
    98: Your Eyes Won’t Believe What They Chainsaw

    enJuly 22, 2024
    What exclusive features will the live Patreon episode include?
    How do Buddy and Kevin plan to interact with fans?
    What type of drinks do the hosts prefer during the show?
    What qualities were discussed that support marching band as a sport?
    How can Stephanie convince her friends about marching band being a sport?

    Podcast Summary

    • Patreon eventThe Patreon event offers exclusive content, live calls, cocktails, and fan interactions through a live chat, making it a memorable experience for both hosts and audience.

      The upcoming live Patreon episode of the Headgum podcast is going to be a special event with exclusive content, including live calls, cocktails, and fan interactions through a live chat. The hosts, Buddy and Kevin, are looking forward to this event as an opportunity to engage with their audience and share some surprises. They plan to have a few drinks during the show, with Kevin preferring wine and Buddy considering tequila or pod shots. The episode is expected to be raw and unfiltered, with the hosts sharing personal stories and potentially getting drunk on air. The live chat will allow fans to suggest ideas, which the hosts may consider and pitch during the show. The episode is set to be a memorable experience for both the hosts and the audience.

    • Personal habits, efficiencyEncountering an unexpected situation led to a conversation about personal habits and the importance of getting things done efficiently. Demonstrating assertiveness and quick thinking can help make events newsworthy and effective.

      During a meeting with Sean in West Hollywood, Morgan shared an unexpected experience of encountering a homeless man relieving himself on the street. This encounter led to a conversation about personal habits and the importance of getting things done efficiently. Later, Morgan revealed his plans for a chainsaw race and discussed strategies for making the event newsworthy, including creating a persona for himself as "Motorman." Throughout the conversation, Morgan demonstrated his assertive and quick-thinking nature, highlighting the importance of being prepared and confident in one's abilities. The discussion also touched on the importance of having a clear and exciting message when presenting an event to the media.

    • Character creation for interviewsA strong commitment to the character role and clear understanding of audience expectations are essential for creating an authentic and engaging interview character.

      Creating an engaging and authentic character for an interview, such as Motorman, requires commitment and belief in the role. The use of specific details, like a unique voice and appearance, can make the character more compelling and memorable. Additionally, having a clear and confident attitude towards the subject matter can help sell the interview to the audience. The interviewer, Morgan, learned that only fully committing to the character would make the interview successful and captivating. The use of props, such as a T-shirt and Elvis glasses, can also add to the character's persona and make the interview more visually interesting. Overall, the key takeaway is that creating an authentic and engaging character for an interview requires a strong commitment to the role and a clear understanding of the audience's expectations.

    • Marching Band as a SportMarching band is considered a sport due to its physical demands, rigorous rehearsals, and competitive nature, as discussed by Jake and Kevin on the podcast.

      Despite the ongoing debate, marching band can be considered a sport due to its physical demands, rigorous rehearsals, and competitive nature. The guests on the podcast, Jake and Kevin, shared their experiences and argued for the athleticism involved in marching band. They discussed the long hours of practice, the importance of uniforms and music, and the competitive aspects of high school and college marching band competitions. The guests also acknowledged that the perception of marching band as a sport may depend on one's perspective, but they encouraged the caller to focus on the intensity and dedication required to be part of a marching band. The caller, Stephanie, was seeking advice on how to convince her friends that marching band is a sport, and the guests suggested emphasizing the physical demands, the competitive nature, and the dedication involved in marching band to help make her case.

    • Sports definitionThe definition of a sport can be subjective and open to interpretation, involving physical activity, skill, and competition for entertainment.

      The definition of a sport can be subjective and open to interpretation. During a debate, Stephanie and Jake discussed whether or not marching band qualifies as a sport based on the dictionary definition. While Jake argued that it doesn't meet the criteria because it doesn't involve a ball, Stephanie countered that it involves physical activity, skill, and competition for entertainment. Ultimately, they agreed to disagree and acknowledged that the definition of a sport can vary depending on personal perspective. The conversation also touched on the idea that even those who don't participate in traditional sports can still experience physical exertion and develop skills. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of considering multiple perspectives and definitions when debating complex topics.

