
    A Shocking New Immigration Proposal By Corrupt Biden (Ep 1812)

    enJuly 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden Administration Deliberately Destroying US Border SecurityThe Biden administration is intentionally dismantling US border security, causing historic illegal immigration numbers and threatening national sovereignty, with no apparent concern.

      The speaker believes the Biden administration is deliberately and joyfully destroying the border security of the United States, leading to unprecedented illegal immigration numbers, and raising concerns about the country's sovereignty. The administration's actions are causing no apparent distress to them, suggesting they are enjoying the process. The speaker emphasizes the importance of facts and data, using the example of over 2 million illegal border encounters in fiscal 2022, which he argues is only a floor, not a ceiling, as many encounters go unrecorded. He encourages listeners to process the information and accept the reality of the situation. Additionally, the speaker promotes Henry Repeating Arms, a family-owned business offering high-quality firearms and a lifetime warranty.

    • Biden's Immigration Policies Face CriticismThe Biden administration's plan to allow online asylum applications could lead to increased illegal immigration, straining the border system and sparking criticism and calls for impeachment

      The Biden administration's policies towards immigration, particularly at the southern border, have come under intense criticism. The administration is reportedly planning to allow asylum applications online from anywhere in the world, which could potentially lead to an increase in illegal immigration. Critics argue that this move is destructive and could further strain the already overwhelmed border system. Some have even called for the president's impeachment due to his handling of the border situation. The situation has led to growing concerns about the future of the United States and its ability to maintain its borders and uphold its immigration laws.

    • Politicians facing backlash from open border policiesLiberal politicians who advocated for open borders now face backlash due to overburdened shelters, strained resources, and public safety concerns.

      Liberal politicians and advocates for open borders, who have long supported such policies for perceived political and demographic gains, are now facing backlash from their own constituents as the consequences of uncontrolled immigration become increasingly apparent in their communities. This includes overburdened shelters, strained resources, and public safety concerns. The irony of their current complaints is that they have openly advocated for this very outcome for decades, but now find themselves politically damaged when it affects them directly.

    • Liberal Politicians Face Consequences of Open BordersLiberal politicians are dealing with the consequences of their advocacy for open borders, as they struggle to manage an influx of illegal immigrants and the resulting strain on resources. The crisis has also revealed communication gaps and lack of leadership in the White House comms department.

      The ongoing immigration crisis has come back to haunt the liberal politicians who have long advocated for open borders, as they now face the consequences in their own cities and states. Despite their previous arguments that open borders would benefit them demographically, they are now dealing with the influx of illegal immigrants and the resulting strain on resources. The irony is that they didn't seem to care when it was happening in other states, but now that it's affecting them directly, they are upset and struggling to handle it. Additionally, the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, has been criticized for her lackluster performance in handling press inquiries related to the issue. The crisis has exposed her lack of leadership and communication skills, and there have been rumors of a shake-up in the comms department. Overall, the immigration crisis has highlighted the need for a more thoughtful and effective approach to border control and immigration policy.

    • Critical assessment of current U.S. presidentThe speaker believes the president is potentially criminal, incompetent, and destructive, criticizes handling of immigration, questions health, and warns against consumer data risk bill.

      According to the speaker, the current U.S. president is considered by them to be potentially criminal, incompetent, and intentionally destructive to the country. They criticized the administration's handling of immigration and accused them of misrepresenting facts. The speaker also expressed concern about President Biden's health and questioned his schedule. Additionally, they warned against a proposed credit card bill that could put consumer data at risk. The overall tone was critical and urgent, emphasizing the importance of taking action against these perceived threats to the country.

    • The difference between a President's staffer and Secret Service agentWhile staffers may not always accompany the President, Secret Service agents are constantly by his side. Accurate reporting and avoiding speculation are crucial to respect the President's privacy and maintain public trust.

      The distinction between being a staffer and a Secret Service agent for the President is significant. While staffers do not always accompany the President, Secret Service agents are constantly by his side. The President's public schedule is the only reliable indicator of his activities, as anything not on the schedule did not occur. The speaker expressed concern for the President's well-being, but emphasized the importance of accurate reporting and avoiding speculation. A compilation video of the President's apparent mental struggles during public appearances raised concerns, and some have suggested the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment due to mental health concerns. However, such discussions are highly sensitive and should be approached with care and respect for the President's privacy. The speaker, with a background in psychology, acknowledged the potential for frontal lobe dementia or other neurological impairments, but emphasized the importance of factual reporting and avoiding baseless speculation.

