
    9/20/22: Housing Market, Puerto Rico, Midterm Campaigns, Pentagon Psyop, Lab Leak, & More!

    enSeptember 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Education, News, and EconomicsPurdue Global offers a trusted online education, The Economist delivers reliable news, Undercover Tourist saves on theme park tickets, Breaking Points invites viewers to shape media, housing market faces changes, Biden's intentions unclear, midterms show warning signs, Breaking Points expands with new hires, and premium content

      For individuals seeking a respected education to advance in their careers, Purdue Global, an online university backed by Purdue University, offers a trusted option. Meanwhile, The Economist continues to be a reliable source for trustworthy news and information in the digital age. Additionally, Undercover Tourist provides an opportunity to save on theme park tickets, while Breaking Points invites viewers to join in creating a more trustworthy and healthy mainstream media landscape. The housing market is experiencing complex and nuanced changes, with rising costs and prices, while Puerto Rico continues to face challenges in recovering from hurricane damage. Former President Biden has not yet announced his intentions for a second term, and Gavin Newsom is reportedly preparing to run if Biden does not. The midterms are showing some warning signs for Democrats, with Republicans turning out at higher rates in primaries. Breaking Points is expanding with new hires and offers premium content for those interested.

    • Rising mortgage rates and housing costs make buying a home difficult and expensive, leading to a housing squeeze and increased rent pricesRising mortgage rates and housing costs are making it harder for people to buy homes, contributing to a housing squeeze and increasing rent prices, with the average US mortgage payment more than doubling since March 2020 and typical US monthly rent up 12.3% from a year ago.

      The rising mortgage interest rates and housing costs are making it increasingly difficult and expensive for people to buy homes, pushing more individuals into renting. This trend is contributing to the ongoing high inflation rates, particularly in the housing sector. The average monthly mortgage payment in the US has more than doubled since March 2020, and the typical US monthly rent was up 12.3% from a year ago. As a result, many people are unable to afford to buy a house, leaving them with no choice but to rent. This housing squeeze, combined with the already existing housing shortage, is further limiting the available housing stock and driving up rent prices. Home builders are also delaying construction or not bringing their full houses to market due to the downturn, exacerbating the housing shortage and rental market squeeze. Ultimately, this situation favors the capital and ownership class, as landlords are able to maintain high rent prices despite the rising costs.

    • Housing market challenges disproportionately affect the less wealthy and rural areasThe housing market downturn disproportionately impacts homebuyers and renters, particularly those in rural areas and with lower incomes, due to low inventory, high mortgage rates, and rising costs.

      The current state of the housing market, driven by the Fed's policies, disproportionately benefits the wealthy and urban areas, while creating challenges for homebuyers and renters. The low inventory, high mortgage rates, and rising costs are causing difficulties for those trying to enter the market or maintain their current living situations. Despite the decline in house prices, the increased mortgage rates offset any potential savings, making it harder for normal people to buy homes. The housing market downturn has progressed beyond the initial drop in housing activity to the second stage of falling home prices, but the challenges for buyers and renters are far from resolved.

    • Housing Market Correction Affecting 98 out of 148 Regional MarketsThe housing market correction, driven by the Fed's efforts to combat inflation, is affecting 98 out of 148 regional housing markets, potentially leading to decreased demand for related goods and services and even a global recession.

      The housing market correction is spreading, with 98 out of 148 regional housing markets experiencing home value declines. This downturn, which is being intentionally accelerated by the Fed, is expected to have ripple effects throughout the economy, as decreased demand for housing leads to decreased demand for related goods and services. The housing market downturn is also happening globally, with almost every nation raising interest rates, which could lead to a severe global recession. Companies in the housing sector, such as Opendoor, are already struggling due to declining home sales and falling median home prices. The Fed's actions, while intended to combat inflation, could ultimately harm regular people by reducing their purchasing power.

    • Global economic policies could lead to larger impacts than intendedSynchronized policy tightening by major economies could result in a global recession, with contagion effects in world markets and potential energy crises in certain countries

      The synchronized policy tightening by major economies, including interest rate hikes and spending cuts, could lead to larger impacts than intended, such as a steepened growth slowdown and tighter financial conditions. This global phenomenon, unlike the policies adopted during the 1975 global recession, could result in contagion effects across world markets, as seen in the economic precarity in China and Europe, as well as potential energy crises in countries like Japan and India. The World Bank has warned that this direction could lead to a global recession. China, specifically, is experiencing a more serious financial crisis than the global financial crisis in the United States, as indicated by its slowing housing market and economic sputtering under COVID-19 lockdowns. The potential collapse of the yuan, as predicted by some analysts, could further exacerbate these economic challenges.

