
    About this Episode

    Did you know that when hormone replacement therapy, for menopause, had terrible outcomes, they stopped teaching the practice to our physicians? There's about a decade where they didn't teach it and didn't discuss it. Therefore your physician may not know current or best practices.  Women can't forget about it so why did doctors get to?

    Dr. Micahel Green is a board-certified OB/GYN and the Chief Medical Officer of Winona and he's been practicing during the evolution of hormone therapy for menopause.  He's here today to talk about hormone replacement, its evolution, and current-day solutions.

    To Connect with Dr. Green on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-green-md-3b65a8110

    Is Menopause affecting your hair? Get the hair you dream of with Neora Proluxe Hair Care and Restoration Products!

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 


    Recent Episodes from Advantages To Aging Podcast

    Tax Smarts For All Ages: Maximizing Your Financial Journey

    Tax Smarts For All Ages: Maximizing Your Financial Journey

    How can you maximize tax laws at all ages? In this episode, I, your host, Debbi-Jo Horton, am sharing some of my expertise with you! There are some important things to consider at all ages when it comes to benefits you could be taking advantage of.   I'm sharing it all!

    In our 20's we think we have a long time to start saving and being "money wise" - No Sir! Start today!!  Once we get married and in our careers, we think we have to spend today and not save for tomorrow because our daily lives are "money - out" heavy!  And once we get close to retirement we panic. 

    Don't panic, I'm offering solutions to help you through these stages and tax benefits offered to you!  Grab a pen, take some notes, and get ready for taxes!!

    Debbi-Jo’s background is in accounting, business development, sales, service, and marketing.  Her diverse background has been recognized throughout the country.  She served as regional chair for tax issues for the small business community in Washington, DC and has testified numerous times in support of small business issues in Congress.

    As a leader in the small business community in Rhode Island and in the Nation’s Capitol her accomplishments serves as an example of what can be accomplished with vision and passion.  She brings this same passion and insight to the programs and leadership in her podcasts, her Neora business and in her bookkeeping and tax practice - DJ Horton & Associates. She loves to help people look better, feel better and live a better life with financial freedom sharing clean, plant-based products in the evergreen anti-aging and wellness spaces and helping them understand their financial health as well.

    Add another revenue stream and continue earning into retirement, join my Neora Team!

    To Connect with Debbi-Jo: social media- Debbi-Jo Horton, TurnAboutTime@gmail.com, or 

    DJ Horton & Associates

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

    Aiming Beyond Limits: Setting Impossible Goals and the Power of 'Never Retire'

    Aiming Beyond Limits: Setting Impossible Goals and the Power of 'Never Retire'

    "Never Retire", is what you'll hear from Martie Weatherly, founder of Dreams to Action Coaching and my guest for this episode. She's full of inspiration to set an impossible dream and go after it! It's not all downhill once you've reached retirement age. She had been walking with a cane and really thought she'd always be dependent on it. Till she made up her mind that she was going to walk independently some day. And she now walks without a cane. She challenges others to do the same!

    Martie was a registered nurse for 60 years. When she retired, she focused on her love of coaching and created Dreams to Action Coaching, where she loves helping people with a big vision achieve their dreams. In the last two years, she discovered that other people approaching or being retired are looking for ways to stay healthy and sharp, prevent dementia and contribute their wisdom back to the world, rather than take it easy. Her passion now is to do damage to the idea that aging is a downhill slide and a time to rest. It is a time to make a new bucket list and start doing the things on it, to explore new ideas, to be excited and feel youthful regardless of your age!

    Download Revise your bucket list

    Work with CoachMartie.com

    Keep moving and never retire with  Neora Weight Management and Wellness set.

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

    Home Sweet Home: Empowering Independence with Innovative Solutions

    Home Sweet Home: Empowering Independence with Innovative Solutions

    Looking for solutions to help you stay in your home longer as you age? Matt McGuire has the answers!  I loved the point he made to 1. Be proactive and start thinking about and budgeting for the modifications you may want to make. 2. Pay attention to your current behaviors...are you grabbing for certain fixtures in your house to aid you in sitting, standing, or climbing stairs? Those would be areas you want to install something more stable to aid you as you age. As you age, those stairs or climbing over the edge of your tub may start to seem like climbing a mountain. Again start to look around and plan for what will suit you best. 

    Matt pointed out that most people do not inquire because they are afraid of the cost. And yes, after the pandemic prices have gone up but they will continue to over time. So take action now. You may be surprised how many programs are out there to aid you in the cost of these modifications. Ask you local senior center or Matt and his team could suggest programs too. 

    Matt McGuire, along with owner/contractor Mike Duckett are both certified aging-in-place specialists with the National Association of Home Builders and have over 20 years of accessible building experience. Home Mobility Pros is a full-service general contractor specializing in full bathroom remodeling, walk-in showers, walk-in tubs, and many other aspects of interior remodeling. They work primarily with Veterans, seniors, folks with disabilities, and those looking to age-in-place in the state of RI, southeastern MA and parts of CT.

