly and efficiently, likely due in part to his natural body integration, sets him apart from other fighters and contributes to his success in the cage. This natural ability, which may be developed in part during childhood through activities like gymnastics or dance, allows fighters to execute techniques with more precision and conserve energy, potentially leading to longer careers.

    • Integrating body for optimal health and performanceFocusing on corrective exercises, activating core, glutes, and toes, and maintaining a neutral spine can lead to more efficient movement, better balance, injury prevention, and improved fitness.

      Efficient movement and proper body integration are crucial for overall health and performance. This can help improve posture, breathing, and even prevent injuries. People often overlook the importance of corrective exercises and movement coaching, but they can make a significant difference in how your body functions. For instance, focusing on activating your core, glutes, and even your toes can lead to more efficient movement and better balance. Additionally, integrating your body and learning to move in a more functional way can help you avoid injuries and move more effectively in various activities, including fighting. Nadi Aguilar, a movement coach, emphasizes the importance of integrating your body and maintaining a neutral spine throughout your movements. This approach can help you optimize your body's potential and improve your overall fitness.

    • Importance of functional movement and proper breathing techniquesFunctional movement and proper breathing techniques are vital for optimal performance, injury prevention, and recovery. Calm your nervous system through breathing for better sleep and recovery.

      Functional movement and proper breathing techniques are essential for optimal performance, injury prevention, and recovery. The speaker shares his experience working with a movement coach who emphasized these practices and helped him identify deficiencies in his body. He also highlights the importance of calming the nervous system through breathing to aid in better sleep and recovery. The speaker emphasizes that these practices are not only important for athletes but for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being. He also warns against following "fake spiritual" or "fakery" coaches in the industry and encourages seeking out knowledgeable and experienced professionals.

    • Balancing physical and mental factors in MMA trainingProper rest, foam rolling, and correctional exercises are crucial for injury prevention and effective learning in MMA. Adapt to your opponent's weaknesses and continuously learn to succeed in the unpredictable fight game.

      Training for combat sports like MMA requires careful consideration of both physical and mental factors. Overexerting oneself during heavy weightlifting sessions and then attempting to spar can lead to injuries and hinder learning. Instead, proper rest, foam rolling, and correctional exercises are recommended. Additionally, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to fighting techniques, as successful fighters like Robbie Lawler and Stephen Thompson demonstrate different styles. It's essential to understand your strengths and adapt to your opponent's weaknesses within the constraints of the sport. The unpredictability of the fight game also highlights the importance of continuous learning and adaptation, as fighters may face various opponents throughout their careers. Ultimately, a well-rounded approach to training, rest, and strategic adaptation can lead to success in MMA.

    • Intimidating Martial Arts Figure: Paul HarrisPaul Harris, also known as 'Lombard,' is a formidable figure in martial arts due to his strength, size, grappling skills, and unconventional knockouts. Suspected steroid use has added to his intimidating reputation, but he remains a dominant force in the community.

      Paul Harris, also known as "Lombard," is a formidable and intimidating figure in the world of martial arts. He is known for his incredible strength, size, and grappling skills, which have left opponents unconscious with unconventional techniques like a standing back elbow knockout. Despite his imposing presence, Harris is also a highly skilled Jiu Jitsu player with a strong following and influence in the sport. His rapid weight gain, which has raised suspicions of steroid use, has only added to his intimidating reputation. Despite the controversy, Harris continues to be a dominant force in the martial arts community.

    • Rules around knees to the ground and fighter safety in MMAControversy surrounds MMA rules on knees to the ground, with some arguing they encourage manipulative behavior and protect fighters, while others believe they are necessary to prevent head stomping.

      The rules in MMA regarding knees to the ground and potential head injuries are subjects of controversy. Some argue that the current rules, which prohibit knees to the head when a fighter is on the ground with at least one hand down, lead to manipulative behavior and a "game" of hand placement. Others believe these rules are necessary to prevent head stomping and protect fighters' safety. The discussion also touched on the potential dangers of head injuries in combat sports and the resilience of some fighters, such as Darren Elkins, who have suffered significant impacts but continued to compete. Ultimately, the debate highlights the complexities of balancing safety, fairness, and the competitive spirit in MMA.

