
    Alzheimer's Disease: The Early Warning Signs & How To Reverse It | Richard Johnson & Dale Bredesen

    enMay 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying and addressing insulin resistance to prevent Alzheimer'sExperts recommend getting evaluated with a cognoscopy, addressing insulin resistance, and taking action to prevent Alzheimer's, which affects 45 million Americans and is more impactful than COVID-19.

      Alzheimer's disease, which is projected to affect 45 million Americans, is not a hopeless condition as we once believed. According to experts Dale Bredesen and Richard Johnson, there are ways to prevent and even reverse cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's. The first step is getting evaluated with a cognoscopy, a series of tests including blood work that checks for insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and dietary factors. Insulin resistance, a condition where the body's cells don't respond properly to insulin, is a significant problem linked to Alzheimer's. By addressing these issues, individuals can potentially prevent or slow down cognitive decline. The experts also emphasized that Alzheimer's makes the COVID-19 pandemic seem insignificant in terms of lives affected. So, taking action to prevent Alzheimer's is crucial for those aged 40 to 45 and beyond.

    • Sugar and Alzheimer's: The ConnectionExcessive sugar intake can lead to high glucose levels, inflammation, and energy depletion, increasing the risk for Alzheimer's. Assess risk through blood work (hsCRP, vascular health) and cognitive function.

      While it's not necessary to completely eliminate sugar from your diet, excessive consumption of sugar and high fructose corn syrup can contribute to health issues, including an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease. These sugars can lead to increased glucose levels in the blood, which in turn can cause various health problems. Obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and Alzheimer's disease are all linked to high glucose levels. The body's response to these high glucose levels includes inflammation and energy depletion, which are key factors in the development of Alzheimer's. To assess an individual's risk for Alzheimer's, it's important to consider both their blood work and cognitive function. Blood work should include tests for high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), which is a marker for inflammation, and indicators of vascular health. A simple online cognitive assessment can also provide valuable information about an individual's memory, executive function, and processing speed, which are often the first functions to be affected in those developing Alzheimer's. In summary, understanding the relationship between sugar consumption, glucose levels, and Alzheimer's risk can help individuals make informed decisions about their diet and overall health.

    • Identifying Alzheimer's early: memory loss vs planning issuesEarly detection of Alzheimer's involves assessing cognitive function and MRI scans, as it presents differently for some with memory loss and others with planning issues. Metabolic problems and inflammation also play a role and can be detected through tests like PET scans and CRP tests.

      Alzheimer's disease presents in different ways, with some people experiencing memory loss and confusion early on (amnestic presentation), while others may struggle with planning, calculating, and using new technology (non-amnestic presentation). These differences can be detected early through cognitive assessments and MRI scans with volumetric analysis. It's important to note that Alzheimer's is not just about amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, but also involves metabolic issues and inflammation. Metabolic problems, such as insulin resistance and unhealthy diets, can contribute to Alzheimer's, and can be detected through tests like PET scans measuring glucose utilization. Inflammation, which is a risk factor for heart disease and other conditions, is also linked to Alzheimer's. The CRP test, which measures systemic inflammation, can help identify those at risk for Alzheimer's. By focusing on these early indicators, we may be able to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

    • Identifying Alzheimer's through Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, and Low Energy LevelsNeurologists use PET scans and blood tests to detect inflammation, insulin resistance, and low energy levels in the brain linked to Alzheimer's. A metabolically flexible diet with healthy fats and moderate protein can help produce ketones and improve energy levels, potentially reducing risk for those with chronic inflammation.

      Alzheimer's disease is linked to inflammation, insulin resistance, and low energy levels in the brain. Neurologists can identify these issues through techniques like PET scans and blood tests, which show reduced glucose utilization and potential insulin resistance. The brain's inability to use glucose or ketones as fuel leads to an energy emergency state, exacerbating cognitive decline. Individuals with chronic inflammation, such as those who have experienced skin reactions to touch, may be at risk for Alzheimer's and could benefit from a metabolically flexible diet that includes healthy fats and moderate protein to produce ketones and improve energy levels.

    • Ketogenic Diet and Uric Acid LevelsWhile a ketogenic diet can reduce inflammation and prevent gout attacks, it can also increase uric acid levels due to protein intake and ketones blocking excretion. Regular monitoring is important.

