
    AAUP Report on Political Interference in Higher Education

    enDecember 12, 2023

    About this Episode

    The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) released its comprehensive report titled "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System." This report marks a critical juncture in the AAUP's history, being one of only eight special reports issued, and underscores a growing concern over political interference in the realm of academic governance.

    Hank Reichman, co-author of the report and co-chair of AAUP, joins the Changing Higher Ed podcast to discuss the report and provides details about Governor DeSantis's legislative efforts to control what can be taught, how it's taught and who teaches, particularly attacking faculty rights and tenure.

    The report includes the specific case of the hostile takeover of New College, describing it as a blueprint for potential future encroachments on public colleges and universities across the United States.

    McNaughton and Reichman cover the processes and conclusions of the AAUP report, emphasizing the detrimental effects on academic governance, academic freedom, and the well-being of faculty and students.


    Podcast Overview

    Unpacking the AAUP Report: A Critical Look at Political Interference in Florida's Higher Education:

    ·       The rarity of such comprehensive reports by AAUP, with only eight instances in its history, three of which occurred in the last three years.

    ·       The specific case of Florida under Governor DeSantis's administration highlights legislative and administrative actions perceived as politically motivated attacks on academic freedom, faculty rights, and tenure.

    Investigation Approach:

    ·       Conducting over 65 interviews with various stakeholders, including faculty, students, alumni, and former presidents, while noting challenges in engaging current administrators and political leaders.

    Major Findings:

    ·       The hostile takeover of New College is a model for potential future actions in other institutions.

    ·       Academic administrators' failure to contest or, in some cases, complicity in these attacks.

    ·       Legislative actions are collectively seen as an effort to enforce a narrow political ideology.

    ·       The chilling effect of these actions on academic freedom and the higher education environment.

    Human Impact:

    ·       The emotional and professional toll on faculty and students, with significant faculty departures and declining academic standards.

    ·       The broader implications for the quality of higher education in Florida and potential nationwide consequences.


    Key Takeaways for University Presidents and Boards:


    1. Thoroughly Review the Report: University presidents, administrators, provosts, deans, and other leaders actively engage with the contents of the report. Don't just skim through it; understand its implications for your institution and its broader impact on academic freedom.

    2. Build Resilience and Courage: Leaders in higher education are strongly urged to cultivate the strength to face political pressures. This involves developing a steadfast approach to defending the rights and freedoms of your institutions, faculty, and students against politically motivated pressures.

    3. Stand Up for Academic Integrity: When confronted with situations that threaten academic freedom or the integrity of your institution, take a clear and firm stand, even if it entails personal or professional risks. Demonstrating leadership in such situations is crucial.

    4. Voice Your Concerns Publicly: In Florida, it's mostly retired university presidents who are making statements against these issues. Encourage not only retired but also current university leaders to speak out against political interference. Public statements from active leaders can have a significant impact and inspire others to follow suit.


    Final Thoughts

    The critical nature of the current situation in higher education is a pivotal moment in the history of institutions. We are reminded that what's happening in Florida is not just an isolated issue but a warning sign of the potential nationwide impact of political interference in academia. Leaders in higher education are urged to recognize the severity of this crisis and respond with conviction and strength. It's a call to action for maintaining the integrity and freedom of our academic institutions against partisan politics, ensuring these values are upheld for future generations.


    Read the transcript on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Henry “Hank” Reichman is the chair of the American Association of University of Professors’ Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and a professor emeritus of history at California State University, East Bay. Hank co-authored the AAUP report, "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System," released on December 6, as co-chair of a special investigating committee.


    About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


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    Recent Episodes from Changing Higher Ed

    NYU’s Alternate Pathways to A Top-Tier Degree - Part 1

    NYU’s Alternate Pathways to A Top-Tier Degree - Part 1

    NYU is responding to the large U.S. population that needs and wants affordable and flexible higher education that meets them where they are by creating unconventional pathways to top-tier degrees.

    In this episode of Changing Higher Ed® podcast, Dr. Drumm McNaughton is joined by Dr. Doug Harrison, the head of New York University’s Applied Undergraduate Studies program at its School for Professional Studies, to discuss how NYU has built structures and processes that create alternative pathways for first-gen and low socioeconomic students that enable them to get an NYU degree.