    • Point Karate Sets Elite Fighters ApartPoint Karate's quick closing and retreating style gives its practitioners an edge, with exceptional skills in leaping and footwork, often starting training young, making them potential future elite fighters

      The point karate fighting style, which involves closing distance quickly and then retreating, sets its practitioners apart from other combat sports like boxing or Muay Thai. These karate fighters, such as Paige and Raymond Daniels, have developed exceptional skills in this area, giving them an advantage over opponents. Their background in karate provides them with a unique set of abilities, including quick leaping and precise footwork, which can be challenging for opponents to match. Additionally, many of these fighters, like Paige, start training at a young age, allowing their bodies to develop specifically for this style of fighting. Overall, the next generation of elite fighters may come from a point karate background, as these athletes continue to refine and showcase their distinct skills.

    • UFC Fighter's Career Dilemma: Balancing Personal Life and Professional CommitmentsA UFC fighter reflects on retirement due to the demands of constant traveling and personal strain, but finds renewed motivation after a recent event. He acknowledges the challenges of juggling multiple jobs and the complexities of the UFC business, while emphasizing the importance of finding a balance between career and personal life.

      The speaker, a UFC fighter, had to make a decision about his career due to the demanding nature of his job. He was considering retirement due to the toll of constant traveling and the strain it put on his personal life. However, an experience at a recent event reinvigorated him, and he decided to continue fighting but with fewer events. He acknowledged the support of his fans and colleagues, but also the challenges of maintaining multiple jobs and the complexity of the UFC business, including issues with performance-enhancing drugs. The speaker expressed his uncertainty about the situation and the difficulties of organizing a fighters union. Ultimately, he emphasized the importance of finding a balance between his career and personal life.

    • MMA vs Boxing: Earnings Disparity and Exciting FightsDespite similar earnings for top-tier fighters, MMA and boxing have differing compensation structures for exciting performances and historical contexts.

      The discussion revolved around the disparity in earnings between fighters in different combat sports, specifically MMA and boxing. The speakers argued that high-level fighters in MMA make similar amounts of money as their counterparts in boxing, but the real debate is about the compensation for those putting on exciting fights and headlining cards. The speakers also compared the experiences of fighting in the early days of the UFC versus the current era of lucrative paydays. Additionally, the topic of performance-enhancing drugs in combat sports came up, with the speakers sharing their opinions on the prevalence and detection of such substances.

    • Enduring Hardships for Personal GrowthEmbrace challenges to push past limits, learn mental toughness from extreme experiences, and recover from difficult situations with resilience.

      Pushing past physical and mental limits is a crucial aspect of personal growth and development. The speaker shares his experience with endurance running and the mental toughness it requires, comparing it to other extreme challenges. He also mentions how life experiences, such as heartbreak, can help individuals understand and recover from difficult situations. The speaker admires those who constantly seek their limits, like his friend Cam Haines, who runs ultra-marathons, and acknowledges that age and past hardships can contribute to mental resilience. However, he also warns against reckless behavior, using the example of a rapper who shot himself in the face for a music video. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of enduring hardships and learning from them.

    • Discussing the risks and unpredictability of gunsGuns, even those meant for blanks, can cause harm or death, and handling them requires caution due to their unpredictability.

      The discussion revolves around the analysis of a video where a man appears to shoot himself in the mouth with a starter pistol, but it's unclear if he actually swallowed the bullet. The group expresses concern for the man's wellbeing and speculates about the possible consequences of his actions. They also share stories of real-life incidents where guns, even those meant for blanks, have caused harm or death. The conversation reveals a sense of unease and danger surrounding guns and the potential for violence. Additionally, there are references to the Chinese triads and their supposed involvement in the entertainment industry and potential for violence. Overall, the conversation highlights the potential risks and unpredictability associated with guns and the importance of handling them with caution.

    • Understanding Motorcyclist-Police InteractionsRecognize the complexity of motorcyclist-police interactions, considering both parties' perspectives and the power dynamic between civilians and law enforcement. Approach interactions with empathy and understanding.

