
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Scariest Urban Legends through I Hear FearThis anthology series brings to life chilling psychological thrillers inspired by true events, reminding us that reality can be scarier than fiction.

      Amazon Music's new anthology series, I Hear Fear, brings to life a collection of psychological thrillers inspired by true events. Hosted by Carey Mulligan, each episode delves into dark and chilling tales, from a forest sponsor luring teens into the woods to a line of beauty products taking the search for youth to extremes. These stories might seem like urban legends, but they prove to be the scariest of all. Listeners are warned to prepare for a journey into the unknown, as the series promises to introduce immersive horror. Meanwhile, the speaker shares a personal experience of a particularly challenging day in Boston, involving a pregnancy test, accidental peeing, and getting lost in the snow while high. Just when things seemed to reach their lowest point, a gypsy cab appeared and offered a ride, saving the speaker from the cold and potential hypothermia. This tale, though seemingly unrelated, highlights the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring. Overall, I Hear Fear demonstrates the power of storytelling to captivate and terrify, while also reminding us that reality can be scarier than fiction.

    • Music brings people together and creates a shared experienceMusic transcends emotions and words, connecting people physically and spiritually through a shared experience

      Music connects us on a deeper level than just our emotions. In the conversation between the two strangers, they bond over their shared passion for music. The man, a musician studying at the Berkeley College of Music, shares his belief that music moves us physically as well as emotionally. The woman, a former classical musician, expresses her newfound appreciation for music that makes her feel it in her body rather than just her heart. Despite the cold weather and the initial hesitation, they both find themselves drawn to the music, tapping their feet and snapping their chins in rhythm. This encounter highlights the power of music to bring people together and create a shared experience, transcending the boundaries of words and emotions. It's not just about the genre or the technique, but the connection it creates between bodies and souls.

    Recent Episodes from Believing the Bizarre: Paranormal Conspiracies & Myths

    Bizarre News and Creatures We'd Like to Meet Blind Rankings

    Bizarre News and Creatures We'd Like to Meet Blind Rankings
    This month in Bizarre News, we discuss a variety of bizarre topics such as werewolves entering an Englishf forest through portals, smiling robot faces, moon caves, and more!

    Additionally, this month's Blind Ranking is comprised of creatures we'd like to meet. From Bigfoot and the squonk to Penelope, we discuss which cryptids we'd enjoy hanging out with - and which ones we'd rather leave on read. 

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    Extraterrestrial Encounters: Vol 2

    Extraterrestrial Encounters: Vol 2
    It is time for another UFO and alien-themed listener submission episode!
    In this episode, we explore four intriguing UFO encounters from across the United States. James from Akron, Ohio recounts a childhood experience where he and two others witnessed strange red lights in the sky that split, moved, and vanished mysteriously.
    In Alaska, Julian shares his father's story of encountering an intense green spotlight while snowmobiling in the 1980s, illuminating the forest before abruptly disappearing.
    Devin from Tennessee describes a vivid dream-like experience where a bright light consumed his vision, leaving him with an unsettling feeling and questions about its reality.
    Lastly, Julie recounts two separate incidents: one in California involving a loud humming noise and bright green light shining through her curtains, and another in Arizona where she awoke to find her room filled with a peaceful blue aura.

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    The Faceless Woman

    The Faceless Woman
    In this episode, we dive into three chilling listener-submitted stories of paranormal encounters. The first tale recounts eerie events following a tragic death, including possible possession, that leave the hosts questioning if it's truly the spirit of the deceased or something more sinister. Next, we explore a nighttime encounter with a mysterious shadowy figure that has interdimensional alien-like qualities. The final story follows a young person's psychic awakening, triggered by ghost stories and leading to frequent paranormal sightings. Listen today!

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    Derek Hayes | Monsters Among Us Podcast - Interview

    Derek Hayes | Monsters Among Us Podcast - Interview
    Time for another interview!
    We sat down with Derek Hayes, the creative mind behind the popular paranormal podcast Monsters Among Us and the documentary "Shadows in the Desert." Derek shares his journey from a childhood encounter with a mysterious black panther to becoming a respected voice in the paranormal community.
    He discusses his transition from Hollywood filmmaker to podcaster, and how his background in the film industry has shaped his approach to storytelling and production. The conversation delves into some of the most intriguing phenomena covered on Monsters Among Us, including the chilling "Mirrored Men" encounters that Derek has documented over the years.
    He also provides insight into the making of "Shadows in the Desert," a documentary exploring the paranormal activity in California's Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.
    From ghost lights to ancient petroglyphs, Derek offers a tantalizing glimpse into the mysteries that drew him to this unique location. Throughout the interview, Derek's passion for the unexplained shines through, as does his commitment to thorough research and balanced skepticism.
    He discusses the challenges of podcast production, the importance of respecting witness accounts, and the delicate balance between entertainment and investigation in paranormal content creation.
    This interview offers fans of the bizarre a fascinating look behind the scenes of one of the genre's most respected voices, while providing newcomers an enticing entry point into the world of paranormal podcasting and documentary filmmaking.

