
    Podcast Summary

    • The Disappearance of Pamela Butler and Her First Wife MartaA complex investigation spanning decades uncovered the disappearances of two women, Pamela Butler and her first wife Marta, whose stories were initially unconnected but ultimately linked through their shared past and mysterious circumstances.

      The disappearance of Pamela Butler, a successful federal government manager, led investigators to uncover another missing person case involving her first wife, Marta. The investigation was a complex puzzle with many pieces that didn't fit neatly together. The last known footage of Pam was grainy and mysterious, and her cell phone pinged, leaving investigators unsure if she was alive or dead. Pam was known for her outgoing personality and her love of socializing, making it unusual for her to go missing without a trace. Her boyfriend, Jose, seemed cooperative but had a troubling past, with his first wife also disappearing. The investigation took decades to unravel, and it was only through the persistence of investigators and family members that the stories of these two women were brought to light.

    • Suspicious Behavior and Disappearance of Pam ButlerDerek, Pam's brother, grew concerned by her unusual behavior and suspicious open window, leading him to investigate her ex-boyfriend. Despite a full search of his apartment, no evidence was found, leaving the family and police puzzled as Pam's disappearance remained a mystery.

      The out-of-character behavior of Pam Butler, including an open window and missed phone calls from her ex-boyfriend Jose, raised suspicion among her family. Despite Jose's explanation of a breakup due to jealousy, Derek, Pam's brother, became concerned and conducted his own investigation. He visited Jose's apartment, requesting a full search and finding no evidence of wrongdoing. However, Pam's disappearance remained a mystery, with her family and police growing increasingly worried as days passed and no leads emerged. Pam's unusual behavior before her disappearance, such as leaving papers on the floor and missing a Valentine's Day date, added to the confusion and concern. Ultimately, the investigation into Pam Butler's disappearance would prove to be a complex and lengthy one.

    • A Successful Government Analyst Goes MissingA joyful and easy-going government analyst goes missing, leaving loved ones in shock. Despite a recent serious relationship, her friends were unaware of her whereabouts.

      Pamela, a vibrant and successful government analyst, went missing in Washington D.C. with no apparent signs of foul play. Her loved ones, including her closest friend Rita and her brother Derek, are cooperating with the police in their investigation. Pam was described as a joyful and easy-going person who had a difficult upbringing but managed to overcome her challenges and excel in her career. She was known for her neatness, orderliness, and her desire to help others succeed. Pam's disappearance came as a surprise to her friends and family, as she had recently started dating a man named Jose Rodriguez Cruz, whom she met on a dating website. Despite the happy facade, Pam had been canceling plans with her closest friend Rita, indicating that the relationship was serious. The police are currently treating Pam as a missing person and are encouraging anyone with information to come forward.

    • New detective brings fresh perspective to Pam Butler's caseDetective Cradle suspects something unusual in Pam's home, finds latex glove, and uncovers suspicious activity on security footage involving her boyfriend.

      When former homicide detective Mitch Cradle was assigned to the case of Pam Butler's disappearance, he brought a fresh perspective and valuable community connections. He believed that something unusual had occurred in Pam's home based on the uncharacteristic messiness and a latex glove found. The surveillance footage from Pam's sophisticated home security system, which only allowed familiar faces to enter, showed Pam going about her routine before her disappearance. However, on the day before she went missing, her boyfriend Jose was captured on camera delivering gifts. The mystery deepens as we don't know if Pam is still alive or if her body has been found. The community was left in limbo, hoping for a call from Pam or answers from the investigation.

    • The Mysterious Disappearance of Pam ButlerDespite a primary suspect and several leads, no concrete evidence was found in the disappearance of Pam Butler, leaving her family and investigators with unanswered questions.

      The disappearance of Pam Butler remains a mystery, with no clear evidence of foul play or indication of her whereabouts. Jose, her boyfriend, was the primary suspect due to his presence in her home after she went missing, but he maintained his innocence and provided a plausible explanation for his actions. The investigation also explored the possibility of Pam's nephew, Brandon, being involved due to financial issues and a reported argument. However, no concrete evidence was found, and the case went cold. The lack of information from Pam's cell phone and the absence of any physical evidence in her home added to the confusion. Despite numerous sightings and leads, Pam was never found, leaving her family and investigators with unanswered questions.

    • Limited resources and perceived lack of interest hinder Pamela Butler's caseEqual treatment and resources are crucial in missing persons investigations, regardless of race and socio-economic background.

      The investigation into Pamela Butler's disappearance was hindered by limited resources and perceived lack of departmental interest due to her race and socio-economic background. Her brother, who was leading search efforts and seemingly dedicated to finding her, became a suspect based on anonymous tips and shared financial interests. Despite intense questioning, no concrete evidence was found against him, leaving the case in limbo. The family's persistent advocacy kept Pam's story in the public eye, but the lack of significant progress was painful for them. The case highlights the importance of equal treatment and resources in missing persons investigations regardless of race and socio-economic status.

    • Determination and Persistence in Cold CasesNot giving up on cold cases and staying dedicated can lead to progress, arrests, and convictions.

