
    Action Bronson On Touring With Eminem, Best Pizza In NYC, & His Infamous Tiny Desk Concert

    enDecember 12, 2023
    What does the speaker emphasize about pursuing passion?
    How did the speaker's experiences in music influence his views?
    What advice does the speaker give about dealing with pressures?
    Why is building trustworthy relationships important in the entertainment industry?
    How does the speaker define authenticity in music and life?

    Podcast Summary

    • Stay true to yourself and follow your passionsDoing things your own way, having a clear vision, and unwavering dedication to your passions can lead to great success.

      Following your passion and staying true to yourself is crucial for success. The speaker, a hip hop legend, emphasized the importance of doing things your own way and not being swayed by external pressures. He shared stories from his experiences in music and cooking, highlighting how staying committed to his passions led him to achieve great things. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having a clear vision and being a control freak in order to make things happen. He encouraged listeners to not be puppets, but rather the puppet masters in their own lives. The speaker's unwavering dedication to his passions, despite challenges and setbacks, serves as an inspiring reminder to stay true to oneself and pursue one's dreams with conviction.

    • Experiences evoke strong emotions and memoriesFood, as a form of art, can transport us to different places and times, evoking strong emotions and memories.

      For this individual, experiences, whether it be through music, food, or art, evoke strong emotions and memories. They have a rich and diverse background, leading to a wealth of comparisons and references. Food, in particular, is seen as a form of art that can transport you to different places and times. Cooking was even used as a way to impress a woman. The speaker's reactions to various stimuli, whether it be a phenomenal tiny desk concert or a delicious meal, demonstrate the power of emotion and memory in shaping our experiences. The artistry of culinary creations can evoke feelings just as effectively as a play or a symphony.

    • Growing up Albanian in New York CityDespite the challenges of learning Albanian and experiencing gang influence, the speaker remains deeply connected to his heritage and has visited Albania multiple times.

      The speaker grew up with a strong connection to Albanian culture, which is unique and distinct from other Balkan regions. He learned cooking and social customs from his grandmother and experienced the influence of Albanian gangs in New York City. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges of learning Albanian due to its unique language and history. Despite the difficulties, he expresses a desire to connect more deeply with his heritage and has visited Albania multiple times. The speaker also shares his past experiences of running errands and even selling goods during the war at a young age. In the present day, he is promoting his upcoming tour and encourages fans to purchase tickets directly from his website to avoid scalpers.

    • Navigating the Unsavory Side of the Entertainment IndustryBuild trustworthy relationships, learn to navigate legal disputes professionally, and stay determined in the face of unexpected challenges.

      The entertainment industry, particularly in music, can involve dealing with unsavory characters and situations. From the early days of hip hop, venues might be owned by local drug dealers, and promoters could try to undercut artists. However, building relationships with trustworthy individuals, like Dante Ross, who looked out for artists' interests, was crucial. Additionally, artists must learn to navigate legal disputes discreetly and professionally, as confrontations could lead to blackballing. The speaker, who comes from a background in the culinary world, applies this mindset to his career, focusing on his performances and leaving the rest behind. He shares his experiences of traveling to remote locations, including Alaska, and the unexpected challenges that came with them. Despite the obstacles, he remains determined and resilient, always moving forward.

    • Reflections on Basketball and Personal ExperiencesThey shared stories about basketball, including Charles Smith's missed layups, Michael Jordan's persona, and their own youth sports experiences. Despite differences, they bonded over their love for the game.

      The discussion revolved around personal experiences and opinions related to basketball, specifically Charles Smith's infamous missed layups, Michael Jordan's persona, and their own basketball backgrounds. Charles Smith's missed layups in the playoffs was a heartbreaking moment for some, and it sparked a conversation about their dislike for Michael Jordan and his uniforms. The conversation also touched on Oakley's legendary Gecko belt, his cooking skills, and their shared experiences playing various sports, including football and beach channel, in their youth. Despite their differences, they all shared a passion for basketball and reminisced about their past experiences. Another interesting revelation was their unconventional paths to obtaining their high school diplomas, with some opting for GEDs instead of traditional schooling. Overall, the conversation showcased their unique perspectives and shared love for basketball.