      The situation between a motorcyclist and the police is not always clear-cut. While some may view the motorcyclist's actions as reckless and deserving of punishment, others may see the police response as excessive. It's essential to consider the full context of each situation and recognize that both parties have their perspectives and challenges. Additionally, the power dynamic between civilians and law enforcement can lead to misunderstandings and escalations. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these interactions with empathy and understanding, recognizing that both parties are human and dealing with complex situations.

    • Mandatory Martial Arts Training for Law EnforcementLack of physical defense skills among some law enforcement officers can put them in danger during encounters with criminals. Mandatory martial arts training could help improve their ability to defend themselves and serve more effectively, especially when dealing with armed individuals.

      Law enforcement officers should receive proper martial arts training to better protect themselves and the community. The speaker shares his concern about the lack of physical defense skills among some officers, which can put them in danger during encounters with criminals. He suggests that mandatory martial arts training could help improve their ability to defend themselves and serve more effectively. The speaker also highlights the importance of hand-to-hand combat skills, especially when dealing with armed individuals. Additionally, the speaker shares personal experiences with individuals who have successfully evaded law enforcement due to their combat skills, emphasizing the need for officers to be well-equipped to handle such situations.

    • The Double-Edged Sword of Athletic Competition: Achievements and DangersCompetitive sports can lead to great achievements but also dangerous behaviors like substance abuse and mental/physical health issues due to physical toll and pressures to perform. Prioritize long-term health, seek resources and support.

      The drive and passion that comes with being a competitive athlete, such as a boxer or a wrestler, can be a double-edged sword. While the desire to compete and push oneself can lead to great achievements, it can also potentially lead to dangerous behaviors like substance abuse. The physical toll of the sport, particularly head injuries, can contribute to mental and physical health issues that some athletes may try to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. The pressures to perform and win can make it difficult for athletes to acknowledge and address these issues, leading to a dangerous cycle. It's important for athletes to prioritize their long-term health and well-being, and for sports organizations to provide resources and support to help them do so. The stories of athletes like Ricky Hatton, Joe Lewis, and Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka serve as cautionary tales of the dangers of ignoring these issues.

    • People's love for risky activitiesPeople engage in risky activities they enjoy, unaware of potential dangers, but find fulfillment and success in the process.

      People are drawn to risky activities they enjoy, despite the potential dangers. This was evident in the discussion about football and the evolution of understanding about concussions and CTE. In the past, football players didn't know about the long-term risks, but they still loved the game and wanted to compete. Similarly, there are other risky activities like cage fighting, surfing, and racing cars that people enjoy, even though they come with inherent dangers. The speaker, a professional cage fighter, shared his personal story of starting out young and finding success and passion in the sport. Despite the risks, he felt that the rewards were worth it. The conversation also touched on the importance of following one's passions and how they can lead to unexpected opportunities and fulfilling experiences.

    • Unexpected encounter with a challenging opponent outside the cageStay calm and prepared for unsolicited challenges, using intelligence and patience to emerge victorious

      Josh Thomson, a fighter known for his intelligence and toughness in the cage, had an unexpected encounter with a challenging opponent outside of it. This man, much larger than Josh, harassed him at a bar and taunted him online, leading Josh to invite him to the gym for a fight. Despite the size difference, Josh used his smarts and patience to wear down his opponent and emerge victorious. This incident highlights the common occurrence of unsolicited challenges in martial arts training, and the importance of remaining calm and prepared for such situations. Josh's story serves as a reminder that respect and discipline are essential, whether in the gym or in everyday life.

    • The Dark Side of Martial Arts: Beware of the Untrained versus the TrainedMartial arts involve real danger and complexities. Respect trained fighters, focus on personal growth, and beware of underestimating their abilities.

      The world of martial arts has a darker side, where untrained individuals can be easily taken advantage of and severely harmed by those with real combat skills. The discussion revolves around an old video of a mentally challenged man being brutally beaten by a black belt holder in a martial arts gym. The man, who thought he could hold his own, was no match for the trained fighter, who took his time to deliver precise and deadly blows. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting the dangers and complexities of martial arts, and the potential consequences of underestimating the abilities of trained fighters. Additionally, the conversation highlights the subjective nature of martial arts rankings and the importance of focusing on personal growth and improvement, rather than external validation.