    • Challenges in Chinese and Puerto Rican EconomiesChina's housing market collapse and Puerto Rico's corruption and inadequate infrastructure pose significant challenges to their economies, with far-reaching consequences for both countries and the global economy.

      The Chinese and Puerto Rican economies are facing significant challenges, each with unique issues. In China, the housing market's collapse, exacerbated by COVID-19 policies and extreme weather conditions, is causing widespread financial instability. The housing market, a critical driver of China's economy for the past 20 years, is now experiencing a massive pullback, with developers going bankrupt, homeowners refusing to pay mortgages, and local governments facing extreme financial issues due to their reliance on land sales for income. External factors, such as falling demand from Europe and high energy costs, further threaten China's economy. In Puerto Rico, the ongoing issue of corruption and inadequate infrastructure, highlighted by the devastating impact of recent hurricanes, continues to plague the island. The widespread damage to critical infrastructure and homes, combined with the systemic corruption, paints a dire picture for Puerto Rico's future. Both economies face significant challenges that could have far-reaching consequences, highlighting the interconnected nature of global economies.

    • Hurricane leaves millions in Puerto Rico without power againMismanagement, bureaucratic incompetence, corruption, lack of transparency, and delays in funding have led to ongoing power outages for millions in Puerto Rico despite billions in aid.

      Despite significant funding and efforts to rebuild Puerto Rico's power grid after Hurricane Maria in 2017, the grid failed yet again during a hurricane in 2022, leaving millions without power and access to clean water. The causes of this failure are complex, but seem to involve mismanagement, bureaucratic incompetence, and potentially corruption. Despite billions of dollars in funding from FEMA and the US Congress, only a small fraction has been spent on grid recovery, and the privatization of the grid has led to high prices and unreliable power. The lack of transparency and accountability, as well as delays in releasing funding from the Biden administration, have also contributed to the ongoing crisis. The situation is abhorrent, as American citizens on the island continue to suffer from the consequences of these systemic failures. Further investigative journalism is needed to understand the specific fail points and hold those responsible accountable.

    • Puerto Rico's persistent energy crisis: A humanitarian disasterDespite aid and privatization efforts, Puerto Rico continues to face frequent blackouts and rising electricity prices, impacting citizens' health and economic development

      The ongoing energy crisis in Puerto Rico, marked by frequent blackouts and increasing electricity prices, is a humanitarian disaster that has persisted despite government aid and efforts to privatize the power grid. The situation is complex, with various factors contributing to the slow progress, including bureaucratic delays, mismanagement, and the impact of climate change. It's crucial to understand the full context of the issue, rather than oversimplifying it as a result of political decisions. The lack of reliable electricity and clean water access can lead to severe health consequences and hinder economic development. It's essential to shed light on the situation and demand accountability for the ongoing struggles faced by American citizens in Puerto Rico.

    • Biden's 2024 Re-election Plans Amid CrisesUncertainty over Biden's 2024 intentions creates hesitancy among Democrats, while ongoing crises demand attention

      While the focus is on potential political developments regarding President Biden's future plans for a 2024 re-election bid, it's essential not to overlook ongoing crises, such as the humanitarian disaster in Puerto Rico with over 3 million people without power. Biden danced around the question during a 60 Minutes interview, citing election laws as a reason for not making a definitive decision yet. Some argue this could be an attempt to avoid legal trouble or give himself an out, while others believe he's genuinely undecided. Regardless, the uncertainty surrounding Biden's intentions has led some Democrats to hesitate in expressing their support. The unpredictability surrounding Biden's presidency, with moments of lucidity and apparent misstatements, adds to the intrigue. Ultimately, the focus should be on addressing pressing issues, both at home and abroad, rather than speculating about political machinations.

    • Biden's Re-Election Bid Expected to be a Factor in 2024 Presidential RaceDespite low approval ratings, Biden's incumbency and lucid interview boost his chances in 2024. No clear Democratic alternatives exist, making his re-election bid a significant factor.