    • Wild experiences with cars and the lawDespite reckless behavior, speaker evaded serious consequences due to reputation and leniency of law enforcement, eventually obtaining a driver's license for simplicity

      The speaker has had a series of wild and unusual experiences in his life, including having his car stolen while he was buying lottery tickets, crashing a car after attempting to hit someone with a knife, and driving without a license for a significant period of time. Despite these incidents, he has managed to evade serious consequences due to his reputation and the leniency of law enforcement. However, he eventually decided to obtain a driver's license to simplify his life. The car theft incident was particularly memorable, as it occurred on the night before Brett Favre's debut with the New York Jets, and the stolen car was a brand new Hyundai Sonata. The speaker's reckless behavior and encounters with the law have been a consistent theme throughout his life.

    • Missing out on unique experiencesEmbracing new experiences can lead to growth and unforgettable moments, don't let fear or apathy hold you back.

      Sometimes refusing to do things we don't want to do, even if they seem inconvenient or insignificant, can lead to missing out on unique experiences and opportunities for growth. This was exemplified in the discussion about the speaker's reluctance to get pre-checked at the airport, which led him to miss the chance to hear a favorite hip-hop song and connect with its meaning. Additionally, the speaker shared stories of taking risks and trying new things, such as getting towed in on a jet ski during a hurricane, which resulted in unforgettable experiences. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of embracing new experiences and not letting fear or apathy hold us back.

    • Exploring the Unique Characteristics of WavesSurfing in the ocean and wave pools each provide unique experiences and benefits, with training in the pool playing a crucial role in preparation.

      Kelly Slater emphasizes the importance of experiencing waves in their natural environment, whether it's the ocean or a wave pool, as they each offer unique characteristics for surfing. Slater also emphasizes the role of training in the pool, which he considers as a gym and a crucial part of his preparation. The conversation also touched on their shared experiences with using performance-enhancing substances, which they described in graphic detail. It's important to note that using illegal substances is not condoned or recommended. Overall, the conversation highlights the dedication and commitment of surfers to their craft, and the lengths they go to in order to improve their skills and push the boundaries of what's possible on a wave.

    • Discussing legal gray areas and effective supplementsMomentus supplements boost focus and cognition, backed by science and used by pros. SeatGeek ensures ticket guarantees and easy returns.

      Unsanctioned sex work is a gray area in New York law, and when it comes to supplements, Momentus stands out as a reliable and effective choice for enhancing focus and cognition, backed by leading scientists and used by professional and college sports teams. Additionally, SeatGeek is a valuable tool for finding tickets to events, offering a buyer guarantee and easy ticket returns. The discussion also touched on the topic of strip clubs, with the consensus being that the right group and atmosphere can make for an enjoyable experience, but individual preferences and comfort levels vary.

    • The value of imperfection in Japanese cuisineAppreciate details and expertise, but also embrace imperfections for unique experiences in Japanese cuisine

      The pursuit of perfection can be limiting and overlook the value of imperfection. The speaker shares his experiences of encountering incredible dishes in Japan, where the focus on perfection can lead to an overlooking of the unique and imperfect. He emphasizes the importance of details and expertise, but also acknowledges the value of diversity and curiosity. The speaker admires the Japanese obsession with perfection, but also recognizes the importance of embracing imperfection and the unique experiences it can bring. He encourages appreciating the feeling and experience of a dish, rather than just its technical perfection. The speaker also shares his admiration for Japanese culture and their singular focus on mastering a craft. Overall, the takeaway is to appreciate the details and expertise, but also to embrace the imperfections and unique experiences that come with it.

    • A Surprising High School FightPhysical confrontations can be sudden and unexpected, but camaraderie and respect can follow.