    Schedule Your Free Home Mobility Assessment | Home Mobility Pros

    Connect with Matt McGuire: 401-375-2790 or www.homemobilitypros.com and

    Home Mobility Pros | Tiverton RI

    Stay healthy and strong so you can age in your place with Neora Weight Management and Wellness set.

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

    Narrative Alchemy: The Magic Behind Crafting Books and TV Pilots with a Content Creation Visionary

    Narrative Alchemy: The Magic Behind Crafting Books and TV Pilots with a Content Creation Visionary

    Have you seen the new tv pilot based on a true story? That's right, it's about you from your perspective. Have you ever been so pulled to write your story? Or do others tell you "You should write a book about ______." But writing your story doesn't always mean a book. Nitara Osbourne is here to share the ways she helps content creators tell their stories. 

    She not only shared how to manage emotions during this process, but she touched on potential options in seeking proper legal counsel when necessary. She gave advice on how to handle those you might want to mention in your story. You're not an island, others in your life are bound to come up when you tell your story. And she realizes most don't have only this project on their plates. She has recently started offering an online course on how to write your story into a tv pilot for busy professionals. Check it out and get inspired!!

    Nitara Osbourne is an award-winning and produced screenwriter, ** editor ** of two Amazon **bestselling personal/professional development books, and contributing author of the Amazon bestselling self-help anthology book, From Us For You, which won 3rd place in The Incipere Awards (2023)**.

    To Connect with Nitara Osbourne:  TheInfiniteWriter.com or

    Check out her eBook: Writing Shortcuts for Busy Non-Writers

    ‌Take The Course: How to Write your Life Story into a TV Pilot

    Need energy and sustainability to write that book or tv pilot?  Get all the energy and clear headedness you'll need with Neora Weight Management and Wellness set.

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

    Life's Bittersweet Reality: Embracing Loss with Cathy Weaver

    Life's Bittersweet Reality: Embracing Loss with Cathy Weaver

    Has someone in your life passed away? Were your friends and family able to support you and have helpful conversations? Or did they say "I know exactly how you feel!" The reality is most people don't know how to talk about death and don't know how to support someone after they have had a loved one pass away. 

    Death is simply one of the chapters of life.  Cathy is here to normalize these conversations. She has written 4 books on grief. The reality is that we all experience greif differently and need to be supported differently. Cathy awards an honorary PHDDD (Personally Having Dealt With Death) certificate once you have read her books. They offer suggestions of what to say and what not to say. Cathy pointed out that you cannot pre-grieve but you can pre-plan and her books are how.

    Cathy Weaver has been Networking full-time since 2008 and since then, has experienced a number of opportunities to share with others some impactful things she has learned. Death and dying and survivorship have been very popular topics when it comes to presentations because few people find this subject comfortable.

    Cathy wrote a book in 2017 called “He Hit The Clouds Running ….. and never looked back™” which addresses her numerous experiences with the death of loved ones. What to say and what not to say when someone has died is one of the most thought-provoking sections of that presentation.

    Because we all learn from our own life experiences, Cathy has now released “My Final Footprints™” September 2023, which is a compilation of what to gather and discuss with our loved ones to implement our final wishes, when the time comes. We cannot pre-grieve but we can certainly pre-plan, right?

    To Connect with Cathy Weaver and schedule that all-important grief journey discussion: Cathy@CathyWeaverKC.com

    Keep your body and mind strong with NeoraFit

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

    Kick Fear Out Of The Driver's Seat

    Kick Fear Out Of The Driver's Seat

    We all have skeletons in our closets but what about dragons in our head? River Easter shared her expertise in learning your self-worth and gaining confidence. Too often we have these dragons as River pointed out. The dragons are those thoughts that stop you in your tracks or don't even let you take the first step. River helps her clients slay those dragons. 

    A dragon you may have is the fear of rejection, getting laughed at, or being judged. River explained how those are old stories that are no longer serving you. This is very common. River offered a few techniques to rid your mind of self-doubt. You gotta hear how River explained our nervous system and how mindset affects our communication. She shared how you too can kick fear out of the driver's seat and get on with reaching your dreams, now check it out!

    Book a Complimentary Breakthrough Session with River Easter: www.RiverEaster.com/Breakthrough

    Grab your Confidence Affirmations Here

    Kick fear out of the driver's seat, join my team today, and thrive with Neora!

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

    Jingle All the Way: Navigating Family at Gatherings

    Jingle All the Way: Navigating Family at Gatherings

    With the holiday season upon us it means we will be seeing lots of family. And does it seem for some reason they feel like they can ask us anything? This can lead to a sticky situation. Debbie Barker is back offering helpful tips to escape and/or recover from the conversations you don't want to be a part of!

    • Set intentions
    • Don't dwell on the past
    • Breathwork - 4-7-8 breathing
    • Leave the room - practice 3X3
    • Fake it till you make it with a good belly laugh

    I hope you listen to how to practice each tip and let me know which one works for you. Happy Holiday from Advantages To Aging!

    Debbie has been married since 1980 and has 2 “adult” children.  While sitting in a Body Works class she learned how to align the spine using the energy in the body.  Wanting to learn more about energy, she became a Reiki Practitioner in 2004.  She has learned other energy modalities as well.  During your session, she listens to her guides and uses the energy modalities that your body needs.

