
    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of Pandemic on Adolescent Mental HealthThe pandemic has highlighted the need for increased resources and awareness for adolescent mental health, with many facing unmet needs due to exponential waitlists and inconsistent legislation.

      The pandemic has had a significant impact on adolescent mental health, and there is a pressing need for increased awareness and resources to address this issue. The lack of uniformity in legislation regarding adolescent mental health in the United States, coupled with the exponential waitlists for mental health services, has left many adolescents without the necessary support during a critical developmental stage. The decrease in reported cases of child abuse during the pandemic is alarming, as it may indicate that many cases are going unnoticed. Adolescents have reported feeling disengaged from their education and struggling with mental health issues such as suicidal thoughts, self-injurious behaviors, psychotic symptoms, and dissociation. Early intervention and treatment are crucial for adolescents with psychiatric conditions, and schools need to prioritize increasing their training and awareness of adolescent mental health issues.

    • Addressing Adolescent Mental Health Issues: A Family AffairOpen dialogue, cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, and recognizing genetic predisposition are essential for addressing adolescent mental health issues. Be aware of potential indicators like addiction to technology and disrupted family dynamics.

      Adolescent mental health is a growing concern worldwide, affecting various forms of mental health issues, from depression and anxiety to more complex conditions like pediatric bipolar disorder and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. The impact on families can be significant, leading to disrupted family dynamics and even hospitalizations. Open dialogue within families is crucial for addressing mental health issues, especially since children may not have the vocabulary or verbal skills to express their feelings. Behaviors like addiction to social media, sexting, and pornography can also be indicators of underlying mental health issues. The best treatment approaches often involve a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and medication. It's essential to recognize that mental health issues are not contained and can have far-reaching consequences. Additionally, certain disorders, such as bipolar disorder, have a higher genetic predisposition. Identifying the specific mental health condition is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan.

    • Differentiating Bipolar Disorders in Children: Importance of Neuropsychological EvaluationNeuropsychological evaluations help distinguish between bipolar disorders, recognize hypomania vs mania symptoms, address safety concerns, and access specialized care for adolescents.

      When considering psychotropic medications for a child, it's crucial to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation to differentiate between various types of bipolar disorders. Hypomania symptoms last up to 4 days, while mania symptoms last a week or more, and manic episodes can last for months followed by severe depression. Additionally, adolescent bipolar disorder may present with a lack of empathy and a propensity for violence. Parents should always prioritize safety and seek professional help if there are concerns about suicidality. When children are hospitalized, it's primarily for stabilization, not treatment. Parents dealing with multiple children with mental health issues may find it challenging, and specialized care for adolescents is available. However, children may struggle with telehealth due to distractions and privacy concerns, especially if their home environment is not supportive. Always prioritize safety and seek help from mental health professionals when dealing with mental health concerns in children.

    • Effectiveness of telehealth therapy for adolescentsTelehealth therapy can work for some adolescents, especially those with established therapist relationships. However, in-person sessions may be better for first-time clients due to behavioral observations and potential disclosures. The therapist's ability to observe nonverbal cues is crucial in understanding a child's mental health.

      Telehealth therapy can be effective for adolescents who have already established a relationship with a therapist, as they are more likely to open up and share important information during sessions. However, for those starting therapy for the first time, in-person sessions may be more beneficial due to the importance of behavioral observations and the potential for unintended disclosures during testing or casual conversation. The art of therapy involves creating an environment where children feel comfortable sharing sensitive information, which can be challenging in a telehealth setting. The therapist's ability to observe nonverbal cues and notice subtle details, such as clothing choices, can provide valuable insights into a child's mental health. The Explosive Child by Ross Greene is a recommended resource for dealing with behavioral issues in children and adolescents. Overall, the success of telehealth therapy depends on the unique circumstances of each child and the skill of the therapist in adapting to the virtual environment.

    • Caregivers' crucial role in managing adolescent mental healthCaregivers play a vital role in managing adolescent mental health by enforcing consequences, promoting open dialogue, and setting boundaries. Early intervention is crucial for addressing potential mental health issues, such as bullying and cyberbullying, which can significantly impact self-esteem.