      While following a ketogenic diet can suppress inflammation and help prevent full-blown gout attacks due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can still lead to high uric acid levels. Uric acid is produced from both sugar and protein, and on a low-carb diet, the lack of glucose means less uric acid generation. However, the ketones produced on the diet can also block uric acid excretion, leading to an increase in uric acid levels. Despite this potential risk, many people consider ketogenic diets to be healthy due to their numerous benefits, such as weight loss and improved blood sugar control. It's important for those following a ketogenic diet to be aware of their uric acid levels and monitor them regularly. Uric acid is a natural substance produced in the body, but high levels can lead to gout, a painful form of arthritis. Humans have a harder time excreting uric acid due to the loss of an enzyme that breaks it down, leading to higher levels in the blood. On a ketogenic diet, uric acid levels can increase due to both the high protein intake and the ketones blocking its excretion. However, over time, these levels tend to come down.

    • High uric acid levels and inflammation in gout patientsA ketogenic diet can reduce inflammation but may raise uric acid levels. Balance the benefits of ketones with potential risks, and consider a plant-rich ketogenic diet and periodic fasting for optimal brain health.

      High uric acid levels, a common condition in gout patients, can lead to systemic inflammation and increased risk for heart disease due to urate crystal deposits in the joints and blood vessels. While a ketogenic diet can help reduce inflammation, it can also raise uric acid levels by blocking its excretion in the kidneys. However, the anti-inflammatory effects of ketones may outweigh the potential risks for some individuals. It's crucial to maintain a balance between the beneficial effects of ketones and the potential drawbacks of high uric acid. A plant-rich ketogenic diet, combined with appropriate periods of fasting, is recommended for optimal brain health. It's essential to remember that every individual's response to dietary changes may vary, and personalized approaches may be necessary for achieving the best health outcomes.

    • Impact of Diet on Alzheimer's Disease Risk for ApoE4 Gene CarriersFor apoE4 gene carriers, a carnivore diet may increase heart attack, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease risk, while a plant-based diet rich in polyphenols, phytonutrients, and fiber can help reduce Alzheimer's disease risk.

      The choice between a carnivore diet and a plant-based diet can have significant implications for inflammation and Alzheimer's disease risk. For those with the apoE4 gene, a carnivore diet may increase LDL particle numbers and triglyceride to HDL ratios, putting them at higher risk for heart attacks, strokes, and Alzheimer's disease. On the other hand, a plant-based diet rich in polyphenols, phytonutrients, and fiber can help reduce Alzheimer's disease risk. It's important to note that our ancestors were all apoE4 homozygous for 96% of hominid evolution, but a specific mutation around 220,000 years ago led to the appearance of less pro-inflammatory apoE3 and apoE2. Today, approximately 75,000,000 Americans carry a single copy of the apoE4 gene, and about 2% have two copies, putting them at high risk for Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, those with the apoE4 gene should be cautious about following a carnivore diet and consider incorporating more plant-based foods into their diets to help mitigate their risk.

    • Impact of Modern Lifestyle and Diet on Health and Alzheimer's DiseaseModern lifestyle and diet contribute to inflammation, metabolic issues, and Alzheimer's risk. Genetic factors and environmental factors play a role. Fructose and starvation can reduce inflammation and lower Alzheimer's risk. Consider getting a cognoscopy or prenuovo scan for health assessment. Protect personal data from being sold online with DeleteMe.

      Our modern lifestyle and diet are contributing to an increased risk of inflammation, metabolic issues, and Alzheimer's disease. The discussion highlighted the impact of genetic factors like APOE 3 or 2, and environmental factors such as mold, mycotoxins, and sugar on our health. Rick's research on fructose and starvation shows that these factors can lead to less inflammation and a lower likelihood of Alzheimer's disease. However, the way we live now, with less plant intake and more carnivory, has changed the game. To assess your current health status, consider getting a cognoscopy or prenuovo scan. Meanwhile, eBay Motors can help keep your car running smoothly, while Shopify can help your business thrive in today's competitive market. Lastly, protecting your personal data from being sold online is crucial, and DeleteMe can help you do that. In summary, understanding the impact of our modern lifestyle and diet on our health and taking proactive steps to mitigate potential risks is essential.

    • Bears' diet change before hibernation triggers fructose productionConsuming high amounts of fructose from various sources, including fruit, honey, table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and red meats, can lead to health issues. However, the impact on health may be minimal for those following a low-carbohydrate diet.

      The behavior of bears before hibernation, where they drastically increase their food intake and gain fat, is a natural survival mechanism. This switch from weight regulation to weight gain is triggered by the consumption of fructose, a sugar found in various foods including fruit, honey, table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and even produced naturally in the body. High carbohydrate diets, salt, and red meats can increase the production of fructose in the body. The increased fructose production can lead to health issues, such as Alzheimer's disease, when consumed in large quantities. However, for individuals following a low-carbohydrate diet, such as a carnivore diet, the impact of red meat and salt on fructose production may be minimal. It's important to note that excessive consumption of these foods, regardless of the diet, can still have negative health effects.

