
    A deep-dive into generative art with Malte Rauch from Bright Moments

    enNovember 15, 2022

    About this Episode

    Welcome to my new show "Uncap Web3 Talks", a podcast that focusses on everything web3 - NFTs, the metaverse, DAOs, digital art and much more!

    In this premiere episode I'm joined by Malte Rauch from Bright Moments. Malte is BM's Partnerships Manager and responsible for the Berlin sub-DAO. 

    While the majority of the NFT projects out there have seen a significant downtrend, art-focussed projects that don’t rely on fancy roadmaps and other external factors, appear to be much more stable. That’s why I think it’s super interesting to hear Malte talk about the space. 

    Some of the hightlights and key takeaways from this episode: 

    🎨 Malte shares his thoughts about the relationship between the traditional and digital art space. Why does he not see a big overlap between the two so far? 

    🚀 NFTs as a driver for getting more people into art and enabling more artists to be seen and successful

    🏙 Thoughts on MoMA planning to acquire digital art NFTs and what this signals to the space

    👨‍💻 Deep-dive on generative art, creative coding and how Artblocks has given this exciting genre a new home on the blockchain

    🖼 How Bright Moments is building a unique community and local art galleries with their tour "in 10,000 NFTs around he world" 


    And here the relevant links from the episode: 

    Bright Moments:

    Tyler Hobbs' "The rise of long-form generative art":

    Some generative artists Malte recommends to check out:
    Stefano Contiero - https://stefanocontiero.com/
    Alida Sun - https://twitter.com/alidasun
    Julian Hespenheide - https://www.julian-h.de/

    Recent Episodes from Uncap Web3 Talks

    Building NFT projects and web3 brands with David DeVore from Props Labs

    Building NFT projects and web3 brands with David DeVore from Props Labs

    In today’s episode I’m joined by David DeVore, co-founder of Props Labs which is a leading web3 development studio. David and Props have been building the tech behind leading NFT projects like Deadfellaz, Woodies, Boss Beauties or Habibis. In the past 12 months Props has worked on more than 50 NFT projects, so it’s fair to say they have seen the last cycle on a front-row seat.

    Here are some highlights of my conversation with David:

    🔎 David talks about his way into web3 and how Props Labs got started

    🔬 How web2 excellence helps to stand out in the web3 space when it comes to strategy and execution

    🧟‍♀️ The story behind successful NFT project Deadfellaz and what makes them special from a cultural perspective

    💾 Looking at NFTs as a decentralized data store and how they disrupt marketplace models or gaming

    🧭 Thoughts on the current state of the NFT space and the ongoing bear market cycle

    The internet of blockchains and ecosystem building with Onur Akpolat from Cosmos

    The internet of blockchains and ecosystem building with Onur Akpolat from Cosmos

    For this episode, I chatted with my good friend and former co-founder Onur, who is Lead Ecosystem Builder at Cosmos, one of the most exciting blockchain ecosystems out there. Onur has been focussed on building web3 ecosystems for more than 6 years now and he is one of the most knowledgeable people that I know in the space. 

    Some highlights of this week's rather technical episode:

    💬 Discussing decentralization in the context of open-source software and GitHub

    🔎 Zooming in on the Cosmos ecosystem and the exciting vision for an "Internet of Blockchains"

    🤿 Deep dive on "ecosystem building", a new web3-native growth discipline - key capabilities, metrics and success factors

    🪙 How tokenomics, mechanism design and the "skin in the game effect" are enhancing the way we build products and ecosystems

    🖼️ What has burning the Mona Lisa to do with NFTs?


    Follow Onur on Twitter: https://twitter.com/onurakpolat

    Learn more about Cosmos: https://cosmos.network/ 

    Browse through the Map of Zones: https://mapofzones.com/

    Unpacking the metaverse opportunity with Tibor Meréy from BCG

    Unpacking the metaverse opportunity with Tibor Meréy from BCG

    In today's episode I'm joined by Tibor Meréy, Managing Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group. Tibor is leading BCG's metaverse initiatives and therefore has an excellent overview on the space. 

    The term metaverse has become a buzz word that is used everywhere, but it still appears to be hard for many people to fully grasp. That's why I think it is very interesting to get the perspective from somebody who has been consulting brands and enterprises on a strategic level for more than a decade. Also, hearing how serious BCG is already investing and building in the metaverse is a very strong signal to the entire web3 space. 

    Some of my highlights of this episode: 

    👨‍🏫 Tibor defines the 3 core pillars of the metaverse and why he thinks it is okay to not have a one-sentence definition 

    💰 Why does BCG care about the metaverse and is focussing so much on it? What is in for a $10bn+ consulting firm? 

    📈 Introducing the "5+1 adoption flywheel" and some key obstacles that need to be overcome to achieve wider adoption amongst consumers

    💼 Looking into the broad range of use cases the metaverse enables, verticals it is most relevant for and discussing some examples from BCG's projects 

    💻 The role that Apple might play in the metaverse or the suprising strategy they are already implementing today

    A deep-dive into generative art with Malte Rauch from Bright Moments

    A deep-dive into generative art with Malte Rauch from Bright Moments

    Welcome to my new show "Uncap Web3 Talks", a podcast that focusses on everything web3 - NFTs, the metaverse, DAOs, digital art and much more!

    In this premiere episode I'm joined by Malte Rauch from Bright Moments. Malte is BM's Partnerships Manager and responsible for the Berlin sub-DAO. 

    While the majority of the NFT projects out there have seen a significant downtrend, art-focussed projects that don’t rely on fancy roadmaps and other external factors, appear to be much more stable. That’s why I think it’s super interesting to hear Malte talk about the space. 

    Some of the hightlights and key takeaways from this episode: 

    🎨 Malte shares his thoughts about the relationship between the traditional and digital art space. Why does he not see a big overlap between the two so far? 

    🚀 NFTs as a driver for getting more people into art and enabling more artists to be seen and successful

    🏙 Thoughts on MoMA planning to acquire digital art NFTs and what this signals to the space

    👨‍💻 Deep-dive on generative art, creative coding and how Artblocks has given this exciting genre a new home on the blockchain

    🖼 How Bright Moments is building a unique community and local art galleries with their tour "in 10,000 NFTs around he world" 


    And here the relevant links from the episode: 

    Bright Moments:

    Tyler Hobbs' "The rise of long-form generative art":

    Some generative artists Malte recommends to check out:
    Stefano Contiero - https://stefanocontiero.com/
    Alida Sun - https://twitter.com/alidasun
    Julian Hespenheide - https://www.julian-h.de/