
    9/7/21: Biden Jobs Report, 9/11 Docs Unsealed, Trump 2024, Texas Abortion Backlash, Men Abandoning College, MSM Fake News, End of 9/11 Era, American Empire in Retreat, and More!

    enSeptember 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Economy Faces Challenges Due to Delta Variant and Related RestrictionsThe US economy is adding fewer jobs than anticipated due to the Delta variant and related restrictions, with retail and restaurant industries being hit hardest. President Biden's approval ratings and the political landscape are at stake as the economy's performance can significantly impact both.

      The US economy is facing significant challenges due to the Delta variant of COVID-19 and related restrictions, resulting in fewer jobs being added than expected. This is a major problem for President Biden, as the economy's performance can significantly impact his approval ratings and the political landscape. The jobs report showed that retail and restaurant industries suffered the most losses, while other sectors like manufacturing and IT saw gains. The economy is currently adding fewer jobs than anticipated, leading to concerns about the overall health of the economy and its impact on consumers and businesses. Additionally, there are ongoing discussions about policy changes and mask mandates in various states, which could further impact the economy and consumer confidence.

    • Delta variant disrupts Biden's plans, causes job losses and consumer confidence declineThe Delta variant's impact on the economy includes job losses, consumer confidence decline, and potential political consequences. Disease control policies, a mix of public health and politics, need to be depoliticized, and the science behind them should be clear to the public.

      The Delta variant has disrupted the Biden administration's plans and caused a significant decline in job growth and consumer confidence. The lack of confidence could worsen during the winter surge, leading to potential economic and political consequences. The administration's attempts to spin the job numbers have been unsuccessful, as the sectors driving previous growth are now losing jobs. Disease control policies, a mix of public health and politics, have become controversial, and the overreach by some governors could lead to negative results. The American people's willingness to deal with COVID-19 restrictions has changed with the availability of vaccines, and it's essential to depoliticize disease control policies as much as possible. The science around COVID-19 policies is mixed, and the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths are among unvaccinated individuals.

    • Biden's focus on vaccines over lockdowns, 9/11 document declassificationBiden prioritizes vaccines over lockdowns to mitigate COVID-19, while 9/11 documents may be declassified for more transparency on Saudi involvement.

      The focus on COVID-19 mitigation efforts should be on vaccinating large populations, rather than implementing harsh restrictions on vaccinated individuals. The economic consequences of another lockdown could be devastating, especially if schools and colleges are closed. The Biden administration's handling of COVID-19 is currently the only area of public policy where he maintains above 50% approval, but this could change as the situation evolves. In other news, President Biden has issued an executive order to declassify documents related to 9/11 within the next 6 months. This decision comes amidst pressure from families of 9/11 victims, who have long called for more transparency regarding Saudi involvement in the attacks. While the 9/11 commission report concluded that top levels of the Saudi Arabian government did not play a role in funding or supporting the hijackers, there were suggestions of mid to junior level involvement. The declassification of these documents could potentially shed new light on this matter.

    • Saudi Arabia's Role in 9/11: Controversial Declassification of InformationThe Bush administration prevented full disclosure of Saudi involvement in 9/11, but declassified info revealed a Saudi family's interactions with hijackers and sympathetic officials. This fueled a narrative of Saudi complicity, despite no senior officials financing the attacks.

      Despite the possibility of suing Saudi Arabian charities and non-governmental organizations for their role in the 9/11 attacks, it was not possible to sue the Saudi Arabian government itself until after the Obama administration. However, the declassification of information regarding Saudi involvement in 9/11 has been a contentious issue, with the Bush administration classifying certain information in 2004 that many Americans believed was hiding Saudi involvement. The main revelation from the declassified information was the presence of a Saudi family with interactions with the known 9/11 hijackers. While senior Saudi officials did not finance the attacks, there were officials inside the Saudi regime who were sympathetic to Osama bin Laden and had interactions with the hijackers in the United States. The Bush administration's attempts to shield the Saudi government from American public opinion ended up building up a narrative that the Saudis played an integral role in the attacks. In 2019, former Attorney General Barr vetoed further declassification of information, but many believe that there are national security reasons for this are no longer valid. Overall, the issue of Saudi involvement in 9/11 and the lack of transparency surrounding it has caused lingering distrust and frustration among many Americans.

    • Balancing national security and trust in governmentTransparency is crucial for addressing concerns about government connections to 9/11 and radical Islam. Trump's potential 2024 presidency bid could impact the Democratic party and midterm election outcomes.

      The balance between national security and trust in the government is a significant issue that has been ongoing for almost 20 years. The discussion highlighted the importance of transparency, especially regarding connections to 9/11 and radical Islam within government ranks. Trump's potential announcement of running for presidency again in 2024 could potentially reunite the Democratic party and give them a clear focus, according to the analysis. The timing of such an announcement is crucial, as it could either strengthen Biden's position or provide Trump with more issues to address in his presidency. The midterm elections' outcome will also play a role in determining the best moment for a presidential announcement.

    • Trump's political strength within GOPTrump remains a formidable figure in GOP politics despite a close poll lead against Biden, with ability to mobilize voters and dominate public discourse.