    Monsters Among Us Podcast website: https://www.monstersamonguspodcast.com/

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    Mysterious Disappearances: Vol 1

    Mysterious Disappearances: Vol 1
    It's time for 3 intriguing and mysterious disappearance stories!
    Our first story involves Frederick Valentich.
    Fred was a young Australian pilot who vanished during a routine flight in 1978. Despite his struggles with exams, Fred pursued his dream of flying, only to disappear under bizarre circumstances. Moments before his disappearance, Fred reported a strange aircraft hovering above him, followed by unexplained metallic sounds. Was it a UFO encounter, a tragic accident, or an elaborate disappearance? With no wreckage found and conflicting theories, Fred's story continues to baffle investigators and captivate the public.
    Our second story revolves around Karl Hunrath.
    In 1952, Karl claimed a glowing orb transformed into an alien named Bosco in his bedroom, injecting him with "occult techniques" to build weapons against the US military. Despite initially refusing, Karl's suspicious garage activities and sudden relocation to California raised eyebrows. The story culminates in Karl and his associate Wilkinson's enigmatic disappearance during a flight to allegedly meet extraterrestrials.
    Our final story is about Granger Taylor.
    Despite being a high school dropout, Taylor's genius for mechanics and engineering was undeniable, from rebuilding complex machinery to constructing his own flying saucer replica. His fascination with extraterrestrial technology culminated in claims of telepathic alien contact and an invitation for an interstellar journey. On a stormy night in 1980, Taylor vanished without a trace, leaving behind only a cryptic note about a 42-month space voyage.

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    Cursed Games: Part 4

    Cursed Games: Part 4
    It's time for another installment of Cursed Games and we have 3 creepy games for you this episode!
    Dive into the chilling world of supernatural games with "The Red Book," a Mexican divination ritual.
    Using a hard-cover red book and candlelight, players seek permission to enter and exit the game, asking questions and receiving cryptic answers from randomly selected passages.
    The stakes are raised in "Charlotte's Web," where participants summon the spirit of a 15th-century girl whose mother was burned for witchcraft. In a dark room with a mirror and toy as bait, players converse with Charlotte's reflection—but beware of turning around or playing twice, lest you risk eternal haunting.
    For thrill-seekers willing to take their chances on the road, "The 11 Mile Ritual" offers a harrowing drive through an otherworldly forest.
    As you progress mile by mile, the journey becomes increasingly surreal and terrifying. Shadowy figures, disembodied voices, and inexplicable phenomena test your resolve. The final mile culminates in a mysterious red light, beyond which lies the promise of your deepest desire—be it material or intangible.
    These games blur the line between reality and the paranormal, daring players to confront their fears and desires. From the subtle whispers of the Red Book to the heart-pounding tension of the 11 Mile Ritual, each game offers a unique gateway to the unknown.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    Bizarre News and Bigfoot-like Cryptids Blind Rankings

    Bizarre News and Bigfoot-like Cryptids Blind Rankings
    This month in Bizarre News, we discuss a variety of topics such as strange monoliths popping up, weird whale congregations, a psychic claiming we'll discover alien life soon, and more!

    Additionally, this month's Blind Ranking is Bigfoot-like cryptids. We all know Charlie is a super huge fan of Bigfoot... so ranking these was a lot of fun!

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    The Demonic Attachment Felix

    The Demonic Attachment Felix
    We have 3 listener submissions this week!

    Story 1-
    In 2010, Stephanie and her boyfriend's family moved into a spacious rental house that seemed perfect at first. Shortly after moving in, Stephanie experienced a frightening incident in the bathroom when an unseen presence tried to open the door while she was showering.
    Weeks later, she heard unexplained growling in the hallway, and her boyfriend's mother, Deborah, saw a shadowy figure in her bathroom and kitchen. Throughout their stay, the family encountered numerous unexplained occurrences, including constantly unlocked doors, an unusual accumulation of dead flies, and mysterious symbols etched inside cabinets that weren't there when they moved in.
    Despite the unsettling experiences, the family stayed in the house for a year before moving out. After leaving the property, Stephanie and her boyfriend's family stopped experiencing paranormal activity.