    • Fructose Consumption and Alzheimer's RiskConsuming large amounts of fructose, especially from ultra-processed foods and fruits, can lead to insulin and leptin resistance, increased hunger, decreased ATP production, and potential risks for Alzheimer's and mental performance decline. Focusing on diet, lifestyle, and foraging can help reduce risk.

      Consuming large amounts of fructose, particularly from ultra-processed foods and fruits, can contribute to insulin resistance, leptin resistance, and increased hunger, leading to decreased ATP production and potential risks for Alzheimer's and mental performance decline. This issue is relevant not only for individuals concerned about Alzheimer's but also for those seeking to improve their daily mental performance and those who have had COVID-19 and experienced brain fog. The parallels between Alzheimer's and COVID-19-related brain issues highlight the importance of addressing these risk factors. Insulin resistance, a common condition linked to metabolic syndrome, is a significant risk factor for Alzheimer's, affecting about half of the patients. By focusing on diet, lifestyle, and foraging (searching for nutrient-dense foods), individuals can potentially reduce their risk for Alzheimer's and enhance their overall mental performance.

    • Fructose consumption and insulin resistance in the brainExcess fructose consumption can cause inflammation, insulin resistance, and mitochondrial suppression in the brain, contributing to Alzheimer's disease-like conditions.

      Fructose consumption can lead to insulin resistance, both in the muscle and the brain. This insulin resistance is an evolutionary response meant to conserve energy during times of food scarcity. However, when fructose is consumed in excess, it can have detrimental effects on the brain, leading to inflammation, insulin resistance, and mitochondrial suppression – the same characteristics associated with Alzheimer's disease. Fructose's unique ability to lower ATP levels in cells and stimulate fructose production in the brain contributes to these effects. Overall, the body's response to fructose consumption is designed to help animals survive during periods of food scarcity, but in today's world of abundant and easily accessible sugar, these responses can lead to negative health consequences.

    • Our brains are wired for efficiency in food consumption during scarcityContinuous exposure to high levels of sugar and stressors can lead to negative health consequences, including Alzheimer's disease.

      Our brains are wired to efficiently find and consume food during times of scarcity, using visual cues and impulsivity. This evolutionary advantage is helpful in short-term survival situations but can lead to negative health consequences, such as Alzheimer's disease, when left on constantly. The consumption of fructcose, for example, can reduce blood flow and self-control in key brain regions, leading to impaired glucose utilization and insulin resistance. This can be seen as an energy-saving mechanism, but when chronic, it can contribute to conditions like Alzheimer's, which is characterized by hyper-responses to stressors and inflammation in the brain. Essentially, we are pushing our bodies beyond their evolutionary design by constantly exposing ourselves to high levels of sugar and other stressors.

    • Fructose triggers innate immune response, leading to amyloid production and energy downsizingMinimizing fructose intake and maintaining a healthy inflammatory response are essential for optimal brain health and memory function.

      The body's response to triggering the innate immune system, which can be activated by consuming fructose, results in the production of amyloid. While amyloid has antibacterial, antiparasitic, and antiviral properties, it also downsizes the network by reducing energy. This occurs as the body makes a choice between fighting invaders and maintaining brain functions such as memory and synapse formation. Polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory effects and support mitochondrial function, can help mitigate these issues by reducing inflammation and preserving energy resources. The body may be under assault from various stressors, including infections, toxins, and concussions, which can stimulate local fructose production and trigger this response. Therefore, minimizing fructose intake and maintaining a healthy inflammatory response are crucial for optimal brain health and memory function.

    • The body shifts metabolism to a low power mode in response to stressorsThe body responds to stressors by reducing energy needs and protecting cells, impacting mitochondria and leading to insulin resistance, inflammation, and potential Alzheimer's risk

      The body responds to various stressors, including concussions, toxins, viruses, and high fructose intake, by shifting metabolism into a low power mode. This shift is a survival response aimed at reducing energy needs and protecting cells. The mitochondria, which are responsible for producing most of the cell's energy, play a key role in this response. When the mitochondria are stunned, the body's oxygen needs decrease, and enzymes involved in glucose and fat metabolism are suppressed. This shift can lead to insulin resistance, inflammation, and even Alzheimer's disease. The body may also increase glycolysis, a process that converts glucose into energy without the involvement of mitochondria, as a response to stress. The APOE4 gene, which is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's, may also contribute to this response by suppressing mitochondria. Overall, these responses are converging on a common pathway, and understanding this pathway could lead to new ways to prevent and treat various diseases.

