
    A Change of Heart - Part 1

    enAugust 26, 2024
    What is the primary goal of Alan Jackson Ministries?
    How did George and Betty Jackson's faith impact their lives?
    What is the significance of a change of heart?
    Why is staying rooted in God's word important?
    What challenges does the church face in today's culture?

    Podcast Summary

    • Change of heart, SalvationGod calls us to crucify our old nature and seek salvation through a change of heart, as evidenced in the message of Acts 2 and the legacy of Betty Jackson.

      We are called to crucify our old nature and its ungodly passions and desires, not relying on our feelings and thoughts alone. Our goal as Alan Jackson Ministries is to spread God's truth and help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus. A change of heart is crucial for our future, and it starts with us. As Peter quoted from the prophet Joel in Acts 2, God pours out His spirit on all people, and everyone who calls on His name will be saved. This message of change and the promise of salvation remains relevant today. Additionally, we remember and honor the legacy of Betty Jackson, an extraordinary woman who brought people closer to Jesus, by offering her book "An Extraordinary Life" to those who donate $30 or more.

    • Following God's call despite challengesDespite physical and political persecution, the early Christian community experienced remarkable spiritual growth by staying committed to their faith. We too can choose to remain faithful in the face of resistance.

      The book of Acts serves as a reminder that following God's call often comes with challenges and disruptions. Peter's words on the day of Pentecost, describing signs of earthly upheaval, apply not only to the early Christian community but to us as well. We may not be able to choose the time or place of our faith journey, but we can choose to remain faithful. The Acts of the Apostles depict a period of remarkable spiritual growth despite physical and political persecution. This template for Christian life underscores the importance of staying committed to our faith in the face of resistance, whether spiritual, physical, or political. It's essential to understand and prepare for the challenges ahead, but ultimately, the only hope lies in more people surrendering their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ.

    • 21st century challengesThe 21st century presents complex challenges for the church, including engaging culture, grappling with the demands of holiness, and avoiding a distorted understanding of grace.

      We live in a complex world with unprecedented opportunities to spread the gospel and witness unimaginable evil. Technological advancements allow us to reach vast audiences, but also expose us to disturbing displays of wickedness. The Olympics, once a symbol of human achievement and cooperation, have been used to promote violence against women. Trust in institutions is at an all-time low, and issues like abortion rights and political power dominate the political landscape. Amidst it all, the church faces the challenge of engaging culture rather than retreating into the past. We must grapple with the demands of holiness and avoid a distorted understanding of grace. It's a delicate balance, but one that's necessary to navigate the complexities of the 21st century.

    • True justice and extraordinary livesThrough faith in God, ordinary lives can become extraordinary and lead to true justice, despite the challenges and false teachings we may encounter.

      True justice can only be found through submission to God's righteousness. DEI and CRT may not lead us to a more just place. Instead, we are facing uncharted territory with personal challenges that require our faith and obedience. Pastor Allen shares the story of his parents, George and Betty Jackson, whose ordinary lives were transformed into something extraordinary through their faith in God. Their book, "An Extraordinary Life," serves as a reminder that each of us has the potential to make a difference for the kingdom of God, no matter how ordinary our lives may seem. By yielding our lives to Jesus, we can write an extraordinary ending to what we believe is an ordinary beginning. As uncomfortable as it may be to acknowledge, we must be prepared for false gospels, false prophets, and a false church. Let us stay rooted in God's word and remain committed to living authentically for Him.

    • Form of godliness, denial of powerBe wary of those who claim to be God's people but lack the power of godliness in their lives. Focus on pleasing the spirit of God in our daily choices and actions to avoid deception.

      The last days will be exceedingly fierce due to the unraveling of the character of people who claim to be God's people. They will have a form of godliness but deny its power. Paul warns against being a part of this deception and encourages us to consider which spirit we are truly trying to please with our lives. We should strive to please the spirit of God in our daily choices and actions, as we are left with an earthly body that is hardwired towards ungodliness. Paul's message to the Galatian church serves as a reminder for us to examine our spiritual authority and intentionality in serving the Lord.

    • Sinful nature vs SpiritLiving by our sinful nature can hinder spiritual growth and prevent us from doing what's truly good. Choosing to honor God and live by the Spirit can lead to a more fulfilling life.

      We all have an innate desire to follow our instincts, much like a young child. However, Paul in the Bible warns us that if we live by our sinful nature, we will be drawn towards ungodliness. In our culture, there is a lot of permission given to indulge in these desires. The battle between the sinful nature and the Spirit can prevent us from doing what we truly want. The choice to gratify our old carnal nature can hinder our spiritual growth. The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their priorities and consider sending a donation to receive a copy of "An Extraordinary Life" by Pastor Allen's mother, Betty, as a reminder to honor God and live according to the Spirit.

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