
    #994 - Dom D'Agostino

    en-usAugust 07, 2017
    How does the ketogenic diet affect epilepsy management?
    What are the benefits of ketone bodies in diet?
    How can apps help manage the ketogenic diet?
    What is the significance of Virta Health's approach?
    In what ways can ketogenic diets impact type 2 diabetes?

    • Discovering the Possibility of Consuming Wine on a Ketogenic DietIndividuals can consume wine while following a ketogenic diet, which offers health benefits like seizure control for those with epilepsy and potential applications for managing other conditions

      It's possible to consume two glasses of wine daily while adhering to a strict ketogenic diet. This discovery is significant for individuals managing their health long-term, especially those with health issues like epilepsy where the ketogenic diet offers effective metabolic therapy. The ketogenic diet, which makes the body run on fats and ketones instead of carbohydrates, has been observed to silence symptoms in certain genetic disorders, such as Angelman syndrome. The practice of using fasting as a treatment for seizures dates back to ancient times, with severe epileptic patients experiencing seizure control after prolonged food and water restriction. Modern research, such as the work done at the Mayo Clinic in the early 1900s, has shown that a carbohydrate-restricted diet rich in fat and minimal protein results in the presence of ketone bodies. This understanding of the ketogenic diet's benefits has grown over the years, with various applications, including managing polycystic ovary syndrome, acne, and drug-resistant seizures.

    • Mimicking the metabolic state of fasting in dogsThe ketogenic diet for dogs is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that suppresses insulin and promotes fat utilization, potentially preventing diseases like cancer.

      The ketogenic diet is a nutritional approach that mimics the metabolic state of fasting by elevating ketone bodies in the blood. This diet suppresses insulin and promotes the utilization of fats as an energy source, sparing muscle and preventing the breakdown of glucose-producing amino acids. This ancient system is hardwired in humans and other animals, including dogs, as a survival mechanism. The ketogenic diet has been used to treat dogs with cancer by providing them with a raw food diet low in glycemic carbohydrates and high in fat. It's important to note that not all dog foods are ketogenic, and many contain grains and other fillers that are not ideal for a dog's metabolic health. The Keto Pet Sanctuary offers a free e-book with precise instructions on how to make a ketogenic dog food. Overall, the ketogenic diet offers a way to optimize metabolic health and potentially prevent diseases, including cancer, in both humans and animals.

    • Researchers Developing Shelf-Stable Keto Pet FoodResearchers are creating a refrigerated, ready-to-serve keto pet food with proper macronutrient ratios, fresh meats, organ meats, greens, and healthy fats for enhanced brain energy production and resilience.

      The ketogenic diet, which is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, can be beneficial for both humans and animals, including dogs. The challenge lies in creating a convenient and shelf-stable version of the diet. Researchers at the Epigenics Foundation are working on developing a refrigerated, ready-to-serve keto pet food that includes the proper macronutrient ratios, types of food, and packaging. This food would contain fresh meats, organ meats, greens, and healthy fats, providing the necessary nutrients for the ketogenic diet. The researcher behind this project, who has a background in neuroscience and seizure research, became interested in the ketogenic diet due to its potential to enhance brain energy production and resilience in extreme environments. This research has led to the development of various exogenous ketone products, some of which are drug-like and others more natural-based, all with the goal of elevating blood ketone levels for improved brain function.

    • Exogenous ketones offer therapeutic benefitsExogenous ketones can put the body into therapeutic ketosis quickly, saving lives in emergencies and improving outcomes in surgeries and seizure management. The ketogenic diet, a long-term solution, has fewer side effects with proper planning.

      Exogenous ketones, which can put the body into a state of therapeutic ketosis within 30 minutes to an hour, have various therapeutic applications. For instance, they can be used before operations or missions, and in emergency situations, such as mitigating seizures in children with epilepsy. The story of Mike Dancer, a man who tried numerous anti-epileptic drugs without success, highlights the potential life-saving effects of the ketogenic diet. Although the diet has a long history and substantial scientific research behind it, its underutilization in healthcare systems is due to the lack of infrastructure and knowledge among healthcare professionals. The modified Atkins diet, a more liberal version of the ketogenic diet, has fewer side effects, such as reduced growth in children due to protein restriction and the risk of kidney stones. These side effects can be mitigated with proper diet planning or supplements. Overall, exogenous ketones and the ketogenic diet offer promising therapeutic benefits, particularly in cases where conventional treatments have failed.