    • MMA Rankings: Experience and Style MatterFrustration over rankings can stem from individual performance, but factors like experience and fighting style also impact rankings. Fighters must adapt to various styles and continue developing their skills to succeed.

      The ranking system in MMA can be confusing and subjective, as fighters' positions can change based on various factors beyond just their win-loss record and individual performance in the cage. For instance, experience, age, and fighting style can all play a role in a fighter's ranking. In the case of Ryan Hall, he felt frustrated that he didn't move up in the rankings after defeating Gegard Mousasi, who was ranked below him at the time. Hall believed that his knockout win should have been enough to earn him a higher ranking, but the UFC's decision-makers apparently valued Mousasi's experience and past accomplishments. This frustration extended to Dennis Bermudez, who Hall discovered had beaten Conor McGregor before their own encounter. Despite his respect for Bermudez's skills, Hall felt that his own power and aggressive style should have given him an edge in their fight. Ultimately, Hall recognized that power and technique are just two aspects of MMA, and that adapting to different fighting styles and being able to move around the cage can also be valuable traits. However, he expressed a desire to incorporate more variety into his own game to keep opponents guessing and potentially catch them off guard.

    • Adapting and improving in MMA for longevityTo succeed and stay relevant in MMA, constantly adapt, hone skills in various disciplines, and be open to change. Each fighter's approach determines match outcome and spectacle.

      In order to succeed and stay relevant in the world of mixed martial arts, it's essential to constantly adapt and improve. Fighters like Rodriguez, who are willing to evolve and hone their skills in various disciplines, have a better chance of longevity in the sport. However, not all fights are exciting or high-energy, and some may be criticized for being "boring." For example, the second Aldo versus Edgar fight was seen as lacking in action by some, despite the high level of skill on display. Ultimately, each fighter's approach and style will determine the outcome and spectacle of their matches. As for one's own career, it's essential to strive for improvement while also being open to the possibility of retirement if the body or performance begins to decline.

    • UFC Fighter's Secret to Feeling Great: Nutritionist George LockhartA UFC fighter credits his nutritionist and a customized diet program for helping him feel amazing and perform at his best in the featherweight division.

      UFC fighter is focused on staying active in the featherweight division, despite some setbacks, and credits his nutritionist, George Lockhart, for helping him feel great and perform at his best. The fighter uses a computerized program designed by Lockhart to manage his diet and adjust his caloric intake based on his training schedule. While the fighter has not had recent blood work done to check his nutrient levels, he feels amazing and attributes his success to Lockhart's guidance. The fighter is determined to keep fighting and excel in the featherweight division, providing exciting fights for fans and potentially shocking the world.

    • Personalized weight loss plansUse a computer program to tailor meal plans and weight loss goals based on individual data. Gradually reduce calorie intake and increase nutrient-dense foods, prioritize cardio for overall health.

      Effective weight loss and nutrition require a calculated and personalized approach. George, a military veteran and nutrition expert, uses a computer program to tailor meal plans and weight loss goals based on individual data. He emphasizes the importance of gradually reducing calorie intake and increasing nutrient-dense foods, rather than drastic weight cuts. Cardio plays a crucial role in both physical and mental health, aiding in weight loss and improving overall wellbeing. By focusing on sustainable practices and gradual progress, individuals can achieve their weight loss goals in a healthier and more manageable way.

    • Running and cardio for mental and physical combat readinessRunning enhances mental focus and speeds up recovery, while explosive strength conditioning and footwork drills improve combat performance. A supportive training partner and pushing beyond comfort zones are essential for optimal growth.

      Running and other forms of cardio play a crucial role in both physical and mental preparation for combat sports. The speaker shares his personal experiences of how running helped him achieve mental breakthroughs and recover faster. He also emphasizes the importance of strength conditioning, especially focusing on explosive movements and footwork. The speaker's training regimen includes sprints, lateral drills, and using equipment like medicine balls and kettlebells. He also mentions the importance of having a supportive training partner, like George Castro, who pushes him to his limits. The speaker acknowledges the importance of monitoring heart rate but also emphasizes the need to push oneself beyond comfort zones for optimal growth. Overall, the speaker's approach to training highlights the importance of a holistic approach to physical and mental preparation in combat sports.

