
    Afternoon Briefing Tuesday 19th September

    enSeptember 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Accountability and Consequences: Awareness and ActionRecognizing past mistakes and taking responsibility can lead to positive change, while neglecting accountability can result in severe consequences, as seen in Russell Brand's YouTube channel, the Sara Sharif murder trial, and the increase in potentially dangerous consequences in schools.

      Accountability and consequences are crucial, whether in business or personal matters. In the news, Russell Brand's YouTube channel was taken down due to allegations of past sexual misconduct. Georgina Bailey, a former partner of Brand's, encouraged victims to come forward and make amends. Meanwhile, three family members are facing trial for the murder of 10-year-old Sara Sharif. The number of schools with potentially dangerous concrete structures has increased, and the government is pushing for mandatory safe staffing levels in various sectors, including healthcare. These stories highlight the importance of acknowledging past actions and ensuring safety and accountability for all.

    • Strikes prioritize life-threatening issues, aging population calls for better strategyDoctor strikes prioritize emergencies, aging population needs better management strategy, eco-friendly Mother's Day gifts from Osea, look for no-brainer business decisions

      The ongoing strike by consultants and junior doctors, while causing delays and cancellations in non-time-critical services, ensures that life-threatening issues are addressed during the Christmas period. Meanwhile, the aging population in the UK is growing rapidly, with a 127-fold increase in centenarians since the last century, leading to calls for a better strategy to manage this demographic shift. In other news, Roger Whittaker, a renowned British folk singer, passed away last week at the age of 87. This Mother's Day, consider gifting or treating yourself to Osea's limited edition, eco-friendly skin care sets. The brand, founded and led by women, offers two sets designed to provide spa-like results at home. Lastly, when making business decisions, look for the no-brainers to ensure the best outcomes for your company.

    • Streamline mailing and shipping processes for businessesStamps.com is an indispensable tool for businesses to handle mailing and shipping tasks efficiently, connect with major marketplaces and shopping carts, and access the cheapest and fastest shipping options from USPS and UPS. Sign up for a 4-week trial with free postage and a free digital scale.

      Stamps.com is an essential tool for businesses requiring frequent mailing and shipping. This platform streamlines processes, making businesses more efficient and less busy. With Stamps.com, businesses can mail checks, invoices, legal documents, and other essential items. The platform seamlessly connects with major marketplaces and shopping carts, allowing for easy scheduling of package pickups and access to the cheapest and fastest shipping options from USPS and UPS. The Stamps.com mobile app enables users to handle mailing and shipping tasks from anywhere. Over a million businesses have already made the same decision, and new users can sign up for a 4-week trial, plus free postage and a free digital scale, with no long-term commitments or contracts. In summary, Stamps.com is an indispensable solution for businesses seeking to simplify their mailing and shipping processes and save time and money.

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    Ep. 26 - Summitt - Admit Your Mistakes

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    For more information to help you on your road to becoming your best, check us out at SlamDunkSuccess.com or email me at scott@slamdunksuccess.com.

    As always, our background music is "Dance in the Sun" by Krisztian Vass.


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