    • Understanding the challenges of the classic ketogenic dietThe classic ketogenic diet's low palatability can limit protein intake and total calories, but a modified Atkins diet with 75% fat intake is more feasible. Use apps like Avatar Nutrition to track macros and adjust calories for body composition goals.

      The ketogenic diet, specifically the classic version, can limit protein intake and total calories due to its low palatability. A modified Atkins diet, which has shown to have similar benefits, is more feasible with around 75% of calories coming from fat. For those following the ketogenic diet, it's crucial to count macros and test ketone levels. Avatar Nutrition is an innovative app that helps track macros and adjust calories based on progress towards specific body composition goals. The primary fats in a ketogenic diet can vary, but individuals may find themselves eating the same foods frequently. Some may struggle with sticking to the diet due to cultural or personal reasons, like family traditions or cravings. Initial skepticism towards the ketogenic diet comes from beliefs that carbs are necessary for muscle growth and brain fuel, but research, such as George Cahill's work in the 1960s, challenges these assumptions.

    • Considering Slow Carbs Before Workouts for Ketogenic AthletesAthletes on ketogenic diets may benefit from adding slow carbs before workouts for sustained energy without significant insulin response. Creatine and starch supplements can also help maintain energy levels. Creatine can be taken anytime, while beta-alanine may not be comfortable for some and its benefits are debated.

      For individuals following a strict ketogenic diet while engaging in physically demanding activities, considering the addition of slow carbs prior to workouts may be beneficial. These slow carbs, such as sweet potatoes, can provide sustained energy without triggering a significant insulin response. Supplements like creatine and starch can also help maintain energy levels during workouts. Creatine, in particular, can be taken at any time of the day and does not require a specific timing for optimal effects. However, some individuals may find supplements like beta-alanine uncomfortable due to tingling sensations and may not find the data supporting its use compelling. Ultimately, maintaining a ketogenic diet while engaging in demanding activities requires careful planning and consideration of individual needs and preferences.

    • Counting macros and calories on a ketogenic dietTo lose weight and maintain good health on a ketogenic diet, it's crucial to count macros and calories.

      While following a ketogenic diet may involve eating fewer meals per day and focusing on a substantial dinner, it's essential to count macros and calories to ensure weight loss and maintain good health. Critics of the ketogenic diet may lack substantial evidence to support their claims, and the benefits, including improved energy and cellular adaptations, may not be immediately noticeable but rather emerge over time, taking at least a few months for significant changes. Additionally, for athletes, transitioning to a ketogenic diet requires patience and dedication, as performance may initially decrease before improvements are seen.

    • Experience initial weight loss and energy boost in first week, full benefits in 3-6 monthsThe ketogenic diet leads to quick weight loss and energy boosts, but the full cognitive and physical benefits may take 3-6 months to fully realize. Initial symptoms like fatigue and brain fog, known as the 'keto flu,' typically subside as the body adapts to using ketones for energy.

      The ketogenic diet, a high-fat, low-carb diet, can lead to significant weight loss within the first week or two, but the full benefits, including improved cognitive function and increased energy levels, may take three months to six months to fully realize. During the initial stages, some individuals may experience the "keto flu," which includes symptoms like fatigue and brain fog. However, these symptoms typically subside as the body adapts to using ketones as its primary energy source. Unlike a standard American diet, which causes a large spike in insulin and glucose levels after eating, leading to energy crashes and cravings, the ketogenic diet maintains energy levels and cognitive resilience. This is because the brain primarily uses ketones for energy when on the ketogenic diet, making it an effective way to improve mental and physical performance.

    • Study from 1967 reveals benefits of ketones for brain energy metabolism1967 study showed fasted state resilient to hypoglycemia, ketones improve symptoms in neurological disorders, MCT oil leads to cognitive improvements, ongoing research in therapeutic and performance use of ketones

      A study conducted in 1967 showed that subjects in a fasted, ketone-producing state were resilient against hypoglycemia due to their brain's adaptation to using ketones as energy. This discovery has practical implications for various neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury, and glucose transporter type one deficiency syndrome. In these cases, a ketogenic diet or ketone supplements can restore brain energy metabolism and improve symptoms. A study using medium chain triglycerides, or MCT oil, showed cognitive improvements in individuals with mild cognitive impairment, correlating with elevated ketone levels. This finding suggests that higher ketone levels could lead to even greater cognitive benefits. Overall, the use of ketones as a therapeutic and performance-enhancing tool is an area of ongoing research and interest.