    • The Benefits of Solo Training for FightersSolo training builds mental toughness and self-reliance, but sparring and camp training are crucial for competition preparation. A strong training environment and community are essential for success.

      Training alone can be beneficial for a fighter's mental toughness and self-reliance. The speaker shares his experience of often training alone and how his strength conditioning coach, George, encourages him to embrace the solitude and focus on his own performance. However, the importance of sparring and camp training is also acknowledged, as it prepares the fighter for competition. The speaker also pays tribute to his coach Eric Delfiero and the successful fighters who train at Alliance MMA, emphasizing the importance of a strong training environment and community. Lastly, the speaker discusses his personal preference for the challenge of making weight and the mental edge it gives him. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of both solitude and community in a fighter's training journey.

    • Improve performance and recovery through low-intensity cardioConsistent low-intensity cardio training can enhance a fighter's endurance, improve recovery, and give an edge in the fight.

      Building a solid aerobic base through low-intensity, long-duration cardio training can significantly improve a fighter's performance and recovery during a fight. Conor McGregor shared his experience of learning this from Diaz's training methods, which focus on consistent pressure and a high volume of punches. This approach allows Diaz to recover better while opponents are already at their lactic threshold, giving him an edge in the fight. McGregor also mentioned that he felt more efficient, healthier, and had better cardio after incorporating low-intensity cardio into his training regimen.

    • Combining High-Intensity Interval Training and Endurance ActivitiesEffective combat sports training includes high-intensity interval workouts, like Tabata, and long endurance activities, like running, for explosive power and cardio/mental resilience. Unconventional methods, like extreme kettlebell cardio, can also enhance fitness.

      Effective training for combat sports involves a combination of high-intensity interval training, such as Tabata protocol, and long, slow-paced endurance activities, like running. Both types of training have their merits - Tabata provides explosive power, while long runs build a solid base for cardio and mental resilience. It's essential to incorporate both into a training regimen. Additionally, the use of unconventional training methods, like Keith Weber's extreme kettlebell cardio workout, can be effective in breaking down muscles and improving overall fitness. The glamour of explosive exercises should not overshadow the importance of endurance training in combat sports.

    • Embracing mental challenges in physical activitiesPhysical activities offer mental benefits, including mental challenge, personal growth, and improved testosterone levels. Embrace discomfort and push past mental and physical barriers to achieve success.

      Physical and mental challenges, such as long-distance running or high-intensity workouts, can provide significant benefits beyond just the physical results. Aubrey, in the discussion, emphasizes the mental aspect of these activities, stating that they can be more mentally challenging than physically demanding. He also highlights the importance of pushing past comfort zones and facing mental obstacles to achieve personal growth. Additionally, Aubrey mentions the potential boost in testosterone levels during high-intensity workouts and the potential mental advantage gained from putting in the work and facing challenges head-on, as exemplified by Dan Gable's wrestling career. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of embracing discomfort and pushing past mental and physical barriers to achieve personal growth and improvement.

    • Elite athletes prioritize training and rehabElite athletes use tools like foam rollers, lacrosse balls, and specialized equipment for training and injury relief. They also practice yoga and invent equipment for optimal performance and well-being.

      Elite athletes prioritize both training and rehabilitation to maintain their physical health. They use various tools like foam rollers, lacrosse balls, and specialized equipment to work on sore muscles and injuries at home. One such tool is the Rogue Fitness Supernova, a large foam roller that breaks up larger areas, while a lacrosse ball offers more pinpoint pressure. Athletes also incorporate activities like yoga for mental and physical well-being. Legendary figures like Louie Simmons have invented equipment, like the reverse hyper machine, which decompresses the spine during use, aiding in back pain relief. These athletes are dedicated to their craft, pushing through challenging workouts and recovery sessions to perform at their best.

    • Claims about altering blood pH levels through consumption of alkaline water are not provenFocus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle through proper hydration, balanced nutrition, and regular exercise, rather than relying on unproven claims about alkaline water.

