
    9/27/21: Legislation Week in Congress, AOC Tears, Jan 6 Feds, Assange, Trump vs GOP, Lab Leak, Tulsi Gabbard, China's Economy, and More!

    enSeptember 27, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Companies offer incentives to disconnect and improve quality of life, while political tensions continueUS Cellular promotes phone detox, Undercover Tourist discounts theme park tickets, Easy Breathe improves indoor air, D.C. government faces shutdown and debt ceiling, Pelosi aims to pass infrastructure and reconciliation bills, Fed informant involved in Jan 6th riot, threats against journalists, Biden's win confirmed in Arizona audit

      US Cellular encourages us to disconnect from our smartphones for five minutes, while companies like Undercover Tourist offer discounted theme park tickets and Easy Breathe Ventilation System aims to improve indoor air quality. In Washington, D.C., the government faces a shutdown and debt ceiling breach, and the infrastructure package and reconciliation bill remain contentious. Pelosi aims to pass both bills this week, but progressives and moderates have different demands. Additionally, there have been revelations about a Fed informant involved in the January 6th riot, potential threats against journalists like Glenn Greenwald, and new audit results showing Biden won by a larger margin in Arizona.

    • Democrats struggle to reach consensus on infrastructure billProgressives demand a vote on reconciliation bill first, Pelosi plans Thursday vote for infrastructure package but lacks votes, president's agenda at risk, Sinema's tax stance creates obstacle

      The passing of the infrastructure bill in the House is uncertain due to the lack of consensus among Democrats, particularly progressive members. Progressives, led by Pramila Jayapal, are holding firm on their demand for a vote on the reconciliation bill first. Pelosi has promised to bring the infrastructure bill to the floor this week but is not confident she has the votes yet. The latest development is that a Thursday vote on the infrastructure package is being planned, but it remains to be seen if reconciliation will be included. The president's agenda, which includes both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the reconciliation bill, is at risk if the votes do not come together. Kyrsten Sinema's refusal to support corporate or income tax rate increases is also a significant obstacle. The situation is fluid, and the outcome is uncertain.

    • Key Democratic Senators Oppose Biden's Reconciliation BillOpposition from key Democratic senators, particularly Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, threatens President Biden's reconciliation bill due to their stance against tax increases and potential support from House Republicans for the infrastructure bill.

      The passing of President Biden's reconciliation bill is facing significant challenges due to the opposition of key Democratic senators, specifically Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin. Sinema has publicly stated that she will not vote for any tax increases, which could potentially derail the bill's funding. Additionally, there have been reports that she and Manchin are attempting to garner support from House Republicans for the bipartisan infrastructure bill in an effort to bypass progressive Democrats. The political incentives for Sinema seem to be driving her actions, as she may be looking ahead to future job prospects and fundraising opportunities. The overall popularity of the bill's provisions, particularly those related to taxing the wealthy and addressing climate change, adds to the complexity of the situation. The White House has been distributing polls showing strong support for the Build Back Better agenda, but the specific provisions have not been openly discussed or opposed by those blocking its progress. The lack of transparency and the potential for corruption in the political system have been highlighted by the Bernie Sanders camp. Ultimately, it remains unclear how this situation will be resolved.

    • Uncertainty Surrounds Infrastructure Bill Vote in WashingtonDespite Pelosi's potential vote this week, progressives' opposition and Pelosi's outs make infrastructure bill passage uncertain, potentially leading to a government shutdown.

      The current political situation in Washington regarding the passing of key legislation, specifically infrastructure bills, is uncertain and complex. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has indicated she may bring a bill to a vote this week, but it's unclear if she has the necessary votes. Pelosi also mentioned the possibility of using reconciliation, but this seems unlikely given the current political climate. The progressives are holding strong and growing in numbers, making it difficult for Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to find a resolution. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Pelosi gave herself outs in the agreement she crafted, allowing her to delay a vote or even pull the bill if she chooses. The entire situation is a setback for the Biden presidency, and it's uncertain how or if they will be able to resolve the issue in the coming weeks. Additionally, a continuing resolution is also on the table, which could result in a government shutdown if the debt limit is hit. The stakes are high for working families and people, and the situation is worth keeping a close eye on.