    • Concerns about Biden's clean energy plansCritics question the feasibility of Biden's clean energy transition due to lack of a clear solution and potential economic and daily life disruptions.

      There are concerns about the Biden administration's plans for a transition to a clean energy economy, with some critics arguing that the technology to make such a transition is not currently available. The speaker uses the analogy of a baseball pitching change to highlight the idea that there is no viable "picture" or solution in place yet. This transition, they argue, could lead to blackouts and starvation, and some believe that renewed calls for Biden to step down may emerge after the 2022 elections due to perceived failures in this area. Overall, there is a sense of unease about the administration's energy policies and their potential impact on the economy and daily life.

    • Declaring a national climate emergency could have severe economic consequencesPossible cancellation of oil and gas leases, reduction in US production, potential rationing, and skyrocketing gas prices could result from a national climate emergency declaration.

      If President Biden declares a national climate emergency, the consequences could be catastrophic for the economy and individuals. This could lead to the cancellation of existing oil and gas leases, reducing US production by significant amounts, and potentially rationing and skyrocketing prices at the pump. The Biden administration is also pushing for pension funds to invest in unproven ESG strategies, which could negatively impact retirees' savings. These actions, if implemented, could lead to widespread hardship, including freezing to death and starvation. The speaker expresses concern that this is part of a larger effort by the left to intentionally destroy the country.

    • Republican Tom Massey discusses potential strain on electrical grid from widespread electric vehicle usageThe shift to electric vehicles requires careful planning to ensure the electrical grid can support increased demand, with one electric car requiring twice as much electricity as an average household uses in a year.

      During a discussion on Capitol Hill, Republican Tom Massey pointed out the potential strain on the electrical grid if every American household owned an electric vehicle instead of relying on gasoline. Massey explained that the average household uses 17% of their electricity for air conditioning, and charging one electric car would require twice as much electricity as the entire household uses in a year. This issue was apparently overlooked by Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who was criticized for his lack of consideration for the practical implications of the shift to electric vehicles. Massey's comments serve as a reminder that the transition to electric vehicles requires careful planning and consideration of the potential impact on the electrical grid. The power of the Trump endorsement was also highlighted in the discussion, as Trump-endorsed candidates Dan Cox and Neil Parrot won their respective primaries in Maryland despite significant opposition.

    • Larry Hogan's Presidential Run: A Disaster for Him in the Republican Primary?Despite confidence in Hogan's defeat in the Republican primary, concerns over fact checker biases and data misuse complicate the political landscape.

      Larry Hogan's potential presidential run is seen as a disaster for him in the Republican primary, especially in his home state of Maryland. The speaker expresses confidence in Hogan's defeat, citing his perceived lack of transformative qualities and past actions hurting Republicans. Additionally, the discussion touches upon the reliability and motivations of fact checkers, who are accused of disregarding facts and promoting a leftist agenda. The conversation also mentions the controversy surrounding the use of phone data for tracking individuals, with the speaker questioning its accuracy and the potential misuse of this data by various organizations. Overall, the discussion highlights the perceived ineffectiveness and potential misuse of data, as well as the perceived biases of fact checkers and the political landscape.

    • Political hypocrisy and inconsistency in data tracking and privacyIndividuals and entities have conflicting views on data tracking and privacy, often influenced by political beliefs or narratives. Critical thinking, factual accuracy, and consistency are essential to navigate these complex issues.

      There's a notable inconsistency in how certain individuals and entities view data tracking and privacy issues, depending on whether it aligns with their political beliefs or narratives. During the discussion, Dan Bongino criticized the hypocrisy of those who support geotracking for political purposes but condemn it when used to expose election fraud or challenge their own beliefs, such as the continued use of masks despite scientific evidence to the contrary. He also shared a study that found high levels of bacteria and fungus on the inside and outside of masks, raising concerns for the health of those who continue to wear them despite the risks. The inconsistency and disregard for facts in favor of political narratives were described as pathetic and a sign of a cult mentality. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of critical thinking, factual accuracy, and consistency in our beliefs and actions.

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