    • Definitions and PerspectivesPersonal experiences and perspectives can shape our definitions of words and concepts, and it's important to advocate for oneself when dealing with difficult situations.

      Definitions and labels can be subjective, especially when it comes to concepts like "sport." During a call-in radio segment, the hosts discussed whether marching band should be considered a sport or an art. Kira argued that it was an art, while Stephanie pointed out that it met the dictionary definition of a sport. The debate showcased how personal experiences and perspectives can shape our definitions of words and concepts. Another key takeaway from the conversation was the importance of advocating for oneself when dealing with difficult situations. Cara shared a story about a man she was seeing who gave her a rash whenever they kissed. Despite her efforts to address the issue, the problem persisted. Eventually, she sought help from a dermatologist, who offered little insight or relief. The situation left Cara uncertain about whether to continue seeing the man. Throughout the episode, various sponsors were featured, promoting products and services like me undies, booking.com, and Zachtok. These sponsorships provided practical solutions to everyday problems, from uncomfortable underwear to difficult-to-book doctors' appointments. In summary, the discussion on the radio show highlighted the subjectivity of definitions and the importance of standing up for oneself. It also showcased the value of practical solutions to everyday problems.

    • Creative problem solving in relationshipsWhen facing unusual issues in relationships, getting creative with solutions can lead to unexpected discoveries. Consider all possibilities, including communication and playful solutions, before making significant decisions.

      When facing unusual issues in relationships, getting creative with solutions can lead to unexpected discoveries. In this discussion, the topic revolved around a woman's experience with her partner's chin rash causing discomfort during intimacy. The group brainstormed various possibilities, from considering the length of their relationship to exploring skincare routines. They suggested the woman try pampering her partner with a skincare routine as a fun and playful solution, which could potentially alleviate the issue or reveal if it's a deal-breaker for their relationship. Ultimately, the group emphasized the importance of open communication and considering all possibilities before making significant decisions.

    • Relationship surprisesUnexpected surprises in relationships can lead to new discoveries and strengthen bonds, even if the initial outcome isn't what was intended.

      Experimenting with surprises in relationships can lead to unexpected outcomes. In this case, the woman bought her partner a mask as a joke, but he didn't find it funny and was upset about the cost. However, she learned that sometimes it takes stepping out of one's comfort zone to appreciate the little things in a relationship. The experience led her to realize the importance of her partner's sleep hygiene routine and how it contributes to their relationship. Ultimately, the situation became a win for them as they found a new way to connect and strengthen their bond. While the initial attempt at surprise didn't go as planned, the learning experience and the subsequent actions led to a positive outcome.

    • Philadelphia Wings, social media campaignFinding unique angles and stories can lead to successful social media campaigns, even in less mainstream sports. (BK's experience of being mistaken for a lacrosse player on the Philadelphia Wings team)

      BK, a young man from Philadelphia, has found himself in a unique situation where he is frequently mistaken for a lacrosse player on the Philadelphia Wings team, despite not actually working for the team. His friends have suggested that he could use this situation to his advantage by creating content around the misunderstandings and the reactions of people who assume he is a player. This could potentially lead to an interesting and engaging social media campaign, as long as care is taken to ensure that the players are not portrayed in an unfavorable light. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding unique angles and stories to engage audiences, even in less mainstream sports.

    • Creating compelling liesWell-thought-out lies with believable backstories can make social situations more exciting and enjoyable, but avoid small, insignificant lies and aim for absurd stories that are hard to disprove

      Creating a compelling and believable lie can be an effective way to add excitement and fun to social situations, especially when interacting with strangers. This can be achieved by coming up with a well-thought-out backstory and committing to it with confidence. The lie can be as extravagant as owning a sports team or being a millionaire at a young age, but it's important to avoid small, insignificant lies that can easily be uncovered. The goal is to create a story that is so absurd that it may not add up, but is entertaining enough that people will let it go and continue the interaction. This approach can help break the ice and make even mundane situations more enjoyable.