    To Connect with Debbie Barker: (678)982-1509

    This episode will keep your mind healthy and with NeoraFit Weight Management & Wellness set can keep you healthy!

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

    Bold Not Old

    Bold Not Old

    Baby Boomers are Bold not Old!  This is the stance Wallis Pattisonn took awhile ago and encourages others to see the same.  She brought up so many good points like just because you are done with your career doesn't mean you lose the desire to still be valued.  You still have a lot of experience to offer about products and business.  You are still bold wanting to do something maybe more fulfilling now. But you don't want to be put in the corner not heard from or seen. 

    Not to mention this bold population is massive, it's our silver economy.  There have been marketing categories and a whole new slew of products created just for this population. Like, Wallis pointed out, Virgin cruise lines catering to an older clientele.  This portion of our population is starting to redefine retirement.  You have created homes, raised children, and are ready for the next thing...in that same home. 

    Wallis encourages everyone to be curious, ask questions, and explore to stay in the know of your world and find a way to continue to contribute. Be bold not old!

    Wallis Pattisonn is an inspiration for people her age and younger. She is
    straightforward, quirky, and has an attitude of let’s give it a try. She is the
    founder of Bold Not Old, CEO and editor-in-chief of Empowering
    Boldness a bi-monthly magazine.

    Her passion is to encourage those who are 60+ to take their knowledge
    and experience to the world via the online marketplace. She encourages
    creativity, daring to be different, thinking fabulous and proving that
    pursuing a passion or an idea can create a sustainable lifestyle as well as
    enhanced wellness.

    To Connect with Wallis Pattisonn; Founder & CEO of Bold Not Old: on LinkedIn @Wallis Pattisonn or  email wallis@boldnotold.com.au

    If you still have the desire to work but be fulfilled at the same time, then use your life experience to start and grow your own Neora business today!

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

    Who Says You Can't Combat Senior Moments?

    Who Says You Can't Combat Senior Moments?

    Senior moments are the worst and can be embarrassing.  Maybe you lose your keys often or can't remember how to get out of Target. Well, Stan Goldberg, 10 times published author is here to shed some light on the brain, 9 types of senior moments, 5 steps to combat senior moments, and how we can be proactive to age gracefully. All senior moments are not the same and Stan explained why in this episode. And come to find out there are many types of memory, not just short and long-term. Did you know that?

    Stan was able to offer peace of mind with science to back him up about our brains.  Even in patients with Alzheimer's, they were able to grow new neurons and neuro pathways.  So once a brain cell dies, that's not the end of the story, we can grow new ones. It's through those creative tasks! But we have to take care of our brains as we age with proper hydration, nutrition, and proactively look at research and being our best own advocate! Who says aging has to mean impariment? 

    Professor Emeritus Stan Goldberg, PhD, has worked with the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at San Francisco State University for more than 25 years, while writing hundreds of articles and publishing nine books in four languages. As a person living with cancer, Dr. Goldberg taught, provided therapy, researched, and published in the areas of learning problems, communication disorders, loss, change and end-of-life issues.

    Stan’s upcoming book, Preventing Senior Moments: How to Stay Alert into Your 90s and Beyond, opens a window into how our brain processes information, and shows how numerous scientifically-based strategies can be used to simply, easily, and independently prevent senior moments - ranging from forgetting appointments to becoming disorientated.

    To Connect with Stan Goldberg: on Facebook @StanGoldberg and X @stangoldberg

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stangoldberg/ online stangoldbergwriter.com

    Grab your copy today of his latest book: Preventing Senior Moments: How to Stay Alert into Your 90s and Beyond

    Keep your skin looking great, they'll never guess your age with Neora Skincare!

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging 

    Fresh Courage

    Fresh Courage

    As a 75 year old Behavioral Scientist and coach, Sharon is the model of health and vitality. It's her joy to help us all have FRESH COURAGE and be meaningful contributors. When we know what makes us thrive, proud and confident, then giving our best comes easy along with a jazzed feeling about loving life again.

    Sharon loves to bring out the best in everyone and believes everyone has a unique golden nugget inside them. Her transformational coaching services for retirees, underemployed, bored professionals, widowed and empty nesters turn stuck, mundane & bored days into engaged & energized days through Purpose and Inner Spark Discovery sessions. You still have assets that the world needs you to give!


    To Connect with Sharon Rolph: sharon@effortlessvitality.org  on IG @Sharon_QueenOfCourage or www.effortlessvitality.com or join her free Facebook Group: Loneliness to Resilience Community

    Check out her Book: Fresh Courage

    Free Gift from Sharon- a Call to Courage at sharonrolph.com

    Free Resource from Sharon– 3 Tips to Create a New LIFE AFTER RETIREMENT Inner Spark

    Make sure to fuel your body with Fresh Courage and the Neora Wellness and Weight Loss Set

    To find me on social media: Debbi-Jo Horton

    Join my podcast community

    Learn more in my Facebook Group: Advantages to Aging