
    94 - Understanding Postmodern "Social Justice" - Darel Paul

    enDecember 22, 2020

    About this Episode

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3Czyd0XSEso

    The alarmists were right: ideas that were only a few years ago complacently dismissed as the perennial agitation of a few campus loonies are now pervasive in the corporate world, mass media and pop culture.

    Critical race theory, transgender ideology, the obsessive search for oppressive power relations in every aspect of life and every feature of language, the demand for all to be activists, shutting down of dissenting speech as violence: common sense or the gift of a solid Catholic formation will suffice for most who reject these ideologies.

    But some will want a more rigorous critique or a deeper understanding of the philosophical roots of radical leftist activism. To that end, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay have written Cynical Theories, a very helpful primer on the development of modern activism from 1960s postmodernist philosophy.

    In this episode, Thomas and political philosopher Darel Paul discuss the book, which tracks how postcolonial theory, queer theory, women’s/gender studies, critical race theory, and other activist fields have instantiated or adapted the following central principles and themes of postmodernism:

    Postmodern principles:

    1. Radical skepticism about the ability to know anything, cultural constructivism
    2. Society is formed of systems of power and hierarchies which decide what and how things can be known

    Postmodern themes: The blurring of boundaries, the power of language, cultural relativism, loss of the individual and the universal

    The episode concludes with a critique of Pluckrose and Lindsay’s prescription of a return to Enlightenment liberalism as a corrective to postmodernism.


    [1:41] Reasons for discussing Cynical Theories

    [4:36] Evidence of postmodernist activist movements reaching the mainstream

    [10:58] What the book contributes to the discourse on woke ideology

    [15:00] Similarities and differences between postmodernism and Marxism

    [26:25] The core postmodern principles and themes

    [38:53] Policing speech as a tool of power rather than a rational means of communicating truth

    [47:58] The proliferation of postmodern principles into a number of activist fields

    [49:47] Defining one’s identity in terms of suffering and oppression

    [55:07] Tension between postmodern rejection of categories and the need to have categories to critique power relations; the emergence of queer theory; deliberate incoherence as liberation

    [1:01:06] Conundrum for LGBTQ activists: gain “normal” status or destroy idea of normality?

    [1:06:40] Gender theory vs. critical race theory on categories

    [1:18:50] Postmodernism as a class ideology?

    [1:24:17] The postcolonial critique of science; epistemic relativism

    [1:27:30] Critique of Pluckrose and Lindsay’s advocacy of a return to Enlightenment liberalism

    [1:32:51] Liberalism as an inherently negative and deconstructive philosophy

    [1:40:04] Postmodernism as an extension and/or consequence of liberalism

    [2:04:33] How to communicate truth to someone who believes language is merely power?


    Pluckrose and Lindsay, Cynical Theories https://www.amazon.com/Cynical-Theories-Scholarship-Everything-Identity_and/dp/1634312023

    Darel Paul, “Against Racialism” https://www.firstthings.com/article/2020/10/against-racialism

    Darel Paul, “Listening at the Great Awokening” https://areomagazine.com/2019/04/17/listening-at-the-great-awokening/

    Darel Paul, “The Global Community Is a Fantasy” https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-global-community-is-a-fantasy/

    Darel Paul, From Tolerance to Equality https://www.baylorpress.com/9781481306959/from-tolerance-to-equality/

    Ep. 61 on liberalism as an anti-culture with James Matthew Wilson https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/ep-61-liberal-anti-culture-vs-western-vision-soul-pt-i-james-matthew-wilson/

    Ep. 18 on the vice of acedia manifested in our refusal to accept our given nature https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/episode-18-acedia-forgotten-capital-sin-rj-snell/

    Christmas episodes:

    It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) film discussion w/ Patrick Coffin https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/its-wonderful-life-1946-w-patrick-coffin/

    CCP 59 – The Glorious English Carol https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/episode-59-glorious-english-carol/

    This podcast is a production of CatholicCulture.org. If you like the show, please consider supporting us! http://catholicculture.org/donate/audio

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    A.M. Juster on Twitter https://twitter.com/amjuster

    Saint Aldhelm’s Riddles https://www.hfsbooks.com/books/saint-aldhelms-riddles-aldhelm-juster/

    Wonder & Wrath https://www.pauldrybooks.com/products/wonder-and-wrath

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    Erik Varden, Chastity: Reconciliation of the Senses https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/chastity-9781399411400/

    Élisabeth-Paule Labat, The Song That I Am: On the Mystery of Music, trans. Erik Varden https://litpress.org/Products/MW040P/The-Song-That-I-Am

    Thomas’s 3-part essay inspired by the Labat book https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/mystery-music-part-i/

    SIGN UP for Catholic Culture's newsletter: https://www.catholicculture.org/newsletters

    DONATE to make this show possible! http://catholicculture.org/donate/audio

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    SUBSCRIBE to the Catholic Culture Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-catholic-culture-podcast/id1377089807

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    Daniel McInerny, The Good Death of Kate Montclair https://chrismpress.com/product/the-good-death-of-kate-montclair/

    The Comic Muse http://www.danielmcinerny.substack.com

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    The Catholic Culture Podcast Soundtrack

    The Catholic Culture Podcast Soundtrack

    6:51 Franciscan Eyes

    14:33 Forbearance

    15:52 The Mourners

    20:19 Spiritual Combat

    25:56 Passage

    Compositions and piano by Thomas Mirus; recorded spring 2018, Brooklyn.

    Listen to this music on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/CVqC2ZukI9o

    Download these tracks as lossless .wav files here: https://www.catholicculture.org/multimedia/thomas_mirus_2018.zip

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