
    AI's Impact on Media Asset Management for Studios, Sports Teams, Churches and Content Creators

    enJune 09, 2024
    What is the role of AI in media asset management?
    How does Excel AI assist users with storage?
    Why are traditional storage methods no longer sufficient?
    What challenges did organizations face before AI in MAM?
    What industries benefit most from AI in media management?

    Podcast Summary

    • Media Asset Management with AIMedia Asset Management (MAM) systems with AI capabilities enable organizations to efficiently store, categorize, and find media assets, especially in the fast-paced world of social media. AI technology provides valuable features like transcription, face recognition, and scene understanding to make content tagging and location quicker.

      Media asset management (MAM) has become a crucial topic due to the massive increase in video and digital asset production and storage. Traditional methods of storing data, such as hard drives or cloud storage, are no longer sufficient as the volume of content grows rapidly. MAM systems enable organizations to store, categorize, and find their media assets efficiently, especially in the fast-paced world of social media. Excel AI is a company that specializes in this area, allowing users to scan their existing storage, create low-resolution proxies, and search for files from anywhere. AI technology plays a significant role in MAM, with capabilities like transcription, face recognition, object recognition, logo recognition, and scene understanding, making it easier to tag and locate content quickly. While AI's ability to understand context is still improving, it can already provide valuable features like transcripts and the ability to jump to specific moments in the content. Overall, MAM systems with AI capabilities are essential for managing the vast amounts of media and digital assets being produced today.

    • Video library managementAI revolutionized video library management by enabling automatic transcription and tagging, making it easier for organizations to quickly find and share relevant content in real-time.

      Before the advent of AI, organizations with large video libraries struggled to effectively manage and tag their footage due to the time-consuming and labor-intensive process. This was particularly true for industries such as news organizations and sports teams, where the need to quickly find and share relevant content became increasingly important with the rise of social media. However, without adequate metadata or tagging, finding specific footage was a challenge, and most organizations only grouped their content by day. This all changed with the arrival of AI, which made automatic transcription and tagging possible, enabling organizations to quickly find and share the exact sound bites they needed to engage with their audiences in real-time. Today, this is especially important for industries such as politics, sports, and religion, where the ability to respond to current events and trends is crucial for staying relevant and competitive.

    • Content Analysis and Micro-TargetingAdvanced technology enables targeted content analysis for effective marketing and media monitoring through real-time, cost-effective, and privacy-focused solutions using open-source frameworks and capabilities like object categorization, time domain analysis, and speech recognition.

      Technology has revolutionized the way content is analyzed and utilized, particularly in the realm of micro-targeted marketing and media monitoring. Years ago, content was broadcasted in a one-size-fits-all manner, but today, companies and organizations can use advanced software to slice and target specific content based on various criteria, such as logos, speech, and objects. This technology is not only limited to media and entertainment industries, but also used extensively in government, sports, and corporations for marketing campaigns. Moreover, the technology behind this analysis is heavily driven by open-source frameworks, such as PyTorch and OpenCV, and includes capabilities like object categorization, time domain analysis, and speech recognition with high-quality transcription. The use of these technologies allows for a more effective and efficient way of delivering the best results to customers while maintaining a reasonable cost. Additionally, the software operates in real-time on a per processing unit basis and can be run on-premise for data privacy and cost-effectiveness. The ideal use case is for customers with tens of terabytes of data or more, as the cost of storing and analyzing data in the cloud can be quite expensive. Overall, the use of advanced technology for content analysis and micro-targeting is a game-changer in various industries, providing valuable insights and opportunities for effective marketing and media monitoring.

    • Media data size and cost-effectivenessFor smaller teams or projects, cloud solutions can be cost-effective for media data management. For larger media organizations, on-premise solutions offer advantages like privacy, customization, and cost-effectiveness, especially with the development of advanced AI models for media management.

