
    A New Year Story to Inspire You

    enDecember 30, 2021

    About this Episode

    For the new year, I’d like to tell you a story. It’s got high points and low valleys, a few plot twists, and - fortunately - a happy ending. Hopefully, it will inspire you, because it’s all about why nonprofits like yours are so important to me and the entire team at Cindy May Marketing.

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    Don't Lose 25% of Your Subscribers in 2022

    Keeping your email subscribers engaged is always a challenge for nonprofits. Your supporters are dealing with inboxes that are not only full; they’re bursting. It’s estimated that over time, you’ll lose 1-in-4 subscribers to churn. These aren’t people who unsubscribe; they just ignore your emails. Before cutting them loose and eliminating them from your email list, however, try one more campaign to win them back: a re-engagement campaign.

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    5 Ways to Grow Your Email List

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    Nonprofits spend a lot of time thinking about how to attract new supporters. Worried about donor churn or dwindling ranks or volunteers, they are on the lookout for new people who share their passion and are willing to commit their time, talent and treasure for a cause. 
    One of the best methods to pave the way for these new supporters is to first get them to subscribe to your nonprofit’s emails. Here’s five ways to grow your email list and nurture new subscribers today so they can become tomorrow’s donors, volunteers and advocates.

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    Why Video Is Important to Your Emails

    Why Video Is Important to Your Emails

    When there’s an opportunity to make our nonprofit emails more exciting, more likely to be opened and more clickable, we should take full advantage of it. And the thing that is accomplishing all of the above (and making our emails messages way more memorable) is video. It’s what people want and they’ll reward you when you include a video link in your campaigns with better open and conversion rates. Plus, creating a video is now easier than ever. In this episode, Cindy takes a deep dive into the why and how of incorporating more video into your e-communications.

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    9 Tips to Get Your Emails Opened

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    A New Year Story to Inspire You

    A New Year Story to Inspire You

    For the new year, I’d like to tell you a story. It’s got high points and low valleys, a few plot twists, and - fortunately - a happy ending. Hopefully, it will inspire you, because it’s all about why nonprofits like yours are so important to me and the entire team at Cindy May Marketing.

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    Make 2022 Your Data-Driven Year

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