
    90. Why we should ban all money from politics and kids from social media (Peter Malinauskas)

    enAugust 18, 2024
    What influences shaped Peter Malinauskas's political views as a child?
    How did trade unions impact Peter Malinauskas's political involvement?
    What measures is Malinauskas proposing regarding social media use?
    What are the concerns about social media for young people?
    How is Annister viewed in terms of modern political leadership?

    Podcast Summary

    • Malinauskas's political rootsMalinauskas, South Australia's Premier, grew up in a middle-class household with politically inactive parents but was influenced by union activities at his first job and became a Labor Party moderate. Trade unions remain significant in Australia despite global decline and income inequality.

      Peter Malinauskas, the Premier of South Australia, had an unconventional upbringing as a child of Lithuanian and Hungarian refugees in Australia. He grew up in a middle-class suburban household with parents who were not politically active but instilled in him a strong sense of democracy. Malinauskas's first job was at a supermarket, where he became involved in union activities and found his political home in the moderate wing of the Labor Party. The trade unions in Australia continue to be a significant force in national life, despite a global decline in union membership and the rise of income inequality. Malinauskas is currently leading efforts to ban political donations and social media use by young people in South Australia, and is an important player in the tripartite defense arrangement with the US and the UK.

    • Institutions and Social JusticeThe decline of institutions like trade unions has resulted in social inequity and decreased social justice, but individuals' busy lives and the need to maintain a standard living contribute to this trend. Peter, inspired by his experience as a trade unionist, entered politics to make a more substantial change and found the power of parliaments and governments to positively impact people's lives.

      The decline of institutions, including trade unions, has led to a sense of social inequity and a decrease in social justice. However, individuals' busy lives and the need to maintain a decent standard of living have contributed to this trend. Peter's experience as a trade unionist and leader inspired him to get into politics to make a more substantial change in people's lives. He found the power of parliaments and governments to make a positive impact and enjoyed the thrill of getting legislation passed. Peter's contemporaries also came from various backgrounds, including professional services, social services, and small businesses. The Labor Party in Australia, led by a federal government, has a congenial relationship with state governments, but there is a responsibility to advocate for one's constituency's interests against the federal government's political interests. The Australian political system is a blend of the US and UK systems, with a Senate representing states and a House of Representatives reflecting the House of Commons in the UK. Premiers' roles are similar to governors in the US, but there are fewer of them due to Australia's smaller size.

    • Role of Money in PoliticsThe excessive amount of time spent on fundraising and the potential for donor influence to undermine public trust are significant concerns in politics

      The role of political donors and their influence on the democratic process is a complex issue. While it's rational for donors to support candidates and parties to further their interests, the perception of this influence can undermine public trust in the democratic process. Moreover, the excessive amount of time politicians and candidates spend on fundraising instead of developing policies and engaging with constituents is a significant concern. The speaker, who has had experience in politics and fundraising, believes that banning political donations is necessary to restore public trust and allow politicians to focus on their duties. The recent excitement surrounding the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz ticket has brought a sense of joy back to US politics, but the specter of the vast amounts of money involved raises important questions about the role of money in politics and the potential for reform.

    • Political opposition and policy changeEffective opposition in politics requires time and space for thought, leading to potential policy changes like the creation of the NHS in the UK by Clement Attlee. However, the tribal nature of politics can hinder collaboration and bipartisanship, and compulsory voting can ensure everyone's voice is heard but raises concerns around civil liberties.

      In politics, particularly during opposition, having the time and space to read, think, and curate policy can lead to profound changes in leadership and governance. This was evident in the case of Clement Attlee in the UK, who used his time in opposition to think beyond the war effort and focus on reconstruction, leading to the creation of the NHS. In contrast, the tribal nature of British politics often prevents oppositions from giving credit to the ruling party, making it difficult for productive collaboration and bipartisanship. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the benefits of compulsory voting, which ensures that everyone has a say in how taxes are spent and can help reduce the need for opposition leaders to constantly criticize the government to motivate their base. The challenge for implementing this in countries like the US and the UK, where voluntary voting is the norm, lies in addressing concerns around civil liberties and the perceived imposition of the government on individuals' choices.

    • Campaign finance reforms in South AustraliaSouth Australia aims to level the political playing field by capping expenditures and publicly funding parties/candidates up to that cap, benefiting new entrants and independents, while also addressing children's social media access for mental health and democracy protection

      The speaker, a political figure, discussed the implementation of campaign finance reforms in South Australia. The reforms include capping expenditures and publicly funding up to that cap for political parties and individual candidates. The goal is to level the playing field for new entrants and independents in politics. Additionally, there are plans to restrict social media access for children under 14 to protect their mental health and insulate democracy from disinformation. The speaker acknowledged the challenges, including legal complexities and opposition from social media companies, but expressed optimism about the progress and potential impact of these measures.

    • Social media regulations for young peopleDespite concerns over negative effects on young people, key stakeholders are not engaging in discussions around social media regulations. Mental health issues, bullying, and constant online presence are some concerns, while toxicity and negativity on platforms impact female politicians.

      Despite efforts to engage, key stakeholders are not participating in discussions around social media regulations for young people's welfare. This includes former high-ranking officials. The harm caused by social media to young people is a significant concern, with mental health issues, bullying, and a constant feeling of being under siege being some of the negative effects. Social media has become a proxy for feedback for politicians, but the toxicity and negativity on these platforms can take a toll, particularly on female politicians. AUKUS, the tripartite defense arrangements between Australia, the UK, and the US, is seen as strategically critical for Australia's defense posture in the changing geopolitical landscape. It also brings economic benefits for South Australia in terms of defense industry growth.

    • Australian geopolitics, UK relationshipAustralia is focusing on sovereign capability and strengthening relationships with partners like the UK due to changing geopolitical landscape, shared challenges in public policy and potential defense collaboration.

      The geopolitical landscape surrounding Australia is changing rapidly, with authoritarian regimes and populist governments in the Asia-Pacific region, and the potential for shifts in US policy. This has led to a growing awareness in Australia of the importance of sovereign capability and building stronger relationships with key partners like the UK. The UK-Australia relationship has been elevated in recent years by shared challenges in areas like public policy and the modernization of the welfare state. While defense remains a significant focus, there is also potential for collaboration in other areas. The monarchy may also play a role in strengthening the relationship. Premier Mark McGowan of Western Australia expressed a commitment to making a bigger difference from his current position as premier and had no intention of pursuing higher office.

    • Annister's political approachAnnister's impressive and relatable political approach includes taking tough positions, arguing for them, moving on, talking openly and honestly, and handling criticism with confidence.

      Annister, the Australian politician being discussed, is seen as an impressive and relatable figure in politics. He is able to take tough positions, argue for them, and move on if they don't work. He also has the ability to talk openly and honestly, which sets him apart from traditional politicians. Annister's approach to politics, including his stance on donations and his handling of social media, is seen as a model for modern democracy. Despite only meeting him once, the interviewer was struck by his thoughtfulness and ability to connect with people beyond party lines. Annister's willingness to be frank about the challenges of politics and his confidence in handling criticism are also noted as key strengths. Overall, Annister is seen as a skilled and refreshing politician in a rough and tough political landscape.

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