    • Mascot backstoryCreating a compelling mascot backstory or persona can add excitement and fun to a sports team or event, and even deception can be used to enhance the experience for fans.

      Creativity and deception can add excitement and fun to any situation, even in the context of a sports team or event. During a discussion on a podcast, the hosts and their guest, Morgan McGinnis, brainstormed ideas for lies that the mascot of a soul racing team could use to mislead people about his identity. The possibilities included being the team owner, a kid who dreamed of working for the team, or even being suspended. While the idea of the mascot actually breaking into character during an interview was not executed due to unforeseen circumstances, the conversation showcased the importance of having a compelling backstory or persona for a mascot or any other role in a team or organization. Additionally, the podcast segment highlighted the growing popularity of soul racing, a competition-based sport that involves completing cuts in log stalls as quickly as possible. The sport offers an element of danger and excitement, and anyone can participate regardless of athletic ability.

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    Later, the guys follow up with the second caller from episode 99 “The Inner Circle with Andy Richter.”

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

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    We're Here to Help
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    109: The Corvette of Sex Chairs with Andrew Santino

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    Later, the guys follow up with the second caller from episode 103 “Smart People Are Our Kryptonite.” 

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

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    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

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    We're Here to Help
    enAugust 29, 2024

    108: NOprah's Book Club

    108: NOprah's Book Club

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    Later, the guys follow up with the second caller from episode 75 "You Are The Danger."

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

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    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enAugust 26, 2024

    106: Noah's Arc: The Story of Margarita-Man

    106: Noah's Arc: The Story of Margarita-Man

    Jake and Gareth talk to callers about sabotaging a volleyball team and a husband’s love for Margaritaville.

    Also, enjoy this great song from listener Jona Gallegos here!

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

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    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enAugust 19, 2024

    105: Liberty Not Mutual

    105: Liberty Not Mutual

    Jake and Gareth talk to callers about a family member dating an NFL player, an annoying jingle that comes with your name and a husband who doesn’t close car doors. 

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

    TIKTOK: @HereToHelpPod

    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enAugust 15, 2024

    104: The Grabstitution With Matt Walsh (Veep, Upright Citizens Brigade)

    104: The Grabstitution With Matt Walsh (Veep, Upright Citizens Brigade)

    Jake, Gareth and special guest Matt Walsh (Veep, Upright Citizens Brigade) talk to callers about a rowdy kickball team and a business’s Instagram getting spammed by some very specific bots. 

    Later, the guys talk to someone about a grabber toy getting out of hand and we get a special update from the second call of last week’s episode “Car Crash Turned Train Wreck.”

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

    TIKTOK: @HereToHelpPod

    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enAugust 12, 2024

    103: Smart People Are Our Kryptonite

    103: Smart People Are Our Kryptonite

    Jake and Gareth talk to callers about a fake cooking class, a mannequin for a dog and refrigerator wars. 

    Check out the site made by social media director Katelin with help from our Patreon at thefriendlyshark.squarespace.com

    We looked at:

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

    TIKTOK: @HereToHelpPod

    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enAugust 08, 2024

    102: Car Crash Turned Train Wreck

    102: Car Crash Turned Train Wreck

    Jake and Gareth talk to callers about a father's wild lie to his son, being in the wrong family's group text and a neighbor who brings her snakes outside. 

    Pictures we discussed:

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

    TIKTOK: @HereToHelpPod

    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    We're Here to Help
    enAugust 05, 2024

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    101: The Legend Has Retired with Neal Brennan

    Jake, Gareth and special guest Neal Brennan talk to callers about a husband’s love of bowling and making a surgery fun. Later, the guys and Jillian Bell help a caller with a gift they don't want. 

    Want to call in? Email your question to helpfulpod@gmail.com.

    PATREON (Early Access, Bonus Calls and Q&As): Patreon.com/HereToHelpPod

    VIDEO: Youtube.com/@HeretoHelpPod

    MERCH: heretohelppod.com

    INSTAGRAM: @HereToHelpPod

    TIKTOK: @HereToHelpPod

    If you’re enjoying the show, make sure to rate We’re Here to Help 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    We're Here to Help
    enAugust 01, 2024