    • Boost Brain Energy with Exogenous KetonesExogenous ketones, especially those with beta-hydroxybutyrate, enhance brain energy and cognitive performance by 10% per millimolar in the blood.

      Exogenous ketones, particularly those containing beta-hydroxybutyrate, can significantly boost brain energy and improve cognitive performance. Every millimolar of beta-hydroxybutyrate in the blood is estimated to provide a 10% energy boost to the brain. For individuals in high-stress situations or those requiring peak cognitive performance, such as students or professionals, exogenous ketones could be a game-changer. The most effective supplements contain both beta-hydroxybutyrate and medium chain triglycerides, which delay gastric absorption and stimulate the body's own ketone production. Companies like Ketone Technologies are conducting research to optimize ketone supplements for various applications, including anti-seizure effects, motor function, and strength enhancement. As a "food guy," the speaker personally uses canned chicken and sardines, packed in olive oil, as a source of exogenous ketones while traveling.

    • Choosing Quality Sources of Healthy FatsIncorporate various sources of healthy fats into your diet, but ensure quality and sustainability. Opt for reputable, sustainable sources like Wild Planet, and be aware of potential contaminants like heavy metals in larger, predatory fish.

      Incorporating various sources of healthy fats into your diet, such as fatty fish (like sardines), eggs, nuts, and oils (like olive, coconut, and MCT), is essential for good health. However, it's crucial to ensure the quality and sustainability of your food sources, particularly for items consumed in large quantities like sardines. Be cautious of potential contaminants like heavy metals, which can accumulate in larger, predatory fish. Opt for reputable, sustainable sources like Wild Planet, and consider the potential impact of farming practices or the environment on the food you consume. Additionally, be aware that other food sources, such as rice grown in contaminated soil, may also contribute to heavy metal intake. Overall, making informed choices about your food sources is key to maintaining a healthy diet.

    • Being mindful of certain seafood choices and nutrient deficiencies on ketoConsuming large seafood portions may lead to mercury toxicity, consider getting tested for heavy metals, be aware of B12 and magnesium deficiencies, and practice magnesium-boosting activities for neuroprotection.

      Consuming large amounts of certain types of seafood, like sushi or canned oysters, may lead to mercury toxicity, which can cause hair loss, neurological effects, and other health issues. It's important for individuals following a ketogenic diet to be aware of potential nutrient deficiencies, such as B12 and magnesium, and consider getting tested for heavy metal toxicity. Additionally, practices like floating in an isolation tank or taking Epsom salt baths can help increase magnesium levels, which may have neuroprotective effects for certain conditions like ALS. Overall, being mindful of dietary choices and supplementing with essential nutrients can support overall health and wellness.

    • Studies suggest a ketogenic diet and specific supplements may help ALS patientsAnimal research shows a ketogenic diet and certain supplements like arginine, alpha-ketoglutarate, GABA, coenzyme Q10, and medium chain triglycerides can improve motor function, neurological scores, and survival in ALS mouse models.

      There is evidence suggesting that a ketogenic diet and specific supplements may have neuroprotective and therapeutic effects for people with ALS, as demonstrated in animal studies. Dr. Passanetti's research at Mount Sinai in New York has shown that a ketogenic diet using caprylic triglycerides improved motor function and neurological scores in a mouse model of ALS. Further studies using supplements like arginine, alpha-ketoglutarate, GABA, coenzyme Q10, and medium chain triglycerides together had a significant impact on motor function, neurological scores, and survival in the same mouse model. These findings have led to the development of the Deanna Protocol, a therapy that has benefited over 1,000 patients, and several peer-reviewed studies support its use. While human studies are needed, the compelling results from animal research provide strong evidence for the potential of metabolic-based approaches, like targeting energy metabolism and preserving mitochondrial function, in treating ALS. Additionally, ketones have been found to lower blood glucose levels, and further research is being conducted to understand the implications of this effect.

    • Improve insulin sensitivity and enhance glucose uptake with exogenous ketonesExogenous ketones can help improve insulin sensitivity and enhance glucose uptake, acting as a super fuel for the brain and offering numerous benefits, but individual responses may vary.