      While some supplements and health practices, like Cordyceps mushrooms and wheatgrass juice, can have positive effects on the body, claims about altering blood pH levels through consumption of alkaline water are not scientifically proven. Hydration, however, is crucial for athletic performance, and small dehydration can lead to a significant decrease in performance. Other practices, such as the sumo wrestlers' eating habits and water intake before weight cutting, can also impact performance. It's essential to be aware of potential risks, such as over-hydration or consuming too much distilled water, which can have negative effects on the body. Overall, focusing on maintaining a healthy lifestyle through proper hydration, balanced nutrition, and regular exercise is key.

    • Exploring Recovery Methods and Supplements for Optimal Well-beingIndividuals can enhance their physical and mental health through various recovery methods and supplements, such as cryotherapy, myofascial release, meditation, float tanks, and probiotics. Personalized approaches are essential for achieving optimal results.

      Individuals can prioritize their physical and mental well-being through various recovery methods and supplements. The speaker shares his experiences with cryotherapy, myofascial release, meditation, float tanks, and probiotics. He emphasizes the importance of finding what works best for each person, such as high-level athletes like Dana White who travel frequently and need to maintain their health. Probiotics, specifically, are highlighted for their benefits in gut health and sleep quality, which can lead to better dreams and overall well-being. The speaker's personal anecdotes illustrate how these practices and supplements can positively impact one's life.

    • Mindset Matters: Impact on Emotions and Well-beingA positive mindset enhances emotions and well-being, while negative influences can hinder performance and overall health. Embrace connections and love for optimal growth.

      Our perspective and mindset play a significant role in how we experience life. The way we approach situations can greatly impact our emotions and overall well-being. This is especially important for athletes, as maintaining a healthy mindset is crucial during training and camp. Negative influences, such as toxic relationships or excessive stress, can negatively affect performance and overall well-being. Additionally, the speaker expresses openness to the idea of a higher power or universal force, suggesting that it may provide a sense of connection and purpose. The universe, with its constant change and development, is a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of community and love.

    • The connection between love and the starsLooking up at the stars can evoke feelings of love, awe, and humility, reminding us of our place in the universe. Urbanization and technology may limit our exposure to this transformative experience.

      The connection between love and the wonders of the universe, particularly the stars, is a powerful and humbling experience for many people. The speaker shares his personal experiences of feeling love and awe when looking up at the night sky, and he believes that this connection is an important reminder of our place in the universe. He also notes that the lack of exposure to the night sky due to urbanization and technology may contribute to a sense of disconnection and arrogance in modern society. The speaker's experiences at a Boy Scout camp and at the Keck Observatory on the Big Island illustrate the transformative power of observing the stars and being in a place where one can truly appreciate their vastness and beauty.

    • Religion's Impact on Humanity: Structure, Morality, Community vs. Hate, Suppression, ManipulationReligion can provide benefits like structure, morality, and community, but it can also lead to negative outcomes such as hate, suppression, and manipulation. Prepare for opportunities in your career as they can come unexpectedly, just like in MMA.

      Religion, and the concept of God, have been shaped by humans throughout history, leading to both positive and negative outcomes. On one hand, religion can provide structure, morality, and a sense of community. On the other hand, it can be used to justify hate, suppression, and manipulation. The translation of ancient religious texts from their original languages to modern ones can result in lost meaning and misunderstandings. However, these texts can still offer valuable insights into the human experience. In the context of careers, it's important to be prepared and stay ready for opportunities, as they can arise unexpectedly, just as in the world of MMA, where injuries and last-minute cancellations are common.

    • Staying committed to long-term goals despite distractionsBalance life and goals, but stay dedicated to long-term commitments, even amid unexpected setbacks or distractions.

      Maintaining focus and dedication to a goal is crucial, even when faced with unexpected distractions or setbacks. The speaker shares his experience of preparing for a fight, only to take a break for a family vacation, but ultimately returning to his training regimen. He emphasizes the importance of balance and enjoying life, but also staying committed to long-term goals. Despite encountering obstacles, such as the failure to purchase a building for a planned gym, he remains optimistic and determined to continue pursuing his passion for MMA fighting and entertaining fans.

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    • Bas Rutten praises Jake Paul
    • Why are more people dying in boxing than MMA
    • Reaction to Messi mocking Louis Van Goal
    • What is the most viewed sporting event in the world?
    • Reaction to Zion Williamson’s street fight

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    PBD Podcast Episode 215. 

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    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

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