
    84: Heather Vale Goss: Creating Rock Star Content!

    enDecember 16, 2013

    About this Episode

    Vegas Vince welcomes Miss Heather Vale Goss for another blistering trip behind the 8-Ball. Live. Uncut. 100% Bad-Assery!

    Heather Vale Goss is a writer, interviewer and journalist also known as The Unwrapper™. For the past 20 years she has worked in all media: TV, radio, print and online. She has written for some of the top online publications, including Livestrong.com, eHow.com, Education.com and Thalo.com, and worked for many of today's most respected internet marketers and online entrepreneurs.

    She has also written for publications such as the Toronto Star and worked as a news anchor at Canada's #1 News-Talk radio station, CFRB 1010 am. She has hosted TV shows, numerous online radio talk shows, and co-hosted a talk show on KLAV 1230 AM in Las Vegas.

    She is known as one of the best content creators in the online marketing industry, and teaches others how to create powerful, profitable content through interviews.Heather Vale Goss is a writer, interviewer and journalist also known as The Unwrapper™.

    Another Vegas Vince Joint in association with Stay Legendary Productions. Produced, Arranged, Composed, and Written by Vegas Vince.

    Recent Episodes from Vegas Vince: Sales and Marketing Behind The 8-Ball

    87: Free Publicity To Get Rich and Famous w/ Luke Avedon

    87: Free Publicity To Get Rich and Famous w/ Luke Avedon

    How to use the power of a master publicist to dominate your business, crush competition, and obtain celebrity status---all for a hell of lot less than paid advertising, gimmicks, and other wings, strings, and camera tricks. Listen up: Today's 24/7 Media WILL make You Rich and Famous if u know how the game is played. A blistering inside view of how Publicity really works.... with publicist Luke Avedon and Vegas Vince.

    Luke Avedon is a Publicity Bas Ass...and Vinnie's personal publicist. A true master in uncovering overlooked opportunities in ordinary businesses. He got bit by the business bug at age 23. Although originally from New York – his first business was construction and real estate in Roswell, New Mexico. Building low income rental properties.

    After accidentally destroying the internet, cable Tv, and phone service for a quarter of the city he had to liquidate that business. Liquidating every possible asset got him involved in liquidating other businesses that were in trouble. The problem Luke had was no one would take him seriously on sales calls – that’s when he discovered the power of local publicity.

    He could get journalists to write about him and show it to prospects – even when he was brand new – doors would open. He was involved in selling everything from thousands of forklifts for Office Depot, to pregnancy test strips, to women’s lingerie. Now Luke helps other businesses tap the power of local publicity – without a doubt the most cost effective, powerful, and overlooked marketing opportunity out there.

    (Another Vegas Vince Joint. In association w/ Legendary Productions. Produced, Composed, Arranged, and Written by Vegas Vince. Copyright 2014)

    86: How To Beat The Las Vegas Casinos Pt. 1

    86: How To Beat The Las Vegas Casinos Pt. 1

    When it comes to professional gambling there are NO systems or magic formulas. Las Vegas is designed with one purpose in mind: to seperate you from your money while providing the illusion that you're "having a good time" as u get "sucked in to the bright lights, free drinks, hookers, and all the rest of the ether designed to make you a LOSER. Stop being a sucker.

    Can the casinos actually be beaten? Yes. Will most of you ever have the disipline required to make it happen? Truthfully? NO. You'd rather "play"...then WIN. For those few who actually want to win, tune in to a short but blistering episode exposing what it takes to consistently walk away a winner like I have. For the rest of you who are interested in the free buffets and other sucker traps.....don't waste your time. This show aint for LOOOOOSERS!

    Another Vegas Vince Joint. In association with "Stay Legendary" tm Productions. Produced, Arranged, Composed, and Written by Vegas Vince. Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved

    85: Vegas Vince: Gambling, Moonshine, Ginseng, & Blackmail

    85: Vegas Vince: Gambling, Moonshine, Ginseng, & Blackmail

    Vegas Vince goes solo and unplugged and back to the basics... as he discusses a variety of underground niches that can make you rich as well as how to beat the Las Vegas casinos. For you hardcore fans of the old shows, this one is for you! No interviews....just bad-ass, under-the-radar content you can take to the bank. Vince also discusses a recent blackmail attempt made against him and how he has dealt with it. Starting with this show, we go back "old school" and deliver the content that made Sales and Marketing Behind the 8-Ball the most cutting edge marketing show on BTR. This one kicks ass.....minus ass kissing .ADULTS ONLY! XXX

    Produced, Arranged, Composed, and Written by Vegas Vince. Another Vegas Vince Joint in association with Stay Legendary Productions. Copyright 2014.'

    84: Heather Vale Goss: Creating Rock Star Content!

