
    After Show With Zach Gardner

    enNovember 30, 2023

    About this Episode

    Zach Gardner: Digitally Transforming a Call Center with Cosmos and SignalR



    • Can you introduce yourself?
    • Where are you located?
    • Do you get to code these days?
    • How do you learn and stay up-to-date on the new stuff?
    • What's the inspiration behind your "60 Second Architecture" videos on LinkedIn?
    • Do you remember what your first technical presentation was?
    • When did you start to get into Azure?
    • What is the background story for the presentation you gave?
    • What would you like to add or remove from your presentation?
    • Do you have any tips for people learning Azure, SignalR or Cosmos?



    Recent Episodes from Boston Azure Podcast

    After Show With Zach Gardner

    After Show With Zach Gardner

    Zach Gardner: Digitally Transforming a Call Center with Cosmos and SignalR



    • Can you introduce yourself?
    • Where are you located?
    • Do you get to code these days?
    • How do you learn and stay up-to-date on the new stuff?
    • What's the inspiration behind your "60 Second Architecture" videos on LinkedIn?
    • Do you remember what your first technical presentation was?
    • When did you start to get into Azure?
    • What is the background story for the presentation you gave?
    • What would you like to add or remove from your presentation?
    • Do you have any tips for people learning Azure, SignalR or Cosmos?



    Boston Azure Podcast
    enNovember 30, 2023

    After Show With Deepthi Goguri

    After Show With Deepthi Goguri

    Deepthi Goguri: Azure SQL Security Concepts



    • Can you introduce yourself?
    • How do you like blogging (and inspiration behind it)?
    • How hard was it to become a Microsoft Certified Trainer?
    • How long have you been a Database Administrator?
    • What do you think about all the software job opportunities in the US vs. India?
    • Do you have any hobbies outside of technology?
    • Any favorite podcasts?
    • What was the first presentation you gave?
    • When did you start your Azure journey?
    • What's the background behind your presentation?
    • Was there anything you wanted to add to the presentation that you didn't get to?
    • Where there any questions you were expecting to be asked that weren't asked?
    • What tools do you use?
    • Any final tips or advice for people learning Azure Security or SQL Azure?



    After Show With Arindam Mitra

    After Show With Arindam Mitra

    Intro of podcast


    Arindam Mitra: Map Azure DevOps Runtime Variables to Terraform Input Variables


    • Can you introduce yourself?
    • Where was your favorite place you've traveled and what was the favorite thing you did there?
    • When did you start blogging?
    • How do you seek out your presentation opportunities?
    • Do you feel like you get better by presenting?
    • What drove you to start using Azure?
    • Do you have any advice for people who are getting into Azure?
    • What's the background behind your presentation?
    • Was there anything you wanted to add to the presentation that you didn't get to?
    • Where there any questions you were expecting to be asked that weren't asked?
    • Any final tips or advice for people learning DevOps and Terraform?



    After show with Carlos Lopez

    After show with Carlos Lopez

    Intro of podcast


    Carlos Lopez: Working with Azure SQL for Azure DevOps



    • How did you first get involved with user groups?
    • What was your first presentation?
    • How did you start presenting all over the world?
    • How big are the SQL Saturdays in Guatemala?
    • Besides community events, what do you like to do for fun?
    • Do you remember when you first got started with Azure?
      • What was your experience and what drove you to it?
    • How did you get into working with databases?
    • Is there a backstory behind the presentation you gave the other night?
    • Was there anything you didn't get to include in your talk that you wanted to?
    • Were there any questions that weren't asked that you were hoping would be?
    • Do you have any final tips or advice?



    After show with Vaibhav Gujral

    After show with Vaibhav Gujral

    Intro of podcast experiment


    Vaibhav Gujral: Running Kubernetes in Azure using AKS



    • How did you get involved with the Azure User Group there? Was is easy to get involved in the local Azure community?
    • What do you like most about your community work? And is it worth it?
    • Besides work and Azure community events (and certifications), what do you like to do for fun?
    • When did you get into learning Azure?
    • What's your thoughts on the differences between AWS and Azure?
    • What's the story behind your presentation on AKS? Is there a backstory?
    • Was there anything you wanted have in the presentation that you didn't get to add?
    • Do you prefer presenting in person or virtual?
    • Where there any questions you were expecting to be asked that weren't asked?
    • Any final thoughts or tips about AKS?