      The speaker shares a vivid memory from high school involving a surprising and sudden fight that ended with a flying kick. This experience left a lasting impression on him and served as a reminder of the unexpected nature of physical confrontations. The speaker also expresses his enjoyment of fighting, but values the camaraderie and respect that comes after a fight. The conversation also touches on the impact of rap music and the importance of one-liners and humor in building connections with friends. It's clear that the speaker values both physical and verbal combat as means of self-expression and bonding. Additionally, the conversation reveals that the speaker is known for his rapping skills, but is also recognized for his work on a food show, highlighting the multifaceted nature of his public persona.

    • Appreciating Authenticity and Passion in Music and LifeThe speaker values authenticity and passion in music and life, seeking out unique and meaningful experiences, and strives to create and share resonating experiences with audiences.

      The speaker values authenticity and passion in both music and life experiences. He believes that rap and rappers can lack depth and interest, preferring to seek out unique and meaningful music and conversations. The speaker's own passion for rap and performing has sustained him throughout his life, allowing him to continue growing and evolving as an artist. He also appreciates the importance of surrounding oneself with talented and supportive individuals, as seen in his collaborations and the impact of his Tiny Desk performance. Ultimately, the speaker's goal is to create and share experiences that resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impression.

    • The Power and Impact of Live Music PerformancesLive music performances offer an unmatched human connection and energy that cannot be replicated electronically. Artists should strive to deliver memorable shows and engage with fans beyond the stage.

      The power and impact of live music performances cannot be replicated electronically. The speaker, who is a musician, emphasizes the importance of live instruments and the human connection they bring to music. He shares his experience of performing with a live band and the energy and emotion it evokes. He also mentions how some artists' performances can disappoint fans when they fail to deliver the same feeling live as they do in recordings. The speaker believes that the live experience is a crucial part of being a musician and creating a connection with audiences. He encourages artists to put on a memorable show and engage with their fans beyond the stage.

    • Logic's Generous Live PerformancesLogic is known for his energetic and generous live shows where he throws various items into the crowd, creating a unique connection with his fans.

      Logic, the rapper, is known for his energetic and generous live performances. He has a history of throwing various items into the crowd during his shows, from rapper joints to full barbecues and even a 70 inch TV. This behavior stems from his admiration for wrestling and the excitement it brings. Logic has given away numerous things throughout his career, creating a unique connection with his fans. From throwing chicken parms to a kid in a tree to ripping lamb legs off and tossing them into the crowd, Logic's live shows are a testament to his passion and dedication to entertaining his audience.

    • Music's Role in Significant MomentsMusic can impact our experiences, from labor to live performances, and Morgan & Morgan fights for injured individuals' fair compensation

      Music can have a profound impact on our experiences, especially during significant moments in our lives. The speaker shared a story about how different music played a role during her labor, from flute music that didn't help her son come out, to DMX's music that finally encouraged her son to be born. The speaker also expressed her admiration for live performances, whether it be music or speeches, and how they can get her hyped up. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of sports and the excitement of attending playoff games, with a mention of PrizePicks.com offering an opportunity to experience this by following their sports picks for four weeks in a row. Lastly, the importance of Morgan & Morgan as a law firm that fights for full and fair compensation for injured individuals was emphasized, with their fee being zero dollars unless they win.

    • Building businesses through unique interests and relationshipsSuccess in business comes from a deep connection with the people and products we work with, authenticity, and the ability to execute on our unique interests.

      Success in business, especially outside of entertainment, comes from unique interests, executing on those interests, and building meaningful relationships. Eddie Hall, a successful businessman and entertainer, shared his experiences in building businesses in the wine and olive oil industries. He emphasized the importance of feeling a connection with the people he works with and tasting the best products. Hall also discussed the importance of authenticity in his business ventures, showcasing moments of awkwardness and failure in his videos to make the content more relatable. In addition, he credited his long-time producer, Chris Grosso, for adding humor to his content through editing. Overall, Hall's success can be attributed to his curiosity, execution, and genuine connections.

