
    A roadmap for young changemakers | Melati Wijsen

    en-usOctober 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Empowering Change at Any AgeInspired by a youth activist's success, learn how Canva, Slack, and 'Climate 1' podcast can help individuals and businesses make a difference and adapt to the changing world.

      No matter your age, you have the power to make a difference. Miladi Wiesen, a youth climate activist, shares her inspiring story of how she led the movement to ban plastic bags, straws, and Styrofoam in her native Bali at just 12 years old. For those of us who may not be able to lead such large-scale movements, there are still tools available to help us be more effective in our daily lives. For instance, Canva allows you to record and present presentations at any time, giving you more flexibility in your workday. Additionally, businesses can use Slack to streamline their operations and save time. And for those looking to better understand the climate crisis, the podcast "Climate 1" offers valuable insights from experts, activists, politicians, and artists. So whether you're 12 or 42, there are ways we can all make a positive impact and adapt to the changing world.

    • A young girl's journey to ban single-use plastic bags in BaliAnyone can make a difference, no matter their age or resources, by staying focused on their goal, building a team, and learning from setbacks.

      Passion and determination, even from a young age, can lead to significant change. The speaker, who started a movement against plastic pollution in Bali at the age of 12, shares her experience of facing challenges, learning from setbacks, and ultimately achieving her goal of banning single-use plastic bags in 2019. The journey was not easy, and she faced skepticism, frustration, and burnout along the way. But her persistence and willingness to learn and adapt were key to building a successful movement. The takeaway is that anyone can make a difference, no matter their age or resources, by staying focused on their goal, building a team, and learning from setbacks. Change may not happen overnight, but with passion and determination, it is possible.

    • Bringing about change is a long-term commitmentStay true to the mission, navigate collaborations, address challenges, engage young people, start in the classroom, remember being a change maker is an experience, and take breaks to recharge.

      Making a difference and bringing about change is a long-term commitment that requires patience, clear goals, and collaboration with others. Change does not happen overnight, and it can be challenging to navigate collaborations with businesses and politicians. However, it's essential to stay true to the mission and address any challenges head-on. Young people are increasingly getting involved in activism at younger ages, and they are eager for skills and knowledge to make a difference effectively. Real change can start in the classroom, but it's crucial to bridge the gap between the classroom and reality. Additionally, it's important to remember that being a change maker is not something that people aspire to become, but rather something that happens when one is activated by an experience or injustice. Taking breaks and recharging is also necessary for sustainability.

    • Mandatory climate education for students and empowering young change-makersStudents should have daily climate education, and young change-makers need genuine involvement in decision-making processes.

      It's crucial for education to align with the realities of the world, especially when it comes to climate crisis, SDGs, and sustainable innovations. Every student, regardless of their location, should have at least an hour of mandatory lessons daily. Young people have the potential to be change-makers, but they often need guidance. When classrooms don't adapt fast enough, young people create their own learning journeys. The Circle of Youth Within Youthtopia is an example of a platform for young change-makers to learn from each other. However, with the rise of youth engagement, there's a new trend called "youth washing," where companies use young climate activists for public relations without genuine intentions. Instead of just using young people for photo ops, companies should involve them in decision-making processes.

    • Inviting youth to share perspectives leads to valuable insightsEngaging with young people through initiatives like reverse mentoring can lead to unexpected benefits and valuable insights, as they bring fresh perspectives and determination to lead positive change.

      Engaging with young people and inviting them to share their perspectives and expertise through initiatives like reverse mentoring can lead to valuable insights and unexpected benefits. The speaker, who has gone from a young "cute girl" to a change maker over the past decade, emphasizes the seriousness and determination of the rising youth generation to lead and bring about positive change. Youth activism is not just an inspiration, but a force to be reckoned with, and opening doors to their involvement can lead to unexpected opportunities and advancements.

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