
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Impact of CSS Grid with Wes BossCSS Grid revolutionizes web design with versatile and innovative layout options, thanks to its creator's father's contributions and widespread browser support.

      CSS Grid, a new addition to CSS, offers innovative ways to layout websites. Wes Boss, a podcast guest and web developer, shared his excitement about this topic. He mentioned that his father, Bert Boss, played a significant role in the development of CSS Grid. While Wes found this connection amusing, he emphasized the importance and versatility of CSS Grid in modern web design. Scott Zelensky, the podcast host, discussed his experience with CSS Grid, having worked on it for over a year and a half. They touched upon browser support and the importance of understanding the fundamentals as well as practical applications of CSS Grid. The podcast also featured a sponsor, Save A Bro, selling T-shirts to raise funds for prostate cancer research in the spirit of Movember.

    • Learning CSS Grid for Modern Web DesignCSS Grid is a new layout engine for creating complex grid systems with minimal code, replacing external grid systems. It allows slicing elements into grids, controlling grid items, and eliminates the need for additional libraries.

      CSS Grid is a new layout engine in browsers that allows creating complex grid systems with minimal code, replacing the need for external grid systems. Web developers can slice an element into a grid of columns and rows, determining their size and how elements inside span them. This fundamentally changes the way we layout websites and requires learning, but the advantages make it worth the effort. CSS Grid is a massive topic, but understanding the basics, such as creating a grid and controlling grid items, is essential for most use cases. Instead of manually sizing children inside a block div, we can now take a parent container, set it to display: grid, and define the tracks for rows and columns. This grid system is versatile, allowing for dynamic and responsive designs, and eliminates the need for additional grid system libraries.

    • Grid vs Flexbox: Choosing the Right Layout ToolGrid offers 2D layout control, Flexbox aligns items in rows or columns, both have overlap, choose based on specific use case, understand strengths for effective web designs

      CSS Grid and Flexbox serve different purposes in web design, with Grid offering a 2-dimensional layout system for controlling both horizontal and vertical placement of elements, while Flexbox is a 1-dimensional system primarily used for aligning items in a row or column. Grid provides more flexibility for complex layouts, but both tools have significant overlap, and the choice between them depends on the specific use case. While there are general guidelines for when to use each, there is still much to learn, and both tools can be used interchangeably in many situations. Ultimately, the key is to understand the unique strengths of each and use them effectively to create visually appealing and functional web designs.

    • Choosing Between Flexbox and CSS GridFlexbox is simpler for one-dimensional layouts, while CSS Grid is for complex, multi-dimensional designs. Learn from resources like CSS Tricks and Grid by Example, and gain hands-on experience to master these essential web design tools.

      Both Flexbox and CSS Grid are powerful layout tools in CSS, each with their own strengths. Flexbox is great for simpler layouts where you don't need to explicitly define a grid, while CSS Grid is more suitable for complex layouts with multiple dimensions. The choice between the two depends on the specific use case and the designer's familiarity with each. When it comes to learning these tools, resources like CSS Tricks and Grid by Example are excellent starting points. These websites offer comprehensive guides with visuals and examples to help learners understand the properties and concepts. Hands-on experience is also crucial, so practicing building layouts using these tools is essential. Bike shedding, or excessive focus on trivial details, can be a common complaint when it comes to choosing between Flexbox and CSS Grid. However, as the speaker notes, over time, there will likely be a de facto way to use each tool for specific layouts. In summary, Flexbox and CSS Grid are essential tools for modern web design, each with their unique advantages. By learning from comprehensive resources and gaining hands-on experience, designers can master these tools and create effective, visually appealing layouts.

    • Learning CSS Layouts with CSS Grid and FlexboxCSS Grid and Flexbox are essential tools for creating responsive layouts in CSS, with CSS Grid offering a unique grid-based approach and Flexbox providing automatic layout adjustments.

      CSS Grid and Flexbox are popular resources for learning CSS layouts, with CSS Grid Garden being a game-like resource and Flexbox Froggy being a more interactive one. CSS Grid, created by Wes Bos and others, offers a unique way to learn by placing items in a grid and spanning them across rows and columns, called tracks. However, it doesn't automatically adjust the layout of items like in a Pinterest-style masonry layout. For that, CSS columns or a combination of CSS Grid and Flexbox with a wrap property can be used, but they have limitations. Rachel Andrew and Jen Simmons are influential figures in the CSS Grid community and have provided numerous resources and examples to help understand its capabilities. While CSS Grid and Flexbox are powerful tools, they may not be able to fully replicate certain layouts without the use of JavaScript.