      Caregivers play a crucial role in managing adolescent mental health, as they have the power to enforce consequences. However, sticking to these consequences can be challenging when dealing with behavioral dysregulation. Adolescent mental health is a relevant and rising issue, affecting the majority of psychiatric conditions, and can lead to inward and outward destruction, including substance abuse. Open dialogue within the family structure is essential, and caregivers must safeguard their children's developing sense of self and set boundaries when necessary. Bullying and cyberbullying can significantly impact children's self-esteem, and negative words can have a disproportionate effect on our identities. As caregivers, we give too much control to others in shaping our identities, but with children, we have more power to intervene early and notice signs of potential mental health issues, such as increased isolation or irritability.

    • The Effects of Social Media on Adolescents' Mental HealthParents should monitor their children's social media use, ensure devices are turned off before bedtime, and promote family connections to safeguard adolescents' mental health and wellbeing.

      The use of social media and excessive screen time by adolescents can have negative effects on their mental health and wellbeing. It's essential for parents to be vigilant and maintain open dialogue with their children about their online activities. The research suggests that electronic devices should be shut off 90 minutes before bedtime to ensure a good night's sleep. Parents should also have access to their children's social media accounts to ensure their safety. The concept of friendship among adolescents has changed, and a large number of online connections do not equate to genuine friendships. The impact of being unliked or unfollowed can be significant, leading to feelings of sadness, despair, and even suicidal thoughts. Parents can use techniques like the Sunday evening dinner technique to promote family connectedness and open communication. Overall, it's crucial to safeguard adolescents from the potential harm of social media and encourage healthy screen time habits.

    • Encouraging open communication in families for mental healthDiscuss mental health openly during family dinners, consider various treatments, and seek comprehensive testing for better understanding and support.

      Maintaining open communication within families is crucial for addressing mental health issues, especially in today's fast-paced world where certain problems may not be openly discussed. Rudolf Dreikurs' student expanded on Adler's work by introducing the Sunday evening dinner technique, which encourages open dialogue among family members, allowing them to discuss concerns and receive support. While not every family may choose to use medication or genetic testing, these options can provide valuable insights for those struggling with mental health issues, particularly when other treatments have been ineffective. As mental health resources remain scarce, it's essential for parents to actively engage in seeking answers and consider comprehensive neuropsychological testing to better understand their child's unique needs. Despite the challenges, the ultimate goal is to alleviate suffering and provide the best possible support for those dealing with mental health concerns.

    • Early intervention for adolescent mental healthAddressing mental health issues early on can improve treatment effectiveness. Seek information, join waitlists, and stay involved in your child's care.

      Addressing adolescent mental health issues early on can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment. The speaker recommends getting on wait and cancellation lists, and being an active part of your child's treatment team. It's important to ask questions and seek information from reputable sources, rather than relying on unreliable online resources. Early intervention can help "nip it in the bud," and can lead to better outcomes. Whether it's family therapy, individual therapy, or a combination, finding the best treatment provider is crucial. Remember, every child is unique, and their mental health journey requires individualized care and attention. Stay informed, stay involved, and don't hesitate to reach out for support.

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    To find out more about Dr. Liz’s Sleep Better, Feel Better Online Group, visit https://bit.ly/sleepbetterfeelbetter


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    A problem shared is a problem halved.In person and Online hypnosis for healing and transformation. Schedule your free consultation at https://www.drlizhypnosis.com.

    Listened to in over 140 countries, Hypnotize Me is the podcast about hypnosis, transformation, and healing. Certified hypnotherapist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Dr. Elizabeth Bonet, discusses the research behind hypnosis, interviews professionals doing transformational work, and talks to individuals who have had hypnosis. Free hypnoses are also given from time to time. If you're interested in learning more about the magic of hypnosis, psychotherapy and mindfulness, this is the perfect place to feed your fascination!

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    HM233 The One Hour Miracle with Dr. Andy Hahn

    ***Please note that this episode talks about violence and intense themes such as death, suicide, dissociation, and abuse.