    • Factors causing Alzheimer's diseaseChronic inflammation, glucose and fructose-related issues, oral hygiene, leaky gut, mold exposure, and toxins can contribute to Alzheimer's disease. Identifying these contributors allows for personalized treatment and prevention strategies.

      Alzheimer's disease can be caused by various factors, including chronic inflammation, glucose and fructose-related issues, oral hygiene, leaky gut, mold exposure, and other toxins. These factors can push the body into a low power mode, leading to damage that may not be reversible. However, there is hope as people have shown significant improvements after identifying and addressing these contributors. The medical revolution involves using tools like wearables and continuous glucose monitoring to identify potential issues earlier. Blood tests, such as those for phospho tau, GFAP, and neurofilament light, can also provide valuable insights into brain health. By identifying the specific drivers of Alzheimer's disease, it becomes possible to develop a personalized protocol for treatment and prevention. This may involve addressing inflammation, improving energy levels, and eliminating toxins. The ultimate goal is to catch and treat Alzheimer's disease in its early stages, before significant damage occurs.

    • Addressing metabolic insults for improved healthIdentify and address concussions, pathogens, traumas for metabolic stability. Enhance metabolic flexibility with nattokinase, pycnogenol, omega-three resolvins. Reduce fructose intake for improved metabolic health.

      Achieving metabolic stability is crucial for overall health and wellbeing. This involves identifying and addressing various insults to the body, such as concussions, pathogens, and traumas. Once these issues are addressed, the focus shifts to enhancing metabolic flexibility, allowing the body to effectively use both glucose and ketones as energy sources. Key supplements like nattokinase and pycnogenol can help reduce inflammation and prevent microthrombi, while omega-three resolvins aid in resolving ongoing inflammation. By addressing these factors, we can improve overall health, potentially even reversing damage caused by conditions like COVID-19 and Alzheimer's. Additionally, reducing fructose intake is a crucial step in improving metabolic health, as fructose blocks the fat from being broken down to ATP and suppresses glucose metabolism through the mitochondria. Overall, a personalized medicine approach that tackles each area and knocks it down can lead to significant improvements in health and longevity.

    • Limit Fructose Intake for Liver Health and Balance SodiumLimit fructose to prevent liver damage, consume vitamin C in 500mg doses twice daily, reduce sugary/processed foods, maintain proper sodium balance, drink enough water to maintain urine color and prevent dehydration, aim for urine pale yellow, and drink water before meals to reduce fructose conversion.

      While fruits are good for you due to their vitamin C content and other nutrients, the fructose they contain should be limited as excessive intake can negatively impact the liver. To counteract this, it's recommended to consume vitamin C in doses of 500 milligrams twice a day. Additionally, reducing sugary and processed foods, especially those high in fructose and salt, is important for overall health. Regarding water intake, it's essential to drink enough to maintain proper sodium balance in the body. Contrary to popular advice, our ancient ancestors did not have constant access to large quantities of water, and modern diets high in salt can require more water consumption to prevent dehydration and the resulting health issues. Aim for urine that is a pale yellow color and maintain a serum sodium level between 138 and 140 millimoles per liter. Drinking water before meals can also help reduce the conversion of glucose to fructose.

    • Proper hydration and hormonal balance for optimal healthDrink 8-10 glasses of water daily, avoid excessive intake to prevent hyponatremia, and maintain hormonal balance, particularly during menopause, to reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease and other health issues

      Proper hydration and hormonal balance are crucial for maintaining optimal health and preventing conditions like Alzheimer's disease. For the average person, drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day and producing about 2.5 liters of urine daily is recommended. However, excessive water intake can lead to hyponatremia, a condition where the body's sodium levels become dangerously low, which can result in seizures and other serious health issues. Regarding hormones, they play a significant role in Alzheimer's disease, particularly in women. The precipitous drop in estradiol and progesterone during menopause is thought to contribute to the disease's development. Additionally, hormonal imbalances, such as those caused by andropause or testosterone replacement therapy, can impact various health parameters, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and fructose metabolism. Progesterone, in particular, is essential for detoxification processes in the body. It's important to note that the relationship between hormones and Alzheimer's disease is complex and ongoing research is required to fully understand its implications.

    • Hormonal changes after menopause increase women's health risks, including gout and Alzheimer's diseasePost-menopause, women face similar health risks as men due to hormonal shifts, resulting in increased uric acid levels and sensitivity, potentially leading to gout and Alzheimer's disease.

