
    Advice for New Developers, Imposter Syndrome and Interviewing at Google

    enOctober 11, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Learning from Experiences and Insights of DevelopersStay updated with latest developments, learn from errors, and embrace async/await for easier error handling and better code flow in JavaScript.

      New developers can benefit from a variety of advice as they embark on their programming journey. In this episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott share their own experiences and insights, as well as advice from their Twitter community. Wes recently updated his ES6 for Everyone course to include the latest features in ES7, ES8, and ES9, highlighting the game-changing impact of async/await on JavaScript development. Meanwhile, Scott is excited about the upcoming Google Pixel phone event and the start of the NHL season. They also discuss the importance of good error handling and the ease of use and visual clarity that async/await provides. Additionally, Wes recently released stickers for his course, which caused a bit of a delay but ultimately arrived successfully. Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and the excitement of staying up-to-date with the latest developments in programming.

    • Embrace the mindset of a forever studentSuccessful people stay open to new technologies and changes in their industry, and dedicate time to continuous learning.

      Having the right mindset is crucial for continuous learning and growth in any field. The people who succeed don't focus on their perceived lack of skills, but rather embrace the opportunity to learn and dedicate time to it. Be open to new technologies and changes in your industry, as they are inevitable. Embrace the idea of being a forever student and being comfortable with the constant evolution of your field. Remember, even the most skilled individuals were once beginners, and they continued to learn and adapt throughout their careers. So, keep an open mind, be willing to learn, and embrace the uncertainty that comes with it.

    • Adapting to new skills in techBeing adaptable and persistent are essential for success in learning new skills in tech. Transferable skills and a strong foundation are crucial, and not getting discouraged is key.

      Being adaptable and persistent are key to success in learning new skills, especially in the tech industry. The discussion highlighted the example of developers who transitioned from ActionScript to JavaScript when the former began to decline. These developers were able to adapt by transferring their skills to a new API and continued to excel. The speaker also emphasized the importance of not getting discouraged by the learning process or using personal limitations as excuses. Instead, individuals should focus on their unique strengths and how they can be leveraged to overcome challenges. The comparison was drawn to breakdancing, where having a strong foundation is essential, and the same principle applies to learning new skills. Overall, the ability to adapt and persist in the face of challenges is crucial for growth and success.

    • Mastering the basics of web developmentFocusing on fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript leads to long-term success and smoother growth in web development career

      Having a solid foundation in the basics of web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is crucial for long-term success in the field. Neglecting these foundational elements can lead to frustration and the need to re-learn them later in your career. It's important to focus on building a strong foundation before diving into more advanced topics or frameworks like React or Vue. Understanding why you use certain techniques and having a deep knowledge of the underlying concepts will save you time and make your growth smoother in the long run. Even if you find yourself tempted to use pre-built solutions like Bootstrap, it's worth taking the time to learn the fundamentals first. These foundational elements form the backbone of your career and will enable you to adapt to new technologies and trends more easily. So, take your time to master the basics and watch your skills and confidence grow.

    • Stay Open-Minded to New TechnologiesKeep an open mind when learning new technologies and give them a chance before forming strong opinions. Even widely-used technologies have their merits and can enhance our work.

      When learning new technologies or approaches in programming, it's important to keep an open mind and give it a chance before forming strong opinions. The speaker shares his experience of seeing people write off technologies immediately due to their initial unfamiliarity, and how they may be missing out on potential benefits. He also mentions his own past experiences of dismissing new ideas, such as React, only to later realize their value. By staying open-minded and understanding the whole scope of a technology, we can form more informed opinions and broaden our skillset. As the speaker notes, even widely-used technologies like WordPress or React have their merits, and it's worth exploring them to see how they can enhance our work.

    • Expanding your mind and closing the 'taste gap'Consistent effort and dedication are necessary for growth. Incremental improvements lead to significant progress over time.

      Continuous learning and improvement are key to growth, whether it's in coding or any other field. The speaker emphasized the importance of expanding one's mind and being open to new ideas, as well as the need to put in consistent effort to bridge the gap between current abilities and desired outcomes. Using the example of Ira Glass and the concept of the "taste gap," the speaker emphasized that closing this gap requires dedication and hard work, and that incremental improvements made every day can lead to significant progress over time. Instant gratification and quick results are tempting, but true growth takes patience and persistence. The speaker also shared the example of Chris Coyer and CSS Tricks to illustrate the long-term benefits of consistently building an online presence.