    • Staying true to oneself and focusing on personal growthConfidence and authenticity are essential for pursuing passions and overcoming insecurities. Embrace judgments and focus on personal satisfaction, rather than seeking validation or trying to impress others.

      Confidence and authenticity are key to pursuing passions and overcoming insecurities. The speaker shares stories of awkward auditions and encounters with famous figures, but emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and focusing on personal satisfaction. He believes that trying to impress others or seeking validation can lead to disappointment and self-rejection. Instead, he encourages embracing one's judgments and knowing what one likes, rather than being a hater out of insecurity. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of staying true to oneself and focusing on personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Importance of authenticity and respect in music industrySpeaker values truthfulness, respects talent, respects own time and ethics, and only collaborates genuinely.

      Authenticity and respect are important values in the music industry, according to the speaker. They believe in being truthful about their feelings towards an artist's work and only collaborating when they genuinely respect and admire their talent. They also value their own time and ethics, refusing to compromise on either. The speaker shares that they have lied about their feelings in the past to avoid hurting artists' feelings, but they have since stopped doing so. They also express admiration for successful artists who have excelled in both their craft and business, such as Drake. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and only collaborating with those who truly deserve it.

    • Persuading with Passion and DeterminationPassionately presenting an idea and having faith in one's abilities can lead to success, whether it's persuading a business leader or engaging an audience.

      Passion and determination can lead to success when presenting an idea or performing in front of an audience. The speaker shares his experiences of persuading Adam Silver with a bold idea and the importance of going for it with full passion in a presentation. He also talks about the feeling of "the flip" in music performances when the audience goes from indifference to full engagement and support. The speaker emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities and having faith in one's abilities. Additionally, the speaker shares his experience of performing in front of small audiences early in his music career and how those experiences led to growth and fanbase. Finally, the speaker talks about the importance of taking risks and having fun, as seen in his experience with Vice Media.

    • Authenticity and passion in content creationWhen creators are true to themselves and their passions, they're more likely to produce high-quality content that resonates with audiences. Learning from predecessors and building on their work can lead to something new and meaningful.

      Authenticity and passion are key to creating successful content. The speaker expresses disappointment in the current trend of creating content around popular topics without a deep connection or love for the subject matter. He believes that when creators are true to themselves and their passions, they are more likely to produce high-quality content that resonates with audiences. The speaker's own experiences, from influencing food content trends to working on his own shows for a decade, illustrate the power of authenticity and passion in content creation. He also highlights the importance of learning from predecessors and building on their work to create something new and meaningful.

    • Finding joy and inspiration in past experiences with graffitiThe speaker's passion for graffiti fueled their creativity and desire to explore new experiences, leaving lasting impressions and inspiring them today.

      The speaker finds immense enjoyment and focus in the things they love, to the point where it doesn't feel like work. This passion is evident in their past experiences with graffiti, where they longed to leave their mark in iconic spots and reminisced about legendary moments. The speaker's need for visual and oratory stimulation drives their creativity and desire to explore new experiences. The discussion also highlights the speaker's fascination with the early graffiti scene and the iconic spots that held significance for the community. These moments of connection and creativity left lasting impressions on the speaker and continue to inspire them today.

    • A raw and unapologetic New York CityIn the late 90s and early 2000s, New York City was known for its seedy underbelly, profiteering newspapers, and heated debates on public access TV. The black Israelites were a notorious group, and the city was full of character and wild platforms like public access TV paved the way for podcasting and live streaming.

      New York City in the late 90s and early 2000s was a much different place than it is today. The speaker reminisces about the city's seedy underbelly, which was on full display during events like the Mardi Gras-style parties on 42nd Street and the Upper East Side. He recalls the profiteering of newspapers like the Village Voice, which printed classified ads for adult services before the rise of online platforms. The speaker also talks about public access TV, where anyone could create and broadcast their own content, leading to heated debates and arguments. The black Israelites were a particularly notorious group that could be found in Harlem, and the speaker recalls how they would target and argue with unsuspecting white girls. Public access TV was a precursor to podcasting and live streaming, and the speaker expresses nostalgia for the wild and unfiltered nature of these platforms. Overall, the speaker's stories paint a vivid picture of a New York City that was raw, unapologetic, and full of character.