      Despite not having the biggest sample size, the poll results indicating Biden leading Trump by only 1 point while Biden has larger leads against Romney and DeSantis, suggests that Trump remains a formidable political figure within the Republican Party. Trump's political strength is evident from his prominence in the public discourse and his ability to mobilize voters, particularly those who may not have traditionally participated in elections. The poll numbers for DeSantis and Romney may not be accurate reflections of their true political standing as some voters might not be truthful about their level of partisan identification. The polarized nature of American politics ensures that any presidential election will be closely contested, making Trump a serious contender for the presidency in 2024.

    • Texas Abortion Law and Corporate ReactionsThe Texas abortion law's private right of action leads to corporations wielding censorship power, sparking debates on free speech and individual rights, while the former President Trump's potential 2024 nomination adds to the ongoing cultural wars.

      The Texas abortion law, which bans abortions after six weeks and includes a private right of action, has sparked intense controversy and potential fallout for those involved. The private right of action allows citizens to sue individuals or entities who violate the law, leading to corporations like GoDaddy cutting off hosting services for organizations like Texas Right to Life. This trend towards corporations wielding censorship power is a complex issue, with opinions split on the implications for free speech and individual rights. Meanwhile, the polls suggest that former President Trump remains a strong contender for the Republican nomination in 2024, with potential candidates like Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott needing to differentiate themselves from him to succeed. In essence, the Texas law and the ensuing corporate reactions highlight the ongoing cultural wars and the evolving role of corporations in shaping political discourse.

    • Web hosting vs ISPs: The right to refuse serviceThe right to refuse service by web hosting companies and ISPs raises complex issues with potential political implications, particularly concerning monopolies and the abortion issue in Texas, which could impact the 2022 and 2024 elections.

      The debate surrounding the right to refuse service by web hosting companies versus Internet Service Providers (ISPs) raises complex issues with significant political implications. While it's reasonable for a private hosting company to refuse service, the situation becomes problematic when dealing with ISPs due to potential monopolies. This issue could change the political landscape, potentially energizing certain voter bases and shifting the focus away from ongoing concerns like the economy and COVID-19 response. As Matthew Continetti from the Washington Free Beacon suggests, the abortion issue in Texas could be a game-changer, potentially impacting the 2022 and 2024 elections. Regardless of personal stance, understanding the potential consequences of this issue is crucial for navigating the current political climate.

    • Texas heartbeat bill and political consequencesThe Texas heartbeat bill could activate a democratic voting base and change the political landscape, while men abandoning higher education in record numbers could have significant implications for education and the country.

      The Texas heartbeat bill, which bans abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, is expected to cause a significant cultural confrontation in American politics. This law could potentially activate a democratic voting base that has not previously cared much about the abortion issue, leading to potential negative consequences for Republican chances in the 2022 elections. The bill is also likely to change the political landscape in Texas, as more liberals and moderates become engaged in the debate. Additionally, the Wall Street Journal's recent investigation reveals that men are abandoning higher education in record numbers, with young white men leading the trend. This shift could have far-reaching implications for higher education and the country as a whole.

    • Decline in College Enrollment Among Young Men: A Dividing Line in American PoliticsThe decline in college enrollment among young men is a significant societal issue, leading to an economic disparity and polarized views on social and political issues

      The number of young men enrolled in college has significantly declined over the past decade, accounting for 71% of the overall decrease. This trend is concerning as the college education gap is increasingly becoming a dividing line in American politics. The report suggests that this issue is not just about gender, but also about the college system not working for young men. The economic disparity between those who attend college and those who do not is also growing, leading to polarized views on various social and political issues. The lack of progress in addressing this issue despite ongoing discussions about apprenticeships and vocational training is frustrating. The report also hints at a possible connection between the decline in college enrollment among young men and the increasing emphasis on diversity and inclusivity in education. Overall, this trend is setting the stage for a significant societal divide.

    • Challenges in Higher Education: Cost, Relevance, and AdaptabilityThe cost-benefit gap of higher education and its perceived lack of relevance are major concerns, especially during the pandemic. The system's inflexibility and failure to adapt to changing times risks leaving certain groups behind.

      The higher education system is facing significant challenges, particularly in the context of its increasing cost and perceived lack of relevance, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The gap between the financial benefits of a college degree and the immediate costs is becoming a major issue, with young people increasingly skeptical of the argument for college. The system's inability to adapt and have serious operational conversations about moving forward is exacerbating the problem. The funding and emphasis on education is not working, and the lack of progress in addressing these issues is leading to potential societal imbalances. The legacy college system, which is still largely run by men, is struggling to keep up with the changing times and risks leaving certain groups behind. The use of therapeutics like Ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19, as exemplified by Joe Rogan's experience, has become a contentious issue, with some in the mainstream media taking pleasure in his illness and criticizing his use of unconventional treatments. Overall, it's clear that something needs to be done to address these issues and ensure that higher education remains relevant and accessible to all.

    • Handling of Ivermectin misinformation by media and tech companiesInconsistent fact-checking and dissemination of false information about Ivermectin and COVID-19 can reinforce distrust in the medical establishment and vaccines, causing harm.

