
    About this Episode

    Many people feel they need more guidance than ever...but the people, places and systems they used to be guided by in the past (media, government, work, authority, etc) haven't been working quite as well. Even the weatherman (or is it weatherperson?) seems to be wrong more than ever.

    WTH do we do NOW? We do what we should have been doing in the first place - relying on our own intrinsic power, our Good Powerful System (GPS). This guidance system is in ALL of us, whether we answer to it or not.

    Deb Kelly has been teaching kids about their Good Powerful System for years. Deb believes it's important to teach children about thoughts and feelings, since they are the receivers to direct us in how to respond to life using our GPS. In other words, our natural intelligence is always consciously directing us through our thoughts and feelings. Deb believes (and so do I) that it is important to teach our children how to use their GPS to take conscious actions and live good lives.

    This isn't just for young people though. Many adults never learned about their GPS when they were young and now lack power, which is responsible for much suffering and disconnection from others. This is true simply because disconnection from others stems from disconnection from self.

    The remedy? Start building your GPS - a good powerful system - within you that grows power and can withstand ANYTHING the world can throw at you with strength and peace. 

    Recent Episodes from From the Nth POWER

    Find Your Most Powerful Brand Using Visioning

    Find Your Most Powerful Brand Using Visioning

    If you don't have a vision, it's hard to establish a goal. This is so simply because without imagination, your end result has no spark...no capacity to magnify the world or people.

    Your brand is YOU - who you are, how you speak, what you want, and how you'll get where you're going. It's the concept - the why - behind being alive. And it needs to get into the world and shake things up!

    If you're unclear about your vision, or you have a vision but don't understand how to get to your brand from there, then watch my latest podcast where I'm joined by Brand Strategist & Mindset Coach Lisa Guillot (Find Your Clear Vision podcast). Lisa's concept of a C.L.E.A.R. vision will spark your imagination and help you get to the next step in creating the greatest concept of your lifetime - YOU!

    From Powerless to Powerful - Transforming Your Professional Experience

    From Powerless to Powerful - Transforming Your Professional Experience

    You could be missing out on great vocational purpose and fulfilling work because you think of work as a four-letter word. The conundrum with this is that you'll spend way too many hours trying to GET something out of work while giving NOTHING to it. In other words, the days are flat...the mission useless...the people not measuring up.

    All of this would be resolved if you could change your perception of work and transform it into something you really give a s**t about.

    Ahriana Platten (https://www.youtube.com/@asoulfullworld) has a great perspective on how to be a Wise Woman (wisewomanguide.com) at work, even if your energy is masculine.

    Having the experience of being a businesswoman AND coach, Ahriana sees what's needed to change the energy of do, work hard, be smart and be productive for the growth of modern business with reverence and space for the feminine AND masculine.

    We agree it's not about hiring more women. Have a listen...

    Broken Open...For Good

    Broken Open...For Good

    Learning to BE with life will help you balance your energy for proper and most maximum effect. If brokenness happens to you, if you feel darkness and despair, your over-intellectual mind will lead you to over-thinking which augments your negative feelings. Most things are small experiences that you keep mulling over and fighting, which makes them larger and most painful. When you remind yourself that being broken up can be worked through, your surrender makes each experience less painful. The most painful experiences SHOULD change you by breaking you and creating pain. Then, the pain creates innumerable heights of greater self-acceptance. You must accept that life will break you open and dealing with it by stopping your feelings is a way of avoiding the problem and, subsequently, the solution. Not to mention, there are thousands of people in your life that you'd like to save and when you're broken open you have the empathy to truly do good for these people. When you change, you can change others. What can you do to make a difference by finding out who you really are?

    Why "Hoping For The Best" Should No Longer Be Your Strategy

    Why "Hoping For The Best" Should No Longer Be Your Strategy

    Hope is highly useful for keeping us going emotionally and mentally. Hoping for the Best is a great attitude. But hope, in and of itself, is nothing but a feeling going neither up or down nor into good or bad. When you add simple actions, the hope become a bona fide strong hold for living a truly succesful life from the inside out. We are only the energy we are creating and hope is a foundation that needs action steps to move us into the life we want. What you want cannot be thought after as much as it needs to be energetically manifested by living your life from reflection, vision and embodiment of love and desire.

    What you want is available, you just need to stay connected within and living your purpose. 

    How Your Inner Demons Lie To You

    How Your Inner Demons Lie To You

    We all have darkness inside. That's never been the problem. The real problem is the mis-use and misunderstanding of darkness...of how and why it can be beneficial.

    Along with that, when you are trying to relate to your darkness, blank spots and lack of self-esteem, you'll find people who will validate you too well, thereby helping you stay stuck while saying they're helping you get out of it. Belonging is good for validation, but NOT when you can't seem to find a way toward the light. 

    It will become more and more important to learn how to intuitively grow and self-actualize over the next few years. The outside world has changed and you can no longer live externally first, it has to be from the inside out. 

    Chasing a mania of excitement and validation will only serve to help you fall more deeply into the loneliness of despair. But there is a place inside you and out of the quicksan you've been drowing in. It's your true depth - where sanity exsits and love can take you back to your Highest Self which is powerful and purposeful.

    Live & Remember...

    Live & Remember...

    When you're older and you cannot remember your own innocence, you'll suffer more from your unhappiness. 

    If you've learned to be unforgiving and believe the world is out to get you, instead of accepting what's happening and being flexible to job, life and love changes, you falter around finding new ways to emerge from the types of crises that affect ALL of us at one time or another. 