    • Consistency is key to long-term content successConsistently producing content daily, even if uncertain, leads to significant growth over time. Use tools like FreshBooks for efficiency.

      Consistency is key to achieving long-term success in creating content, whether it be a blog or a YouTube channel. The speaker shared examples of individuals who gained large followings by consistently producing content, such as writing CSS blog posts every day or creating weekly video tutorials. The speaker emphasized that while being a good writer or knowledgeable in a specific area helps, it's the daily effort and consistency that leads to significant growth over time. The speaker also mentioned the importance of using tools like FreshBooks to make invoicing and communication with clients more efficient and organized. In summary, to get somewhere in your career or in building an online platform, you must start and consistently put in the work every day, even if you're unsure or uncomfortable at first.

    • Experiment and learn through coding platforms, teaching others, and attending meetupsExperiment with coding platforms, share knowledge, teach others, and attend meetups to deepen understanding and grow as a developer

      Learning to code effectively involves getting your hands dirty and experimenting, even if you make mistakes. Platforms like CodePen provide a wealth of inspiration and opportunities to try new things. Don't be intimidated by complex projects or wait to be an expert before putting yourself out there. Instead, share your knowledge and grow as a developer by teaching others. Explaining concepts to someone else can deepen your understanding and help eliminate foundational misunderstandings. Starting small, like answering questions on Stack Overflow or writing a blog post, can be an excellent way to begin your coding journey. Additionally, attending meetups focused on coding can provide valuable learning experiences and opportunities to connect with other developers. Remember, the process of learning to code is about growth and continuous improvement, not perfection.

    • Teaching others boosts your own learningExplaining concepts to others deepens understanding, finds projects that engage, and starts with a solid foundation.

      Teaching others can significantly enhance your own learning experience. Whether it's volunteering at local coding workshops or participating in online communities, explaining concepts to others can help you better understand common challenges and improve your own skills. Additionally, finding projects that excite and engage you can lead to deeper learning and a more enjoyable experience. Starting with a solid foundation, such as using pre-existing templates or themes, can also help alleviate frustration and make the learning process more manageable.

    • Overcoming challenges in coding and life with persistence and self-confidenceRecognize past accomplishments, trust in abilities, and embrace learning to overcome challenges in coding and life

      Persistence and self-confidence are key to overcoming challenges in coding and other areas of life. The speaker shared their experience of creating their first WordPress website, where they lacked the necessary technical knowledge but still managed to achieve their desired outcome by using a pre-existing theme and tweaking its visual styles. They also discussed the imposter syndrome, a common feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt that can affect individuals at any stage of their career. The antidote to imposter syndrome, according to the speaker, is recognizing and celebrating past accomplishments as proof of one's abilities and potential. Additionally, they emphasized that it's normal to feel intimidated by new challenges or opportunities, but employers often look for candidates with a strong learning attitude and soft skills. So, trust in your abilities, take pride in your past achievements, and embrace the learning process.

    • Importance of soft skills and continuous learningSoft skills like empathy, teamwork, communication, and business acumen are crucial for successful hires. Aim for jobs slightly above your skill level for growth and overcome imposter syndrome. Push yourself beyond comfort zone but not overwhelmed. Utilize developer community and take on challenging projects for personal development.

      Being a well-rounded developer goes beyond just having technical skills. Soft skills like empathy, teamwork, communication, and business acumen are equally important for a successful hire. Additionally, aiming for jobs that are slightly above your current skill level can lead to significant growth and help overcome imposter syndrome. It's essential to push yourself beyond your comfort zone, but not to the point of being overwhelmed. The developer community can be a valuable resource for learning and growing, and taking on challenging projects can lead to valuable experiences and personal development.

    • Embracing Failure for GrowthFailure is a natural part of growth, especially when pushing past imposter syndrome. Learn from experts, acknowledge gaps in knowledge, and persist with a growth mindset to overcome challenges and build confidence.

      Failure is a natural part of growth, especially when dealing with imposter syndrome. It's okay to take on projects or jobs that are above your current skill level, even if you ultimately fail. The experience gained and the opportunity to learn from experts in specific areas can lead to personal growth and new opportunities. Additionally, acknowledging what you don't know and being open to learning from others can help fill gaps in your knowledge and build confidence in your expertise. Finding your niche and becoming an expert in a specific area can also lead to confidence and opportunities for growth. Ultimately, persistence, open-mindedness, and a growth mindset are key to overcoming imposter syndrome and continuing to learn and improve.