      Following menopause, women's health risks, including Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease, become more similar to men's due to hormonal changes. Estrogen helps keep uric acid levels low in women before menopause, but these levels increase following menopause, leading to a higher risk for gout and potentially contributing to Alzheimer's disease. Women are also more sensitive to uric acid, meaning they may experience worse effects for the same level compared to men. The loss of the uricase enzyme around 1.2 million years ago, which most animals still possess to break down uric acid, may have played a role in humans' longer lifespans and evolution into the dominant apex predator. However, this loss also means we must process and excrete higher levels of uric acid, which could contribute to health issues later in life.

    • A mutation during food scarcity allowed our ancestors to survive by producing more fat from fructoseA starvation-induced mutation inhibiting uricase led to more fat production from fructose, an advantage during food scarcity, which modern humans still carry.

      The starvation experienced by European apes during a specific period led to a mutation that allowed them to survive and eventually become our ancestors. This mutation involved the inhibition of uricase, which led to the production of more uric acid when consuming fructose. This, in turn, enabled the apes to make more fat from fructose, providing an evolutionary advantage during times of food scarcity. Modern humans carry this mutation, and it explains our heightened sensitivity to fructose. Researchers have recreated this mutation in lab experiments, confirming its impact on fat production. However, if pharmaceutical companies were to develop an inhibitor for this pathway, potential side effects and what we might lose by inhibiting it are important considerations.

    • Fructose metabolism linked to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer'sA lack of an enzyme involved in fructose metabolism may protect against type 2 diabetes, obesity, and longevity, but could also increase susceptibility to famine conditions. Research suggests that fructose metabolism may play a role in Alzheimer's disease, potentially leading to prevention or reversal if identified early.

      A lack of an enzyme associated with fructose metabolism may protect against type 2 diabetes, obesity, and potentially even longevity. However, in a modern context, this could have unintended consequences, such as increased susceptibility to famine conditions. For individuals with Alzheimer's disease, understanding the underlying cause of the condition is crucial, and research suggests that fructose metabolism may play a significant role. The next steps in research include investigating whether this is a common pathway for cognitive decline and exploring it as a potential pharmaceutical target. If identified early, this condition could potentially lead to prevention or even reversal of Alzheimer's symptoms. To learn more about this research, follow Dale Bredesen at doctorbredesen.com, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or read his books "The End of Alzheimer's" and "The First Survivors of Alzheimer's." For information from Rick Johnson, visit doctorrichardjohnson.com, read his book "Nature Wants This to be Fat," and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

    • Promising results from personalized medicine approaches, but more scientific studies neededReduce high glycemic carbs and sugar, limit salt intake, and drink more water to maintain good health and reduce Alzheimer's risk.

      Personalized medicine approaches, such as those proposed by Dale, have shown promising results but require further proof through scientific studies. However, there is enough evidence to encourage individuals to prioritize diet and exercise as crucial components of maintaining good health and reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Specifically, reducing high glycemic carbs and sugar, limiting salt intake, and drinking more water are recommended practices. Ultimately, personal responsibility for one's health is essential, and subscribing to ongoing discussions on this topic can contribute to a more informed and proactive approach to staying healthy.

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    The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay)

    The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay)
    Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt researches moral psychology to help us understand ourselves and our world better. He is an expert on how we create webs of meaning that allow us to speak a common language, build institutions, and create functioning societies. And right now we may need his voice more than ever, as our webs of meaning seem to be in conflict with each other or slowly disintegrating. On this episode of Conversations with Tom Bilyeu, Jonathan Haidt explains why we need to lead with empathy, how to persuade people who have staked out very different positions from yours, and how to invite disconfirming evidence into your life. [Original air date: 8-20-20]. SHOW NOTES: Why are we 90% chimps and 10% bees? [2:01] Jonathan suggests a definition of morality [4:14] Jonathan and Tom discuss religion and spiritual, mind-opening experiences [5:53] Jonathan explains the “hive switch”, the group experience of religion and morality [11:27] Jonathan and Tom discuss the power of connection and group interaction [16:34] Jonathan talks about the problems with social media and how they developed [20:18] What makes some webs of meaning so powerful that they spread so fast? [27:57] Jonathan and Tom ask to what extent political affiliation is genetic [33:29] Jonathan discusses the disturbing trend towards conformity in political thought [37:18] Jonathan and Tom discuss changing American attitudes towards race [ Jonathan talks about how hard it is to lead with empathy [46:52] Jonathan advocates trying many approaches to dealing with problems like racism [50:30] How do we constructively discuss difficult topics? [54:51] Why we have to get people to focus on similarities [59:02] Jonathan discusses his experience with psychedelics [1:03:52] How to invite disconfirming evidence into your life--How do you know you’re right? [1:10:44] We need to find a way to speak a common language in our post-Babel Age [1:16:27] FOLLOW JONATHAN: WEBSITE: jonathanhaidt.com/ FACEBOOK: facebook.com/jonathanhaidt/ TWITTER: twitter.com/JonHaidt SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 2