      The handling of misinformation regarding Ivermectin and COVID-19 by mainstream media and tech companies can have serious consequences. The Rolling Stone article that falsely claimed gunshot victims were denied treatment due to Ivermectin overdoses is an example. Despite the article being debunked and retracted, it spread widely and caused harm. This incident highlights the inconsistent application of fact-checking and the potential for misinformation to reinforce distrust in the medical establishment and vaccines. It's crucial for accurate information to be disseminated responsibly and for all parties involved to uphold journalistic standards. This not only helps prevent the spread of misinformation but also fosters trust and understanding in the community.

    • Reflections on the Aftermath of 9/11The events of 9/11 marked a turning point in history, leading to major geopolitical changes and far-reaching consequences. Speakers reflect on personal experiences during this era and encourage ongoing conversations about choices we face moving forward.

      The events of September 11, 2001, marked a turning point in history that significantly impacted the lives of many, including the speakers in this discussion. The aftermath of 9/11 led to major geopolitical changes, including wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and had far-reaching consequences on social, political, and economic fronts. The speakers reflect on how their personal experiences during this era have shaped their perspectives and continue to influence their outlooks on global events. They encourage ongoing conversations about the choices we face moving forward, drawing parallels to the post-Vietnam War period and the need to make significant decisions in the wake of significant historical events. The speakers' reflections underscore the enduring impact of 9/11 as an era-defining moment.

    • Post-9/11 Changes: A Shift in Foreign Policy and American PoliticsReflect on history and consider the implications of the past for the present and future. Strategic and tactical decisions shape history, so it's crucial to avoid being purely reactive and think deeply about the questions we face.

      The withdrawal from Afghanistan and the current political climate in America are reminders of the significant changes that occurred post-9/11. The promises made during the early 2000s, such as Bush's pledge for restraint in foreign intervention, have been upended. The era before 9/11, as depicted in the documentary "Woodstock 1999," was characterized by aimlessness and a lack of direction. The fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War led to the belief that liberal democracy would prevail, but 9/11 shattered those assumptions. The key recommendation for individuals is to reflect on history and consider the implications of the past for the present and future. The events of the past two decades have shown that strategic and tactical decisions, rather than a sudden awakening, shape the course of history. It's crucial to avoid being purely reactive and instead think deeply about the questions we face.

    • Comparing U.S. involvement in Afghanistan to the fall of the Roman EmpireDespite differences, the U.S. experience in Afghanistan shares similarities with Rome's losses in unfamiliar territories, leading to critical reflections on imperialism and potential consequences of hubris.

      The current situation in Afghanistan and the U.S. involvement there can't be directly compared to the fall of the Roman Empire. However, there are three zones of American empire: the continental, the post-World War 2 military umbrella, and the attempt to forcefully "americanize" other parts of the world. The failure in Afghanistan is more akin to Roman legions losing battles in unfamiliar territories. The consequences for the inner parts of the American empire are yet to be seen. Over the past 20 years, the discourse around America's role in the world has evolved significantly. Conservatives, who were once advocating for American imperialism, are now criticizing it. The experience has been disappointing and dispiriting, with many realizing their earlier beliefs were misguided. The allure of being a crusader and the media's deference to the Republican Party during the post-9/11 period is intoxicating to some on the American political right. However, the lessons learned from these experiences should serve as a reminder of the potential consequences of hubris and overextension in foreign policy.

    • Media's shift in treatment of conservative ideas post-9/11After 9/11, conservative ideas in foreign policy gained more media attention and deference. Balance is key in avoiding overcorrection and considering great power competition and China's responses.

      The media's treatment of conservative ideas, particularly in the context of foreign policy, shifted significantly after the 9/11 attacks. During this time, Republican politicians and hawkish conservative ideas received more deference and serious consideration from the media. However, it's important to note that not all conservative ideas were embraced, and the critiques of more extreme conservative and left-leaning ideologies were valuable. Moving forward, it's crucial to avoid overcorrecting and to find a balance between the excesses of interventionist policies and isolationism. The ongoing debate among younger generations is whether this means a return to paleo-conservatism or a pivot to realism, and the events in Afghanistan serve as a reminder of American institutional weaknesses and the need to consider great power competition and China's potential responses. Ultimately, understanding the past and present biases and assumptions of the media can help inform a more nuanced and effective foreign policy approach.

    • Shifting focus to contain China in East AsiaThe Biden administration's decision to allocate resources towards containing China in East Asia may expose vulnerabilities globally, but highlights the importance of adaptability and resilience in addressing global challenges.

      The Biden administration aims to shift focus and resources towards containing China in East Asia following the withdrawal from Afghanistan. However, this decision comes with the cost of potentially exposing vulnerabilities to the world. In other news, Ross Douthat's memoir, "The Deep Places," shares his personal experiences with chronic illness and Lyme disease over the past six years. The book offers insights into the limitations of scientific and medical knowledge during the pandemic and the challenges of navigating healthcare systems when sick. It's a relevant read for those interested in the subject and the larger issues the pandemic has brought to light. Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of global challenges.

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