      Despite speculation about President Joe Biden's age and performance, it is widely believed that he will run for re-election in 2024. His approval ratings, though low, are better than some potential challengers, and the power and advantages that come with being an incumbent president make it a formidable position. The recent interview with Biden showed him to be lucid and committed to his policies, and there are currently no clear alternatives within the Democratic Party. Even if other potential candidates, like Gavin Newsom, express interest in running, their popularity and record do not compare favorably to Biden's. The political landscape and dynamics of the moment echo those of the 2022 California recall election, where Biden's opposition was animated, but his base was not as motivated to vote for him. Ultimately, Biden's re-election bid is expected to be a significant factor in the 2024 presidential race.

    • Vice President Kamala Harris's Low Approval RatingsDespite efforts to motivate young voters and voters of color, Vice President Kamala Harris's approval ratings are historically low for a sitting vice president, with an unfavorable rating of 52%.

      Vice President Kamala Harris's approval ratings are low, particularly among young voters and in battleground states. Despite efforts to position her as a motivator for young voters and voters of color for the midterms, her approval rating is historically low for a sitting vice president, with an unfavorable rating of 52%. Her lack of popularity has led some Democratic candidates in competitive races to hesitate about campaigning with her. The Vice President's approval ratings are even lower in battleground states like Georgia and Wisconsin, where Democrats face tough competition. Despite attempts to bury her, her low approval ratings have raised questions about the political advantage of having her campaign with Democratic candidates in these states.

    • Democrats intervening in GOP primariesDemocrats spent millions to boost right-wing candidates in GOP primaries, winning in 6 out of 13 races, with uncertain long-term consequences and ethical concerns.

      The Democratic Party has taken a significant gamble by intervening in Republican primaries and spending millions of dollars to boost right-wing candidates. While this strategy has had some success, with Democrats winning in six out of the 13 primaries they meddled in, it is a risky move. The outcome of these races could have a significant impact on the balance of power in Congress and the future of democracy. The long-term consequences of this strategy are uncertain, and it raises ethical concerns about the role of money in politics. Additionally, historical data suggests that polls can be inaccurate, and some of these candidates could still win in the fall elections. It remains to be seen whether this gamble will pay off for the Democrats or backfire.

    • Shifting political landscape towards national issues and partisan leaningsCandidates' personal qualities matter less, local candidates lost due to national affiliations, focus on real issues like economic concerns and class dynamics, no signs of civil war yet.

      The political landscape has shifted towards more national issues and partisan leanings, with candidates' personal qualities becoming less important in voters' decisions. This trend was evident in the 2010 midterm elections, where local candidates who had been well-known and respected in their districts still lost due to their association with unpopular national figures and parties. Furthermore, there is a growing concern in the media about the potential for civil unrest, but it's important to remember that the current situation is not even close to the brink of a civil war. Instead, we should focus on addressing the real issues, such as economic concerns and class dynamics, without normalizing or wishing for conflict.

    • The idea of a civil war in the US may be an exaggerationDespite political divisions, it's crucial to acknowledge potential risks while striving for balanced, nuanced perspectives and respectful dialogue.

      While there are legitimate concerns about potential constitutional crises and political divisions in the United States, the idea of an impending civil war may be an exaggeration based on the perspectives of those who primarily focus on political conflicts in Washington D.C. Major Garrett, a respected journalist, emphasized the importance of factual evidence and the potential dangers of unsubstantiated claims, such as those related to election interference. He also highlighted the need to recognize the genuine concerns of Americans outside of the political bubble and the importance of respectful dialogue and understanding among different communities. The 1876 US election, which was very close and marked by controversy, serves as an historical analogy to our current situation. It's crucial to acknowledge the potential risks while also striving for a more balanced and nuanced perspective on the state of American democracy.

    • Examining the complexities of political divisionsIt's essential to understand the root causes of political divisions and hold all actors accountable for their actions, not just focus on external influences.

      The allegations of foreign interference and disinformation campaigns in American politics are not a new phenomenon, and it's important to examine the underlying causes of political divisions rather than solely focusing on external influences. The New York Times article on Russian trolls and the Women's March is an example of sensationalized reporting that oversimplifies complex issues and ignores the deep-rooted nature of political discourse in the US. Furthermore, it's hypocritical for major news outlets to criticize foreign interference while overlooking their own government's involvement in similar activities. The recent revelation of US military's use of bots and misinformation on social media platforms highlights this hypocrisy. It's crucial to have a nuanced understanding of these issues and to recognize that solutions require addressing the root causes of political divisions and holding all actors accountable for their actions.

    • US govt's ineffective social media bot ops questionedA review of US govt's covert social media bot ops reveals poor execution and ineffectiveness, while the media and tech companies' handling of lab leak theory and Fauci's gain-of-function research remains a cover-up.

