
    A Friendship VS. Reality Tv (ft. Hannah Berner & Paige Desorbo)

    enNovember 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Friendships tested on reality TVUnderstanding both sides is crucial for maintaining complex friendships, even during challenging times.

      Friendships can be tested in unexpected ways, especially when they are put on display in the public eye. On the podcast "Call Her Daddy," host Alex Cooper invites two best friends, Hannah Burner and Paige Disorbo, to discuss their friendship and how it was put to the test on a reality TV show they both starred on. The friends had vastly different experiences on the show, leading to tension and ultimately Hannah's departure. Despite the challenges, they emphasize the importance of understanding both sides and not picking sides in friendships. The episode serves as a reminder that friendships can be complex and require empathy and communication to navigate through difficult situations.

    • Spend time on fulfilling activitiesMake the most of an extra hour by focusing on activities that bring joy and contribute to personal growth.

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    • Exploring complexities in friendships and relationshipsFriendships and relationships are filled with intricacies and nuances, including personal biases, past experiences, and the pressures of growing up. Despite the challenges, they can also be filled with humor and joy.

      The speakers in this conversation reveal complexities in their relationships and personal preferences, including their perceived biases towards certain physical characteristics and their past experiences. They joke about hating blondes, but also acknowledge their attraction to them in their past relationships. The conversation also touches on topics such as depression, aging, and the pressures of maintaining friendships. Additionally, the speakers discuss their personal accomplishments, such as Hannah's stand-up tour and one's upcoming wedding. The conversation showcases the dynamic and often humorous nature of their friendships, while also highlighting the challenges and complexities that come with growing up and navigating relationships.

    • Privacy in relationships vs social mediaPeople value their privacy in relationships and may choose not to share on social media to avoid unwanted opinions and scrutiny.

      Social media relationships and real-life relationships can be vastly different, and some people prefer to keep their private relationships private to avoid unwanted opinions and scrutiny. The speaker in this conversation has been dating someone new and has decided not to post about him on social media until she feels ready, which could be after they've exchanged "I love you's." She's had past experiences where she regretted posting about relationships prematurely and receiving negative comments from others. Social media can put undue pressure on individuals to present a perfect version of their lives, and the speaker values her privacy and peace of mind over public validation.

    • The Importance of Good FriendsGood friends support, don't reveal secrets, and are there for you in good times and bad. They bring out the best in each other and help maintain a balance in business and creative partnerships. Keep communication open and prioritize each other's happiness to maintain strong friendships.

      Having good friends is essential, whether in childhood or adulthood. A good friend is someone who supports you, doesn't reveal your secrets, and is there for you in good times and bad. Friends can bring out the best in each other, even if they disagree or have hard times. In business or creative partnerships with friends, it's important to find a balance between focusing on the project and maintaining the friendship. Friendships evolve and change, but the key is to keep communication open and prioritize each other's happiness. As the speakers shared their experiences, they emphasized the importance of being low maintenance, empathetic, and able to make each other smile. They also acknowledged the challenges of maintaining friendships, especially during times of change, but emphasized the importance of putting in the effort to keep the connection strong.

    • How Friendships Change as We Grow UpFriendships require open communication, loyalty, honest feedback, and support for personal growth to thrive. They evolve as individuals change and offer more freedom and less formality than romantic relationships.

      The dynamics of friendships evolve as individuals change. A good friend is someone who is loyal, provides honest feedback, and supports personal growth without judgment. Self-confidence plays a role in how openly we express our thoughts and feelings to friends. The article "How Friendships Change When You Become an Adult" from The Atlantic further explores these concepts, highlighting the freedom and less formal structure of friendships compared to romantic relationships. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly with friends, fostering strong and supportive bonds that grow with us throughout our lives.

    • Friendships have no set guidelinesUnexpected friendships can form strong bonds and withstand public scrutiny, adding complexity but also opportunities for wider reach and connection

      Friendships, unlike romantic relationships, are a blank canvas with no set guidelines. Hannah and Paige's public friendship, built on Betches and later solidified through a shared business venture, is a testament to this. They met unexpectedly and formed a bond despite initial nerves and unfamiliarity. Their friendship has faced public scrutiny and pressure, but they've learned to navigate conflicts and maintain a strong bond. The dynamics of their relationship mirror those of a romantic or family relationship, but with the added challenge of being in the public eye. Despite the challenges, they continue to support each other and find success together. The wild world of social media and public life adds an extra layer of complexity, but also allows them to reach a wider audience and connect with others in a unique way.

    • Friendships come in different forms and stagesJudge friendships not by their label or duration, but by the connections and experiences shared

      Friendships come in various forms and stages throughout our lives. Some friendships are deep and long-lasting, while others are more surface-level and serve a specific purpose. The speaker shares her experiences of having both types of friendships and emphasizes that it's essential not to judge someone based on the presence or absence of childhood friends. She also highlights how societal factors, such as economic background and educational opportunities, can impact the types of friendships we form. Ultimately, the quality and importance of friendships lie not in their label or duration but in the connections we build and the experiences we share.