    Podcast Highlights

    ·       Introduction to NYU's Innovative Educational Pathways

    o   Overview of NYU's School for Professional Studies

    o   Dr. Doug Harrison's role in expanding access to education

    ·       Targeting the "Some College, No Degree" Demographic

    o   The significance of this group in the U.S. education landscape

    o   Strategies to support students with interrupted education

    ·       Non-Traditional Pathways for Higher Education

    o   Tailoring education for first-gen and low socioeconomic students

    o   The importance of stackable degrees and flexible learning options

    ·       Maximizing Transfer Credits

    o   Addressing the challenge of diverse educational backgrounds

    o   NYU's approach to curriculum design for broader credit acceptance

    ·       Online Programs and Work-Life Balance

    o   Expanding access through online degree programs

    o   Catering to students with work or family commitments

    ·       Associate Degrees at Elite Institutions

    o   The role of associate degrees in NYU's educational offerings

    o   Financial accessibility for Pell and TAP-eligible students

    ·       Apprenticeship Degrees and Real-World Skills

    o   Launching apprenticeship degrees to meet workforce demands

    o   The benefits of integrating education with practical experience

    ·       Strategies for Student Recruitment and Engagement

    o   Digital marketing and SEO optimization for program visibility

    o   Personalized outreach and understanding non-traditional student pathways

    ·       Collaborative Efforts for Student Success

    o   The creation of an equity and access inclusion network

    o   Cross-school collaboration for seamless educational transitions

    ·       Vision for the Future

    o   NYU's commitment to education innovation and student inclusivity

    o   Leadership's role in fostering a supportive learning environment


    Read the transcript or detailed show summary: https://changinghighered.com/nyus-alternate-pathways-to-a-top-tier-degree-part-1


    About Our Guest

    Douglas Harrison leads the Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies at NYU's School of Professional Studies. Prior to NYU, Harrison founded the School of Cybersecurity and Information Technology at the University of Maryland Global Campus. He has published and presented widely on access and inclusion in online learning, assessment security, and academic integrity. He is a past director on the board of the International Center for Academic Integrity and currently serves on Turnitin's Customer Advisory Board for AI in higher education and for the Sounding Spirit Collaborative at Emory University’s Center for Digital Scholarship. His scholarship has been awarded the John Kluge Residential Fellowship at the Library of Congress and the NEA’s Award for Excellence in the Academy.

    Social Link: Doug Harrison on LinkedIn → 


    About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed podcast, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. 

    To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


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    A Win-Win Partnership for Universities and Older Adults: Engage Seniors, Enrich Your Community

    A Win-Win Partnership for Universities and Older Adults: Engage Seniors, Enrich Your Community

    This episode of Changing Higher Ed explores the win-win partnership between universities and organizations like The Oasis Institute, which is dedicated to lifelong learning and community engagement for older adults. 

    Host Drumm McNaughton interviews Paul Weiss, President of The Oasis Institute, about the benefits of engaging seniors in higher education, from enriching classrooms to fostering community connections.


    Key Points:


    • The growing need for lifelong learning: As the population ages, universities face a crucial opportunity to cater to older adults seeking to continue learning and engage with their communities.

    • The Oasis Institute: A national non-profit promoting healthy aging through lifelong learning, health programs, and civic engagement, including an intergenerational literacy tutoring program.

    • Benefits for universities:

    §  Research opportunities: OASIS programs offer fertile ground for research across various disciplines.

    §  Enriched classrooms: Older adult learners bring unique perspectives and enthusiasm, fostering vibrant learning environments.

    §  Financial benefits: Engaging older adults, a significant philanthropic demographic, can lead to increased support and legacy gifts.

    §  Improved public perception: Universities demonstrate commitment to serving all age groups, strengthening community ties.

    • Strategies for success:

    §  Develop and share content: Collaborate with organizations like OASIS to fill curriculum gaps, benefiting both institutions and the community.

    §  Offer intergenerational learning: Explore tutoring programs or co-housing arrangements to create meaningful interactions between generations.

    §  License specialized curricula: Utilize expertise from organizations like OASIS to address the specific needs of older learners.

    • Beyond education: Universities can support older adults in various ways:

    §  Advocacy: Older adults can become powerful advocates for public funding if they feel connected to universities.

    §  Mentorship: Programs like OASIS's intergenerational tutoring demonstrate the potential for older adults to mentor youth, fostering community and support.



    Three Key Takeaways for Higher Education Presidents and Boards:

    1. Acknowledge and embrace the role of universities in serving the entire community, including the aging population, to foster a more inclusive approach to education and engagement.

    2. Prepare for the demographic shift towards an older population, necessitating strategic adjustments in educational offerings and services to meet the needs of this growing demographic.

    3. Explore and invest in the field of older adult education as a ripe area for innovation and research, leveraging the university's resources to enhance the quality of life for seniors.

    Final Thoughts

    This episode underscores the significance of integrating seniors into the higher education ecosystem, highlighting the mutual benefits of such engagements. Weiss’s leadership at The Oasis Institute exemplifies the potential for educational institutions to serve not just traditional student demographics but the broader community through innovative partnerships. For higher education leaders, the insights shared offer a compelling blueprint for fostering lifelong learning, enhancing civic engagement, and ultimately enriching the fabric of our communities.

    Read the transcript or the extended show summary on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Paul Weiss came to The Oasis Institute in June 2017 to serve as the third President in the organization’s 40-year history. Paul has spent his career helping mission-based nonprofit organizations exceed their strategic objectives, enabling them to help more people improve the quality of their lives. Originally from St. Louis, Paul holds a Ph.D. in Educational Research and Psychology from Washington University and has more than 20 years of experience in education, social enterprise leadership, program development, strategic planning, organizational growth, and team building.