    • Using CSS Grid for complex grid-based designsCSS Grid automatically places items based on size, but setting layout mode to 'dense' can fill every available space. However, it's not supported in all browsers.

      CSS Grid is a powerful layout system that can help you create complex grid-based designs. By default, CSS Grid will automatically place items on the grid based on their size, but if you want to fill every available space, you can set the layout mode to "dense." This will cause CSS Grid to try and fit larger items into smaller spaces, effectively filling in any gaps. However, it's important to note that CSS Grid does not have a polyfill, meaning it may not be supported in all browsers. Currently, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and iOS Safari all support CSS Grid, but older versions of Internet Explorer do not. If you need to support older browsers, you may need to consider alternative layout solutions.

    • Considering browser compatibility for all usersProvide a decent experience for older browsers through progressive enhancement, like float-based or Flexbox layouts, while focusing on user experience rather than browser limitations.

      While the global usage of certain browsers like IE 11 is low, it may still be significant for specific audiences. Therefore, it's crucial to consider all browsers, including those that don't support advanced features like CSS Grid, when designing websites. The solution is to provide a decent experience for these users through progressive enhancement, such as recoding for older browsers like IE 11 using alternative layouts like float-based or Flexbox. However, it's essential to know your audience and their browser usage to determine the level of accommodation required. The good news is that as browser support for advanced features continues to grow, the need for extensive browser compatibility testing will decrease. So, instead of focusing on browser limitations, let's focus on providing a good user experience for all, regardless of the browser they use.

    • Investing in CSS Grid for modern browsersModern browsers support CSS Grid, making it beneficial for most websites. Write code assuming CSS Grid is used, and add fallbacks for progressive enhancement.

      CSS Grid is a powerful tool for designing and developing websites, and it's worth investing time in writing CSS Grid code, even for smaller user bases, because modern browsers will simply ignore unsupported features without causing errors. This means that developers can write their code with the assumption that CSS Grid is being used, and write fallbacks for specific features as needed for progressive enhancement. Additionally, the statistics show that the vast majority of web users are on modern browsers, so the benefits of using CSS Grid outweigh the potential costs. A fun and charitable way to support this cause is by purchasing a t-shirt from Save A Bro, with all proceeds going to the Movember Foundation to fight prostate cancer. The t-shirts are high quality and affordable, making it a win-win situation.

    • CSS Grid: A Flexible and Powerful Layout ToolCSS Grid simplifies design and positioning with precise placement and spanning, but lacks animation support

      CSS Grid offers a flexible and powerful way to design and position elements on a webpage, allowing for precise placement and spanning of items across the grid. This can replace the need for absolute positioning and its associated challenges. However, there is currently limited support for animating CSS Grid, which can be a drawback for those who enjoy working with browser animations. Overall, CSS Grid provides a wealth of new techniques and tools for creating visually appealing designs, making it an exciting development for designers and developers alike. Shout out to Benjamin DeCock, a designer at Stripe, for his contributions to the CSS Grid community and his tasty design treats on Twitter.

    • Flip Animations: Smooth Transitions between HTML ElementsFlip Animations is a technique and library for easy, performant HTML element transitions using libraries like Flipping or React Flip Move, while Firefox CSS Grid inspector offers a visual and interactive tool for debugging and testing CSS Grid layouts.

      Flip Animations is a technique and library that allows for smooth and performant transitions between HTML elements, maintaining double the code but making the process easier by calculating and transitioning the changes between the two. This technique is commonly used in apps for cool transformations and can be implemented using libraries like Flipping or React Flip Move. The Firefox CSS Grid inspector is a valuable tool for efficiently working with CSS Grid, providing a visual representation and interaction capabilities for testing and debugging.

    • Exploring CSS Grid with Firefox DevToolsThe Firefox DevTools offer features like grid overlay, track number display, and grid area naming to help developers better understand and manipulate CSS Grid layouts.

      The Firefox DevTools are an essential resource for understanding and working with CSS Grid. CSS Grid is a complex layout system that can be challenging to visualize, but the Firefox DevTools offer features like grid overlay, track number display, and grid area naming that make it easier to understand and manipulate. The grid overlay highlights the grid lines and areas directly on your code, while the track number display shows the position of each grid line and gutter. Additionally, CSS Grid allows you to name grid areas, making it easier to place elements in specific areas without specifying exact coordinates. The Firefox DevTools also support an ASCII syntax for defining grid areas by name, which can be a helpful alternative to traditional grid syntax. Overall, the Firefox DevTools provide valuable insights and tools for working with CSS Grid, making them an indispensable resource for web developers.