    • Navigating friendships as we grow olderValue deep connections over quantity and cherish friends who have been there through thick and thin

      Navigating friendships, especially as we get older and people start forming their own families, can be a challenging experience. The speaker shares her personal preference for one-on-one friendships over group dynamics due to her social anxiety and dislike for hierarchies and cliques. She also discusses the impact of social media on our perception of friendships and the importance of quality over quantity. The speaker's societal success has led to some friends gravitating towards her more, while others have faded away. Ultimately, she values the friends who have been there for her through thick and thin, even during difficult times. The speaker's reflections highlight the complexities of maintaining friendships as we grow older and the importance of cherishing the deep connections we have with others.

    • Embrace authentic self for true friendshipsDuring our 20s, prioritize friendships that accept and appreciate us for who we truly are, and cherish and nurture those relationships for enriching lifelong connections

      True friendships often develop when we embrace our authentic selves and connect with others based on shared experiences and mutual understanding. During our 20s, we may go through various stages and form different types of relationships, some of which may not last. But as we grow and change, we may find that our most meaningful connections are forged when we prioritize friendships that accept and appreciate us for who we truly are. It's okay to experiment and try new things, including different social circles, but ultimately, it's essential to seek out friends who bring positivity and depth to our lives. And when we do find those friends, we should cherish and nurture those relationships, knowing that they will enrich our lives in ways that go beyond the superficial.

    • Friendships evolve during significant life changesFriendships naturally change and grow, prioritize those that bring positivity and support, and embrace opportunities for deepening connections during times of isolation.

      Going through significant life changes, such as getting engaged or experiencing a pandemic, can lead to shifts in friendships. Some friendships may grow stronger as people navigate new experiences together, while others may become less central as interests and priorities change. It's important to remember that it's normal for friendships to evolve over time, and it's okay to prioritize relationships that bring positivity and support. Additionally, periods of isolation or feeling disconnected from social circles can be challenging, but they can also provide opportunities for deepening connections with existing friends or forming new ones. Overall, the speaker encourages embracing change and leaning on supportive relationships to navigate life's ups and downs.

    • Effective Communication in RelationshipsAddressing issues directly and having open conversations can prevent misunderstandings and build stronger bonds.

      Communication is key in maintaining healthy relationships. In this episode of Call Her Daddy, the hosts discussed their experiences with handling awkward situations and the importance of addressing issues directly. One instance was when one host felt uncomfortable with the other not returning to film the show, leading to an unspoken tension between them. They both felt sensitive about the situation but didn't communicate, leading to feelings of uncertainty and potential hurt. This experience highlights the importance of checking in with each other and having open and honest conversations to prevent misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Effective communication can help build stronger bonds and prevent potential conflicts from escalating. Additionally, the episode was sponsored by Pepsi Wild Cherry and COSIS, with the hosts sharing their personal experiences and recommendations for the products.

    • Reality TV's impact on public perceptionReality TV can create misunderstandings and negative public attention, leading to lost friendships and incomplete perceptions based on selective portrayals.

      The reality TV industry can create an unhealthy environment filled with villains and friction, leading to public backlash and misunderstandings. As seen in the discussion, a friend, Hannah, experienced intense negative attention and public hate after being portrayed as a villain on a reality show. The outsider, Alex, acknowledges the confusion and chaos surrounding public opinion and the selective portrayal of personalities on TV. The industry's need for conflict and entertainment can lead to misconceptions and the loss of genuine friendships. It's crucial to remember that reality TV only shows a small fraction of the real story, and people's perceptions are often based on incomplete information.

    • Navigating complex friendships in high-pressure situationsEffective communication and considering external factors are key to preserving complex friendships in high-pressure situations

      Navigating complex friendships, especially in high-pressure situations like reality TV, can be challenging and require a nuanced approach. Both parties may feel a sense of betrayal or resentment, but as adults, it's important to consider the objective perspective and communicate effectively. Additionally, there are often external factors at play, such as careers and public opinion, that can complicate the situation further. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize open and honest communication, even if it's uncomfortable, to preserve and strengthen the friendship.

    • Friendships require effective communication and mutual respectBeing authentic doesn't guarantee a perfect friendship, effective communication and mutual respect are essential to prevent conflicts and maintain healthy relationships.

      Trust and authenticity in friendships are important, but they don't guarantee a trouble-free relationship. Being authentic to oneself doesn't mean others will always understand or respond positively. It's crucial to communicate effectively and not let personal animosity escalate, especially during conflicts. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way when she appeared on a reality TV show and was caught in the middle of intense conflicts between other cast members. Despite the challenges, she refused to give up on her friendship with one cast member, Paige, who had been instrumental in helping her grow and become more comfortable with herself. If given a chance, the speaker would have communicated more and tried to prevent conflicts from escalating. Ultimately, the speaker found relief when one cast member, Hannah, decided not to return for the next season, allowing her to maintain separate friendships with Hannah and the other cast members.

    • Reality TV's Impact on RelationshipsReality TV can cause public conflicts and a lack of closure, highlighting the importance of communication and moving forward.