    Story 2-
    Throughout his childhood, Josh experienced several paranormal encounters in his family home, including seeing an elderly man in rags and shadowy figures roaming the halls. At age 5, Josh was so terrified by these nightly apparitions that he would sleep on his mother's bedroom floor, unaware that he was sleep-talking about "black robes" to her.
    Years later, as a teenager, Josh had a vivid sleep paralysis episode involving a burned figure and a woman instructing him to bleed the radiators, which he seemingly did in reality while asleep.
    After this incident, Josh developed an unexplained scar on his right shoulder that resembled a burn mark, adding a physical dimension to his supernatural experiences.

    Story 3-
    Sophia (anonymous) lived with her brother John and a roommate named Melissa, who claimed to have a demon attachment and practiced occult activities in their shared house. One night, while home alone, Sophia experienced an inexplicable incident where furniture was rearranged and kitchen cabinets were opened without any apparent explanation.
    A subsequent paranormal investigation revealed the presence of multiple entities in the house, including a potentially malevolent spirit.
    Following this event, Sophia experienced ongoing paranormal activity, including shadow figures, strange noises, and physical sensations, until she moved out of the house in March 2020, after which the haunting phenomena ceased.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    The Warped Faces and Shadow Entity

    The Warped Faces and Shadow Entity
    It's listener submission time and we have two creepy tales for you today! In the first story, Chris and his friend Mike were interested in the paranormal and started using a Ouija board. Initially, nothing unusual happened, but then they connected with a spirit named Adam Greene. They asked for signs of his presence, and the planchette spun rapidly and flew off the board. Another time, they heard slow, pounding footsteps behind a sheet hung in the doorway, followed by a flash of light. 
    Over time, Adam's messages turned darker and insulting, and he seemed to shift to an evil persona named "Fuzzy". Paranormal events intensified. Chris had an out-of-body dream where he flew over Mike and his parents. Mike revealed they had all seen a shadow fly over them in real life. Chris believes the entity may have been the demon Zozo based on the double Z in the name, the evil energy, and the bad luck they experienced, including Mike's uncle passing away. Eventually, they stopped using the board as too many disturbing things were happening.
    Story #2 involves Robin.
    When Robin was six, his friend Jason's father took them to a cemetery in the woods at 2-3am after giving them beer. They opened a grave, saw a skeleton, then heard loud footsteps and shrieking. Soon after, Robin began seeing terrifying faces peeking into his room at night that would vanish when he looked directly at them. It caused him great fear, keeping him up at night. One time, he woke to see a face at the foot of his bed staring at him, then his covers flew off by themselves. He ran out of the house in terror. At age 16, Robin returned to the cemetery with friends and was chased off by the angry landowner. That night, they all had the same nightmare of a ghostly female figure screaming at them from the disturbed grave. Now at 21, Robin still sees the scary faces and also hears disembodied sounds. Most frighteningly, he sees a tall, pitch-black figure darker than the surrounding darkness appearing in doorways and on the stairs. It sometimes charges at him on all fours before vanishing. Photos never capture this haunting presence. Robin doesn't believe enough in God to get an exorcism, so he is trying to cope with the ongoing supernatural torment.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    #alienabduction #ufoabduction #kellycahill #aliens

    Mike Ricksecker | Paranormal Researcher and Author - Interview

    Mike Ricksecker | Paranormal Researcher and Author - Interview
    We are excited to continue our monthly interviews with Mike Ricksecker.
    Mike is the author of the best-selling books A Walk In The Shadows, and Alaska's Mysterious Triangle, as well as several historic paranormal books. His latest best-selling book is Travels Through Time: Inside the Fourth Dimension, Time Travel, and Stacked Time Theory, published in 2023. He has appeared on multiple television shows and programs, including History Channel's Ancient Aliens and The UnXplained, Travel Channel’s The Alaska Triangle, Discovery+’s Fright Club, Animal Planet’s The Haunted, multiple series on Gaia TV, and more. Mike is the producer and director of the docu-series, The Shadow Dimension, available on several streaming platforms, and produces additional full-length content on ancient wisdom, lost civilizations, and the supernatural on his extensive YouTube channel.