    • Lessons from Unexpected ExperiencesUnexpected experiences, whether humorous or challenging, can teach valuable lessons and foster meaningful connections.

      Experiences, whether it's encountering unexpected situations or touring with musical legends, can provide valuable lessons and connections. The speaker shares anecdotes about his college roommates' unusual behavior and touring with Eminem, Kendrick, and J Cole. He learned the importance of having the right resources to fill a large stage and the significance of forming genuine connections, even if they start with a strong slap hug. The speaker also appreciates the nuances of different food pairings, like cold skim milk with chocolate chip cookies, and the impact of various cultural influences on preferences.

    • The Speaker Values Authentic Experiences and CreativityThe speaker appreciates the value of high-quality experiences, whether it's through food or other creative pursuits. He emphasizes the importance of finding authentic, unique experiences and values creativity and innovation, while acknowledging that Michelin stars can sometimes be overhyped.

      The speaker values high-quality experiences, whether it's through food or other creative pursuits. He appreciates the energy and learning that comes from working in a professional kitchen and being around people who are better than him. However, he also values creativity and innovation, and believes that Michelin stars can sometimes be overhyped. He emphasizes the importance of finding authentic, unique experiences, whether it's at a small, unknown restaurant or through personal connections. Ultimately, he values the intensity and pressure of creating something new and fresh, and the ability to express oneself through one's craft. He also touches on the importance of consistency in a restaurant, but acknowledges that too much restriction can stifle creativity.

    • Traditional experiences: Consistency and authenticity matterThe speaker values traditional experiences for their consistency, authenticity, old school atmosphere, career opportunities, and social aspects. He appreciates the sense of community and the ability to enjoy a decent cocktail, but draws the line at experiences involving genocide or excessive cleaning efforts.

      Consistency and authenticity are valued in traditional experiences, whether it's a steakhouse or a fine dining establishment. The speaker expresses a preference for establishments where the experience remains the same, as opposed to new and inventive changes. He appreciates the old school atmosphere and the career opportunities it provides, even if it means dealing with rough edges and potentially controversial aspects. The speaker also values the social aspect of these experiences, where one can hang out with friends and enjoy a decent cocktail. However, he draws the line at experiences that involve genocide or require excessive cleaning efforts. Overall, the speaker's preference is for traditional, authentic experiences that provide a sense of consistency and a sense of community.

    • Discovering the Favorites: Textures, Flavors, and Cultural Significance of CookiesParticipants shared their preferred textures, flavors, and cultural connections to cookies, highlighting the artistry and passion behind each unique creation.

      The group was discussing their favorite cookies and the textures, flavors, and cultural significance of each one. Some preferred a crunchy texture, while others enjoyed a soft and chewy consistency. The use of specific ingredients like vanilla paste and brown butter added to the unique characteristics of each cookie. Culture and personal experiences also played a role in their preferences, with some cookies reminding them of specific places or people. Overall, the group appreciated the artistry and passion behind each cookie, making every bite a memorable experience.

    • Exploring new culinary experiencesDiscovering diverse flavor profiles in various cuisines and experimenting with unconventional food combinations brings joy and freedom.

      Food is a fusion of cultures and traditions, and experimenting with new flavors and ingredients can lead to unique and delicious dishes. The conversation touched upon various restaurants in New York, including Red Hook Tavern, Lillia, and Lugers, as well as international cuisines like Thai, Indian, and Vietnamese. The speakers highlighted the use of diverse flavor profiles in these cuisines and the importance of respecting the authenticity of traditional dishes while also allowing room for innovation. A personal anecdote about a chicken cutlet sandwich with plantains and chocolate ice cream showcased the delight in exploring unconventional food combinations, even if they may be messy. Overall, the discussion emphasized the joy and freedom in discovering new culinary experiences.