    • Political Tensions over Israel's Iron Dome FundingProgressives, including AOC, opposed Iron Dome funding, causing a heated debate, while AOC's emotional statement did not clarify her reasons.

      The debate around funding for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system in the US Congress became a contentious issue, with progressives pushing for its removal from a funding bill. AOC and other progressives, including Thomas Massie (a Republican), voted against the funding. AOC was visibly upset during the vote and later claimed she cried due to the risk to her safety and community division. However, her lengthy statement did not clearly explain her change of heart. The incident highlights the political tensions surrounding Israel and the complexities of funding international defense systems.

    • Pressure on Congresswoman Plaskett to vote on pro-Israel resolution increasesDespite personal struggles and past actions, transparency and principled stands are crucial in politics.

      The pressure on Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett to bring the pro-Israel resolution to a vote has increased due to major cracks in the pro-Israel coalition. However, the speaker's personal struggles and past actions, such as supporting BDS and voting present on impeachment votes, have raised questions about her commitment to the issue. The poorly written and unfulfilling statement regarding Israel and Palestine further fueled concerns about her staffing and preparedness. A recent New York Times report revealed that an FBI informant was among the Proud Boys who marched into the Capitol on January 6th, adding another layer of complexity to the ongoing political landscape. Ultimately, the situation highlights the importance of taking principled stands and being transparent with constituents.

    • FBI's Role in Far-Right Groups and Capitol RiotsThe FBI had multiple informants in far-right groups leading up to the Capitol riots, but their involvement raises questions about entrapment and prevention. The extent of the FBI's involvement in the kidnapping plot against Governor Whitmer is also unclear.

      The FBI had multiple informants and potential undercover agents inside various far-right groups, including the Proud Boys, leading up to the Capitol riots. These informants reportedly communicated in real-time with their handlers about the events unfolding, yet the FBI's involvement raises questions about entrapment and the failure to prevent the riots. Additionally, there were reportedly more FBI agents involved in the plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer than actual defendants in the case. The full extent of the FBI's involvement in these cases and the Capitol riots remains unclear, but it highlights the need for transparency and accountability in law enforcement tactics. The lack of preparation and response on the day of the riots also raises concerns about the effectiveness of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.

    • USPS ICOP probed January 6th social media, raising concerns over civil libertiesThe USPS ICOP's involvement in investigating January 6th social media highlights the broadening mandate of postal services policing and potential infringements on civil liberties. Concurrently, reports of CIA plans to kidnap or assassinate Julian Assange underscore the expansion of national security operations and potential for power abuse.

      The USPS covert postal service unit, ICOP, was involved in probing January 6th social media, raising questions about the broadening mandate of postal services policing and potential infringements on civil liberties. Additionally, reports reveal that during the Trump administration, the CIA considered kidnapping or even assassinating Julian Assange due to his role in exposing government secrets. These actions underscore the expansion of national security operations and the potential for abuse of power. The January 6th commission, instead of addressing these concerning issues, is being used to justify further infringements on civil liberties and the application of war on terror tactics. It's crucial for a real, objective investigation into the agencies involved, their roles, and the knowledge they had in advance to ensure accountability and transparency.

    • Discussions about kidnapping or assassinating Julian Assange during Trump administrationThe Trump administration considered extreme measures against Julian Assange for WikiLeaks' release of classified info, blurring lines between journalism and espionage, and potentially abusing power and disregarding international norms.

      During the Trump administration, there were serious discussions about kidnapping or even assassinating Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, due to his organization's release of classified information. This consideration raised concerns about the blurred lines between journalism and espionage, and the potential consequences for journalists and their sources. The discussions also highlighted the potential for abuse of power and disregard for international norms, as the CIA was given a carte blanche to carry out these plans, despite the potential diplomatic repercussions. The Obama administration had initially been cautious about pursuing charges against Assange due to the distinction between WikiLeaks and traditional journalistic outlets, but the Snowden revelations led to a shift in attitude, and the Trump administration took a much more aggressive stance. This incident underscores the importance of protecting press freedom and maintaining clear boundaries between intelligence gathering and journalistic activities.