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 2
    Welcome back to part two. Today, we are diving deep into a transformative discussion with the one and only Peter Diamandis—a pioneer in space exploration, innovation, and disruptive thinking. In this episode, Peter and Tom explore the groundbreaking policies and cultural shifts that have revolutionized companies like Amazon and Microsoft, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. We'll examine the immediate impacts of COVID on business models, the revolutionary advances of OpenAI, and the stunning prospects of AI in healthcare and longevity. From predicting AI reaching human-level intelligence by 2029 to the ethical dilemmas and societal shifts AI will bring, Peter and Tom leave no stone unturned. Have you ever wondered about living forever or what nanotechnology could mean for manufacturing and societal values? Or perhaps you’re curious about how AI could redefine personal and professional relationships, even to the point of creating deeply empathetic and tailored companions? We’ll cover that and more in today’s episode. Listen in as we discuss the future of education, entrepreneurship, and the potential for a post-capitalist society driven by abundant resources. From contemplating living in a simulation to the next big health revolution, Peter Diamandis reveals insights that challenge our current perceptions and inspire groundbreaking innovation. 02:04:29 Shift from random drug discovery to design. 02:09:04 Optimistic vision for personalized medicine and technology. 02:24:17 Ego impedes progress; focus on right answers. 02:40:38 Questioning reality, considering life as simulation. 02:54:31 AI and longevity key in global markets. 03:09:56 $101 million X Prize for FSHD research. 03:27:17 DMT journey: dissolution of ego, universe connection. 03:50:05 Proper OKRs expose talent, allow autonomy, unify. SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 1

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 1
    Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Impact Theory with your host Tom Bilyeu. Today, we are diving deep into a transformative discussion with the one and only Peter Diamandis—a pioneer in space exploration, innovation, and disruptive thinking. In this episode, Peter and Tom explore the groundbreaking policies and cultural shifts that have revolutionized companies like Amazon and Microsoft, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. We'll examine the immediate impacts of COVID on business models, the revolutionary advances of OpenAI, and the stunning prospects of AI in healthcare and longevity. From predicting AI reaching human-level intelligence by 2029 to the ethical dilemmas and societal shifts AI will bring, Peter and Tom leave no stone unturned. Have you ever wondered about living forever or what nanotechnology could mean for manufacturing and societal values? Or perhaps you’re curious about how AI could redefine personal and professional relationships, even to the point of creating deeply empathetic and tailored companions? We’ll cover that and more in today’s episode. Get ready to rethink what’s possible and glimpse into a future shaped by technology, science, and an unwavering commitment to human progress. Join us on Impact Theory for a journey into the extraordinary possibilities of tomorrow with Peter Diamandis. 00:00 Quantum computer, fusion energy, manifesting dreams. Future filmmaking. 29:36 AI's intimate knowledge will build extraordinary relationship. 46:18 Cells evolved into meta intelligence through technology. 58:06 Desire to freeze climate and evolution, merge with technology. 01:13:20 Future world: AI, sensors, data, fashion trends. 01:24:54 Life's growth, abundance leads to self-expression. 01:44:14 AI learning DNA language, predicting outcomes, epigenome importance. 02:04:29 Shift from random drug discovery to design. 02:09:04 Optimistic vision for personalized medicine and technology. 02:24:17 Ego impedes progress; focus on right answers. 02:40:38 Questioning reality, considering life as simulation. 02:54:31 AI and longevity key in global markets. 03:09:56 $101 million X Prize for FSHD research. 03:27:17 DMT journey: dissolution of ego, universe connection. 03:50:05 Proper OKRs expose talent, allow autonomy, unify. SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Warning For America: Corrupt Government, Rich, Poor, Trump Verdict & 2024 Election | Michael Malice PT 2