    For more than six years he has hosted The Edge of the Rabbit Hole livestream show and also hosts the Connecting the Universe interactive class. He operates his own book publishing and video production company, Haunted Road Media, representing a number of authors, and winning the award for Excellent Media in The Paranormal Field at the 2019 Shockfest Film Festival.Mike’s historic paranormal articles have been published in The Baltimore Sun, Paranormal Underground Magazine, and he previously wrote an Oklahoma City paranormal column for Examiner.com (2010 – 2014). His work has also been featured in The Oklahoman, The Frederick News-Post, Marshall University’s The Parthenon, and Louisiana State University’s Civil War Book Review. He now hosts many of these articles along with informational videos and learning courses on the Connected Universe Portal website.

    In this interview, Mike Ricksecker discusses his personal experiences with shadow entities and other supernatural phenomena that set him on his current path. He explains his "stacked time" theory, proposing that time is not linear but that past, present and future exist concurrently. Ricksecker suggests some ghostly encounters may actually be "time slips" where two moments resonate at the same frequency. He also shares insights on the unique energy and phenomena of the Alaska Triangle, the possible link between aliens and shadow people, and his view that while some shadow entities may be demonic, interdimensional, or extraterrestrial, we shouldn't overgeneralize them as all being evil. Finally, Ricksecker discusses astral projection and his belief that the key to time travel lies in achieving specific meditative states, something challenging for busy modern lifestyles. His ideas provide an open-ended, thought-provoking perspective on the paranormal.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    Related Episodes

    #470 - Friday The 13th - Panhandle, Texas

    #470 - Friday The 13th - Panhandle, Texas

    This week, in Panhandle, Texas, a young man, who idolizes Ted Bundy, Jack The Ripper & Charles Manson, decides that Friday the 13th is the perfect time to go out on a blood thirsty spree, before reciting a satanic incantation, then ending his own life. Only, he can't remember the incantation, so he just confesses to a horrible night of brutality, that leaves the innocent dead, or scarred, and a small town, freaking out over satanists, hunting blond children!!

    Along the way, we find out that the best way to dispose of a car, is to bury the front end in the ground, that some people can't tell the difference between movies & reality, and that you should ALWAYS write down your satanic suicide incantation, just in case you need it!!

    Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman

    New episodes every Thursday!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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    2000 - Kobe's 1st Championship and the "One Yard Short" Super Bowl

    2000 - Kobe's 1st Championship and the "One Yard Short" Super Bowl

    Remember the year 2000? It was a rockin' year for sports! We talk Kobe Bryant's first NBA Championship, the Titans literally coming up "One Yard Short" in the Super Bowl, and Ray Lewis's involvement in an unsolved murder case.

    Check out our other podcast called The Game Managers Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2OVvRUmG2pphfokNFQ5fnn

    Have a year you want us to check out? Email us at rankedsportspod@gmail.com

    Leave a nice review and don't forget to subscribe!

    Find us online here:

    Website: thegamemanagers.com

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    #448 - The Merry Mutilator - Onaway, Michigan

    #448 - The Merry Mutilator - Onaway, Michigan

    This week, in Onaway, Michigan, after a woman heads home, after a fight withe her boyfriend, but stops at rural bar, inside of a cabin to do karaoke. She disappears from the bar, leaving a couple of suspects, but one ends up being the real focus, when he not only admits to committing some inhuman acts, involving guns, fire, and a chainsaw, he brags about it! He continues this disturbing descriptions, even while being sentenced!

    Along the way, we find out that town names can cause real beefs, that not all small town folks are friendly, and that you shouldn't brag about your murder, as a judge is sentencing you!!

    Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.com

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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    #465 - Chainsaws, Torsos & Murder Tacos - Davenport, Iowa

    #465 - Chainsaws, Torsos & Murder Tacos - Davenport, Iowa

    This week, in Davenport, Iowa, an unhappy woman disappears, without a trace, but it's impossible to tell if she just ran off, or if something terrible has happened to her. When part of a torso, that has been cut up with a chainsaw is found in the river, cops think it's her, but also spread conspiracy theories. Will they be able to convict anyone, with no physical evidence? When we do find out what happened, it involves a murder weapon that we haven't come across yet!

    Along the way, we find out that chiropractors can be scary, that cops shouldn't randomly float conspiracy theories in the local newspaper, and that someone may very well be playing a game, with a murder weapon!!

    Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman

    New episodes every Thursday!

    Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.com

    Go to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!

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    Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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