      Determination and persistence pay off in cold case investigations. Detective Mitch Cradle, despite years of no progress in the Pam Butler case, didn't give up. His empathy for the family, especially Dirk, kept him invested. When a new detective, Mike Fulton, took over, he approached the case full time and believed it was a homicide. By declaring Pam legally dead, the investigation could move forward, making an arrest and conviction more feasible. Fulton's thorough investigation led him to suspect Pam's brother, Derek, and following the money trail provided crucial evidence. This case highlights the importance of not abandoning unsolved cases and the impact a dedicated investigator can have.

    • Suspicion towards Jose based on security footage and pastInvestigation deepened with inconsistencies in security footage and Jose's past marriages raising doubts about his loyalty and trustworthiness

      Detective Mike Fulton's investigation into Pam Butler's disappearance led him to suspect Jose, her boyfriend, based on inconsistencies found in the security camera footage and Jose's past. The footage showed Jose coming outside when the motion sensor lights were off, and he was found to have Pam's key chain. Furthermore, Fulton discovered that Jose had been married to two women, Marta and Guadalupe, at different times and in different places, raising questions about his loyalty and trustworthiness. This revelation deepened the investigation and added a layer of complexity to the case.

    • Jose's Double Life and the DiscoveryJose's deceitful lifestyle led to the discovery of his past violent actions, ultimately causing the breakdown of one of his marriages and playing a crucial role in a later investigation.

      Jose lived a double life, keeping two wives and two families hidden from each other. He managed this deceit by mastering the art of lying to both women. The discovery of his past actions caused turmoil, eventually leading to the separation of one of the marriages. Detective Rosa Ortiz, who had moved from Puerto Rico to Virginia around the same time as Marta, felt a connection to her story and helped uncover the truth. The turning point came when Marta left Jose, and he became increasingly obsessive, following her and threatening her. In the past, a retired police officer named Mike Seddon had witnessed Jose physically assaulting Marta, leading to his arrest. This event, which occurred 20 years before Pamela Butler's disappearance, played a significant role in the investigation that followed.

    • Domestic violence: Dangerous consequences and challenges in seeking justiceDomestic violence can result in abduction, rape, and death. Escaping and reporting incidents can lead to challenges in securing justice, including perpetrators evading responsibility or victims disappearing.

      Domestic violence can lead to serious and dangerous situations, including abduction, rape, and even death. In the discussed case, Jose, in a jealous rage, abducted his wife Marta and held her captive for two days, raping and physically abusing her. Marta managed to escape and reported the incident to the police, leading to Jose's arrest for misdemeanor assault and battery and felony abduction. However, on the day Marta was due to testify against Jose in court, she didn't show up, resulting in a null prosecution. A week later, Marta's sister received a call from her, but she didn't call back. That same day, Marta disappeared, and a missing persons report was filed. Jose was questioned but denied any knowledge of her whereabouts. The mystery of Marta's disappearance and reappearance was later solved when she resurfaced, alive and well, but the incident highlights the serious consequences of domestic violence and the challenges in bringing perpetrators to justice.

    • Reopening Old Cases with New EvidenceThorough investigation and the discovery of new evidence can breathe life into old cases, leading to the unraveling of complex webs of deceit.

      Even closed cases can be reopened with new evidence. In the case of Marta Rodriguez, she was believed to be missing for nearly 30 years until detectives discovered a woman living as Marta in Florida. Hansel, Marta's son, had grown up under the belief that his mother had abandoned him, but evidence showed otherwise. However, the woman living as Marta was not Marta. It was Jose's sister-in-law who had obtained Marta's information from Jose and used it to create a false identity. The discovery of this imposter led detectives to reopen the case and unravel a complex web of deceit. This case highlights the importance of thorough investigation and the possibility of new evidence emerging even in old cases.

    • Jose's violent past and alleged abuse towards women make him a dangerous suspectDetective Fulton couldn't reveal Jose's violent past and alleged abuse towards women, leading to an 8-year suspicion for an innocent man, but prosecutors eventually took on the case and brought Jose to justice.

      Jose, a man with a history of abusive relationships, was a prime suspect in the disappearance of his second wife, Guadalupe, and possibly his sister, Pam Butler. Guadalupe went into hiding due to Jose's violent behavior, and he had abducted and raped another woman. Jose's pattern of abuse and control was a common thread in his relationships, leading detectives to believe he was capable of murder. Despite having enough evidence to arrest him, Detective Fulton couldn't reveal this information to Derek, who continued to live under suspicion for 8 years. The case was eventually taken on by prosecutors Glenn Kershner and Debra Saenz in 2017. Jose's violent past and alleged abuse towards women made him a dangerous suspect, and his anger and inability to control it were believed to have led to Pam's disappearance.

    • Charged with a violent past and last seen with the victim, Cruz confessed to the murder of Pam Butler.Cruz, with a history of violence towards his wives and the last person seen with the victim, confessed to the murder leading to a plea deal but leaving a lasting impact on those involved.