      The size of media data plays a significant role in determining whether on-premise or cloud-based solutions are more cost-effective. For smaller teams or projects involving a few terabytes of data, cloud solutions like iCloud with a pay-as-you-go model can be a good option. However, for larger media organizations dealing with petabytes or more of data, on-premise solutions offer the advantages of privacy, customization, and cost-effectiveness. The development of on-premise AI models has enabled advancements in media management, including face recognition, object and logo recognition, OCR, scene understanding, and sports highlights. However, the most challenging aspect for AI in media management remains the ability to understand the broader context and deeper meaning of content. Despite progress in language models and physics modeling, true machine intelligence is still elusive. The media industry as a whole is cautious about AI due to concerns over job displacement and potential misuse of data. However, the use of AI for media search is seen as an unmet need, offering significant benefits with minimal downsides.

    • AI in SportsAI is transforming sports by providing valuable insights and making the fan experience more engaging, but it's important to distinguish between marketing gimmicks and truly transformative uses of AI.

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a buzzword or a trend, but a fundamental shift in technology that is here to stay. The use of AI is rapidly increasing across various industries, and the barriers to entry are dropping as AI becomes more accessible to the masses. At this year's technology show, a particular AI solution received overwhelming interest, with over 400 visitors expressing their unmet need for it. While there are concerns about the potential disruptive nature of AI, the speaker believes that the benefits outweigh the downsides. The impact of AI is compared to that of electricity and the internet, as it is expected to infiltrate every aspect of our lives over the next decade or two. However, it's important to note that not all uses of AI are equal. Some organizations may be using AI as a marketing gimmick, while others are using it in a transformative way. The speaker acknowledges that there is a risk of a bubble or overshooting expectations, but ultimately believes that the long-term impact of AI is significant. In the context of sports, AI is currently able to recognize on-field actions and extract useful information. However, it does not yet have a fully causal understanding of the game's plot. For less common sports or sports without readily available data feeds, it may be necessary to train a model specifically for that sport. Overall, the use of AI in sports is expected to provide valuable insights and make the experience more engaging for fans.

    • AI competitionStaying competitive in AI requires industry expertise and application-specific solutions, as well as keeping up with the latest developments through various resources and expertise.

      The field of AI is rapidly advancing with numerous innovations and investments, making it a challenging yet exciting landscape for startups. The CEO of a company founded in 2018 discussed the initial challenge of pioneering the technology and facing skepticism, but now faces the issue of competition from larger tech companies and the potential commoditization of their offerings. To stay competitive, the focus is on industry expertise and application-specific solutions, rather than developing core technology. Keeping up with the latest AI developments requires constant effort and resources, but the open-source nature of the field also offers opportunities for collaboration and learning from others. The accelerating pace of innovation in AI is unprecedented, and the CEO emphasized the importance of staying informed through various resources and expertise to make informed decisions.

    • AI innovation and sustainabilityConsider feasibility and sustainability of new AI technologies before implementing them, stay informed, and embrace diversity of preferences and ideas in the rapidly evolving world of AI.

      The field of AI is rapidly evolving, and it's important to consider the practicality and longevity of new technologies before investing in them. Sam, a guest on the AI Experience podcast, shared his experience of encountering numerous promising AI solutions that were later rendered obsolete due to the fast pace of innovation. He emphasized the importance of evaluating the feasibility and sustainability of new technologies before implementing them, as well as being open-minded and adaptable to change. Another interesting point Sam raised was the philosophical question posed by a previous guest, Krotasi of Adam Amad, regarding pineapple on pizza. Despite his personal dislike for pineapple on pizza, Sam acknowledged the importance of catering to diverse preferences and the beauty of the world's diversity. Looking ahead, Sam posed a question for the next guest: "What is your answer as to how many years it will take to achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and why?" This question is significant as AGI is a game-changer that could revolutionize various industries and aspects of our lives. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying informed, evaluating new technologies critically, and embracing the diversity of preferences and ideas in the ever-evolving world of AI.

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