      Exogenous ketones can help improve insulin sensitivity and enhance the use of glucose by the cells, leading to a greater uptake of glucose. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with diet discipline. However, it's important to note that while ketones provide an alternative energy source, they should not be seen as a shortcut to maintaining a healthy weight or achieving the benefits of a ketogenic diet. Ketones offer numerous benefits, including acting as a super fuel for the brain, bypassing certain metabolic processes that can become dysfunctional with age or certain conditions, and preserving brain energy metabolism. Despite the many advantages, not everyone may respond to exogenous ketones in the same way, as individual differences in carbohydrate tolerance and metabolism can play a role.

    • Managing Type 2 Diabetes with a Ketogenic DietA ketogenic diet can help manage and even reverse type 2 diabetes, saving healthcare costs. Virta Health's app and dietary guidance help 89% of patients reduce insulin use.

      A ketogenic diet, specifically a carbohydrate-restricted one, can have significant benefits for managing and even reversing type 2 diabetes. Virta Health is leading the way in this area, helping over 89% of their patients either get off insulin or reduce it to very low levels through the use of their app and dietary guidance. This approach could save the healthcare system billions of dollars in the long run, as type 2 diabetes is a major healthcare issue. The science behind why a ketogenic diet is effective is rooted in our bodies' ability to use ketones as an alternative energy source, especially for those with carbohydrate intolerance. While some people, like athletes, may not need to follow a ketogenic diet due to their high caloric needs, it's important to note that negative effects from high carbohydrate diets are largely due to calorie surpluses. Overall, the benefits of a ketogenic diet are vast, and it's worth considering for those looking to improve their health.

    • Managing macros and calories through apps for optimal health and performanceApps help optimize glucose levels, reduce energy crashes, and improve appetite control on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. AI systems may futurely aid in personalized keto diet optimization.

      Managing macros and calories through apps can significantly improve overall health and performance by optimizing glucose levels and insulin response. The speaker's personal experience shows that a low-carb or ketogenic diet can help stabilize glucose levels and reduce the frequency of energy crashes and cravings. The ketogenic diet's practical effects include better appetite control, improved neuroendocrine balance, and a reduced likelihood of seizures. The speaker emphasizes the importance of apps in helping individuals manage their diets effectively, especially for those who struggle with calorie management. The future of diet optimization may involve AI systems that help individuals optimize their keto diets and improve their ratios over time. The speaker also highlights the role of cravings in diet adherence and how a fat-burning diet can help reduce the intensity of hunger and cravings.

    • Ketogenic diet and exogenous ketones for improved mental function and reduced anxietyThe ketogenic diet and exogenous ketones can enhance mental function and reduce anxiety. An astronaut used them for productivity during space missions, and personal experiences suggest improved focus during stressful activities.

      The ketogenic diet and exogenous ketones have been shown to have numerous benefits, including improved mental function and reduced anxiety. These products, available at ketocookie.com, were used by an astronaut on the NASA Nemo mission due to limited access to fresh produce. The speaker personally attributes his increased productivity, grants, publications, and career success to following a ketogenic lifestyle. Research suggests that exogenous ketones can help reduce anxiety behavior in animals, making it a potential solution for those dealing with anxiety and stress. Additionally, the speaker shares his personal experience with using ketones while bow hunting, a highly stressful activity, to help mitigate the adrenaline rush and improve focus. Overall, the ketogenic diet and exogenous ketones are becoming increasingly popular as a lifestyle choice for improved cognitive awareness and resilience.

    • Improve performance and reduce anxiety with specific breathing techniques and certain foodsLearning breathing techniques like the Wim Hof method or using foods with exogenous ketones or energy bits can enhance performance and reduce anxiety during high-stress situations, while also providing nutritional benefits and not significantly impacting blood glucose levels.

      There are various methods to enhance performance and reduce anxiety during high-stress situations, such as hunting or public speaking. One such method is increasing your CO2 threshold through specific breathing techniques, which can be learned through apps or practices like the Wim Hof method. Another way to improve performance and nutrition is by consuming foods like exogenous ketones or energy bits, which may have unusual textures but provide significant nutritional value and do not significantly impact blood glucose levels. These methods can help individuals optimize their bodies and minds for peak performance, even in challenging situations. Additionally, the importance of pleasure and enjoyment in eating was emphasized, as most people find eating a pleasurable experience and do not want to restrict it unnecessarily.

    • Exploring Keto Alternatives: Delicious Low-Carb OptionsThe keto diet offers innovative low-carb alternatives, like keto ice cream and keto brownies, helping individuals stick to the diet while enjoying delicious treats. Research and even NASA's interest add legitimacy to these options.