    Our Guests Social Link: Paul Weiss on LinkedIn


    About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.

    The Change Leader’s Social Media Links 

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    A More Efficient University Business Model For The Win - Part 2

    A More Efficient University Business Model For The Win - Part 2

    Faced with an overwhelming number of complex issues, the higher education sector must urgently develop and adopt innovative business models to transform itself into a more accessible, affordable, and future-proof system.

    Dr. Melik Khoury, whose visionary approach and adaptation of the university business model has navigated his institution through tumultuous times and set a new standard for academic excellence and operational efficiency.

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton welcomes Dr. Khoury back for part two of the series to share his insights on leading Unity Environmental University to unprecedented growth. With a background rich in guiding higher education institutions through periods of disruption, Dr. Khoury's tenure at Unity is marked by a significant increase in enrollment, substantial budget growth, halving tuition fees, and a debt reduction—all achieved amid the challenges posed by the pandemic.

    Remember to check out part one where they cover the leadership approach, an agile enterprise model, Sustainable Education Business Units (SEBUs), and the non-traditional org chart.

    Brief Show Overview

    Strategic Growth Through Focused Leadership:

    ·       Unity Environmental University's transformation showcases the potential of focused leadership in academia. Under Dr. Khoury, the institution grew its student body from 500 to over 7,500 and increased its budget from $14 million to $58 million, demonstrating effective strategic growth and financial management.

    Faculty Development and Specialization:

    ·       A reimagined approach to faculty roles allows educators at Unity to specialize in their strengths, moving away from traditional, all-encompassing expectations. This strategy has led to increased job satisfaction and teaching effectiveness, highlighting the benefits of aligning roles with individual talents.

    Academic Structure Innovation:

    ·       Unity has redefined majors as interdisciplinary, encouraging a collaborative and flexible academic structure. This innovation reflects a commitment to preparing students for the complexities of the global job market, emphasizing adaptability and broad-based knowledge.

    Efficiency in Governance:

    ·       Implementing the RACI model streamlined Unity's decision-making processes, enhancing organizational efficiency. This shift illustrates the importance of clear roles and responsibilities in institutional governance.

    Adapting Financial and Governance Models:

    ·       The evolving landscape of higher education necessitates adaptive financial and governance models. Unity's approach serves as a case study in aligning institutional practices with contemporary challenges, ensuring sustainability and relevance.

    Technological Advancements and Strategic Partnerships:

    ·       Unity's integration of AI and virtual reality, along with forming strategic partnerships, positions the university at the cutting edge of educational innovation. These initiatives bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application, enriching the student experience.

    A Vision for Responsive Higher Education:

    ·       Dr. Khoury advocates for a higher education system that is responsive to student and societal needs, challenging outdated structures and fostering a culture of innovation and flexibility.

    Key Takeaways for Institutional Leaders:

    1.      Visionary Leadership: Unity's success underscores the impact of strategic, forward-thinking leadership in achieving institutional growth and financial health.

    2.     Faculty Empowerment: Empowering faculty to focus on their strengths enhances educational quality and job satisfaction, benefiting the entire academic community.

    3.     Innovative Academic and Governance Models: The necessity of revising academic and governance models to meet current and future challenges is critical for long-term success. 

    Final Thoughts

    This episode sheds light on the actionable strategies and leadership philosophies behind Unity Environmental University's success. For leaders in higher education, these insights provide a roadmap for embracing change, prioritizing innovation, and achieving sustainable growth.


    Be sure to listen to Part One of this Two-Part episode with Dr. Melik Khoury to get all the valuable and actionable insights.


    Read the transcript on our website → 


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Dr. Melik Peter Khoury is the 11th President and CEO of Unity Environmental University headquartered in New Gloucester, Maine. He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), from the University of Phoenix, an MBA from the University of Maine Orono, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from the University of Maine at Fort Kent. During his time as President, he has led efforts to transform Unity Environmental University into a sustainable, student-centric institution of higher education by focusing on three core principles – affordability, accessibility, and flexibility. As a result, he has expanded its programs while growing its enrollment and national footprint exponentially.


    About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed® podcast is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


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    #HigherEducation #UniversityBusinessModel #HigherEdGrowth


    Adapting to Disruption: Unity University's Remarkable Success - Part 1

    Adapting to Disruption: Unity University's Remarkable Success - Part 1

    In this week's podcast, Dr. Melik Khoury, President of Unity Environmental University, shares the transformative journey of Unity from 500 to over 7,500 students and a budget increase from $14 million to $58 million. 


    Podcast Highlights


    Our Inherited Academic Business Model is Cracking Under Pressure


    • Regulatory systems no longer hold up to the changes in higher education funding models post-evolution to loan-based funding.

    • 75 percent of the universities and colleges that have closed or merged over the last five years were not under regulatory watch and/or warning or probation because our measuring stick does not meet the realities of the 21st-century institution.

    • Academia is excellent at identifying and deconstructing the problem yet stymied by the challenge of adapting to change in processes and governance to meet market demand, even at the risk of its survival. 