    • Learning CSS Grid: From Intimidation to EmpowermentCSS Grid offers flexible, concise layouts with minimal extra markup, leading to a more enjoyable learning experience and new possibilities for design

      CSS Grid, despite its initially intimidating syntax, is a powerful tool for creating flexible and concise layouts. Many people were first introduced to it through difficult implementations, leading to initial frustration. However, with time and practice, the syntax becomes second nature. CSS Grid offers a high degree of control, allowing layouts to be as concrete or open-ended as desired. Embracing the flexibility of Grid and letting go of rigid layout frameworks can lead to a more enjoyable learning experience and new possibilities for layout design. The syntax is concise and allows for minimal extra markup compared to traditional layout methods. While there will still be wrappers in use, there will be significantly fewer than with float or flexbox-based layouts.

    • Focus on grid size with CSS GridCSS Grid enables efficient coding by eliminating unnecessary divs and media queries through its min-max property, allowing a focus on grid size and elements within it.

      CSS Grid offers several advantages for web development, including the ability to eliminate unnecessary divs and write fewer media queries due to its min-max property. Grid allows you to focus on the size of the grid and elements within it, rather than the viewport size. However, there are limitations such as the lack of support for Pinterest Masonry layouts, nth row selectors, and subgrids. Subgrids would allow dynamic sizing of nested grids based on their content. While some limitations require the use of JavaScript or alternative solutions, the benefits of using CSS Grid, such as improved code efficiency and flexibility, make it a valuable tool for modern web design.

    • Leveraging Subgrids for Advanced CSS Grid LayoutsSubgrids in CSS Grid enable designers to align non-sibling elements to the same height, expanding layout possibilities. Keep learning Grid as it's the present and future of CSS layouts.

      Subgrids in CSS Grid will allow designers to align non-sibling elements to the same height, providing a solution to certain layout challenges that cannot be solved with Flexbox or standard Grid systems. The speaker encourages designers to start learning Grid now as it is the present and future of CSS layouts. Grid is not a replacement for other layout methods, but rather an addition to the toolbox. The speaker also mentioned an upcoming layout course that will focus on using modern CSS layouts, including Grid, to create various designs. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of getting hands-on experience with Grid and not being intimidated by its complexity.

    • Exploring the history and stories behind various fonts'Just My Type' is an informative and engaging book for typography enthusiasts and web developers, offering insights into font origins and creator stories. The CalDigit Thunderbolt 3 dock is a recommended investment for managing a cluttered desk setup with USB-C laptops, providing convenience and functionality despite the expensive cable.

      "Just My Type" is an engaging and informative book for anyone interested in the history and stories behind various fonts. This book offers a unique blend of typeface origins, interesting anecdotes about their creators, and valuable insights into the world of typography. Whether you're a designer, developer, or just a history enthusiast, this book is an excellent resource that's hard to put down. Additionally, the CalDigit Thunderbolt 3 dock is a highly recommended investment for those with the budget, especially for those using USB-C based laptops. With its ability to charge your computer, support multiple displays, and power various peripherals with just one cable, it's a convenient and efficient solution for managing a cluttered desk setup. Despite the expensive cable, the dock's reliability and functionality make it a worthwhile investment. For those interested in CSS Grid, be sure to follow Scott and Wes on Twitter (@stolinski and @wesbos, respectively) and share any tips or insights you may have. Stay tuned for more discussions on CSS Grid and other topics in the world of web development.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    Show Notes

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    Tweet questions or comments to me @TypographyDojo


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    LogRocket - Sponsor

    LogRocket lets you replay what users do on your site, helping you reproduce bugs and fix issues faster. It’s an exception tracker, a session replayer and a performance monitor. Get 14 days free over at https://logrocket.com/syntax.

    Show Notes


    • Typography with CSS units


    • Pixels


    • Viewport units


    • ch units


    • inch/cm for print


    • Percentages


    • Media queries


    • Flexbox (flex-grow)


    • CSS Grid: flexible units: 1fr 2fr


    Tweet us your tasty treats!

    93: CSS Layout Composition & Modules

    93: CSS Layout Composition & Modules

    Rachel Andrew (@RachelAndrew) , Managing Director and founder of edgeofmyseat.com (currently working exclusively on CMS Perch), talks withe panel on the mysterious ways of CSS Layout. Rachel has been speaking quite a lot on the subject in the developer speaking circuit for a while now. Join us as she shares her stylish insights on Grid, Flexbox, Floats, Bootstrap, Regions, and much more.
