
    Advanced Sales Technique to Get Over "Decision Maker" Obstacle | Ep 202

    enMay 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Using labels to overcome decision-making obstaclesLabeling involves attributing a positive trait to someone and associating it with a desired action, making them more likely to take that action. Use ethically to motivate and encourage.

      Effective communication and labeling can help overcome decision-making obstacles, particularly in the context of selling or persuading someone in a transactional sale like fitness. The technique of labeling involves attributing a positive trait to someone and associating that trait with the desired action. People tend to reinforce positive attributes, making them more likely to take the action associated with the label. This technique can be used ethically to motivate and encourage, but it's essential to use it responsibly. I first learned about this technique in psychology class and later from Frank Kern in a sales training session. A personal example of using labeling in a non-sales situation is when someone is praised for their work ethic and success, leading them to associate those positive attributes with the action of consistently reaching out to potential clients or gym members. By acknowledging and reinforcing someone's positive traits, you can help them overcome decision-making obstacles and take the desired action.

    • Labeling someone positively builds rapport and consistencyPositive labeling during conversations can establish rapport, build trust, and increase the likelihood of a yes response. Ask open-ended questions confidently and maintain a positive tone.

      Labeling someone with a positive attribute during a conversation can help establish consistency and build rapport, especially in selling situations. Chad Skreeshoo's example of overcoming the decision-maker obstacle illustrates this effectively. By acknowledging a person's strength and confidence in making decisions, we create a positive association that they want to maintain. The key is to ask open-ended questions, such as if they're the decision-maker, in a confident and non-pressuring tone. People generally want to maintain consistency and avoid appearing inconsistent, so they're more likely to say yes. The way we ask questions and deliver our message also matters. For instance, using a positive and confident tone can increase the likelihood of a yes response. Conversely, a negative or doubtful tone can decrease it. Therefore, it's crucial to be mindful of our tonality when communicating, especially during sales conversations.

    • Effective communication involves more than just the words we useUsing the right tone and phrasing can influence response and build rapport, while emphasizing the importance of helping others can make a big impact.

      Effective communication involves not only what we say, but also how we say it. By using the right tone and phrasing, we can influence the other person's response and build rapport. In the given example, the speaker uses a confident and empowering tone to encourage the woman to take charge of her health, while also labeling her as a strong and confident woman. This not only reinforces her identity but also makes it less likely for her to challenge the suggestion at the end of the call. Moreover, the speaker emphasizes the importance of helping others by rating, reviewing, and sharing the podcast, which can make a significant impact on entrepreneurs and their businesses. Overall, the way we communicate can have a powerful effect on the outcome of our interactions.

    • Approach objections with curiosity and understandingMaintain a neutral tone, avoid defensiveness, and set clear expectations to keep sales interactions smooth and effective

      During sales interactions, it's essential to maintain a neutral and light-toned conversation when dealing with obstacles or objections. Proving yourself right or getting defensive can lead to losing the sale. Instead, approach objections with childlike curiosity and understanding. Avoid bringing up past discussions or accusations of dishonesty, as this can make the customer feel disrespected and unwilling to continue the conversation. Remember, the goal is to keep the conversation going smoothly and make the customer feel comfortable, as if it's just a conversation and not a high-pressure sales situation. Additionally, setting clear expectations at the beginning of the call, such as asking for a decision by the end, can help avoid unnecessary obstacles and keep the sale moving forward.

    • Acknowledge and appreciate customer's qualities or beliefsLabeling builds rapport and confidence by acknowledging and appreciating customer's qualities or beliefs, creating a positive preframe for the sale and helping to establish trust and mutual respect.

      During sales interactions, using the technique called labeling can help build a strong connection with the customer and create a positive preframe for the sale. Labeling involves acknowledging and appreciating the customer's qualities or beliefs, making them feel valued and understood. By using this technique, salespeople can establish rapport and confidence, making it easier to guide the customer towards making a decision. This technique can be particularly useful when dealing with customers who may be hesitant or uncertain, as it helps to build trust and establish a sense of mutual respect. So, next time you're in a sales situation, try using labeling to connect with your customer and create a positive sales experience.

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    Expert action steps:

    1. Set your outcomes daily. An outcome is about what’s possible, what you want, and how you can get it. At the start of your day, imagine getting back in to bed full of gratitude for having a successful day. List your accomplishments and imagine how easily they came together.
    2. Be flexible, shift your perspective and consider things from other people’s view points.
    3. Observation. Being able to separate fact from fiction. Take time to listen to people and confirm their meaning or the actual situation.
    4. Go to MindBridge Training to find many more resources.


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    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------


    (0:00:00) - Sales Essentials and Effective Communication

    (0:14:23) - Being Human in Sales

    (0:21:46) - The Importance of Collaboration in Sales





    (0:00:00) - Sales Essentials and Effective Communication (14 Minutes)


    Knowing your product, preparation for conversations, and the use of efficiencies like LinkedIn are essential fundamentals of sales. Building credibility and asking the right questions are important for success. Building meaningful relationships and using virtual selling techniques to win business in today's environment are also key. Taking an outside in perspective when having a business-level conversation with buyers is essential.


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    Link to Rana’s Book – Sales Essentials


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    Visit www.ActiveMgmt.com.au
    Email: info@activemgmt.com.au
    Phone: +61 2 9484 5501
    Twitter: @JTActiveMgmt