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    Get the book at:  https://amzn.to/3v5Saez

    Listen to Andy’s first interview:  https://www.drlizhypnosis.com/episode189

    Or see the video at:  https://youtu.be/ODcqHOKwC84

    About Dr. Hahn

    While Dr. Hahn’s strong foundation and significant experience in traditional psychology has served his clients well, he has been untiring in his effort to better understand what is going on for people so that he could better help them live more contented and healthier lives. This calling for greater understanding, as well as certain experiences which he could not fully comprehend within the confines of traditional Western paradigms, led him on a search for answers that opened him to the worlds of Buddhist and Eastern Psychology; Mystery Trainings; and Depth, Archetypal and Spiritual Psychology.

    Today, Dr. Hahn has a private practice in Waltham, MA; speaks, teaches and leads trainings and healing groups internationally; and continues his effort to better understand what is going on for people so that he can better help them live more contented and healthier lives.

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    Do you have Chronic Insomnia? Find out more about Dr. Liz’s Better Sleep Program at https://bit.ly/sleepbetterfeelbetter


    See more about Dr. Liz and get Free hypnosis files at http://bit.ly/drlizhypnosis

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    A problem shared is a problem halved. In person and Online hypnosis for healing and transformation. Schedule your free consultation at https://www.drlizhypnosis.com.

    Listened to in over 140 countries, Hypnotize Me is the podcast about hypnosis, transformation, and healing. Certified hypnotherapist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Dr. Elizabeth Bonet, discusses the research behind hypnosis, interviews professionals doing transformational work, and talks to individuals who have had hypnosis. Free hypnoses are also given from time to time. If you're interested in learning more about the magic of hypnosis, psychotherapy and mindfulness, this is the perfect place to feed your fascination!

    Thank you for tuning in! Please subscribe to auto-download new episodes to your listening device.

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    • Will it Work for you?

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    Setting goals creates a sense of happiness and hope! The Dreambook Planner (affiliate link) is Dr. Liz’s favorite planner! They sell dated and un-dated versions so you can start anytime of the year. Pick yours up at:  https://dragontreeapothecary.com/?ref=c9r2pkp0qhw  

    To find out more about Dr. Liz’s Sleep Better, Feel Better Online Group, visit https://bit.ly/sleepbetterfeelbetter


    See more about Dr. Liz and get Free hypnosis files at http://bit.ly/drlizhypnosis

    Search episodes at the Podcast Page http://bit.ly/HM-podcast

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    A problem shared is a problem halved.In person and Online hypnosis for healing and transformation. Schedule your free consultation at https://www.drlizhypnosis.com.

    Listened to in over 140 countries, Hypnotize Me is the podcast about hypnosis, transformation, and healing. Certified hypnotherapist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Dr. Elizabeth Bonet, discusses the research behind hypnosis, interviews professionals doing transformational work, and talks to individuals who have had hypnosis. Free hypnoses are also given from time to time. If you're interested in learning more about the magic of hypnosis, psychotherapy and mindfulness, this is the perfect place to feed your fascination!

    Thank you for tuning in! Please subscribe to auto-download new episodes to your listening device.

    At Ease Mindfulness Framework

    At Ease Mindfulness Framework

    To honor Mental Health Awareness Month, I'll be sharing different insights and approaches to help you cultivate greater mental and emotional awareness. Because it's not what we think and feel that's necessarily troublesome, it's how we relate to what we think and feel.

    In this week's episode I talk about the importance of incorporating mindfulness into our day-to-day life, and offer you a framework to practice bringing a conscious awareness to your experience. And if you want to learn more about this model and how to integrate mindfulness into your life, sign up to receive the six-day At Ease: Mobilizing Mindfulness mini-course for FREE!

    • Awareness of mind/body/breath.
    • Trust in my effort and the practice.
    • Explore thoughts and feelings nonjudgmentally
    • Accept what is in the here and now.
    • Stillness over striving to be elsewhere.
    • Evaluate the present experience with a beginner’s mind.

    Looking to further your mindfulness practice? Check out the Mental Events mindfulness journal. It’s dedicated to examining the workability of the mind’s proposed solutions to problems, and offers an opportunity to step back from giving over your life to negative thoughts.


    Watch this video to learn more about Mental Events Therapy.

    Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of online therapy with Mental Events.


    As always, we’d like to hear from you. Send your questions via email - hello@mentalevents.com. Connect with Mental Events on social media and share your comments about the show on Instagram @mentalevents, and on Facebook @mentaleventstherapy.