    High Achievement Growth in Institutional Performance

    • Unity went from 540 students to over 7,500, and expecting 10,000 within the next 2 years.

    • Graduation rates are impressively high, alternative loans are less than 3%, and placement rates are over 80%.

    Dr. Khoury's mindset for achieving those big successes are:

    1. Never be the smartest person in the room.

    2. Be willing to (metaphorically) take a punch in the face and not fall down.

    3. Figure out what you're really trying to do.


    Building a Sustainable and Agile Enterprise Model

    • Building an Enterprise Model requires thinking outside the one-size-fits-all model to create a new program and model that:

    o    delivers what potential students want.

    o   delivers it in an adaptable model that lets students shift when they want or need.

    o   does not compromise on the pedagogy or the experience based on the student type.

    Creating Distinct Independent Sustainable Education Business Units (SEBUs)


    o   Distance Education – online learning

    o   Hybrid Learning – in-person and online learning

    o   Sustainable Ventures – revenue-generating businesses that provide a real-world manifestation of our curriculum

    o   Technical Institute for Environmental Professions – in-person and online learning offering associate degrees and certificates

    • They segment verticals and treat them as subsidiaries with their own faculty, staff, and P&L. 

    •  When learning designers, faculty, and staff focus on the adult place-bound student, they don't have to compromise for the faculty, learning designer, or staff working on the community college commuter program, the residential program, and the like. 

    • It allows the creation of programs, calendars, tuitions, and service types without the one-size-fits-all confines and compromises.


    The Enterprise Model Non-traditional Org Structure


    • Unity's organizational structure emphasizes a balance between centralized decision-making for the enterprise and decentralized decision-making for subsidiaries. 

    • The enterprise ensures compliance, assessment, and policy enforcement, while subsidiaries have authority over their own affairs within established guidelines. 

    • Roles are differentiated based on the level of responsibility within the enterprise or subsidiary.


    Efficient Curriculum Development: Streamlining Processes and Reducing Delays


    •      Unity emphasizes collaboration between departments to avoid duplication and ensure unique offerings in their curriculum, aiming to streamline processes and reduce delays.

    • Instead of creating duplicate courses, departments "buy" courses from each other. For example, if one department wants an online course, they purchase it from another department specializing in online education.

    • The approach ensures consistency in curriculum across different departments, making it easier for students to transfer credits.

    • They have redefined traditional faculty roles, allowing curriculum design and pedagogy experts to collaborate with subject matter experts to create tailored courses.



    Join Us Next Week for Part Two of This Podcast with Dr. Melik Khoury


    Read the transcript on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest


    Dr. Melik Peter Khoury is the 11th President and CEO of Unity Environmental University headquartered in New Gloucester, Maine. He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), from the University of Phoenix, an MBA from the University of Maine Orono, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from the University of Maine at Fort Kent. During his time as President, he has led efforts to transform Unity Environmental University into a sustainable, student-centric institution of higher education by focusing on three core principles – affordability, accessibility, and flexibility. As a result, he has expanded its programs while growing its enrollment and national footprint exponentially.


    About the Host


    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed® podcast is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


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    SJSU Public-Private Partnerships Boost Enrollment and Community Relationships

    SJSU Public-Private Partnerships Boost Enrollment and Community Relationships

    Not all news in higher ed is doom and gloom. San Jose State University is shining bright at the heart of innovation, building public-private partnerships that boost enrollment, community relationships, and public opinion about higher education.

    In this inspiring discussion, Dr. Drumm McNaughton is joined by Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson, President of San José State University, who shares her insights on leveraging the power of public-private partnerships to elevate the institution's role in education, innovation, and community engagement. At the helm of SJSU, located in the dynamic ecosystem of Silicon Valley, she exemplifies leadership in navigating and enhancing the university's impact through strategic collaborations.

    Key Points Overview

     The Vision for San Jose State University

    • SJSU embodies Silicon Valley's spirit, aiming to be a cradle for innovation and entrepreneurship.

    • Focus on creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem for students, the institution, and the surrounding community.

    • Dedication to enhancing its brand and enrollment by strategically leveraging its position and partnerships to address contemporary educational challenges.

    Addressing Urban Challenges and Enhancing Student Housing

    • In response to the need for affordable student housing, SJSU, with the use of HESH funds, is collaborating with a third-party developer to convert a former Fairmont hotel tower into a residence hall in the heart of the downtown Innovation Corridor.

    • A creative solution to address the occupancy levels in office buildings significantly contributes to the university's efforts in revitalizing the area and directly supporting students' needs.

    Creating an Environment through Public-Private Partnerships

    • Prioritize corporate partnerships to provide students with job pipelines and opportunities for community betterment, aligning educational experiences with Generation Z's values and societal concerns.

    • Actively engage with leading corporations and thought leaders to tackle issues that reflect the priorities of its student body and broader community interests.

