
    About this Episode

    Gary concludes his discussion with Luke and Joy by addressing politics and foreign policy. Wars and national tensions are unavoidable in a sinful world, but reconciliation comes through the Gospel, not with guns.

    Recent Episodes from The Gary DeMar Podcast

    We're Already in God's Kingdom

    We're Already in God's Kingdom

    Gary continues discussing Pastor MacArthur's recent comments about Christian Nationalism. He seems to be confused about what most Christian Nationalists are actually saying, and overcorrects his mistaken assumptions with extreme defeatist language. He says "we lose down here." Gary says no, we have already won, thanks to the completed mission and work of Jesus Christ.

    Getting Frustrated with Politics

    Getting Frustrated with Politics

    Gary begins discussing recent comments made by John MacArthur about Christian Nationalism, but he takes time to set up the full context. Christians often get frustrated by political engagement, but this doesn't mean we should be involved. Private conservations, evangelism, and discipleship are just as important to changing the system, but we don't do one to the exclusion of the other.

    Cannibalism and Abortion

    Cannibalism and Abortion

    What does cannibalism have to do with abortion? More than you might think. Both topics are logical conclusions and perfectly acceptable once the Christian foundation is removed. When nature, red in tooth and claw, becomes the interpretative standard, what actually separates the 4-legged animals from the 2-legged ones?

    Get Gary's book here: https://store.americanvision.org/products/why-it-might-be-ok-to-eat-your-neighbor-book

    Christians and Christian Nationalists

    Christians and Christian Nationalists

    Gary expands a bit on a recent article he wrote called "Christians in the Crosshairs." Christian Nationalism has a much longer history than most people realize, although the definition has remained basically the same. In essence, anyone that wants their Christian faith to influence every area of life are suspect and considered to be Christian Nationalists. Gary sets the record straight.

    The article can be read here: https://americanvision.org/posts/christians-in-the-crosshairs/

    Paul and the Near Eschaton

    Paul and the Near Eschaton

    Gary responds to a podcast episode where a biblical scholar reinterprets Paul as being purely "heavenly-minded." Claiming that Paul was convinced that a major eschatological event was in his future (especially in 1 Corinthians 7), the scholar believes that 1) Paul was mistaken, and 2) he was more concerned with spiritual realities than physical conditions in the first century anyway. 

    Enraged by King Jesus

    Enraged by King Jesus

    Gary brings up a recent news article about certain Democrats pitching a fit over a Christian pastor praying for "repentance for our national sins." While the sins aren't mentioned, the Democrats filled in the blanks and made an assumption based on other things he said before. Their seething objection is more telling about themselves than the pastor. Christianity is political by its very nature.

    Redefining Crime to Stop Crime

    Redefining Crime to Stop Crime

    Gary responds to a recent statement by attorney Ben Crump about redefining crime to help cut down on the targeting of blacks for criminal activity. Following in the steps of critical theory, Crump is falling right into the trap of the eternal victimhood of blacks everywhere in America. Gary responds and also quotes from Dr. Carol Swain's answer to Crump.

    Matthew 16:27-28 and the Transfiguration

    Matthew 16:27-28 and the Transfiguration

    Gary discusses a video from Christian apologist Frank Turek. In Matthew 16:27-28, Jesus says that "some who are standing here shall not taste death, until they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom." Turek states that this is referring to the Transfiguration, but then he also steps over to similar language in Matthew 24.

    Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn5s8NFi2Mo


    Fallen, Finite, and Fallible

    Fallen, Finite, and Fallible

    Gary answers two listener questions, one about the Bible itself and another about sovereign citizenship. People regularly claim that the Bible is a "religious" book, but unlike every other religious book the Bible roots itself in actual history. Dismissing the Bible as a religious work is special pleading that happens with no other works of history.