
    AI and Coding - Is Github Co-Pilot Worth It?

    enSeptember 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Ethical, Security, and Cost Concerns of AI Tools in CodingAI tools in coding raise ethical, security, and cost concerns, emphasizing the importance of considering their impact on skills and staying informed about new technologies.

      Artificial intelligence (AI) tools in coding are becoming increasingly popular and raise ethical, security, and cost concerns. Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski, from Syntex, discussed these topics while also exploring alternative AI coding options beyond GitHub Copilot. They emphasized the importance of considering the implications of using such tools and their impact on developers' skills. Sponsors Sentry and Sanity were featured in the episode. Sentry offered a free conference, Decks by Century, where developers can learn to improve workflow productivity. Sanity, a structured content platform, was highlighted for its image pipeline, which allows users to transform images in various ways using simple URL parameters. The hosts also shared their enthusiasm for the sponsors, with Wes jokingly commenting on Sentry's sandwich analogy for deploying new code and Scott praising Sanity's image pipeline capabilities. Overall, the discussion underscored the significance of staying informed about new technologies and their potential implications for developers.

    • GitHub Copilot: A Revolutionary AI Tool for CodingGitHub Copilot suggests code snippets and completions in real-time, generating mixed reactions, raises ethical concerns, and has a monthly fee of $10.

      GitHub Copilot is a revolutionary artificial intelligence tool for coding, which suggests code snippets and completions in real-time based on the context of what you're writing. Users have mixed reactions, ranging from being amazed by its accuracy and speed to finding it irrelevant or even detrimental to their development skills. The ethical implications of GitHub Copilot are a subject of debate, as the model was trained on open-source code, and not all licenses allow for such use. Despite these concerns, the tool has become increasingly popular, and its monthly fee of $10 has raised questions about its value. Overall, GitHub Copilot represents a significant advancement in coding assistance, but it also raises important ethical and practical considerations.

    • GitHub: Benefits and Ethical ConcernsWhile GitHub offers benefits for open-source collaboration, it raises ethical concerns and security issues. Consider individual needs and priorities when deciding whether to use it.

      While GitHub, as a platform, has its benefits such as open-source collaboration and ease of use, it also raises ethical concerns and security issues that users need to consider. The speaker acknowledges the benefits of GitHub but also expresses concerns about the potential misuse of publicly available code and the security of storing code on a third-party platform. Despite these concerns, the speaker personally does not feel overly worried about them. However, for those who prioritize security and control over their code, alternative platforms may be preferred. It's important to weigh the benefits against the potential risks and make an informed decision based on individual needs and priorities. Additionally, the speaker touches on the topic of AI-generated content and its potential impact on jobs, but the conversation doesn't delve deeply into this topic.

    • AI tools like GitHub Copilot can be seen as 'rocket boosters' for developersThese advanced AI tools can help developers write code more efficiently and perform at a higher level, but affordability may create a divide and ethical implications need further exploration.

      GitHub Copilot and other AI-based tools are becoming increasingly advanced, raising concerns about job displacement in the tech industry. However, instead of being a threat, these tools can be seen as "rocket boosters" that help developers perform at a higher level and write code more efficiently. The affordability of these tools may create a divide between those who can pay for them and those who cannot, but there are ways for developers to access them for free, such as contributing to open-source projects. Ultimately, these tools are meant to assist developers, not replace them, and the focus should be on how they can be used to enhance productivity and creativity. The conversation also touched upon the ethical implications of AI in the workplace, but further discussion is needed to fully explore this topic.

    • Productivity Tools: Worth the Investment?The speaker believes productivity tools are worth the investment if they save time or improve workflow, but acknowledges the potential cost and the importance of evaluating their value.

      The speaker values productivity tools like Sky, but he's mindful of their cost and considers whether they truly provide enough value to justify the expense. He acknowledges that it's easy to accumulate numerous subscriptions, leading to a significant monthly bill. However, if a tool saves him time or improves his workflow, he believes it's worth the investment. The speaker also dismisses concerns that using productivity tools makes him less capable, as he sees them as tools to enhance his skills rather than crutches. Ultimately, the speaker's decision to use or abandon a productivity tool depends on its ability to help him work more efficiently and effectively.

    • A helpful companion during coding processGitHub Copilot can help complete code and suggest comments, increasing efficiency, but it's important to understand the suggested code and be able to explain it to others.

      GitHub Copilot, while not a perfect tool for learning code, can be an efficient and sometimes even helpful companion during the coding process. It can complete code and even suggest comments, making the coding process faster. However, it's important to understand the code it suggests and be able to put your name to it. Additionally, it can sometimes get in the way during the thinking and commenting process. Overall, it's a tool that can aid in efficiency and productivity but should not replace the importance of understanding the code and being able to explain it to others. It's also a fun tool to experiment with and can sometimes surprise with its accuracy and complementary suggestions.

    • AI coding companions are revolutionizing software developmentAI tools like GitHub Copilot, Tab 9, Kite, and Amazon Code Whisperer are using machine learning to provide auto-completion suggestions, improving productivity and accelerating application development

      GitHub Copilot, along with similar tools like Tab 9, Kite, and Amazon Code Whisper, are revolutionizing software development with their machine learning-based auto-completion features. These tools learn from the codebase and writing styles of developers, providing recommendations that can significantly improve productivity. Among these, GitHub Copilot is currently considered the best, but competitors like Tab 9 and Kite are also highly regarded. The entry of big tech companies like Amazon into this space is expected to bring more innovation and competition. While there are concerns about privacy and trust, the potential benefits of these tools in accelerating application development are significant. It will be interesting to see how these tools evolve and if they will eventually become integrated into no-code platforms, potentially marking a new starting line for software development. I recently tried Amazon Code Whisperer and was impressed by its suggestions using Amazon S3 buckets. Overall, these AI coding companions are in their "cute stage," offering assistance and learning from developers, but their potential to transform the industry is undeniable.

    • Impact of Latest Web Technologies on Web DevelopmentRust, Tailwind CSS, and WebAssembly offer exciting possibilities for web development but their impact is still uncertain.

      During this episode of Syntax, the hosts discussed the potential impact of the latest web technologies on web development. They explored the possibilities of using Rust for web development, the advantages of using Tailwind CSS, and the potential of WebAssembly. However, they also acknowledged that it's still early days, and their opinions are subject to change. They encouraged listeners to share their thoughts and experiences with these technologies on Syntax's social media channels. The hosts concluded by thanking their audience for tuning in and reminded them to check out Syntax's full archive and subscribe to their podcast for more informative discussions on web development.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:20 Who is Brian Holt?
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    • 12:03 A perception that SQLite is intended for single users.
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    Brian: Trainer Road
    Marco: Tennis

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    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

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    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

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    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

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    Before we go, let's stay connected on social media. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter by searching for Tony The Closer or following the links in the show notes. Your support and feedback mean the world to me, so please feel free to reach out, engage, and let me know your thoughts on the show.

    Until next time, remember to keep pushing forward, embrace the grind, and Get Yo Ass Up!

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