    Why Corporate Partnerships Are Critical to Student Enrollment

    • The significance of aligning educational offerings with students' practical needs and societal aspirations, especially in addressing global challenges such as public health, climate change, and environmental stewardship.

    • How SJSU's strategic collaborations with corporations and community leaders enrich the student experience and contribute to societal well-being.

    The Significance of Being an Anchor Institution

    • SJSU's role as a steadfast community pillar, providing stability, contributing to local development, and playing an irreplaceable role in the socio-economic fabric of the region. 

    The Role of Universities as Conveners

    • The university's capacity to bring together diverse groups for civic and social engagement, fostering dialogue and collaborative solutions to community and societal challenges.

    The Importance of Collective Impact

    • Address the need for collaborative efforts across various disciplines and sectors to address complex societal issues, advocating for unity in action for greater and more sustainable outcomes.

    A Multidisciplinary Approach to Problem Solving

    • Breaking down silos within academia and beyond, promoting a culture of cross-disciplinary collaboration that drives technological, societal, and scientific advancement, creativity, and comprehensive problem-solving strategies.

    Three Key Takeaways for University Presidents and Boards

    1. Anchor Institution Significance: Embrace and communicate the irreplaceable value of universities as stable, integral parts of their communities.

    2. Convening Role: Utilize the unique position to foster civic and social engagement, driving initiatives that anticipate the needs of future generations.

    3. Collective Impact Focus: Champion multidisciplinary collaboration to address community challenges, emphasizing the importance of working together for greater innovation and impact.

    Final Thoughts

    Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson's leadership demonstrates the potential of universities to transform themselves and their communities. But can all institutions follow suit? What challenges and opportunities exist for wider adoption of these strategies?

     Read the transcript or extended show summary on our website →

    About Our Podcast Guest

    Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson serves as the 31st president of San José State University. An internationally recognized Latina leader, President Teniente-Matson is a champion of student success initiatives, diversity, equity and inclusion, civic engagement, and experiential learning. With over 30 years in higher education, she has been instrumental in driving institutional growth and enhancing student experiences. Her tenure as the second president at Texas A&M University-San Antonio marked significant achievements, transitioning it into a comprehensive master’s university, securing the U.S. Department of Education Hispanic Serving Institution designation, and the prestigious Seal of Excelencia. She initiated key projects such as the Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement, Cisneros Institute for Emerging Leaders, and the Institute of Water Resource Science and Technology, alongside establishing a Cyber Engineering Technology & Cyber Security Research Center. Her educational background is robust, holding a BA in Management from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, an MBA from the University of Alaska Anchorage, and a doctorate in Educational Leadership from California State University, Fresno.

     About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed® podcast, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: changinghighered.com.

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    Strategic Presidential Communication in Higher Education

    Strategic Presidential Communication in Higher Education

    With today’s heightened political and social focus on higher education, the role of strategic communications for university presidents and boards is more important than ever. 

    In this episode of Changing Higher Ed, Drumm McNaughton is joined in conversation by Erin Hennessy, Executive Vice President for TVP Communications, a firm specializing in higher education communications. Erin, with her extensive background in strategic and crisis communications, offers invaluable insights into the complexities of presidential communications.

    This episode is particularly timely, considering the recent hearings in Washington, increased demands for statements from higher ed presidents on seemingly every social or political topic, and the evolving challenges for higher education presidents.

    Key Discussion Points

    Strategic Communication in Higher Education:

    • The importance of using discernment in strategic communication in higher education, especially in the context of recent political developments.

    • The challenges and nuances of presidential communications emphasize the need for clarity, tact, and alignment with institutional values.

    The Impact of Political Climate on Higher Education:

    • The recent Washington hearings have highlighted the significance of being politically aware and prepared in communication strategies for higher education leaders.

    • The discussion sheds light on the necessity for university presidents to be adept at handling various situations, including media relations and public perception.

    Building Trust through Transparent Communication:

    • The essential role of transparency in building trust among stakeholders in the higher education sector.

    • The importance of consistent, clear, and honest communication from university leadership to maintain institutional integrity and trust.

    Investing in Robust Communication Infrastructure:

    • The importance of investing in strong communication teams and infrastructure is emphasized, considering the evolving challenges in the higher education landscape.

    • A well-equipped communication team is key to effectively anticipating and responding to challenges and safeguarding the reputation and standing of the institution.

    Three Key Takeaways for Higher Education Presidents and Boards

    1. Prioritize Strategic Communication: Recognize and invest in strategic communication as a crucial aspect of effective leadership in higher education.

    2. Foster Transparency and Trust: Develop and maintain trust with key stakeholders through transparent and consistent communication strategies.

    3. Adapt to Changing Communication Needs: Embrace adaptability in communication approaches, continuously evolving to meet the changing dynamics of the higher education landscape.

    Final Thoughts

    This episode provides a deep and nuanced understanding of the valuable role of strategic communications in higher education leadership. Erin Hennessy’s expertise highlights the need for university presidents and boards to be strategic, transparent, and adaptable in their communication. Her insights are particularly relevant in light of recent political events and the ongoing challenges in higher education. The episode is a rich resource for higher education leaders aiming to navigate the complex terrain of institutional communication effectively.