      Jose Rodriguez Cruz was charged with the first-degree murder of Pam Butler based on strong evidence against him. The investigation revealed his violent past towards his wives, with one missing and another having been threatened at gunpoint. Cruz was also the last person seen with Pam before her disappearance. Despite his denials, he eventually confessed to the crime, revealing how he disposed of her body by dropping it out of a window and into a trash bag. The confession led to a plea deal for a lesser charge, but the haunting details of the crime left a lasting impact on those involved.

    • Unexpected obstacles in crime investigationsPersistence and not giving up on a case is crucial for solving it, even when faced with unexpected obstacles.

      The location of a crime can be crucial in solving it, but sometimes unexpected obstacles can arise. In this case, Jose buried Pamela Butler's remains in a median of Interstate 95 that had since been paved over. However, a distant memory of another body found in the same area six miles south led investigators to the identification of the remains as those of Marta Rodriguez. Derek Butler, Pamela's brother, was determined to bring Jose to justice for Marta's murder as well. Despite his initial belief that the evidence against Jose was strong, progress in the case seemed slow, leaving Derek frustrated and determined to take matters into his own hands. The importance of persistence and not giving up on a case, even when faced with obstacles, is a valuable lesson from this story.

    • Bringing attention to cold cases through persistence and mediaFamily members' anger and media attention can push authorities to reconsider old cases, even with limited evidence.

      Persistence and media attention can play a significant role in bringing justice in old cases, even when the evidence is limited. Derek Butler, an angry family member, brought media attention to the 30-year-old case of Marta's murder by confronting the Commonwealth attorney in person. Although the evidence was circumstantial, with no murder scene, no blood evidence, and no eyewitnesses, the prosecutors pushed the case forward and eventually charged Jose Rodriguez Cruz with first-degree murder. Despite Cruz's denial and conflicting stories, the prosecutors were determined to seek justice for Marta. The case highlights the importance of public pressure and the role of media in bringing attention to cold cases.

    • Jose Rodriguez Cruz's confession links him to two murdersJose Rodriguez Cruz confessed to disposing of his first wife's body, providing crucial evidence for her murder trial. His signature traits connected him to another crime, leading to his guilty plea for second-degree murder.

      Jose Rodriguez Cruz's confession about disposing of Pam Butler's body inadvertently provided crucial evidence for the prosecution in the murder case of his first wife, Marta. The manner in which he disposed of bodies and his lack of remorse were signature traits that connected the two crimes. Hansel Rodriguez, the only son of Marta, played a significant role in bringing the case to trial, and his emotional testimony added impact to the proceedings. Despite the personal connection, Ryan Fitzgerald presented the evidence objectively, and the trial, which took place without a jury, resulted in Jose pleading guilty to second-degree murder, with the prosecutors arguing for a maximum sentence of 40 years.

    • A man's conflicting story during sentencingSkepticism towards defendants' stories doesn't hinder justice, as long as victims are believed and abusers are held accountable.

      The criminal justice system allows defendants to present their version of events during sentencing, even when their stories are met with skepticism and disbelief. In this case, a man named Jose, who was already serving time for murder, told the court that his girlfriend, Marta, had died of a drug overdose while he was out getting gas. However, the judge was not convinced by Jose's story, which contradicted the evidence of his past abusive behavior towards Marta. Despite Jose's claims, the judge imposed the maximum sentence, recognizing him as a dangerous and remorseless individual. The tragic story underscores the importance of believing victims and holding abusers accountable for their actions. Ultimately, justice was served, but the victims and their families were left to deal with the aftermath.

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    Hear from the forensic sketch artist who worked on the Kristi Johnson and Crystal Taylor cases: https://www.nbcnews.com/dateline/video/how-forensic-artists-aid-investigations-1077038147665

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    Connect with Marty Rodgers:


    Marty Rodgers LinkedIn

    Marty Rodgers Twitter


    Connect with Mahan Tavakoli:



    More information and resources available at the Partnering Leadership Podcast website: 


    Connect with Mahan Tavakoli:

    Mahan Tavakoli Website

    Mahan Tavakoli on LinkedIn

    Partnering Leadership Website

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    00:02:15 The goal is to catch kids being good. Ask what they learned instead of "how was school?" Praise observable behaviors, not physical appearance. Parents struggle with the language of positivity.
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    00:09:34 Cows drink water, not milk. The focus should be on positive communication and listening with children.
    00:12:42 A therapist challenges children to quit school and express their dislike towards teachers and principals.
    00:17:56 Author dislikes phone use while driving; suggests penalties for hitting pedestrians distracted by phones. Author also dislikes phone use during business meetings; prefers clients who are not attached to their phones. Author personally does not use phone much, except for emergencies or coordinating plans. Recommends using phones for educational purposes.
    00:20:19 The text discusses using the internet to learn and earn phone time for educational purposes.
    00:23:35 The author discusses their interactions with children and the impact of their conversations.
    00:27:37 The speaker plans to provide information on how to find doctor Jaffa through a podcast listing, email, and Facebook.

    Don't IEP Alone with Lisa Lightner, Special Education Advocate

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