      The keto diet, while initially challenging due to the restriction of traditional carbohydrate-rich foods, can offer innovative solutions through the development of low-carb alternatives. These alternatives, such as keto ice cream and keto brownies, are not only delicious but also help individuals stick to the diet. The science behind these foods, backed by research and even NASA's interest, adds legitimacy to the keto lifestyle. The Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, with its James Beard award-winning chef, is leading the way in creating gourmet, ketogenic recipes. While some alternatives, like almond flour pasta, may not be as impressive, the innovation in the keto industry continues to emerge, offering exciting possibilities for those following the diet.

    • Exceeding Soluble Fiber Threshold Can Cause Digestive IssuesExceeding the recommended soluble fiber intake can lead to digestive problems. Some individuals may find alternatives to pasta, like heirloom wheat or specialty flours, to improve tolerance. Ketogenic dieters can use exogenous ketones to help regain ketosis after indulging in pasta.

      While soluble fiber is important for gut health, exceeding the recommended threshold can lead to digestive issues. For some individuals, foods like pasta can be particularly challenging to give up due to strong cravings or long-term habits. However, there may be alternatives, such as heirloom wheat or specialty flours, that could make a difference in tolerance. If following a ketogenic diet and indulging in pasta, exogenous ketones may help bring individuals back into ketosis, but the effects are not permanent. It's essential to remember that everyone's body reacts differently to various foods and dietary changes.

    • Ketones function as signaling moleculesKetones derived from diet or supplements offer benefits like improved brain function, efficient heart operation, and anti-inflammatory effects. They also influence specific pathways, like the NLRP3 inflammasome, to reduce inflammation and potentially combat age-related diseases.

      Ketones, whether derived from a ketogenic diet or exogenous sources like ketone salts, provide various health benefits beyond being just a source of energy. These benefits include improved brain function, more efficient heart operation, and anti-inflammatory effects. Researchers, like Deep Dixit at Yale University, have discovered that ketones function as signaling molecules that influence specific pathways, such as the NLRP3 inflammasome, which can help reduce inflammation and potentially combat age-related chronic diseases. These findings have sparked interest in pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs that mimic the effects of ketones, further highlighting their significance in human health and longevity. However, it's important to note that the body naturally produces ketones, and ketone salt products are derived from natural sources, making them a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle. The debate over the best way to consume ketones, through a diet or supplements, continues, but the potential benefits are clear.

    • Using the ketogenic diet as an adjuvant to cancer treatmentThe ketogenic diet can enhance cancer treatment efficacy, protect healthy cells, and potentially weaken cancer through limiting glucose, decreasing insulin signaling, and elevating ketones. Effective for aggressive tumors with dysregulated mitochondria.

      The ketogenic diet, when used as an adjuvant to standard cancer treatment, can enhance its efficacy and protect healthy cells from damage. The diet limits glucose availability to tumors, decreases insulin signaling, and elevates ketones, which may have an anti-cancer effect. The ketogenic diet is particularly effective for aggressive tumors with dysregulated mitochondria, as they have difficulty using ketones for fuel. This approach can weaken the cancer, put the body into a state of ketosis, and gradually reduce tumor volume over time using a more gradual and less invasive approach compared to traditional cancer treatments. The Moffitt Cancer Institute and the National Cancer Institute have shown significant interest in using the ketogenic diet as an adjuvant to standard cancer treatment. The Charlie Foundation and The Max Love Project are also helping families with children with cancer stick to the ketogenic diet as part of their wellness program.

    • New therapies for cancer treatmentAdvances in research and technology bring new hope for cancer patients through the use of the ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, gaining mainstream attention and validation through numerous studies and public figures like Tim Ferriss.

      Advances in research and technology are leading to new therapies that can enhance overall health, including the use of the ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for cancer treatment. This shift in information and approach, which was once considered radical, is now gaining mainstream attention and validation through numerous studies. The impact of podcasts and public figures like Tim Ferriss have played a significant role in bringing this information to a wider audience, leading to increased interest and exploration of these alternative therapies. The potential for combining nutritional ketosis and hyperbaric oxygen therapy holds great promise for improving cancer treatment and quality of life for patients. This is an exciting time in medicine and science, as these emerging therapies offer new hope for those in need.