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    Lil Yachty on Drake Beef, MrBeast Controversy, & Most Embarrassing DM

    Lil Yachty on Drake Beef, MrBeast Controversy, & Most Embarrassing DM
    YERRR we got Lil Yachty on the pod to show us the best DMs he ever sent to famous people, he explains why he wants so many kids, what his favorite kind of white kid is, & how he handled talking to Drake about the Kendrick beef. All that and more in this episode of Flagrant. INDULGE 00:00 Intro 00:49 Yachty meat pics + Flying them in anywhere but Australia 2:52 Yachty mom’s calls + we love all women but… 6:04 Belly button is your 1st mouth 7:14 If you write lyrics about men, is that gay? 9:29 We invited Mitch onto the podcast 10:34 Yachty can’t tell Whites apart 12:40 Becoming a father + caretaker for his friends too 17:19 Yachty Captain Planet clan 18:58 You’re allowed to pose + Whites love jerseys 20:43 Yachty has a white slave 22:33 Andrew explaining his content + wild hypothetical 28:16 Meat beat proficiency 30:06 We love the WNBA, Kysre especially + Boat hating 33:37 Yachty’s DM to Kysre + 100 off the court 38:36 Boat DMing all the Whites 41:34 Andrew’s worse DM + Mark’s BBL 48:11 Dr Umar + Jalen ain’t gonna be happy 51:22 Drake is that guy + Yachty’s regrets involvement 54:10 Songs leaking = inevitable + marketing too 56:29 “Poland” success + audience see through gimmicks 58:34 Boat collab with Coldplay + fav. Whites 1:01:45 “blow me like a cello” + everyone’s fault 1:04:12 Jay-Z would never, hookah, cigars & veneers 1:06:26 No butt play cos we might like it 1:08:35 Yachty doesn’t eat properly + can’t trust Dov 1:13:25 MrBeast is the GOAT + Boat to join the crew 1:17:10 Rihanna is a G + Yachty only just listened to Jay-Z 1:18:17 Drake is the man 1:20:43 Yachty loves Bobbi Althoff + Sketch too 1:23:56 Doja Cat + Boat understanding the internet 1:25:46 Showing love + memories of XXX 1:29:48 Ye’s wife + Drake back to acting? 1:32:59 Drake effect is real + doesn’t charge for a feature 1:36:56 Own clothing line + never felt boredom 1:39:44 Yachty’s skin routine + we’d do anything for Mitch 1:43:04 Wife with 0 v 100 bodies? White neighbour cookies 1:46:19 The White Party, White activities + we love Saucy Santana 1:51:06 Yachty wants to be in movies + Nolan’s openers

    Trump Survives & Kamala Harris Ends Democracy

    Trump Survives & Kamala Harris Ends Democracy
    YERRR We're back babyyyy! Came back with some HEAT this week after taking some time off. We break down the attack on Trump and the failures surrounding it. Talk about Biden stepping down and Kamala stepping up. Akaash recaps his awesome experiences at the Ambani wedding in India. & finally we get an excellent breakdown of Trump's new VP pick. All that and much much more. INDULGE. 00:00 The RANT 3:55 Patreon predicted this 5:54 Trump’s almost assassination 15:57 Too much information + FDR attempt 21:58 Crooks was ODD + stop and frisk weird white kids 30:43 Bring back the bike helmet, Andrew 31:15 Crooks’ last search + RNC was a banger 35:07 RFK leaks Trump call + Biden has tactical Covid??? 39:42 Kamala Harris is the safest pick 43:25 Democrats has gay branding 50:01 You more gay or racist? It’s all Elon Musk’s fault 1:00:46 Cricket is fire 1:03:21 Who is JD Vance? Peter Thiel is the best gay 1:12:02 VPs can’t overshadow the Prezzy + Debate economy 1:21:29 Trump outshining Teddy Roosevelt 1:25:06 US elections is reality TV + Diddy needs a bad shooter 1:29:40 The Ambani wedding was genuinely insane 1:44:42 Akaash 7/11 Convention clean performance 1:50:22 Indian living for part of the year + Goa’s the move 1:57:02 Crowdstrike fugged everything 1:59:42 We’re too used to historical events 2:03:51 Alexx at the gun range + Being Prezzy is dangerous 2:09:35 We didn’t mean to miss last week