    • The pursuit of Julian Assange continues under BidenDespite concerns over journalistic freedom, the US government continues to pursue Julian Assange for alleged hacking and espionage, sparking criticism from some as an attack on press freedoms. Former President Trump's actions at a recent rally were also seen as undermining election integrity.

      The aggressive pursuit of Julian Assange by the intelligence community and the US government, despite denials of wrongdoing and concerns over journalistic freedom, continued under the Biden administration. Assange, who was accused of helping Chelsea Manning hack to obtain documents and was indicted for espionage, was subjected to extensive surveillance and faced potential extradition. The Obama administration had previously decided against charging Assange due to concerns over criminalizing journalism. The ongoing prosecution, which some argue is an attack on press freedoms, has been criticized as outrageous and unconscionable. Additionally, former President Trump's actions at a recent Georgia rally, where he encouraged voters not to support the current governor and suggested Stacey Abrams might be a better choice, were seen as undermining Republican chances in the 2022 elections and contributing to the normalization of election interference and conspiracy theories.

    • Unfounded claims about the 2020 election results in ArizonaThe ongoing audits and conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election results in Arizona are based on unfounded claims and can harm future election security, while also potentially misleading and scamming people.

      The ongoing audits and conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election results, particularly in Arizona, are based on unfounded claims and are being used to galvanize support for certain political figures, despite the lack of evidence. These actions not only undermine the democratic process but also potentially harm future election security. Additionally, millions of people have been misled into believing that the election was stolen, and in some cases, have been scammed out of their money. It's crucial to focus on facts and evidence rather than unproven theories and to be cautious of those who exploit such situations for personal gain.

    • GOP Could Have Won 2020 Election by Broadening BaseNew research shows small shifts could've changed 2020 election outcome. GOP could've won by appealing to more voters instead of focusing on voter suppression and opposing cultural leftism. However, election denial and cover-ups may hinder their ability to win over voters.

      The 2020 US presidential election was close enough that small changes could have altered the outcome, and the Republican Party could potentially win elections by appealing to a broader voter base instead of focusing on voter suppression. The Knight Foundation's 100 Million Americans Project found that nonvoters could have swung the election if they had voted. The GOP could also win by opposing cultural leftism and implementing lockdowns, as seen during Trump's presidency. However, the party's focus on election denial and voter suppression may hinder its ability to win over voters and maintain power. Newly released documents reveal that scientists conducted risky gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses, which may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. These scientists, including Dr. Fauci, have since worked to cover up their ties to the research to protect their funding and reputations. The lab leak hypothesis, which suggests that the virus originated from a lab in Wuhan, China, is gaining more attention, and these new revelations add to the evidence supporting it.

    • Connections between EcoHealth Alliance and US governmentThe EcoHealth Alliance, linked to the Wuhan lab, received millions for preventing bioweapons, but a 2018 grant proposal to create infectious bat coronaviruses was rejected. Further investigation of their ties and funding is needed.

      There are concerning connections between the EcoHealth Alliance, which has ties to the Wuhan lab where COVID-19 likely originated, and the United States government, specifically the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. These connections include a rejected grant proposal from 2018 for creating infectious bat coronaviruses and inoculating bat populations, and millions of dollars in grants since 2008 for preventing the use of viruses as weapons of mass destruction. The potential conflict of interest and the implications of this arrangement are significant and require further investigation by Congress. The documents and information obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests and investigative groups suggest a complex web of alliances, funding, and grant proposals that may hide even more dangerous proposals. The public deserves to know the truth about what happened at the Wuhan lab and how our tax dollars are being used.

    • Tulsi Gabbard's Foreign Policy and Immigration Stances ShiftTulsi Gabbard's stance on foreign policy and immigration has changed significantly since her presidential campaign. She once opposed regime change wars and advocated for humane immigration policies, but now supports drone strikes and takes a hardline stance on immigration.