    Warning For America: Corrupt Government, Rich, Poor, Trump Verdict & 2024 Election | Michael Malice PT 2
    Welcome back to part 2 of this episode of Impact Theory with author, podcaster & anarchist Michael Malice!  We dive deeper into the power of thinking from first principles, the resistance to questioning societal norms, and the crucial role of inflicting personal cost for political change.  If you're passionate about challenging the status quo and understanding the deeper layers of human behavior and society, you won't want to miss the conclusion of this episode with Michael Malice.  And if you're loving the Impact Theory Podcast, please take a moment to leave us a review or rate the show. Your feedback is incredibly valuable! Follow Michael Malice: Website: https://malice.locals.com/ X: https://x.com/michaelmalice YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelMaliceofficial   Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Warning For America: Corrupt Government, Rich, Poor, Trump Verdict & 2024 Election | Michael Malice PT 1

    Warning For America: Corrupt Government, Rich, Poor, Trump Verdict & 2024 Election | Michael Malice PT 1
    Welcome to Impact Theory, I’m Tom Bilyeu and in today’s episode my guest Michael Malice and I dive deep into the realm of societal norms, politics, and cultural dynamics to help you break free from the "factory settings" of default societal beliefs. Michael Malice is widely known as an anarchist, author, and podcaster who challenges conventional views on political authority. Through his work, he pushes for a deeper understanding of the structures that govern us. Together, we debate the impact of governmental actions on society, delve into the psychological underpinnings of human behavior, and ponder the potential of anarchism as a viable societal framework. We also touch on:  - Transient cultural issues like transgender bathrooms and miniskirts  - Peoples’ resistance to thinking beyond societal norms - Effectiveness of inflicting personal consequences in political change - Mao, North Korea, and USSR historical context - Implications of an anarchist system - Voting as a ritual versus a practical tool for change - Inevitability of hierarchy - Anarchism and political legitimacy - Thinking from first principles - Intellectual curiosity in communication - Armed populations as a defense against government overreach - The status-seeking nature of humans and its manipulation - Media narratives and trust - Human behavior and political dynamics - Risk of global hegemony and practical limitations Whether you're a skeptic or an advocate of anarchism, prepare to have your beliefs examined and your assumptions questioned. This is just Part 1 of our conversation, so make sure you don’t miss Part 2 of this convo for even more insights from Michael Malice. Follow Michael Malice: Website: https://malice.locals.com/ X: https://x.com/michaelmalice YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelMaliceofficial Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Infertility Crisis: 5 Shocking Ways Modern Life Is Making Men and Women Infertile! | Shanna Swan (Replay)

    Infertility Crisis: 5 Shocking Ways Modern Life Is Making Men and Women Infertile! | Shanna Swan (Replay)
    Until now, you probably haven’t associated infertility with the collapse of our global population. From the U.S. to India, to South Korea, Canada, the U.K. and more, fertility rates are reaching critical levels. Humans now meet 3 criterias for being an endangered species. If that doesn’t have you totally rattled yet, our guest today, Dr. Shanna Swan, epidemiologist best known for research she published in 2017 which set off alarms and caught the attention of major media and scholars around the world, joins Tom to highlight the many factors contributing to a 50% drop in fertility rates, testosterone, and reproductive function. Shanna’s work quickly became the world’s 26th most referenced scientific paper, and her latest book, Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race, delivers a less than optimistic view of guaranteed economic population collapse. The information Dr. Shanna shares brings up major concerns for the future of humanity as a species and for our current health. Chemicals leading to our extinction have some government incentivizing people to have sex and procreate. Women’s education and rights to contraception, and urbanization are contributing to women’s lack of interest in birthing 5 and 6 kids. Endocrine disrupting chemicals are nearly unavoidable as they’re in what you eat, drink and breathe The under masculinization of males is an actual problem impacting their lifespan Lifestyle factors are part of this conversation and include obesity, stress, binge drinking, and poor metabolic health Shanna gives a masterclass on phthalates, a chemical found in plastics that make them softer, helps products be more absorbable, holds scent and color better in everyday products we’re accustomed to using, and she shares a simple poem to help you identify safer recycled plastic options. Looking at the number on your plastic bottles, commit this to memory… [Original air date: 5-16-23]. Resources Mentioned: Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline by Darrell Bricker & John Ibbitson Consumer Guide to Safer Products: https://www.ewg.org/consumer-guides World bank fertility data: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN Check out Dr. Shanna Swan’s books, Count Down: https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1982113669 Follow Dr. Shanna Swan: Website: https://www.shannaswan.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drshannaswan/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrShannaSwan SPONSORS: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Sign up for a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/impact, all lowercase Go to https://auraFrames.com/IMPACT to get $30-off on their best-selling frame.  Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The 3 Wealth-Building Secrets for a Recession-Proof Future! (Don't Miss This Opportunity) | Ramit Sethi, Russell Brunson, Wallstreet Trapper (Replay)