    • Exploring the potential benefits of the ketogenic diet beyond epilepsyThe ketogenic diet's ability to induce nutritional ketosis offers potential benefits for wound healing, viral disorders, HIV, and even cancer through its anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

      The ketogenic diet, a high-fat, low-carbohydrate eating plan, has potential benefits beyond just managing pediatric epilepsy. Researchers are exploring its use in various health conditions, including wound healing, viral disorders, HIV, and even cancer. The diet's ability to induce nutritional ketosis, a metabolic state where the body uses fat for energy instead of carbohydrates, may offer anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. For instance, it has been shown to enhance wound healing in both young and aged animals by restoring energy to the wound tissue and suppressing inflammation. Additionally, it may help in the treatment of viral disorders like shingles and HIV by reducing neuroinflammation and inflammation in general. Researchers from Ivy League institutions have reached out to explore the potential of using the ketogenic diet and ketone supplements in their studies.

    • Ketones enhance wound healing through increased blood flow and reduced inflammationKetones from a ketogenic diet or fasting improve wound healing by increasing blood flow, reducing inflammation, and stimulating antioxidant enzymes.

      Inducing ketosis through a ketogenic diet or fasting can significantly enhance wound healing by increasing blood flow to the wound area. This increase in blood flow brings not only glucose but also ketones, which have vasodilatory effects and help restore energy to the wounded site. The ketones also reduce inflammation and stimulate antioxidant enzymes, promoting optimal metabolic physiology for improved wound healing. The discovery was so remarkable that it was presented at the Wound Healing Society and received high praise from experts in the field. Further research is needed to fully understand the extent of this effect and its potential applications in clinical settings. The evolutionary significance of this hardwired system suggests that ketones play a crucial role in our DNA and have the potential to extend longevity and promote other health benefits.

    • Limiting food intake enhances focus and productivityLimiting calories can lead to heightened senses, improved mental clarity, and increased productivity.

      Limiting food intake can enhance concentration, focus, and productivity. This concept was practiced by hunters in the past, who found that being hungry made them more attuned to their surroundings. The speaker personally experimented with fasting and a calorie-restricted ketogenic diet, which led to heightened senses, improved mental clarity, and increased productivity. Despite initial challenges, the speaker found that after a few days, the fast became easier and his body adapted to using fat for fuel. This transition allowed him to work more efficiently, write research proposals, and secure funding. It's counterintuitive, but limiting calories can actually provide more mental resources.

    • Prolonged fasting puts metabolic stress on cancer cellsFasting can trigger cell death in cancer cells and purge the body of weakened cells, acting as a form of cellular housekeeping.

      Prolonged fasting, during which the body produces high levels of ketones and low levels of glucose, can put significant metabolic stress on cancer and precancer cells due to their high energy demands. This metabolic stress can trigger programmed cell death, specifically autophagy and apoptosis. The benefits of fasting extend beyond cancer prevention, as it can also help purge the body of weakened and sluggish cells, acting as a form of cellular housekeeping. An extreme example of this is a man who fasted for 381 days and lost 275.5 pounds, maintaining the weight loss afterwards. While fasting, he was given electrolytes, multivitamins, and potassium tablets to maintain health. Despite skepticism from some medical professionals, the data supporting the use of prolonged fasting as a preventative and therapeutic measure for various health conditions continues to grow.

    • Understanding the Ketogenic Diet for AthletesThe ketogenic diet, a high-fat, low-carb eating plan, is gaining popularity among athletes seeking to maintain a mild state of ketosis. Achieving ketosis requires careful planning and consultation, and methods like MCT oil, intermittent fasting, and time-restricted eating can aid in the process.

      The ketogenic diet, a high-fat, low-carb eating plan, was once considered an extreme diet for those with severe neurological conditions. However, its popularity has grown significantly, even among athletes, who may be maintaining a mild state of ketosis through high output and strategic carb intake. The ketogenic diet achieves this state by elevating blood ketones above 0.5 millimolar. While some athletes may be following a low-carb diet, not all are truly ketogenic. Adapting to a ketogenic diet, especially for those with high energy output, may require careful planning and consultation with a coach or nutritionist. The body will enter ketosis if the calculated macros are met, and methods like MCT oil, ketogenic intermittent fasting, and time-restricted eating can aid in the process. For some individuals, extending the fasting window from 14 to 18 hours may provide additional benefits.