    Read the transcript on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest


    Erin A. Hennessy 

    Erin, at TVP Communications, leverages her higher education expertise, policy knowledge, and understanding of leadership styles to develop internal communication plans and offer strategic counsel to senior leaders. She leads the agency's crisis communications and trains professionals in campus roles.


    Before TVP Comms in 2014, Erin worked at the American Council on Education, enhancing its media presence and supporting member institutions. Her higher education journey began at Drew University, where she was deputy chief of staff to Presidents Kean and Weisbuch, handling various responsibilities, including crisis response.


    Erin's background also includes roles as press secretary for U.S. Representative Frelinghuysen and in New Jersey Gov. Whitman's administration. A New Jersey native, she lived in Washington, D.C., for 15 years, earning a master's in communication from American University, and returned to New Jersey in 2021.


    About the Host

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


    The Change Leader’s Social Media Links



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    Increase Graduate School Enrollment through Strategic Enrollment Management

    Increase Graduate School Enrollment through Strategic Enrollment Management

    In this episode, Dr. Justin Grimes, founder and CEO of Stick With It and Apply to Graduate School, shares his expertise on enhancing graduate school enrollment through strategic enrollment management (SEM). Drawing on his extensive experience in higher education and diversity, equity, and inclusion in graduate education, Dr. Grimes offers practical strategies and insights for institutions looking to navigate and improve their graduate enrollment processes.


    Key Discussion Points:


    The State of Graduate Enrollment:

    ·      Recent reports show a 6.9% decrease in graduate enrollment over the past decade, with engineering experiencing a 16.1% drop.

    ·      This decline is notably significant among underrepresented minority and domestic students.

    Differentiating Recruitment and Enrollment:


    ·      A clear distinction between graduate admissions (reviewing applications and making enrollment decisions) and recruitment (actively attracting and engaging with prospective students). 

    ·      Effective recruitment involves orchestrated communication and marketing to a diverse group of potential students.


    Marketing, Sales, and Value Proposition:


    ·      Institutions must understand their value proposition and ensure public perception aligns with their identity.

    ·      Marketing strategies should target potential students and clearly communicate the benefits and outcomes of the graduate programs.


    Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM):


    ·      SEM is a comprehensive process to achieve optimal recruitment, retention, and graduation rates.

    ·      It encompasses marketing, recruitment, and admissions, considering the academic context of the institution.


    Stages of the Enrollment Funnel:


    ·      An outline of various student types in the enrollment funnel: Potential Students, Prospective Students, Applicants, Admitted Students, and Enrolled Students.

    ·      Each category requires tailored strategies and communication.


    Pathway Opportunities and Community Partnerships:


    ·      Establishing partnerships with community colleges, HBCUs, and other organizations can create seamless transitions for underrepresented students into graduate programs.

    ·      Examples include FUSE at the University of Georgia and the Graduate Feeders Program at Florida A&M University.

    Recruitment Strategies and Data:


    ·      Utilizing data to understand trends, gaps, and future directions is crucial.

    ·      Institutions should analyze their demographics, faculty representation, and peer comparisons to identify areas for improvement in diversity and inclusion.


    Differences Between Recruiting for Masters and Doctoral Students:


    ·      Master’s recruitment should focus on the immediate career benefits and ROI, while doctoral recruitment should emphasize research opportunities and expectations.


    Three Key Takeaways for Higher Education Presidents and Boards:


    1. Allocate student resources effectively to support areas crucial for student success, like counseling, childcare, and housing.

    2. Analyze data to identify equity issues, especially in funding, and understand recruitment trends.

    3. Develop a strategic plan to address recruitment needs, involving alumni, faculty, staff, and community partners.


    Final Thoughts


    This episode provides valuable insights for higher education leaders looking to enhance their graduate school enrollment strategies. Dr. Grimes' expertise offers a comprehensive understanding of SEM, emphasizing the importance of tailored recruitment, strategic partnerships, and data-driven decision-making in increasing graduate school enrollment.



    Read the transcript on our website



    About Our Podcast Guest


    Dr. Justin Grimes is a distinguished educator deeply committed to equity, social justice, liberation, storytelling, service, and healing. Raised in the dynamic community of Little Rock, Arkansas, his experiences have profoundly influenced his dedication to extending grace, fostering understanding, and addressing issues of injustice.


    Academically, Dr. Grimes holds a comprehensive educational background, including an undergraduate degree in Computer Information Systems with a Minor in African American Studies and a Master's in Workforce Development Education from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. He furthered his expertise by obtaining a Ph.D. in Counseling and Student Personnel Services (College Student Affairs Administration) from the University of Georgia.


    As the visionary founder and CEO of Stick With It, LLC, and Apply to Graduate School, Dr. Grimes spearheads an education and consulting enterprise that facilitates connections between individuals and organizations, offering insights and resources on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Graduate Education. His work assists individuals in navigating career and education decisions and provides strategies to propel them toward success.