    • Believe in your abilities and keep learningEmbrace opportunities to learn and grow, even when faced with challenges or impostor syndrome, to increase confidence and unlock new opportunities

      No matter what your current level of knowledge or experience is, you have the potential to learn and grow, even in the face of challenges or impostor syndrome. During our conversation, we touched on various topics, including hitting your wagon (career) to a star (new learning or skills), the importance of confidence in job interviews, and overcoming impostor syndrome. It's essential to believe in your abilities and not let a lack of knowledge in one area negatively impact your confidence. Instead, embrace the opportunity to learn and grow, whether it's through blogging, YouTube videos, or on-the-job training. And remember, even if you don't get the job you're interviewing for, the experience can lead to new opportunities and a boost in confidence. So, keep learning, keep growing, and never let impostor syndrome hold you back.

    • Embracing challenging experiences for growthChallenging experiences can lead to valuable skills and personal growth. Don't be afraid to tackle new projects or opportunities, even if they're scary or uncertain, as they can open up new doors and lead to career advancement.

      Challenging experiences, even if they don't result in the desired outcome, can lead to valuable opportunities and personal growth. The speaker shared a story about a Google interview where they felt nervous and uncertain, but ultimately learned new skills and gained confidence. They also emphasized the importance of being open to new experiences and opportunities in the tech industry, as jumping around from role to role can lead to career advancement. Even if an interview doesn't result in a job offer, it can still provide valuable learning experiences and open up new doors. So, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and tackle big, scary projects or opportunities – you might be surprised by the positive outcomes.

    • Learning from job interviews and personal growthJob interviews offer opportunities for skill improvement, confidence building, and potential career advancement. Keep learning and adapting to the job market.

      Every job interview, whether or not you end up accepting the offer, presents an opportunity for personal growth and potential career advancement. Even if you don't need the job, going to interviews can help improve your interviewing skills, build confidence, and potentially lead to unexpected job offers and financial gains. It's important to remember that the job market is constantly changing, and what worked in the past may not be the best approach for newcomers today. Additionally, communities like CodeNewbies offer valuable resources and support for those learning to code. My "sick pick" for this week is the Nintendo Switch, a versatile gaming console that allows for a balanced work-life routine while enjoying high-quality games.

    • Nintendo Switch: A Gaming Experience for AllThe Nintendo Switch offers a versatile gaming experience, from RPGs to casual games, and unique fonts can make design projects stand out.

      The Nintendo Switch offers a unique blend of gaming experiences, from classic RPGs to casual golf games, making it an excellent choice for both hardcore and casual gamers. The speaker shared his personal experience of enjoying games like Zelda and Golf Story on the Switch, which he finds comforting and low-stress. He also emphasized the importance of using unique fonts in design projects, suggesting exploring independent font sellers like Creative Market and Lost Type for ornate and distinctive fonts to make designs stand out. The speaker's background in gaming, from Intellivision to PlayStation, highlights his long-term appreciation for the medium, even if he doesn't engage in it intensely. Overall, the Nintendo Switch and the use of unique fonts in design are the speaker's recommendations for enhancing gaming experiences and design projects, respectively.

    • Exploring Design and Development Tools: Lost Type, Figma, and Syntax FMDiscover pay-what-you-can fonts on Lost Type for web projects, enhance JavaScript skills with ES 6 course, collaborate and prototype with Figma, and engage with Syntax FM community for development tips.

      Both Lost Type and Figma are valuable tools for creatives and developers. Lost Type is a website that offers pay-what-you-can fonts, many of which are web-ready. The speaker highly recommends the ES 6 course for those interested in JavaScript development and has updated it to include the latest features. Figma, on the other hand, is a new design application that combines elements of Sketch and Google Docs, allowing for real-time collaboration and prototyping. The speaker is excited about the new team libraries feature and recommends the Mastering Figma course for those interested in learning this versatile tool. Additionally, the speakers encourage listeners to engage with the Syntax FM Twitter account to share and receive tips for various topics related to development.

    • Explore programming trends and insights with Syntax.fmListen to Syntax.fm for valuable discussions on programming syntax and industry trends, subscribe and leave a review to support the creators.

      If you're interested in programming, particularly syntax and the latest trends in the industry, you should check out the Syntax.fm podcast. With a rich archive of shows available, you can learn from the hosts' discussions and insights on various topics. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast in your preferred player and leave a review to support the creators. Keep listening for valuable information and stay updated on the latest developments in the world of programming. Head to syntax.fm to start exploring the vast array of episodes. Until next time, happy learning!

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