    • Intermittent fasting and low carb diets for health benefitsImproved autophagy, potential seizure control, and measuring ketones through breath or blood tests are health benefits of intermittent fasting and low carb diets. Studies on physical performance and emerging wearable technology for real-time metabolite measurement are ongoing.

      Intermittent fasting and achieving a state of ketosis through low carb diets can provide various health benefits, including improved autophagy and potential seizure control. While measuring ketones through breath acetone meters like Ketonics is a semi-quantitative indicator, blood testing remains the gold standard. Studies on the effects of ketosis on physical performance, particularly in athletes, are needed to fully understand the metabolic advantages. The development of wearable technology that measures glucose, ketones, and other metabolites in real-time is an emerging trend, which could revolutionize personalized health optimization.

    • Study of ketogenic diets and ketone supplementsAthletes in ketosis burn more fat and perform better, research explores ketones for conditions like migraines, vegans face challenges in achieving ketosis, ongoing research identifies optimized ketone supplements

      The study of ketogenic diets and ketone supplements involves many considerations, including macronutrient ratios, types of fats, protein sources, and formulations of ketone supplements. Researchers like Jeff Bullock from Ohio State University have shown that athletes in a state of nutritional ketosis burn almost twice the amount of fat and have enhanced performance. There is ongoing research into the use of ketones for conditions like migraines, which may be linked to neural inflammation. For individuals following a vegan diet, it may be more challenging to achieve a ketogenic state, but options like dairy and eggs can help. Research is ongoing to identify the most optimized ketone supplements for particular applications.

    • Vegan vs. Vegetarian Ketogenic DietsWhile a vegan keto diet is possible, it's challenging. Vegetarian keto, with eggs, is more feasible. Keto can aid in managing conditions like autism and is being explored for epilepsy, cancer, and inflammation.

      While a vegan ketogenic diet is possible, it's much more challenging due to the difficulty in hitting the required macronutrient ratios without using shake formulas or medical foods. A vegetarian ketogenic diet, on the other hand, is more feasible, especially with the inclusion of eggs. Some people may have sensitivities to dairy, which can contribute to inflammation and hinder weight loss. The ketogenic diet has shown promise in managing conditions like autism, and researchers are exploring its potential applications with other conditions, such as epilepsy and cancer. The combination of a ketogenic diet, CBD oil, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and ketone supplementation is an area of interest for further study. Inflammation is a significant contributor to negative health outcomes, and diet, particularly one that reduces inflammation, can have a positive impact.

    • The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer TreatmentThe ketogenic diet, a high-fat, low-carb diet, has shown promise in cancer treatment by inhibiting glycolytic pathways and affecting multiple signaling pathways in synergy. Consult peer-reviewed publications and healthcare professionals for guidance.

      The ketogenic diet, which is a high-fat, low-carb diet, has shown promising results in various applications, including cancer treatment. The diet works by inhibiting specific glycolytic sugar consuming pathways in the body, and research suggests that a large majority of cancers may have metabolic origins. The ketogenic diet has been validated through numerous peer-reviewed publications and works by affecting multiple signaling pathways in synergy. The diet's neuropharmacological effects, including its anti-convulsant properties, have been extensively studied and documented. For those interested in getting started with the ketogenic diet, it is recommended to consult peer-reviewed publications and speak with healthcare professionals for guidance. The diet's potential applications extend beyond cancer treatment and have implications for nutrition and overall health. The speaker's passion for the topic was ignited by his early college studies in nutrition and has since grown into a deep fascination with the power of the ketogenic diet.

    • Exploring the world of ketogenic resourcesFrom books and organizations to tools and pet diets, various resources support individuals following a ketogenic lifestyle to achieve optimal health.

      There are numerous resources available for those following a ketogenic diet, from ketogenic pizza and e-books to tools for calculating macros and even ketogenic diets for pets. The Max Love Project is a notable organization that helps families with children who have cancer through the innovative application of the ketogenic diet. Verda Health aims to reverse type 2 diabetes in up to 100 million people within the next decade. Avatar Nutrition is a helpful tool for those embarking on the ketogenic diet, providing macro calculations and step-by-step guidance. For pet owners, the Keto Pet Sanctuary offers a free e-book on preparing ketogenic food for dogs. The Charlie Foundation has been instrumental in promoting the legitimacy of the ketogenic diet and inspiring its use in various applications. Meryl Streep's movie "First Do No Harm" is a testament to the diet's growing recognition. Overall, the ketogenic diet offers numerous benefits and resources for those seeking improved health and wellness.