      Reality TV can drastically change people's lives and relationships, often leading to public conflict and a lack of closure. Hannah shared her experience of being a part of a reality TV show and how her friendship with Paige was affected by it. She felt like she had no voice during the show and was criticized, leading to a rift between them. Despite this, Hannah expressed a desire for both parties to move on and focus on their own lives, rather than dwelling on the past. She also acknowledged the importance of communication and trying to resolve conflicts instead of leaving them unaddressed. Ultimately, Hannah is learning to trust in the universe and focus on her own safety and happiness.

    • Understanding the Complexity of People and SituationsRecognize people's multifaceted nature, empathize, and avoid judging based on social media or limited perspectives.

      Everyone, including public figures, experiences struggles and emotions, and it's essential to recognize the complexity of people and situations. The speaker expresses respect for others' achievements and acknowledges her own limitations. She emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding that people are multifaceted, with both light and dark aspects. The speaker also mentions the impact of social media and the need to remember that online interactions don't always reflect reality. She encourages viewing situations from different perspectives and acknowledges the power dynamics at play in public opinion. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on the importance of self-reflection and growth, recognizing that life is a continuous learning process.

    • Navigating the Complexities of Social MediaProtect online presence and mental health by maintaining boundaries, prioritizing personal well-being, and staying true to oneself amidst online criticism and trolls.

      Social media can bring both joy and negativity, and it's important to protect one's online presence and mental health. The group think mentality on social media can lead to harmful comments and unnecessary drama. The success of online platforms like Giggly Squad can add to the pressure and scrutiny, making it essential to maintain boundaries and prioritize personal well-being. The speakers in this discussion acknowledge the challenges of balancing public persona and private life while dealing with online criticism and trolls. They emphasize the importance of staying true to oneself and remembering the support system in place during difficult times. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of navigating social media and the need to prioritize mental health and authenticity.

    • Effective Communication in RelationshipsSpeak up and address conflicts instead of sweeping them under the rug. Take a side and don't be in the middle. Confrontation is necessary for resolution. Seek therapy for personal growth and relationship improvement.

      Communication is key in maintaining healthy relationships, whether it be with friends or romantic partners. Hannah and Paige shared their experiences of navigating conflicts and the importance of speaking up and addressing issues instead of sweeping them under the rug. They emphasized the need to take a side and not be in the middle, and that confrontation is not drama but a necessary step towards resolution. Hannah also shared her experience of seeking therapy and how it positively impacted her personal growth and relationships. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of vulnerability, openness, and effective communication in fostering strong and healthy relationships.

    • Bonding over shared perspectives and experiencesDespite initial reservations, sharing similar views and understanding each other deeply can lead to a meaningful connection, even in unique situations like dating a reality TV star.

      Sometimes, initial attraction can deepen into a meaningful connection when two people share similar perspectives and understand each other on a deeper level. The speaker, who has been in a relationship with a reality TV star named Craig for some time now, shares how they bonded over their shared opinions and experiences. Craig, who is known for his loud and opinionated personality, also shows compassion and kindness, making him an intriguing and complex individual. The speaker admits that she initially had reservations about dating someone in the public eye but found herself drawn to Craig's understanding and empathy. Their unique situation as reality TV stars allows them to relate to each other in ways that might not be possible with others, creating a bond that goes beyond initial attraction.

    • The importance of supportive relationships for personal growth and career successSurround yourself with positivity, communicate effectively, and maintain personal independence for optimal personal growth and career success.

      Having supportive people around you is crucial for personal growth and career success. The speaker, Craig, recognized the importance of validation and the impact it had on her. However, she also emphasized the importance of prioritizing relationships that bring positivity and not draining or dimming your light. Communication is key, especially in business relationships, and it can be painful but necessary. The speakers also shared that they are not financially dependent on their business together, which allows them to maintain independence and flexibility. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of surrounding yourself with positivity, communication, and maintaining personal independence.

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    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

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    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store and https://www.onamp.com for Android listeners.

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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    Episode Socials:

    E714 Going Deeper with Kandi Burruss Plus Jessica Vestal Part 2, Age Gap Couples, & Sandoval’s OnlyFans

    E714 Going Deeper with Kandi Burruss Plus Jessica Vestal Part 2, Age Gap Couples, & Sandoval’s OnlyFans

    Welcome back to The Viall Files: Going Deeper Edition! To start things out, the household gets together to talk about recent headlines - such as Kristin Cavalliri’s new boyfriend, Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper out in New York City, and Ariana owing Tom $90,000. Then, we talk to Kandi Burruss about retiring (or taking a break?) from Real Housewives of Atlanta, her career, castmates, and hopes for the future. Then, we have a Texting Office Hours caller who broke things off with a friend two years ago, but wants to reconnect before her upcoming wedding. 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Listen To Disrespectfully now!

    Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301

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    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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    Episode Socials:

    00:00 - Intro
    03:18 - Pop Topics
    26:44 - Jess Comes Back
    40:01 - Jess Reaction
    48:50 - Kandi Interview
    01:51:12 - Texting Office Hours
    02:11:29 - Post Call
    02:12:40 - Outro