    About the Host


    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed® podcast, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


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    #GraduateEnrollment #StretegicEnrollmentManagement #HigherEducation

    Changing Higher Ed
    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Key Regulatory Changes Impacting Higher Ed M&A

    Key Regulatory Changes Impacting Higher Ed M&A

    Recent changes in the Education Department's regulations are reshaping mergers and acquisitions in higher education. These regulatory modifications, coupled with new negotiated rulemaking, are affecting not only the dynamics of institutional changes but also the roles of accreditors and state authorization bodies​​.

    Drumm McNaughton welcomes Mike Goldstein, Managing Director of the Center for Higher Education Transformation at Titan Partners, to discuss significant regulatory changes in the field of higher education.

    Key Discussion Points:

    New Regulatory Landscape:

    • Exploration of the Department of Education's recent regulatory changes and their impact on higher education institutions' merger and acquisition activities.
    • The critical distinction between ownership and control in the context of these regulatory changes.

    Impact on Institutional Dynamics:

    • Insight into different models of mergers and acquisitions, illustrated through real-world examples.

    • Discussion on the economic challenges faced by private, non-profit institutions leading to increased merger and acquisition activities.

    Federal Government's Role and Intentions:

    • Analysis of the federal government's objectives in implementing these regulations, focusing on student protection and institutional accountability.

    Negotiated Rulemaking and State Authorization:

    • Discussion on the details of the new rulemaking process and its implications for accreditors and state authorization.

    • Mike Goldstein's perspective on the increasing scrutiny and expectations from regulatory bodies.

    Three Key Takeaways for Higher Education Presidents and Boards

    1.     Explore Mergers and Acquisitions When Beneficial

    If a school can benefit from merging with, being acquired by, or acquiring another institution in terms of its educational mission, community service, or finances, it should confidently consider such options.

    2.     Proceed with Caution and Strategic Partnership

    It is crucial to choose partners carefully. Institutions should merge or acquire only if it leads to mutual benefits such as scale, management efficiency, or program diversity. Avoid merging failing institutions as it only leads to a larger failing entity.

    3.     Ensure Professionalism and Meticulous Planning

    Mergers and acquisitions in higher education require sophisticated handling of legal, financing, and academic issues. Professional guidance is essential to navigate these complexities and to model successful institutional mergers.

    Final Thoughts

    As we navigate these pivotal regulatory changes, it's clear that their impact goes beyond mere compliance. These shifts represent a transformative moment in higher education, prompting institutions to rethink their strategies around mergers and acquisitions. The implications are profound, potentially reshaping the very fabric of higher education as we know it. Institutions must not only adapt to these changes but also seize the opportunities they present for innovation and sustainable growth.


    Read the transcript on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Michael Goldstein is the Managing Director of the Center for Higher Education Transformation at Titan Partners. Mike is a pioneer in the development of the legal environment in higher education and a counselor at the highest levels of legislation in higher education.

    He initiated the New York City Urban Corps, the first major intern program for less affluent students, funded through the Federal Work Study Program. This led to similar nationwide initiatives, supported by the Ford Foundation.

    In New York City government, Goldstein served as Assistant City Administrator and Director of University Relations, later joining the University of Illinois Chicago as Associate Vice Chancellor for Urban Affairs and Associate Professor of Urban Sciences. In 1978, he moved to Dow Lohnes law firm in Washington, DC, creating a new legal practice focusing on higher education.

    By 2014, under his leadership, this practice, now part of Cooley LLP, was one of the largest and most respected in the U.S. Goldstein pioneered alternative postsecondary education delivery methods, including significant reforms for online learning. He's received numerous awards for his contributions to adult learning.

    Goldstein, a Cornell University and New York University School of Law alumnus, also held a Loeb Fellowship at Harvard's Graduate School of Design.


    About the Host


    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


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    #NegReg  #HigherEdMergers #highereducation

    Changing Higher Ed
    enJanuary 16, 2024

    The State of EdTech: OPMs, Risk Planning, and Generative AI

    The State of EdTech: OPMs, Risk Planning, and Generative AI

    In this episode of Changing Higher Ed podcast, listeners will gain an insightful overview of how technology is reshaping the EdTech arena and the potential risks of the current state of OPMs.


    Dr. Drumm McNaughton discusses contemporary EdTech trends and predictions with Phil Hill, publisher of Phil on EdTech Blog and partner at MindWires LLC. They explore topics ranging from the recent changes in the OPM market due to enrollment, regulations, and cost of money, the potential transformations brought about by generative AI in higher education, to how universities can navigate the existential changes impacting them.


    Key Discussion Points

    EdTech Trends and Predictions: 

    • The recent shifts in the Online Program Management (OPM) market influenced by enrollment trends, regulations, and financial aspects.

    • The growing importance of technology in education, breaking down traditional departmental silos, and leveraging technology to create specialized programs catering to specific student needs.