      Tulsi Gabbard's stance on foreign policy and immigration has shifted dramatically since her presidential campaign. During her campaign, she was vocal about her opposition to regime change wars and the need to end U.S. imperial adventures in the Middle East. However, her response to Joe Biden's withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan was muted, and she later defended the use of drone strikes, which contradicts her previous stance. Regarding immigration, her tone during the presidential primary was compassionate, emphasizing the need for both secure borders and humane policies. However, in recent appearances on Fox News, she has taken a hardline stance, advocating for stricter border control and criticizing the Biden administration's policies as open borders. Her recent comments contrast sharply with her previous statements and lack nuance or factual basis.

    • Immigration Policies of Trump and BidenTulsi Gabbard expresses concern over Biden's immigration policies, specifically lack of fairness in investigations against border patrol agents and potential violation of due process for refugees.

      The discussion revolved around the differing immigration policies of former President Trump and current President Biden, with a focus on mass deportations and due process. Tulsi Gabbard expressed concern over the lack of fairness in investigations against border patrol agents due to Biden's public criticism. However, some argue that the real issue lies in Biden's use of an already controversial order to deport refugees without due process. Additionally, Tulsi Gabbard's recent commentary has raised questions about her ideological shift towards a more right-leaning audience. The conversation also touched upon the economic instability in China, specifically with Evergrande, a major real estate development company on the brink of collapse, and potential implications for China and the global economy.

    • China's Centralized Economic Expansion and RisksChina's centralized economic expansion, driven by infrastructure projects, carries risks, particularly in real estate, due to the Chinese Central Bank's role in supporting lending and debt creation.

      China's economic expansion, represented by its Belt and Road Initiative and internal urbanization plans, is driven by a centralized system that wires together ports, trade points, and infrastructure. This system, while successful, carries risks, particularly in the real estate sector. The Chinese Central Bank's role in supporting lending and debt creation around these projects has led to concerns about potential miscalculations and mismanagement, as seen with Evergrande. This situation parallels the US housing crisis, where a centralized government's actions led to a perceived abundance of easy money and risky investments. For the US, this Chinese behavior reinforces its position as the world's center of liquidity and capital, providing flexibility for dynamic investment opportunities.

    • Economic Instability in China with Evergrande Mirrors US Financial CrisisThe Chinese government's response to Evergrande's economic instability and its potential impact on global manufacturing, industrial sectors, and capital markets is uncertain, offering an opportunity for the US to regain dominance.

      The economic instability in China, specifically with Evergrande, parallels the financial crisis in the US with Lehman Brothers. Central banks are expected to intervene to ensure stability, but the extent of the problem and the Chinese government's response are unknown. Despite China's perceived invincibility, the US has an opportunity to regain dominance in manufacturing, industrial sectors, and capital markets due to global supply chain disruptions and technological advancements. The costs of bailing out Evergrande extend beyond financial implications and may impact China's political landscape. The potential consequences and Chinese politics may influence their actions, making it uncertain how they will address the issue.

    • Political Interests Over Social ConsequencesChinese gov't prioritizes political control over social stability during Evergrande crisis

      During a political meeting regarding Evergrande's financial crisis, the Chinese government is likely to prioritize their political interests over the potential social consequences. They may choose to inflict pain on specific individuals or groups and will mitigate politically where necessary. This approach, while potentially causing short-term instability, is seen as a necessary measure for the Chinese government to maintain control and eliminate perceived threats. Ultimately, the resolution of the Evergrande situation is expected to serve the political interests of Beijing.

    • New content from Chris and team despite schedule changeExpect new episodes tomorrow, Wednesday, and beyond. Pause and reflect on tech use with US Cellular, save on Disney tickets with Undercover Tourist, and enhance indoor air quality with Easy Breathe

      Despite the slight change in the show schedule this week, fans can still look forward to new content from Chris and the team, starting with a partial show tomorrow and full shows on Wednesday and beyond. Additionally, US Cellular encourages people to put down their phones for five minutes to reevaluate their relationship with technology. Meanwhile, Undercover Tourist offers discounted adult theme park tickets for Walt Disney World, and Easy Breathe Ventilation System helps improve indoor air quality. Remember to leave a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts to help others discover the show, and stay tuned for more exciting content.

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