    84: Heather Vale Goss: Creating Rock Star Content!

    Vegas Vince welcomes Miss Heather Vale Goss for another blistering trip behind the 8-Ball. Live. Uncut. 100% Bad-Assery!

    Heather Vale Goss is a writer, interviewer and journalist also known as The Unwrapper™. For the past 20 years she has worked in all media: TV, radio, print and online. She has written for some of the top online publications, including Livestrong.com, eHow.com, Education.com and Thalo.com, and worked for many of today's most respected internet marketers and online entrepreneurs.

    She has also written for publications such as the Toronto Star and worked as a news anchor at Canada's #1 News-Talk radio station, CFRB 1010 am. She has hosted TV shows, numerous online radio talk shows, and co-hosted a talk show on KLAV 1230 AM in Las Vegas.

    She is known as one of the best content creators in the online marketing industry, and teaches others how to create powerful, profitable content through interviews.Heather Vale Goss is a writer, interviewer and journalist also known as The Unwrapper™.

    Another Vegas Vince Joint in association with Stay Legendary Productions. Produced, Arranged, Composed, and Written by Vegas Vince.

    83: Confessions of a Chronic Marketer w/Brad Gosse

    83: Confessions of a Chronic Marketer w/Brad Gosse

    Vegas Vince welcomes best selling author and marketing zoro Brad Gosse to another trip behind the Sales and Marketing 8-Ball. Another legendary marketing show that doesn't suck.

    Another Vegas Vince Production in association with Legends Productions. A Vegas Vince Joint. Produced, Arranged, Composed, and Written by Vegas Vince.

    82: "Barter Arbitrage" 100% Pure!

    82: "Barter Arbitrage" 100% Pure!

    The second episode for Barter Arbitrage Money Team members looking for even more information regarding the top rated, top selling, most definitive course of all time in regards to exploiting the trillion dollar barter trade industry.

    Vegas Vince has specail surprises in store for all Money Team members and this is another blistering episode from Vegas Vince as he lays the smack down on the trade industry and give you more tips, tricks and strategies that wlll allow you to pimp the loopholes available in the secret world of barter and trade.

    Peace, Vegas Vince

    Another Vegas Vince Joint. A Legend Production. Produced, Arranged, Composed, and Written by Vegas Vince

    81: Barter Arbitrage Overview

    81: Barter Arbitrage Overview

    Barter Arbitrage 2.0 is back and bigger and badder than ever!

    Vegas Vince presents a complete overview, answers students questions, and gives you the the strategies and mindset you need to succeed exploiting the trillion dollar barter and trade industry.

    Required listening for all Barter Arbitrage Money Team members.

    Another Vegas Vince Joint. Produced, Arranged, Composed, and written by Vegas Vince

    Stay Legendary!

    80: Husband & Wife Crush It With Barter Arbitrage

    80: Husband & Wife Crush It With Barter Arbitrage

    Three years after purchasing my legendary Barter Arbitrage course, a husband and wife team discuss how they are crushing it years later.

    Barter Arbitrage 2.0 will be released in October of 2013 at a fraction of the $297 it has ALWAYS sold for.

    Go 2 http://barterarbitrage.com for a ton of FREE gold and actual case studies.

    THIS REMAINS THE TOP SELLING PRODUCT OF IT'S KIND in regards to exploiting the trillion dollar trade industry.

    Stay Legendary!
    Vegas Vince

    79: Marketing Marijuana & Buying Diamonds

    79: Marketing Marijuana & Buying Diamonds

    Vegas Vince returns for another blistering money making marketing epic. This episode will include an outside of the box way to "sell marijuana" and going to the bank not jail! Vince will also discuss rumors of a possible future appearance by the Legendary Governor Jesse Ventura among other badassery....INCLUDING why all shows featuring Marshall Wayne have been personally yanked by yours truly.

    Another Behind The 8-Ball classic

    Produced, Arranged, Composed, and Written by Vegas Vince

    78: Seth Larrabee: Face Book Is My Bitch!

    78: Seth Larrabee: Face Book Is My Bitch!

    Vegas Vince welcomes social media bad ass Seth Larrabee Behind The 8-Ball in the continuing "wiseguy" series that has dominated the BTR Marketing World world like a bad habit---with over 9000 archives in the past 6 weeks!

    Seth brings a fresh, out-of-the-box (insane) spin on how to use social copywriting and Face Book to create joint venture opportunities the generate a one way ticket to the "big dollars".

    You marketers who think Face Book is only for posting naughty pictures of your X wife with the Romanian pool boy-- are in for an eye popping trip down the darkside of Social Media Bad-Assery.

    Another Vegas Vince Joint. (TM) Produced, Arranged, Composed, and Written by Vegas Vince. Copyright 2013.