    Significant Changes in the OPM Market:

    • Challenges facing major OPM providers like 2U, Pearson, Wiley, and Academic Partnerships, including financial crises and market exits.

    • The impact of these challenges on higher education institutions, particularly those heavily reliant on OPMs for their online offerings.


    Risk Management and Planning:

    • The essential role of enterprise risk management in navigating the current upheavals in higher education.

    • The need for institutions to develop internal capabilities to manage tasks traditionally outsourced to OPMs.


    Role of AI in Education:

    • The transformative potential of generative AI in education, moving beyond current models to potentially revolutionize content creation and delivery.

    • Challenges related to accreditation and quality assurance with the rise of personalized and dynamically generated educational content.


    Three Key Takeaways for Higher Education Presidents and Boards: 

    1. Embrace Existential Change: Recognize the current challenges as opportunities to innovate and reach new student groups.

    2. Humility in the Face of Generative AI: Acknowledge the transformative impact of AI and be prepared for continuous learning and adaptation.

    3. Breaking Down Silos: Foster collaboration both within and outside institutions to develop comprehensive solutions to emerging challenges.


    Final Thoughts

    This episode offers a rich and comprehensive overview of the current state and future prospects of EdTech. The insights shared by Phil Hill are invaluable for higher education leaders seeking to navigate the rapidly changing landscape.

    Understanding the trends, challenges, and opportunities discussed will be imperative for institutions aiming to stay ahead and mitigate risk in a technology-driven educational environment.


    Read the transcript and show summary on our website


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Phil Hill, publisher of Phil on EdTech Blog and partner at MindWires LLC.


    About the Host 

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed® podcast is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


    The Change Leader’s Social Media Links 


    #EdTech #OPMs #HigherEducation #GenerativeAI #StateofHigherEd

    AGB Board of Directors’ Statement: A Conversation with the EVP Mary Papazian

    AGB Board of Directors’ Statement: A Conversation with the EVP Mary Papazian

    In this episode, host Dr. Drumm McNaughton speaks with Dr. Mary Papazian, Executive Vice President of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges.

    They focus on higher education governance and discuss the significant "AGB Board of Directors’ Statement on Influences Impacting Governing Board Independence and Leadership." This document, a noteworthy publication in AGB's 110-year history and only the 13th such statement, addresses crucial issues in contemporary educational governance.


    Podcast Highlights

     "Without academic freedom and autonomy, higher education institutions cannot fulfill the vital role they play in our democracy and economy. The global competitive positions of our nature and society are in jeopardy if board oversight of academic freedom is diluted." AGB

    Key Discussion Points:

    • AGB’s Perspective on Board Roles: The dialogue begins with an examination of how boards should actively participate in governance, differentiating their role from that of university presidents in management.

    • Principles of Board Governance: Dr. Papazian unpacks the four fundamental principles of board governance: loyalty, care, obedience, and the preservation of institutional autonomy, particularly academic freedom.

    • Spotlight on Governance in Media: The discussion touches on the increased media attention towards board governance and its wider implications for higher education.

    • Strengthening Governance Practices: The importance of developing robust governance structures, especially before a crisis, and the role of AGB in aiding this development.

    • Academic Freedom - A Core Value: Comparing and contrasting the AAUP and AGB reports underscoring the critical role of academic freedom in American higher education.

    • Best Practices from the AGB Report: Insights into the latest AGB report, which offers guidance and strategies for institutions to uphold governance responsibilities.

    • Diversity in Board Decision-Making: Emphasizing the importance of diverse viewpoints in enhancing the quality of governance and shared decision-making.

    • Essentials of Good Governance: The conversation emphasizes the need for maintaining and adapting good governance practices to address various challenges.

    • Promoting Self-Assessment for Boards: The significance of regular board evaluations in sustaining and improving governance effectiveness.


    Three Key Takeaways for University Presidents and Boards:

    1. Fiduciary Duties as a Foundation: Reinforcing the core responsibilities of loyalty, care, and obedience in governance.

    2. Upholding Academic Freedom and Independence: Highlighting the necessity of board independence and academic freedom for the integrity of higher education.

    3. Supporting College Presidents: The critical role of boards in supporting university presidents, particularly in navigating complex situations.


    Final Thoughts

    The episode wraps up with an emphasis on the importance of informed and adaptable governance in higher education. McNaughton and Papazian advocate for proactive engagement and strong leadership to effectively address the evolving challenges in the sector.



    Read the transcript and extended show summary on our website →


    About Our Podcast Guest

    Mary Papazian, PhD, is the executive vice president of AGB. She has served as president at San Jose State University, Southern Connecticut State University, and as interim president of the Business-Higher Education Forum. She has served as board chair of the Business-Higher Education Forum, the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities, and the Mountain West Athletic Conferences. She has been a board member of the American Association of Colleges and Universities, the NCAA, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, and Haigazian University.


    About the Host 

    Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


    The Change Leader’s Social Media Links


    #AGBreport #BoardGovernance #AcademicFreedom #HigherEducation