    Life is not a never-ending lovefest with peace. It's more often a struggle between what you've come to believe that can be limiting and what your intuition or highest self wants you to believe...

    That everything can be resolved and overcome with love. 

    If your career is stagnant and you're not getting what you need from your profession, if you don't make changes you'll feel consumed with hate and blame.

    If your relationships are unfulfilling and you find yourself thinking obsessive, ugly thoughts of guilt and resentment, if you don't make chagnes, you'll feel consumed with a feeling of codependence that strips your sense of wild independence.

    Your life is designed for movement and change. If you can't live in the present it's because you can't settle with a past that stripped your innocence.

    But that innocence CAN return if you remember the gift...that being vulnerable to your fear contains the strength you seek.

    And when you're strong enough to overcome even the slightest harm, you're on your way to greatness in your career - and everywhere in your life. 

    You CAN kickstart a new job, career or business if you can be in your innocence once again.

    One Small Step to More Powerful Leaps

    One Small Step to More Powerful Leaps

    When confronted with how to change, most people become overwhelmed before they even begin.

    Such questions as: How do I change? Where do I start? and What should I do? - being vague in nature - become the starting place for a quick ending. When you can't define a path or see things as manageable most people quickly give up.

    This is a truth around anything from changing careers, growing a business, working on a relationship or even just wanting to improve a personal habit.

    If you talk to Cody Smith, however, he will tell you that change happens incrementally. Although it's good to dream and to surround yourself with people who are where you want to be, you also must realize that many of them got to where they are with perseverance and time.

    HOWEVER, if you truly want to be where they are, and can envision yourself there, you don't need to worry about how or how long, you simply need to take small steps. Because one small step leads to another step which ultimately leads to traction, change, and the place you really want to go.

    What's stopping you from that new job, more purposeful business, better relationship or better you? Pretty much you and the ego-driven sense of failure in thinking you have to have arrived before you even begin.

    Cody's Habit Tracking system can help you change that, and to start a real path to change, progress or success one step at a time.

    LOVE IS _________________________

    LOVE IS _________________________

    You think you know what love is? Of course you do because it's what it is to you - what it feels like, looks like, sounds like, smells like.

    But what IS it REALLY? 

    Is it a feeling? Is it an experience? Is it simply everything all at once...the convergence of energies that will alter your existence, even if only for a brief moment in time?

    If you ask me, love is the highest vibrational force in the universe. It can explode, implore, impart, include and revere anything. It is the greatest gift you never asked for and the most painful thing to experience when you believe you've lost it. 

    But ask Scotte Burns, and he says it's not a feeling at all. It's more about connection and ways to bridge a gap between another person and what's happening inside of you. For love, according to Scotte, is all about the embodiment of a power in you and the way someone else brings up the gift of that power inside. 

    In the end, love is only and ever inside of you, waiting to flow into the next experience you have. It really doesn't matter if the experience "feels" good or bad. Love is the energetic essence of your being and when you deny it's there, or believe it's only a fleeting feeling, you may be missing out on the greatest loves of your life. 


    Cause & Effect - Kharma Doesn't Judge

    Cause & Effect - Kharma Doesn't Judge

    If you're like me you might have learned that kharma is about some big-bad God waiting to get back on you for everything from a minor fault to an egregioius mistake. Realistically, universally and simply, kharma, according to Dr. Lynn Anderson, is about cause and effect.

    And EVERYTHING you do is the cause of something else.

    Now, you don't need to worry about that person you offended so much as you should be a bit concerned with how these "effects" have and will turn into consequences to/for you. BTW, none of this is about moral judgment. It's about how you feel.

    So for those of you who love to immerse yourself in how you feel, let me say this...

    How YOU feel should matter to no one but you. Because as you traipse through this world thinking, doing and being, everything within you that is energy is pulling and pushing you toward lightness and love or darkness and despair.

    It's you who gets to decide the cause and effect of all your thoughts and actions - based on how you feel. That's what feelings are...indicators for self-knowledge and, if you're healthy of mind and body, indicators of self-actualizing actions.

    Some that if you don't take, will lead you down a road of effects you don't like. 

    But don't listen to me, hear my conversation with Dr. Lynn Anderson here.


    POWER, Purpose Realization & Shared Experience

    POWER, Purpose Realization & Shared Experience

    Your work life is never far away from who you are. Many people want to bring more of themselves to their work but don't understand why they don't feel fulfilled. It's probably because fulfillment is not something that you get just by showing up and getting a paycheck.

    You have to be invested in a vocation, a calling, with who you really are. Some think that the overall change we seek in business by bringing a deeper self is to talk about feelings, or hire more women. This is one way to balance a historical lack of duality, but it doesn't make enough of an impact to change business.

    WHY? Because business lacks real masculine and feminine the best ways, those ways that produce, that birth great ideas and that create synergies of the utmost greatness. Unfulfilling work is the earmark of the post-Covid workplace and era. Sitting in your house should have shown you, more than ever, how unhappy you are lacking purpose at work. Your eyes have now been opened. Your heart has been warned that you cannot turn back now that you have this knowledge. Any attempt to ignore the obvious lack of purpose in our work will lead to misery and lack of health, pure and simple.

    Have you forgotten who you are? You ARE the light in the world because you are you. And if you are NOT fulfilling what you came here to do, well, you're simply missing out on that happiness and real intrinsic success that you know you want - and keep telling yourself is in the next paycheck or vacation. It's NOT...and you know it.

    So why not do something about that? I'll coach you find out what happened to that purpose-filled person who wanted to become and do more than what s/he is doing.

    Let me...nicoledevlin.com

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