      The US government's covert influence operations on social media, carried out by Pentagon-funded bot mercenaries, have been called into question due to their ineffectiveness and lackluster execution. This was revealed in a review prompted by the removal of a massive network of accounts connected to the US government and the poor quality of the propaganda. The focus of the review is not on ethics, but on results and return on investment. Meanwhile, the media and tech companies' handling of the lab leak theory and Fauci's involvement in gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab remains a significant cover-up, with crucial information being withheld and the stakes being downplayed. The timeline compiled by transparency organization Right to Know highlights key moments in this saga, including Fauci's knowledge of the gain-of-function research and the scientists' consideration of the lab leak theory as a viable explanation for the origins of COVID-19.

    • Early COVID-19 origins debate and its implications for midterm electionsDuring the pandemic's early stages, scientists debated the lab origin of COVID-19, with some later admitting potential oversights. Midterm elections have seen increased Republican voter turnout, potentially signaling a strong GOP performance.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were discussions among scientists and organizations about the potential lab origin of the virus. A paper published in Nature Magazine, which was led by Farrar and others, declared that COVID did not come from a lab. However, this paper has since been called into question due to the omission of anomalies that could have suggested a lab leak. Christian Andersen, who previously suggested the virus could have originated from a lab, later changed his stance and emphasized the virus was consistent with natural evolution. The document and paper were designed as messaging documents, not scientific ones, and were published just before the first lockdown. Since then, various organizations and individuals, including Fauci and the WHO, have faced criticism for pushing back against the lab leak hypothesis before sufficient evidence was available. Despite the lack of definitive proof, it is now acknowledged by some, including The Lancet, that the lab leak theory may well be the origin of the coronavirus due to terrible safety practices at the Wuhan lab. The primary voter turnout in this year's elections has favored Republicans, which historically indicates a good performance for the party in midterm elections.

    • 2022 Midterm Elections: Competitive and UnpredictableThe 2022 midterm elections are expected to be competitive, with higher Republican turnout and potential Democratic enthusiasm due to Roe v. Wade ruling. However, polling numbers and campaign spending are important factors to consider.

      The 2022 midterm elections are shaping up to be a Republican-leaning year, but not as extreme as 2010 or 2014. The primary elections have shown higher Republican turnout, and the Roe v. Wade ruling could boost Democratic enthusiasm in key states. However, some polling numbers in traditionally Republican-leaning states like Ohio and Wisconsin have raised concerns. Forecasters are looking at other factors, such as campaign spending, to help make accurate predictions. It's important to remember that polling misses have not been consistent from cycle to cycle, and some polls may have underestimated Democrats in the past without causing much notice. Overall, the midterm elections are expected to be competitive, with both parties vying for key races.

    • Midterm Elections: Trump's Influence and Key IssuesThe midterm elections could be shaped by factors like voter turnout, polling accuracy, and issues such as abortion and the economy. Trump's absence from the ballot and his influence on certain races are also significant. Control of the Senate could hinge on a few key states, and authenticity and economic concerns could sway voter decisions.

      The upcoming midterm elections could be influenced by various factors such as voter turnout, polling accuracy, and the impact of certain issues and candidates. The discussion highlighted the potential significance of Trump being off the ballot and the role of issues like abortion and economic concerns in shaping voter decisions. The exit poll question of "which candidate cares more about people like me?" has historically been a strong indicator of election outcomes. The abortion issue, in particular, has emerged as a key concern for college-educated voters. The polling data from the special elections and recent polls in key states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, suggest that control of the Senate could come down to a few toss-up states, including Georgia, Nevada, and potentially Wisconsin, North Carolina, or Ohio. The economy and voters' perception of candidates' authenticity could play a crucial role in determining the outcomes of these races. Additionally, Trump's influence on the midterms, especially in states where he has endorsed candidates, remains an intriguing variable to watch.

    • Stay informed and engaged with communities and eventsEngage with trusted sources for news, attend events, and utilize online resources for mental health support and affordable theme park tickets.

      The speakers are encouraging listeners to engage with various communities and events, whether it be through attending their Chicago shows or signing up for trusted news sources like The Economist. They emphasized the importance of being informed and supported, especially in the information age where reliability can be uncertain. Additionally, they highlighted the convenience and affordability of online resources and services, such as BetterHelp for mental health support and Undercover Tourist for theme park tickets. Overall, the message is to not only stay informed but also take advantage of opportunities that can make a positive impact on one's life.

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