    ShxtsnGigs on Cheating, Immigrant Parents, & Sucking Your Homie

    ShxtsnGigs on Cheating, Immigrant Parents, & Sucking Your Homie
    YERRR, ShxtsnGigs came through and told us some wild stories about cheating, explained to us what the Black girlfriend effect is, how to handle one night stands in the UK, and much much more. INDULGE! 00:00 We’re all Yoruba at Flagrant + Nigerians & their reputations 2:25 How does British culture see race? 4:04 Nigerians = poetic, James = Taters + OVHoes 9:22 British don’t care about royalty + we LOVED Princess Diana 13:40 Black girlfriend effect & Who do ShxtsNGigs prefer? 16:46 Where are the Pengest whites in UK? 17:50 We’re all British, US tryhard patriotism + Freedom 22:09 What does Britain care about? Showing a different side 26:15 Fuhad catching James cheating + fast friends 30:06 Dumbest thing James did at Uni + being toxic 34:20 Girls reaching out from the past + Eskimo brothers? 36:28 Fuhad was a dog, being less religious + Arabic phrases 41:28 Being compared to others 45:47 Fuhad resting his meat on the seat 49:44 James gonna need 4 strong sucks 54:51 I’d go to prison for you + influence on culture 1:02:08 First moment that really blew up 1:05:28 What does the live show look like? 1:11:50 Fuhad’s parents proud of him yet? 1:15:04 Having to self-censor 1:18:01 Never paid, we rinse them + tipping strippers 1:22:52 Girls’ nail colour, 1 night stand sl*gs + “that’s heinous” 1:28:50 Is it the accent or the novelty? Americans are friendlier 1:36:01 Stiff upper lip everywhere 1:40:01 Farthest you’ve travelled to smash a ting 1:43:10 Fuhad got everyone to fight for him 1:47:11 Would you let your friend smash in your bed? 1:56:20 We need more Nigerianisms 1:58:21 Only finding out about British colonialism

    Sketch Gay OnlyFans Revealed & Kendricks “Not Like Us” Video Reaction

    Sketch Gay OnlyFans Revealed & Kendricks “Not Like Us” Video Reaction
    YERRR, the Flagrant team reacts to Sketch's OnlyFans revelations; explain their weekend in the Hamptons with Lil Mabu; talk about Kendrick's new music video; and much much more. INDULGE 00:00 Sketch allegations 5:34 Is faking corn the new wave? We all want to be wanted 11:46 Straightest way being gay; where’s the line? ALEXX KNOWS TOO MUCH 17:30 Weezy is Flagrant’s fact-checker 19:10 Taylor Swift’s team lied to her? 37:27 Alexx pretends to be a rapper + Lil Mabu in the Hamptons 40:49 “Take it away” - Dov had FUN + Andrew’s Padel injury 47:41 Dov’s “injury”, Pavlov’s Molly + Vala was GURNING 50:30 Andrew & Miles got kicked out + Hot girls crashing the party 1:00:09 Andrew made it into the White party + Leo’s a loser 1:03:10 More fun with friends + White Party is male Met Gala 1:06:40 2 days of partying MAX 1:07:40 Akaash’s journey to redemption 1:14:06 Persecution drives community? 1:17:35 Kendrick Lamar “Not Like Us” video reaction 1:23:05 Drake as a popstar will be fine + flipping narratives 1:27:00 Drake the new Nelly? GOAT status + position now? 1:35:30 Drake EDM album on the way? 1:41:46 DJs are Switzerland + play ALL the music

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