    The 3 Wealth-Building Secrets for a Recession-Proof Future! (Don't Miss This Opportunity) | Ramit Sethi, Russell Brunson, Wallstreet Trapper (Replay)
    With U.S. inflation rates being reported over 9%, having the knowledge and strategy to be prepared and survive the next recession is a must! There are elements that make the times we are living through feel unique, but cycles repeat whether they are economic or dysfunctional family cycles. If you’re struggling financially to keep up with inflation, just lost your job, or you’re trying to figure how to do more than survive these uncertain times, this video is for you. In this episode, Ramit Sethi, the Wallstreet Trapper, and Russell Brunson layout 3 ways you can prepare for the upcoming recession. Get tips for how to manage and automate your finances, and several other bonus gems that hold the potential to change your life forever, if you’re ready to get to work. “Victory however long and hard the road may be…” -Winston Churchill Ramit Sethi is an entrepreneur, personal finance advisor, and NY Times bestselling author. Check out the full episode with Ramit Sethi, Everything You’ve Been Told About Money is Wrong: https://youtu.be/uSgY_PxL_Zo Wallstreet Trapper is an entrepreneur known for educating people how to build wealth, buy equity and invest in stocks. Catch the Wallstreet Trapper’s full episode, The 1% Do This to Get Rich: https://youtu.be/TXNFLgl3Y1c Russell Brunson is a serial entrepreneur, NY Times bestselling author, and the man behind the infamous ClickFunnels. Watch Russell’s full episode, How to Survive a Severe Economic Downturn: https://youtu.be/DBQQFrUx7wc [Original air date: 7-28-22]. SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction Protect & Compound Wealth 26:05 | Learn & Get Ready to Buy Equity 45:33 | Survive Any Downturn Follow Ramit Sethi: Website: https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/ Podcast: https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/podcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ramit/ SPONSORS: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Sign up for a $1 per month trial at https://shopify.com/impact, all lowercase Go to https://auraFrames.com/IMPACT to get $30-off on their best-selling frame.  Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Our special guest today is Gary Fettke, an Orthopaedic Surgeon and Senior Lecturer of the University of Tasmania. He put's modern day down to this one word... inflammation!

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    “Most people's metabolisms do need to be rebuilt. If you want to lose weight, you have to rebuild your metabolism because a lot of times it's broken for lack of better words. And of course your hormones must be balanced. So there's a good chance that you are fatigued, feel exhausted, you're having a hard time losing weight, you have low libido. You might have feelings of being depressed and you might wake up with a sense of dread. Trouble sleeping or maybe you have a hard time staying asleep. Headaches, migraines, have blood sugar, regulation issues and adrenal fatigue. Some people don't really understand what adrenals are, but every single one of my clients, we always support the adrenals. Always.”

    In this episode of Master Your Mindset and Metabolism, listen in as Kelly deep dive into different stressors and share tips on how you can rebalance the system to reclaim your energy and vitality.

    Some of the topics covered in the episode are:

    • Understand Stress and Your Body’s Response
    • How Past Traumas Manifest into Physical Stress
    • The 3 Types of Stress: Traumas, Toxins and Thoughts
    • Why Our Body Creates Symptoms and How to Manage Them

    Link to the video here.


    If you enjoyed this episode please take a screenshot of the episode and tag me in your stories with your biggest takeaway - @kellyadunlap

    If you would like to connect with me, please email me at: kelly@kellydunlapwellness.com 

    Join Kelly’s free Facebook Community:

    Master Your Mindset & Metabolism with Kelly Dunlap

    Connect with Kelly:

    Email: kelly@kellydunlapwellness.com

    Check out my website: www.kellydunlap.com



    The Truth About Heart Health Part 2

    The Truth About Heart Health Part 2

    Get ready to reconsider everything you thought you knew about heart health!

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    In this two part deep dive, Dr. Nathan makes the case that the cholesterol theory driving our modern approach to treating heart disease was built on bad science and confirmation bias that ignores contradictory evidence.

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    • The history of why you're told information that might not actually help you.
    • Helps you understand cholesterol and testing better.
    • Reveals that proper saturated fats actually support heart health.
    • Lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, sleep and stress management are more important than genetics.
    • Provides practical tips to improve circulation, balance the nervous system, and support mitochondrial function.
    •  And most importantly dives deep into the solutions that you can start making today to not only support your body to heal but to support the prevention of heart disease.

    Learn how to take control of your heart health by tuning in to this myth-busting conversation.

    Ready to work with us? Both in-office in Chattanooga, TN and virtually worldwide--> Click here for more information

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    Disclaimer: This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Drs.Warren disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not accept responsibility of statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or non-direct interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.