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    Kat Timpf is an author, comedian, and political commentator. She’s currently the co-host of "Gutfeld!" on Fox News and is a Fox News analyst. Her latest book is "I Used to Like You Until... (How Binary Thinking Divides Us)." Look for it on September 10. www.therealkattimpf.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enSeptember 10, 2024

    #2199 - Chris Harris

    #2199 - Chris Harris
    Chris Harris is an automotive journalist, racing driver, and television presenter. He's also the author of "Variable Valve Timings: Memoirs of a Car Tragic."  www.youtube.com/c/chrisharrisoncars Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    #2198 - Bret Weinstein

    #2198 - Bret Weinstein
    Dr. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist, podcaster, and author. He co-wrote "A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life" with his wife, Dr. Heather Heying, who is also a biologist. They both host the podcast "The DarkHorse Podcast." Rescue the Republic is a non-ideological, post-partisan gathering of the The Unity Movement where we will declare our commitment to defend the West and the values that form the foundation of a free and open society. http://www.jointheresistance.org/ www.bretweinstein.net Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enSeptember 04, 2024

    #2197 - Mike Baker

    #2197 - Mike Baker
    Mike Baker is a former CIA covert operations officer and current CEO of Portman Square Group, a global intelligence and security firm. He’s also the host of the "President’s Daily Brief" podcast: a twice daily news report on critical events happening around the globe available on all podcast platforms.  www.portmansquaregroup.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enAugust 29, 2024

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    THE HOST: Mary Beauchamp, is a Registered Nurse, International Best Selling Author, Ketogenic Diet Coach, and Certified GAPS™ Practitioner (Gut And Psychology Syndrome). She is passionate about giving people the tools they need to shift their metabolism into ketosis so they can resolve underlying metabolic dysfunction and intestinal permeability.
    Connect with the host, Mary Beauchamp at: http://www.ketogenicdietcoach.com
    Instagram: @ketogenicdietcoach 
    Join The 5-Day Keto Challenge with keto diet specialist, Mary Beauchamp, and start producing ketones in just 5 days just click here: https://www.ketogenicdietcoach.com

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    Epi 63 | Dr. Lisette Beam - Improving Brain Function with Exogenous Ketones

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    To try these, go to http://drwellness.ShopKeto.com


    This is what the Keto Diet does to your body...

    This is what the Keto Diet does to your body...

    Keto has been promoted as a magic bullet for weight loss by its supporters and slammed as dangerous by its opponents. It's no surprise - completely removing almost all carbohydrates is not what most people consider ‘a balanced diet’.

    With carbs off the table, Keto diets involve a dramatically increased fat intake. At the same time, drastically reducing carbs means starving our gut microbes of the fiber that feeds them. 

    Nonetheless, doctors prescribe keto diets to treat people with severe diabetes and see dramatic improvements, and many healthy people swear by keto for weight loss. On top of this, removing carbohydrates prevents blood sugar spikes and crashes linked to inflammation and disease. 

    In today’s episode, Jonathan speaks to a leading nutritional researcher to understand whether or not keto diets are a crazy fad:

    • Christopher Gardner is a professor at Stanford University and a member of ZOE’s scientific advisory board who’s produced a clinical trial of keto diets, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

    Download our FREE guide — Top 10 Tips to Live Healthier: https://zoe.com/freeguide


    00:00 - Intro

    00:10 - Topic introduction

    01:38 - Quick-fire questions

    05:20 - What is a ketogenic diet? How does it work?

    08:34 - Why have people become interested in keto?

    10:16 - To promote ketosis, how low-carb should a diet be?

    11:46 - Why are randomized trials so important?

    14:37 - Christopher’s study

    18:46 - What is a Mediterranean diet?

    21:31 - Study results

    25:33 - How sustainable is a keto diet?

    31:22 - How strictly should you follow the keto diet?

    32:47 - Diabetes and keto

    35:36 - Keto’s impact on the microbiome

    37:57 - Is there a long-term impact on the ability to process carbs?

    39:51 - Summary

    41:40 - Listener’s question

    42:12 - Goodbyes

    42:32 - Outro

    Episode transcripts are available here.

    Read Chris’ Study here.

    Follow Chris: https://twitter.com/GardnerPhD

    Follow ZOE on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoe/

    This podcast was produced by Fascinate Productions.


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